Feshbach resonance is a fundamental phenomenon in cold atomic physics, where interatomic interactions can be precisely tuned to a scattering resonance by varying an external magnetic field. This effect plays a crucial role in ultracold atomic experiments, allowing the control of interaction strength, the formation of molecular bound states, and the realization of strongly correlated quantum systems. With the rapid development of cold atom experiments, numerous Feshbach resonances corresponding to different partial waves, such as s-wave, p-wave, and even higher partial wave ones, have been experimentally identified. While s-wave resonances have been widely utilized due to their isotropic nature and strong coupling, higher partial-wave resonances, including p-wave and d-wave resonances, offer unique opportunities for exploring anisotropic interactions and novel quantum phases. In this study, by the multichannel quantum defect theory (MQDT) method, we predict there are two d-wave Feshbach resonances in 7Li at 1039.24 G and 1055.64 G repectively. Physical properties of the two resonances, such as the resonance width and closed channel dimer energy, are presented. In addition, we optimized the computational parameters using the Nelder-Mead algorithm and investigated the possible resonance splitting induced by dipole-dipole interactions in higher partial waves. The presence of these d-wave resonances at high magnetic fields provides a new platform for investigating the interplay between higher-order partial wave interactions and quantum many-body effects. Our results provide opportunities to investigate the effects of higher partial wave Feshbach resonances at high magnetic fields. Our theoretical predictions thus serve as a useful reference for future experimental investigations into higher-order resonance phenomena in lithium and other atomic species.
- Feshbach resonance /
- MQDT calculation
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