Ni2-based Heusler alloys have received increasing attention due to their shape memory effects and the relevant application properties. It is interesting to explore new Ni2-based shape memory alloys with novel properties. In this work, the site preference, electronic structure, elastic parameters and martensitic transformation of new Ni2Cu-based Heusler alloys Ni2CuZ (Z = Al, Ga, In, Si, Ge, Sn and Sb) are investigated theoretically. Between the two highly-ordered structures of Heusler alloys, Ni2CuZ alloy tends to crystallize in the L21 structure with Cu atom entering the B site in the cubic lattice. In contrast, the XA structure is higher in energy and lower in stability. This is different from the usual rule that transition metal atoms with more valence electrons tend to occupy the A, C sites at first and can be related to the strong covalent hybridization between Ni and main group elements Z in L21 type Ni2CuZ. Ni2CuZ martensites are all lower in energy than the corresponding austenites, which makes them candidates for shape memory alloys. This can be explained by the Jahn-Teller effect characterized by the reduced states near EF in the DOS structure and the mechanical instability of the cubic austenite lattice. The martensite-austenite energy difference ΔEM is strongly influenced by main group elements Z. When Z are in the same group, the ΔEM increases with their atomic number increasing, but when Z are in the same period, an opposite trend is observed. The ΔEM can be regarded as a driving force for the martensitic transformation: a larger ΔEM corresponds to a higher martensitic transformation TM. In Heusler alloys, electron concentration e/a and electron density n are usually used to discuss the variation of TM. An increase of e/a or n tends to increase TM. However, this is in discrepancy with the results in Ni2CuZ, which can be explained by using, the new factors, the negative shear modulus $ C' $ and softening of the elastic constant C44 and their variations with Z elements. These results reveal the close relation between the martensitic transformation and mechanical parameters and indicate that they are important factors to predict new shape memory alloys and analyse their properties in Heusler alloys. It is also found that the Young’s modulus and shear modulus increase and Poisson’s ratio decreases after the martensitic transformation. Thus, the Ni2CuZ martensite has higher stiffness and rigidity but lower ductility than the austenite. [1] Ullakko K, Huang J K, Kantner C, O’Handley R C, Kokorin V V 1996 Appl. Phys. Lett. 69 1966
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[6] Kalache A, Selle S, Schnelle W, Fecher G H, Höche T, Felser C, Markou A 2018 Phys. Rev. Mater. 2 084407
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[14] Pfeuffer L, Gràcia-Condal A, Gottschall T, Koch D, Faske T, Bruder E, Lemke J, Taubel A, Ener S, Scheibel F, Durst K, Skokov K P, Mañosa L, Planes A, Gutfleisch O 2021 Acta Mater. 217 117157
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[15] Chen F, Sánchez Llamazares J L, Sánchez-Valdés C F, Chen F H, Li Z B, Tong Y X, Li L 2020 J. Alloys Compd. 825 154053
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[16] Wen Z Q, Hou H, Tian J Z, Zhao Y H, Li H J, Han P D 2018 Intermetallics 92 15
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[17] Buchelnikov V D, Zagrebin M A, Sokolovskiy V V 2018 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 459 78
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[18] Ma Y X, Ni Z N, Luo H Z, Liu H Y, Meng F B, Liu E K, Wang W H, Wu G H 2017 Intermetallics 81 1
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[19] Li J Q, Li H Z, Jiang X X, Liu H Y, Luo H Z, Meng F B 2024 Appl. Phys. Lett. 124 222404
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[20] Zhang K, Tan C E, Guo E J, Feng Z C, Zhu J C, Tong Y X, Cai W 2018 J. Mater. Chem. C 6 5228
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[21] Liu B H, Luo H Z, Xin Y P, Zhang Y J, Meng F B, Liu H Y, Liu E K, Wang W H, Wu G H 2015 Solid State Commun. 222 23
