Pb(Zr0.3Ti0.7)O3(PZT)thin films have been grown by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) on LaSrAlTaO3 (LSATO),LaAlO3(LAO) and SrTiO3(STO) single crystal vicinal cut substrates. Laser-induced voltage(LIV) effect was also found in PZT thin films grown on the three vicinal cut substrates for the first time. LIV signals increased with the single-pulse laser energy following the linear relation in case of c-axis orientation of thin film; but this linear relation was not followed obviously in case of a-axis orientation of thin film. This result shows that the LIV effect in PZT thin film is the atomic layer thermopile effect, in the which anisotropy of Seebeck coefficient plays an important role. Through realizing impedance-matching of thin films and transmission line, LITV signal response time has been optimized, the time of rising edge dropped from 60 ns to 26 ns, the full width at half maximum dropped from 260 ns to 38 ns.
- laser-induced voltage effect /
- ferroelectric thin films /
- orientation of thin film growth /
- atomic layer thermopile
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[1] Chang C L, Kleinhammes A, Moulton W G, Testardi L R 1999 Phys. Rev. B 41 11564
[2] Phys. Sin. 55 4226 (in Chinese)[谈松林、 张 辉、 崔文东、 袁 圆、 张鹏翔 2006 55 4226]
[3] Tate K L, Johnson R D, Chang C L, Hilinski E F, Foster S C 1990 Appl. Phys. Lett. 67 4375
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[8] Tan S L, Zhang H, Cui W D,Yuan Y, Zhang P X 2006 Acta.
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