As is well known, direct-current (DC) characteristic, frequency characteristic and noise characteristic of SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistor(HBT) can be improved by "bandgap engineering"(by Ge composition). However, the effect of "bandgap engineering" on the thermal characteristic of HBT has not been reported. In this paper, the effect of "bandgap engineering" is analyzed by the use of 3D thermal-electric feedback model. Considering the temperature dependence of emitter junction voltage and current gain, the expression of the minimum emitter ballasting resistance (REmin), which is necessary for SiGe HBT thermal stability, is presented. Furthermore, non-uniform ballasting resistance design is given so as to further enhance the thermal stability of device. It is found that the surface temperature of the device decreases with the increase of Ge composition in SiGe base. This is because SiGe HBT internally possesses the thermal-electrical negative feedback. For the same dissipated power, the REmin decreases as Ge composition increases, which is beneficial to the improvment of the performance of radio frequancy(RF) power SiGe HBT. These results provide a good guide to further optimization of RF power SiGe HBT performance, especially thermal design.
- SiGe HBT /
- Ge composition /
- thermal-electric feedback /
- ballasting resistance
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[13] Gao G B, Wang M Z, Gui X, Morkoc H 1989 IEEE Trans. on Electron. Devices 36 854
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[18] Hower P L, Govil P K 1974 IEEE Trans. on Electron. Devices 21 617
[1] Comeau J P, Najafizadeh L, Andrews J M, Gnana A P, Cressler J D 2007 IEEE Microw. Wirel Compon. Lett. 17 349
[2] Ma L, Gao Y 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 303
[3] Lin G J, Lai H K, Li C, Chen S Y,Yu J Z 2008 Chin. Phys. B 17 3479
[4] Dong W F, Yang Q Q, Li J, Wang Q M, Chui Q, Zhou J M, Huang Q 1996 Chin. Phys. 5 456
[5] Lai C J, Li Z H, Li Z J, Zhang B, Zhang Y R 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 763
[6] Hu H Y, Zhang H M, Dai X Y, Jia X Z, Cui X Y, Wang W, Ou J F, Wang X Y 2005 Chin. Phys. 14 1439
[7] Cao Q J, Zhang Y M 2008 Chin. Phys. B 17 4622
[8] Zhou S L,Huang H, Huang Y Q, Ren X M 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 2890 (in Chinese) [周守利、黄 辉、黄永清、任晓敏 2007 56 2890]
[9] Vassighi A, Sachdev M 2006 IEEE Trans. on Device Mater. Reliab. 6 300
[10] Liou J J, Liou L L, Huang C I 1994 IEEE Proc. Circuits Device Syst. 141 469
[11] Shinohara Y, Ishikawa R, Honjo K 2008 IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech. 56 747
[12] Zhu Y, Twynam J K, Yagura M, Hasegawa M, Hasegawa T, Eguchi Y, Amano Y, Suematsu E, Sakuno K, Matsumoto N, Sato H, Hashizume N 1999 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest Anaheim, USA, June 13—19, 1999 p431
[13] Gao G B, Wang M Z, Gui X, Morkoc H 1989 IEEE Trans. on Electron. Devices 36 854
[14] Hidaka O, Morizuka K,Mochizuki H 1995 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 34 886
[15] Schuppen A, Gerlach S, Dietrich H, Wandrei D, Seiler U,Konig U 1996 IEEE Microw. Guid. Wave Lett. 6 341
[16] Klaassen D B L, Slotboom J W, Degraaff H C 1992 Solid-State Electron 35 125
[17] Zhang W R, Yang J W, Liu H J 2004 IEEE International Conference on Microwave and Milli-wave Technology Beijing, China, August 18—21, 2004 p594
[18] Hower P L, Govil P K 1974 IEEE Trans. on Electron. Devices 21 617
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