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First-principles study of effects of Ca-Co (Zn) co-doping on properties of M-type strontium ferrite

LI Xinyu HOU Yuhua CHEN Xuan HUANG Youlin LI Wei TAO Xiaoma


First-principles study of effects of Ca-Co (Zn) co-doping on properties of M-type strontium ferrite

LI Xinyu, HOU Yuhua, CHEN Xuan, HUANG Youlin, LI Wei, TAO Xiaoma
cstr: 32037.14.aps.74.20241626
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • M-type strontium ferrite has attracted widespread attention in the field of permanent magnet materials due to its unique magnetic properties, dielectric performance, and thermal stability. However, compared with rare-earth permanent magnets such as Nd2Fe14B, strontium ferrite (SrFe12O19) permanent magnets possess relatively low comprehensive magnetic properties, which limits their application range. The effects of Ca-Co (Zn) doping on the electronic structure, mechanical properties, and magnetic properties of M-type strontium ferrite are systematically investigated by first-principles plane-wave pseudopotential method based on density functional theory (DFT), combined with the generalized gradient approximation (GGA + U ) in this work. The calculation results indicate that the Ca-Co (Zn) co-doped M-type strontium ferrite systems exhibit good structural stability and mechanical properties. In the Ca-Zn co-doped structures, the conductivity of the system is enhanced because of the substitution of divalent Zn ionsfortrivalent Fe ions at the 4f1 site. The Ca-Co (Zn) co-doping increases the total magnetic moment of the system, while the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy decreases. However, compared with the single Co doped system and single Zn doped system, the Co-Zn co-doped system has the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy improved, indicating that Ca-Co (Zn) co-doping can effectively enhance the magnetic properties of strontium ferrite. In this work, the mechanisms of the effects of Ca-Co and Ca-Zn co-doping on the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy of strontium ferrite are also analyzed. The results indicate that the decrease of magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy in the Ca-Co co-doped system is mainly due to the effects of dxy and ${\mathrm{d}}_{x^2-y^2} $ orbital electrons of Co3+ ion and dxy and ${\mathrm{d}}_{x^2-y^2} $ orbital electrons of Fe ions at the 2b site. In the Ca-Zn co-doped system, the reduction is mainly influenced by Fe-3d orbitals at the 4f1 site, while the dxy and ${\mathrm{d}}_{x^2 - y^2} $ orbital electrons of the 2b site enhance the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy of the system. These results provide theoretical guidance for modifying M-type strontium ferritein future.
      Corresponding author: HOU Yuhua,
    • Funds: Project supported by the Nanchang Hangkong University Postgraduate Innovation Fund, China (Grant No. YC2023-002).

    Hu J W, Wu Y X, He J Y, Liu Z W 2023 Eng. Anal. Boundary Elem. 156 144Google Scholar


    Hu Z M, Stenning G B G, Koval V, Wu J Y, Yang B, Leavesley A, Wylde R, Reece M J, Jia C L, Yan H X 2022 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 14 46123Google Scholar


    Vidal J V, Fonte T, Lopes L S, Bernardo R, Carneiro P, Pires D G, Dos Santos M S 2024 Appl. Energy 376 124302Google Scholar


    Shirk B T, Buessem W R 1969 J. Appl. Phys. 40 1294Google Scholar


    Gutfleisch O, Willard M A, Bruck E, Chen C H, Sankar S G, Liu J P 2011 Adv. Mater. 23 821Google Scholar


    Pullar RC 2012 Prog. Mater Sci. 57 1191Google Scholar


    Fernández C, Sangregorio C, Figuera J, Belec B, Makovec D, Quesada A 2021 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54 153001Google Scholar


    Granados-Miralles C, Jenu P 2021 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54 303001Google Scholar


    Palomino-Resendiz R L, Castañeda-Ovando A, Conde-Gallardo A, Palomino-Resendiz S I, Jaguey-Hernández Y, Tapia-Ignacio C 2025 Acta Mater. 39 102352Google Scholar


