表面增强拉曼散射(surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy, SERS)作为一种超灵敏的无标签分析技术, 在分子检测领域得到了广泛的研究及发展, 而增强机理的探究及灵敏度、均匀性、稳定性等性能的提升一直是研究人员面临的重要挑战. 本文通过梳理SERS机理的国内外研究进展, 综述了单一金属基底、二硫化钼(MoS2)基底及金属/MoS2复合基底的机理及研究现状和存在的问题等; 总结介绍了二硫化钼基底及金属/二硫化钼复合基底制备方法的优缺点; 概述了二硫化钼及其金属复合基底在食品检测、生物医学、环境污染监测等方面的应用研究进展; 最后提出了SERS技术目前存在的不足并对其发展前景进行了展望.
- 表面增强拉曼散射 /
- 金属/MoS2纳米复合结构 /
- 应用 /
- 综述
Surface-enhanced Raman scattering is an ultra-sensitive molecular detection technology, and the exploration of its mechanism and the improvement of sensitivity, uniformity and stability have always been significant challenge to researchers. In this paper, the development of surface-enhanced Raman scattering mechanism and its research progress, and thus review the mechanism, research status and existing problems of single metal substrate, molybdenum disulfide substrate and metal/molybdenum disulfide composite substrate are summarized; The preparation method of the molybdenum disulfide substrate including hydrothermal/solvothermal method, micromechanical peeling method, chemical meteorological deposition method, and preparation method of metal/molybdenum disulfide composite substrate are briefly introduced, in which the electrochemical method, thermal reduction method, seed-mediated growth method, and electron beam lithography method are covered, and the advantages and disadvantages of the above preparation methods are evaluated; The research progress of the applications of molybdenum disulfide and its metal composite substrates in food testing, biomedicine, environmental pollution monitoring, etc. are briefly overviewed The surface-enhanced Raman scattering study is extended to other transition metal binary compounds and their metal composite structures. Therefore, the metal/molybdenum disulfide composite substrate expands the types of surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrates, thereby making up for the deficiency of low reproducibility, poor stability, and weak adsorption. Moreover, it has the advantages of fluorescence quenching effect, high sensitivity, wide detection range, and it can be combined with on-site rapid separation technology, and thus has widespread application prospects. Finally, the shortcomings of surface-enhanced Raman scattering technology and prospects for its development are also pointed out.-
- surface-enhanced Raman scattering /
- metal/MoS2 nanocomposite structure /
- application /
- review
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图 9 电子束光刻法制备的Au领结/MoS2复合SERS基底 (a)[51], Au矩形/MoS2复合SERS基底[49] (b)和Au圆盘/MoS2复合SERS基底(c)[50]
Fig. 9. Au bow tie/MoS2 composite SERS substrate prepared by electron beam lithography(a)[51], Au rectangular/MoS2 composite SERS substrate prepared by electron beam lithography(b)[49] and Au disc/MoS2 composite SERS substrate prepared by electron beam lithography(c)[50]
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