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白净 谢廷



白净, 谢廷

Ultracold atom-atom collisions by renormalized Numerov method

Bai Jing, Xie Ting
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 采用重归一化Numerov算法求解关于超低温双原子碰撞问题的非含时薛定谔方程组. 以39K-133Cs碰撞为例, 研究了超低温下双原子Feshbach共振的性质. 结果表明, 重归一化Numerov算法可以很精确地描述超冷条件下碰撞过程. 与改进的logarithmic derivative算法相比, 在同等参数条件下, 重归一化Numerov方法在计算效率上虽然有一定劣势, 但在大格点步长参数范围内有着更好的稳定性. 提出重归一化Numerov和logarithmic derivative算法相结合的传播方法, 在保证结果精度的同时大大减少了计算时间. 此项算法也可以应用于求解任意温度下的两体碰撞耦合薛定谔方程组.
    The renormalized Numerov algorithm is applied to solving time-independent Schrödinger equation relating to atom-atom collisions at ultralow temperature. The proprieties of Feshbach resonance in 39K-133Cs collisions are investigated as an example. The results show that the renormalized Numerov method can give excellent results for ultracold colliding process. In contrast to improved log derivative method, the renormalized Numerov method displays a certain weakness in computational efficiency under the same condition. However, it is much stable in a wide range of grid step size. Hence a new propagating method is proposed by combining renormalized Numerov and logarithmic derivative method which can save computational time with a better accuracy. This algorithm can be used to solve close-coupling Schrödinger equation at arbitrary temperature for two-body collisions.
      通信作者: 谢廷, tingxie1113@dicp.ac.cn
      Corresponding author: Xie Ting, tingxie1113@dicp.ac.cn

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    Köppinger M P, Mccarron D J, Jenkin D L, Molony P K, Cho H W, Cornish S L, Ruth Le Sueur C, Blackley C L, Hutson J M 2014 Phys. Rev. A 89 033604Google Scholar


    Ferber R, Nikolayeva O, Tamanis M, Knöckel H, Tiemann E 2013 Phys. Rev. A 88 012516Google Scholar


    Gröbner M, Weinmann P, Kirilov E, Nägerl H C, Julienne P S, Ruth Le Sueur C, Hutson J M 2017 Phys. Rev. A 95 022715Google Scholar


    D’Errico C, Zaccanti M, Fattori M, Roati G, Inguscio M, Modugno G, Simoni A 2007 New J. Phys. 9 223Google Scholar


    Tiecke T G, Goosen M R, Ludewig A, Gensemer S D, Kraft S, Kokkelmans S J J M F, Walraven J T M 2010 Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 053202Google Scholar


    Manolopoulos D E 1986 J. Chem. Phys. 85 6425Google Scholar

  • 图 1  39K-133Cs体系基单重态和三重态相互作用势

    Fig. 1.  Ground electronic potential curves of singlet and triplet states in 39K-133Cs.

    图 2  在入射通道$ \left| {{f_{\text{K}}} = 1, \;{m_{f{\text{K}}}} = 1} \right\rangle + \left| {{f_{{\text{Cs}}}} = 3, \;{m_{f{\text{Cs}}}} = 3} \right\rangle $计算的磁场0—1000 G范围内的s波散射长度, 红线标记录5个共振位置

    Fig. 2.  Calculated s-wave scattering length in the incoming channel $ \left| {{f_{\text{K}}} = 1, \;{m_{f{\text{K}}}} = 1} \right\rangle + \left| {{f_{{\text{Cs}}}} = 3, \;{m_{f{\text{Cs}}}} = 3} \right\rangle $ with field range 0–1000 G. The five resonant positions are labeled with red lines.

    图 3  (a)采用两种方法计算100个磁场强度下散射长度的计算时间随格点数的变化; (b)在磁场为1 G时散射长度随格点数的变化

    Fig. 3.  (a) Computational time of scattering length at 100 magnetic fields as a function of number of sectors by using two methods; (b) the scattering lengths as a function of number of sectors at 1 G.

    表 1  两种计算方法得到的共振位置、共振宽度和背景散射长度参量

    Table 1.  Calculated resonant positions, widths and background scattering lengths in the incoming channel $ \left| {{f_{\text{K}}} = 1, \;{m_{f{\text{K}}}} = 1} \right\rangle + \left| {{f_{{\text{Cs}}}} = 3, \;{m_{f{\text{Cs}}}} = 3} \right\rangle $ by both methods.

    B0 /GΔB/GabgB0/GΔB/Gabg
    $ \begin{gathered} \left| {{f_{\text{K}}} = 1, \;{m_{f{\text{K}}}} = 1} \right\rangle + \\ \left| {{f_{{\text{Cs}}}} = 3, \;{m_{f{\text{Cs}}}} = 3} \right\rangle \\ \end{gathered} $341.894.879.1a0341.904.879.0a0
    831.144 × 10–480.9a0831.143 × 10–481.0a0
    860.500.0582.1a0860.520.0582.0 a0
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    表 2  采用短程RN和长程变步长LOGD相结合的传播方法得到的共振位置总误差, 这里两种方法的接合点在R = 20a0. 第一列ΔR表示在RN方法中使用的固定格点步长, 第二列NRN表示RN方法在短程传播的总步数, 第三列NLOGD表示在变步长LOGD方法在长程传播的总步数, 第四列$ B_0^{\rm error} $表示使用两者结合方法产生的所有共振位置误差的绝对值总和

    Table 2.  Total errors of resonant positions by using the method combining RN method in short range with LOGD with variable step size in long range, where the connected point is located at 20a0. The first column, ΔR, represents the fixed step size in RN method. The second and third columns, NRN and NLOGD, denote the steps propagated in RN and LOGD methods, respectively. The last column is the sum of errors for all resonant positions.

    ΔRNRNNLOGD$ B_0^{\rm error} $/G
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    Pellegrini P, Gacesa M, Côté R 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 053201Google Scholar


    Giorgini S, Pitaevskii L P, Stringari S 2008 Rev. Mod. Phys. 80 1215Google Scholar


    Gao B 1998 Phys. Rev. A 58 1728Google Scholar


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    Patel H J, Blackley C L, Cornish S L, Hutson J M 2014 Phys. Rev. A 90 032716Google Scholar


    Köppinger M P, Mccarron D J, Jenkin D L, Molony P K, Cho H W, Cornish S L, Ruth Le Sueur C, Blackley C L, Hutson J M 2014 Phys. Rev. A 89 033604Google Scholar


    Ferber R, Nikolayeva O, Tamanis M, Knöckel H, Tiemann E 2013 Phys. Rev. A 88 012516Google Scholar


    Gröbner M, Weinmann P, Kirilov E, Nägerl H C, Julienne P S, Ruth Le Sueur C, Hutson J M 2017 Phys. Rev. A 95 022715Google Scholar


    D’Errico C, Zaccanti M, Fattori M, Roati G, Inguscio M, Modugno G, Simoni A 2007 New J. Phys. 9 223Google Scholar


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  • 收稿日期:  2021-07-14
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