    Díaz-Pardo R, Bierlich S, Töpfer J, Monjaras R V 2016 AIP Adv. 6 055202Google Scholar


    Luo H, Rai B K, Mishra S R, Nguyen V V, Liu J P 2012 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 324 2602Google Scholar


    Huang F, Liu X, Niu X, Ma Y, Huang X, Lü F, Feng S, Zhang Z 2015 Mater. Technol. 30 301Google Scholar


    Anantharamaiah P N, Chandra N S, Shashanka H M, Kumar R, Sahoo B 2020 Adv. Powder Technol. 31 2385Google Scholar


    Ashiq M N, Iqbal M, Najam-Ul-Haq M, Gomez P, Qureshi A M 2012 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 324 15Google Scholar


    Zhang W J, Bai Y, Han X, Wang L, Lu X F, Qiao L J 2013 J. Alloys Compd. 546 234Google Scholar


    Zhou Z P, Wang Z Y, Wang X T, Li Q, Jin M, Xu J Y 2015 J. Supercond. Novel Magn. 28 1773Google Scholar


    Nguyen H H, Tran N, Phan T L, Yang D S, Dang N T, Lee B W 2020 Ceram. Int. 46 19506Google Scholar


    Nguyen H H, Jeong W H, Phan T L, Lee B W, Yang D S, Tran N, Dang N T 2021 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 537 168195Google Scholar


    Hu C X, Cao H L, Wang S Y, Wu N N, Qiu S, Lyu H L, Li J R 2017 New J. Chem. 41 6427Google Scholar


    Tuyen N L, Hue N T, Tho P T, Toan H N, Xuan C T A, Dang N V, Ho T A, Tuan N Q, Tran N 2024 J. Sci.: Adv. Mater. Devices 9 100796Google Scholar


    Li X, Yang W G, Bao D X, Meng X D, Lou B Y, Yang W G, Bao D X, Meng X D, Lou B Y 2013 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 329 1Google Scholar


    Anbarasu V, Gazzali P MM, Karthik T, Manigandan A, Sivakumar K 2013 J. Mater. Sci. -Mater. Electron. 24 916Google Scholar


    Patel C D, Dhruv P N, Meena S S, Singh C, Kavita S, Ellouze M, Jotania R B 2020 Ceram. Int. 46 24816Google Scholar


    Kresse G, Furthmüller J 1996 Comput. Mater. Sci. 6 15Google Scholar


    Kresse G, Joubert D 1999 Phys. Rev. B 59 1758Google Scholar


    Perdew J P, Burke K, Ernzerhof M 1996 Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 3865Google Scholar


    Hou Y H, Chen X, Guo X L, Li W, Huang Y L, Tao X M 2021 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 538 168257Google Scholar


    Fei Z, Cococcioni M, Marianetti C A, Morgan D, Ceder G 2004 Phys. Rev. B 70 235121Google Scholar


    Anisimov V I, Zaanen J, Andersen O K 1991 Phys. Rev. B 44 943Google Scholar


    Abdelouahed S, Alouani M 2009 Phys. Rev. B 79 054406Google Scholar


    李荫远, 李国栋 1978 铁氧体物理学(第一版) (北京: 科学出版社) 第34—36页

    Li Y Y, Li G D 1978 Ferrite Physics (1st Ed.) (Beijing: Science Press) pp34–36


    Fang C M, Kools F, Metselaar R, WithG D, Groot R A D 2003 J. Phys. Condens. Matter 15 6229Google Scholar


    Nemrava S, Vinnik D A, Hu Z, Valldor M, Kuo C Y, Zherebtsov A D, Gudkova S A, Chen C T, Tjeng L H, Niewa R 2017 Inorg. Chem. 56 3861Google Scholar


    Bavarsiha F, Montazeri-Pour M, Rajabi M 2020 J. Inorg. Organomet. Polym. Mater. 30 2386Google Scholar