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[22] Kreiner Kalache G A, Hausdorf S, Alijani V, Qian J F, Shan G C, Burkhardt U, Ouardi S, Felser C 2014 Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 640 738
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[23] Yang M, Hu Y L, Li X N, Li Z M, Zheng Y H, Li N J, Dong C 2022 J. Mater. Res. Technol. 17 1246
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[24] Lakharwal P, Ahmed H, Chaudhary V, Patel P C, Kandpal H C, Gujjar D 2024 J. Mater. Sci. 59 5470
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[29] Meng F B, Hao H Y, Ma Y X, Guo X M, Luo H Z 2017 J. Alloys Compd. 695 2995
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[30] Wang X T, Cheng Z X, Yuan H K, Khenata R 2017 J. Mater. Chem. C 5 11559
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[31] 孙凯晨, 刘爽, 高瑞瑞, 时翔宇, 刘何燕, 罗鸿志 2021 70 137101
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Sun K C, Liu S, Gao R R, Shi X Y, Liu H Y, Luo H Z 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 137101
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[32] Zhang Y J, Wang W H, Zhang H G, Liu E K, Ma R S, Wu G H 2013 Physica B 420 86
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[34] Hatcher N, Kontsevoi O Y, Freeman A J 2009 Phys. Rev. B 80 144203
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[35] He W Q, Huang H B, Liu Z H, Ma X Q 2018 Chin. Phys. B 27 016201
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[37] Haines J, Leger J M, Bocquillon G 2001 Annu. Rev. Mater. Res. 31 1
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[38] Zayak A T, Adeagbo W A, Entel P, Rabe K M 2006 Appl. Phys. Lett. 88 111903
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[39] Deltell A, Mohamed A E A, Alvarez-Alonso P, Ipatov M, Andres J P, Gonzalez J A, Sanchez T, Zhukov A, Escoda M L, Sunol J J, Anton R L 2021 J. Mater. Res. Technol. 12 1091
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[40] Perez-Checa A, Feuchtwanger J, Barandiaran J M, Sozinov A, Ullakko K, Chernenko V A 2018 Scr. Mater. 154 131
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Jin M, Bai J, Xu J X, Jiang X J, Zhang Y, Liu X, Zhao X, Zuo L 2023 Acta Phys. Sin. 72 046301
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[42] Li C M, Luo H B, Hu Q M, Yang R, Johansson B, Vitos L 2011 Phys. Rev. B 84 024206
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[43] Kundu A, Ghosh S, Ghosh S 2017 Phys. Rev. B 96 174107
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[44] Li G J, Liu E K, Wang W H, Wu G H 2023 Phys. Rev. B 107 134440
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[45] Felser C, Wollmann L, Chadov S, Fecher G H, Parkin S S P 2015 APL Mater. 3 041518
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表 1 计算得到的L21型Ni2CuZ合金的平衡晶格常数a, 各弹性参数以及L21与XA两结构的能量差ΔE
Table 1. Equilibrium lattice constant a, total energy difference ΔE between the L21 and XA structure and mechanical properties of L21 type Ni2CuZ alloys.
成分 a/Å ΔE/(eV·f.u.–1) C11/GPa C12/GPa C44/GPa B/GPa G/GPa E/GPa ν B/GV Ni2CuAl 5.72 –0.29 145.9 176.3 124.3 166.1 11.0 32.4 0.47 2.42 Ni2CuGa 5.73 –0.28 150.2 181.0 109.6 170.7 5.4 16.0 0.48 2.87 5.75* — 141.3* 177.8* 110.4* 165.6* –0.81* — 0.34* 2.78* Ni2CuIn 6.00 –0.20 123.9 149.5 88.8 140.9 3.8 11.4 0.49 2.93 Ni2CuSi 5.63 –0.46 192.8 195.6 93.8 194.6 26.1 74.9 0.44 3.49 Ni2CuGe 5.74 –0.40 167.9 171.5 92.8 170.3 25.1 71.9 0.43 3.10 Ni2CuSn 5.99 –0.33 143.3 149.7 89.4 147.6 21.9 62.8 0.43 2.82 Ni2CuSb 5.99 –0.45 149.9 148.2 76.3 148.8 24.1 68.7 0.42 3.23 注: *数据引自参考文献[25] 表 2 计算得到的Ni2CuZ马氏体的晶格常数V与c/a, 价电子浓度e/a, 电子密度n和马氏体与奥氏体能量差ΔEM
Table 2. Equilibrium lattice parameters V and c/a, valence electron concentration e/a, electron density n and energy difference ΔEM calculated for Ni2CuZ martensite.
成分 V/Å3 c/a e/a n/Å–3 ΔEM/(eV·f.u.–1) Ni2CuAl 187.15 1.24 8.50 0.727 –0.082 Ni2CuGa 188.13 1.26 8.50 0.723 –0.090 Ni2CuIn 216.00 1.28 8.50 0.630 –0.101 Ni2CuSi 178.45 1.28 8.75 0.785 –0.032 Ni2CuGe 189.12 1.30 8.75 0.740 –0.047 Ni2CuSn 214.92 1.30 8.75 0.650 –0.049 Ni2CuSb 214.92 1.18 9.00 0.670 –0.003 表 3 计算得到的Ni2CuZ马氏体相的弹性参数
Table 3. Calculated mechanical parameters of Ni2CuZ martensite.