    Zhang Z Y, Liu X, Wang X J, Wu Y P, Li R 2012 J. Alloys Compd. 525 114Google Scholar


    Lechevallier L, Breton J M L, Wang J F, Harris I R 2004 J. Phys. Condens. Matter 16 5359Google Scholar


    Wagner T R 1998 J. Solid State Chem. 136 120Google Scholar


    Fang Q, Cheng H, Huang K, Wang J, Li R, Jiao Y 2005 J. Magn. Magn Mater. 294 281Google Scholar


    Banihashemi V, Ghazi M E, Izadifard M 2021 Physica B 605 412670Google Scholar


    Buerger M J 1961 Z. Kristallogr. 115 319Google Scholar


    Liu Y, Li R, Qing Y C 2024 Mater. Res. Bull. 172 112661Google Scholar


    Zhu L, Zeng Y R, Wen J, Li L, Cheng T M 2018 Electrochim. Acta 292 190Google Scholar


    Hill R 1952 Proc. Phys. Soc. London, Sect. A 65 349Google Scholar


    高娟, 刘其军, 蒋城露, 樊代和, 张淼, 刘福生, 唐斌 2022 高压 36 051101Google Scholar

    Gao J, Liu Q J, Jang C L, Fan D H, Zhang M, Liu F S, Tang B 2022 Chin. J. High. Pressure Phys. 36 051101Google Scholar


    Pugh S F 1954 Philos. Mag. 45 823Google Scholar


    Morita A, Frood D G 1978 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 11 2409Google Scholar


    韩志全 2010 铁氧体及其磁性物理(北京: 航空工业出版社)第20页

    Han Z Q 2010 Ferrite and its Magnetic Physics (Beijing: Aviation Industry Press) p20


    蒋有为 2020 博士学位论文(成都: 电子科技大学)

    Jang Y W 2020 Ph. D. Dissertation (Chengdu: University of Electronic Science and Technology of China


    Steinbeck L, Richter M, Eschrig H 2001 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 226-230 1011Google Scholar

  • 图 1  (a) M型SrFe12O19的晶体结构模型; (b) M型SrFe12O19晶胞模型中Fe离子的自旋取向

    Figure 1.  (a) The 3D structural model of M-type strontium ferrite; (b) spin orientation of Fe ions depicted in M-type SrFe12O19.

    图 2  Sr铁氧体及Ca-Co(Zn)共掺杂结构的TDOS及Fe-3d和O-2p分波态密度 (a) Sr铁氧体; (b) Ca-Co-Sr铁氧体; (c) Ca-Zn-Sr铁氧体

    Figure 2.  TDOS and PDOS of Fe-3d and O-2p for Sr ferrite and Ca-Co(Zn) co-doped structures: (a) Sr ferrite; (b) Ca-Co-Sr ferrite; (c) Ca-Zn-Sr ferrite.

    图 3  Ca-Co-Sr铁氧体的分波态密度 (a)不同晶位处Fe-3d; (b) Co-3d

    Figure 3.  PDOS of Ca-Co-Sr ferrite: (a) Fe-3d at different sites; (b) Co-3d.

    图 4  Ca-Zn-Sr铁氧体中不同晶位处Fe离子态密度以及Zn离子3d轨道分波态密度 (a) Fe离子; (b) Zn离子

    Figure 4.  DOS of Fe ions at different sites and the PDOS of 3d electrons of Zn ion in Ca-Zn-Sr ferrites: (a) Fe ions; (b) Zn ion.

    图 5  Ca-Co-Sr铁氧体Co离子分别沿[001]和[100]轴向磁化后的轨道态密度 (a) dxy; (b) $ {{\mathrm{d}}}_{z}^{2} $; (c) dyz; (d) dxz; (e) ${\mathrm{d}}_{x^2-y^2} $

    Figure 5.  Orbital density of states of Co ion in Ca-Co-Sr ferrite magnetized along the [001] and[100] axes: (a) dxy; (b) $ {{\mathrm{d}}}_{z}^{2} $; (c) dyz; (d) dxz; (e) ${\mathrm{d}}_{x^2 -y^2} $.

    图 6  Ca-Co-Sr铁氧体2b晶位Fe离子分别沿[001]和[100]轴向磁化的轨道态密度 (a) dxy; (b) $ {{\mathrm{d}}}_{z}^{2} $; (c) dyz; (d) dxz; (e)${\mathrm{d}}_{x^2 - y^2}$

    Figure 6.  Orbital density of states for Fe ions at the 2b site in Ca-Co-Sr ferrite magnetized along the [001] and [100] axes, respectively: (a) dxy; (b) $ {{\mathrm{d}}}_{z}^{2} $; (c) dyz; (d) dxz; (e) ${\mathrm{d}}_{x^2- y^2} $.

    图 7  Ca-Zn-Sr铁氧体2b和4f1晶位处Fe离子分别沿[001]和[100]轴向磁化的分波态密度 (a) 2b; (b) 4f1

    Figure 7.  PDOS for Fe ions at the 2b site and 4f1 site in Ca-Zn-Sr ferrite magnetized along the [001] and [100] axes: (a) 2b; (b) 4f1.

    图 8  Ca-Zn-Sr铁氧体2b晶位处Fe离子分别沿[001]和[100]轴向磁化的轨道态密度 (a) dxy; (b) dxz; (c) dyz; (d) $ {{\mathrm{d}}}_{z}^{2} $; (e) ${\mathrm{d}}_{x^2 - y^2} $

    Figure 8.  Orbital density of states for Fe ions at the 2b site in Ca-Zn-Sr ferrite magnetized along the [001] and [100] axes: (a) dxy; (b) dxz; (c) dyz; (d) $ {{\mathrm{d}}}_{z}^{2} $; (e) ${\mathrm{d}}_{x^2 - y^2} $.

    表 1  Sr铁氧体、Co、Zn单掺杂以及Ca-Co(Zn)共掺杂体系的晶格参数、c/a

    Table 1.  Lattice parameters and c/a values for Sr ferrite, single doping with Co or Zn, and co-doping with Ca-Co(Zn).

    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  Sr铁氧体、Co、Zn单掺杂及Ca-Co(Zn)共掺杂体系的弹性常数和力学参数

    Table 2.  Elastic constants and mechanical parameters for Sr ferrite, single doping with Co or Zn, and co-doping with Ca-Co(Zn).

    DownLoad: CSV

    表 3  Sr铁氧体及掺杂体系各离子及总磁晶各向异性能 (单位: meV)

    Table 3.  Magnetocrystalline anisotropy energies (unit: meV) of ionsand the total for Sr ferrite and doped systems.

    晶位 Co(4f2) Zn(4f1) Fe(2a) Fe(2b) Fe(4f1) Fe(4f2) Fe(12k) Total
    $ {{E}}_{\text{Sr}}^{\text{MAC}} $ 0.007 0.872 –0.086 –0.042 0.466 0.830
    $ {{E}}_{\text{Co-Sr}}^{\text{MAC}} $ –2.377 0.010 0.406 –0.069 –0.084 0.067 0.257
    $ {{E}}_{\text{Zn-Sr}}^{\text{MAC}} $ 0.000 0.189 0.381 –1.031 –0.035 0.058 0.308
    $ {{E}}_{\text{Ca-Co-Sr}}^{\text{MAC}} $ –2.329 0.001 0.397 –0.046 –0.081 0.058 0.370
    $ {{E}}_{\text{Ca-Zn-Sr}}^{\text{MAC}} $ –0.015 0.040 0.225 –0.280 –0.017 0.037 0.490
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    表 4  Sr铁氧体中各晶位Fe离子沿c轴方向轨道磁矩值(单位: μB)

    Table 4.  Orbital magnetic moment (unit: μB) of Fe ions at different sites in Sr ferrite along the c-axis.

    晶位 Fe(2a) Fe(2b) Fe(4f1) Fe(4f2) Fe(12k) Total
    p轨道 0.000 0.001 –0.002 –0.001 0.000 0.021
    d轨道 0.001 0.015 –0.012 –0.010 0.011 0.113
    总磁矩 0.001 0.016 –0.014 –0.011 0.011 0.135
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    表 5  Ca-Co-Sr铁氧体中各离子沿c轴方向的平均轨道磁矩值(单位: μB)

    Table 5.  Average orbital magnetic moment (unit: μB) of each ion in Ca-Co-Sr ferrite along the c-axis.

    DownLoad: CSV

    表 6  Ca-Zn-Sr铁氧体各离子沿c轴方向的平均轨道磁矩(单位: μB)

    Table 6.  Average orbital magnetic moment (unit: μB) of each ion in Ca-Zn-Sr ferrite along the c-axis.

    DownLoad: CSV
  • [1]

    Hu J W, Wu Y X, He J Y, Liu Z W 2023 Eng. Anal. Boundary Elem. 156 144Google Scholar


    Hu Z M, Stenning G B G, Koval V, Wu J Y, Yang B, Leavesley A, Wylde R, Reece M J, Jia C L, Yan H X 2022 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 14 46123Google Scholar


    Vidal J V, Fonte T, Lopes L S, Bernardo R, Carneiro P, Pires D G, Dos Santos M S 2024 Appl. Energy 376 124302Google Scholar


    Shirk B T, Buessem W R 1969 J. Appl. Phys. 40 1294Google Scholar


    Gutfleisch O, Willard M A, Bruck E, Chen C H, Sankar S G, Liu J P 2011 Adv. Mater. 23 821Google Scholar


    Pullar RC 2012 Prog. Mater Sci. 57 1191Google Scholar


    Fernández C, Sangregorio C, Figuera J, Belec B, Makovec D, Quesada A 2021 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54 153001Google Scholar


    Granados-Miralles C, Jenu P 2021 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54 303001Google Scholar


    Palomino-Resendiz R L, Castañeda-Ovando A, Conde-Gallardo A, Palomino-Resendiz S I, Jaguey-Hernández Y, Tapia-Ignacio C 2025 Acta Mater. 39 102352Google Scholar


    Díaz-Pardo R, Bierlich S, Töpfer J, Monjaras R V 2016 AIP Adv. 6 055202Google Scholar


    Luo H, Rai B K, Mishra S R, Nguyen V V, Liu J P 2012 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 324 2602Google Scholar


    Huang F, Liu X, Niu X, Ma Y, Huang X, Lü F, Feng S, Zhang Z 2015 Mater. Technol. 30 301Google Scholar


    Anantharamaiah P N, Chandra N S, Shashanka H M, Kumar R, Sahoo B 2020 Adv. Powder Technol. 31 2385Google Scholar


    Ashiq M N, Iqbal M, Najam-Ul-Haq M, Gomez P, Qureshi A M 2012 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 324 15Google Scholar


    Zhang W J, Bai Y, Han X, Wang L, Lu X F, Qiao L J 2013 J. Alloys Compd. 546 234Google Scholar


    Zhou Z P, Wang Z Y, Wang X T, Li Q, Jin M, Xu J Y 2015 J. Supercond. Novel Magn. 28 1773Google Scholar


    Nguyen H H, Tran N, Phan T L, Yang D S, Dang N T, Lee B W 2020 Ceram. Int. 46 19506Google Scholar


    Nguyen H H, Jeong W H, Phan T L, Lee B W, Yang D S, Tran N, Dang N T 2021 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 537 168195Google Scholar


    Hu C X, Cao H L, Wang S Y, Wu N N, Qiu S, Lyu H L, Li J R 2017 New J. Chem. 41 6427Google Scholar


    Tuyen N L, Hue N T, Tho P T, Toan H N, Xuan C T A, Dang N V, Ho T A, Tuan N Q, Tran N 2024 J. Sci.: Adv. Mater. Devices 9 100796Google Scholar


    Li X, Yang W G, Bao D X, Meng X D, Lou B Y, Yang W G, Bao D X, Meng X D, Lou B Y 2013 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 329 1Google Scholar


    Anbarasu V, Gazzali P MM, Karthik T, Manigandan A, Sivakumar K 2013 J. Mater. Sci. -Mater. Electron. 24 916Google Scholar


    Patel C D, Dhruv P N, Meena S S, Singh C, Kavita S, Ellouze M, Jotania R B 2020 Ceram. Int. 46 24816Google Scholar


    Kresse G, Furthmüller J 1996 Comput. Mater. Sci. 6 15Google Scholar


    Kresse G, Joubert D 1999 Phys. Rev. B 59 1758Google Scholar


    Perdew J P, Burke K, Ernzerhof M 1996 Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 3865Google Scholar


    Hou Y H, Chen X, Guo X L, Li W, Huang Y L, Tao X M 2021 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 538 168257Google Scholar


    Fei Z, Cococcioni M, Marianetti C A, Morgan D, Ceder G 2004 Phys. Rev. B 70 235121Google Scholar


    Anisimov V I, Zaanen J, Andersen O K 1991 Phys. Rev. B 44 943Google Scholar


    Abdelouahed S, Alouani M 2009 Phys. Rev. B 79 054406Google Scholar


    李荫远, 李国栋 1978 铁氧体物理学(第一版) (北京: 科学出版社) 第34—36页

    Li Y Y, Li G D 1978 Ferrite Physics (1st Ed.) (Beijing: Science Press) pp34–36


    Fang C M, Kools F, Metselaar R, WithG D, Groot R A D 2003 J. Phys. Condens. Matter 15 6229Google Scholar


    Nemrava S, Vinnik D A, Hu Z, Valldor M, Kuo C Y, Zherebtsov A D, Gudkova S A, Chen C T, Tjeng L H, Niewa R 2017 Inorg. Chem. 56 3861Google Scholar


    Bavarsiha F, Montazeri-Pour M, Rajabi M 2020 J. Inorg. Organomet. Polym. Mater. 30 2386Google Scholar


    Zhang Z Y, Liu X, Wang X J, Wu Y P, Li R 2012 J. Alloys Compd. 525 114Google Scholar


    Lechevallier L, Breton J M L, Wang J F, Harris I R 2004 J. Phys. Condens. Matter 16 5359Google Scholar


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    Hill R 1952 Proc. Phys. Soc. London, Sect. A 65 349Google Scholar


    高娟, 刘其军, 蒋城露, 樊代和, 张淼, 刘福生, 唐斌 2022 高压 36 051101Google Scholar

    Gao J, Liu Q J, Jang C L, Fan D H, Zhang M, Liu F S, Tang B 2022 Chin. J. High. Pressure Phys. 36 051101Google Scholar


    Pugh S F 1954 Philos. Mag. 45 823Google Scholar


    Morita A, Frood D G 1978 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 11 2409Google Scholar


    韩志全 2010 铁氧体及其磁性物理(北京: 航空工业出版社)第20页

    Han Z Q 2010 Ferrite and its Magnetic Physics (Beijing: Aviation Industry Press) p20


    蒋有为 2020 博士学位论文(成都: 电子科技大学)

    Jang Y W 2020 Ph. D. Dissertation (Chengdu: University of Electronic Science and Technology of China


    Steinbeck L, Richter M, Eschrig H 2001 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 226-230 1011Google Scholar

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Publishing process
  • Received Date:  22 November 2024
  • Accepted Date:  15 January 2025
  • Available Online:  23 January 2025
  • Published Online:  20 March 2025