成分 C11/GPa C33/GPa C44/GPa C66/GPa C12/GPa C13/GPa B/GPa G/GPa E/GPa ν Ni2CuAl 243.3 196.1 118.9 86.4 100.9 148.6 164.3 71.4 187.1 0.31 Ni2CuGa 236.8 198.2 104.1 76.7 112.5 150.6 166.6 64.8 172.1 0.33 Ni2CuIn 194.6 178.8 80.2 65.4 104.8 126.2 142.5 54.1 144.2 0.33 Ni2CuSi 232.9 234.5 95.8 83.9 155.7 165.4 186.0 63.0 169.7 0.35 Ni2CuGe 220.8 203.7 77.1 69.2 135.3 157.5 171.7 51.9 141.3 0.36 Ni2CuSn 189.8 176.7 77.8 42.7 83.6 123.8 134.8 49.3 131.7 0.34 Ni2CuSb 217.3 153.1 76.6 16.1 79.9 147.3 148.4 28.7 81.0 0.41 -
[1] Ullakko K, Huang J K, Kantner C, O’Handley R C, Kokorin V V 1996 Appl. Phys. Lett. 69 1966
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[2] Yin R, Wendler F, Krevet B, Kohl M 2016 Sens. Actuators, A 246 48
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[3] Mañosa L, González-Alonso D, Planes A, Bonnot E, Barrio M, Tamarit J L, Aksoy S, Acet M, 2010 Nat. Mater. 9 478
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[4] Zhang L, Zhang J, Li K L, He L Q, Zhou C, Wang D, Yang S, Li S, Wang D Y 2022 Acta Mater. 239 118245
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[5] Gottschall T, Skokov K P, Scheibel F, Acet M, Zavareh M G, Skourski Y, Wosnitza J, Farle M, Gutfleisch O 2016 Phys. Rev. Appl. 5 024013
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[6] Kalache A, Selle S, Schnelle W, Fecher G H, Höche T, Felser C, Markou A 2018 Phys. Rev. Mater. 2 084407
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[7] Zhang Q Q, Liu Z H, Tan J G, Ma X Q, Cheng Z X 2019 Intermetallics 108 87
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[8] Rashidi S, Ehsani M H, Shakouri M, Karimi N 2021 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 537 168112
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[9] Webster P J, Ziebeck K R A, Town S L, Peak M S 1984 Philos. Mag. B 49 295
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[10] Mendonça A A, Jurado J F, Stuard S J, Silva L E L, Eslava G G, Cohen L F, Ghivelder L, Gomes A M 2018 J. Alloys Compd. 738 509
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[11] Liu Z H, Zhang M, Cui Y T, Zhou Y Q, Wang W H, Wu G H, Zhang X X, Xiao G 2003 Appl. Phys. Lett. 82 424
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[12] Huang X M, Zhao Y, Yan H L, Jia N, Yang B, Li Z B, Zhang Y D, Esling C, Zhao X, Ren Q Y, Tong X, Zuo L 2023 Scr. Mater. 234 115544
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[13] Kainuma R, Imano Y, Ito W, Sutou Y, Morito H, Okamoto S, Kitakami O, Oikawa K, Fujita A, Kanomata T, Ishida K 2006 Nature 439 957
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[14] Pfeuffer L, Gràcia-Condal A, Gottschall T, Koch D, Faske T, Bruder E, Lemke J, Taubel A, Ener S, Scheibel F, Durst K, Skokov K P, Mañosa L, Planes A, Gutfleisch O 2021 Acta Mater. 217 117157
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[15] Chen F, Sánchez Llamazares J L, Sánchez-Valdés C F, Chen F H, Li Z B, Tong Y X, Li L 2020 J. Alloys Compd. 825 154053
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[16] Wen Z Q, Hou H, Tian J Z, Zhao Y H, Li H J, Han P D 2018 Intermetallics 92 15
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[17] Buchelnikov V D, Zagrebin M A, Sokolovskiy V V 2018 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 459 78
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[18] Ma Y X, Ni Z N, Luo H Z, Liu H Y, Meng F B, Liu E K, Wang W H, Wu G H 2017 Intermetallics 81 1
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[19] Li J Q, Li H Z, Jiang X X, Liu H Y, Luo H Z, Meng F B 2024 Appl. Phys. Lett. 124 222404
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[20] Zhang K, Tan C E, Guo E J, Feng Z C, Zhu J C, Tong Y X, Cai W 2018 J. Mater. Chem. C 6 5228
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[21] Liu B H, Luo H Z, Xin Y P, Zhang Y J, Meng F B, Liu H Y, Liu E K, Wang W H, Wu G H 2015 Solid State Commun. 222 23
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[22] Kreiner Kalache G A, Hausdorf S, Alijani V, Qian J F, Shan G C, Burkhardt U, Ouardi S, Felser C 2014 Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 640 738
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[23] Yang M, Hu Y L, Li X N, Li Z M, Zheng Y H, Li N J, Dong C 2022 J. Mater. Res. Technol. 17 1246
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[24] Lakharwal P, Ahmed H, Chaudhary V, Patel P C, Kandpal H C, Gujjar D 2024 J. Mater. Sci. 59 5470
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[25] Roy T, Gruner M E, Entel P, Chakrabarti A 2015 J. Alloys Compd. 632 822
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[27] Vanderbilt D 1990 Phys. Rev. B 41 7892
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[28] Perdew J P, Burke K, Ernzerhof M 1996 Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 3865
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[29] Meng F B, Hao H Y, Ma Y X, Guo X M, Luo H Z 2017 J. Alloys Compd. 695 2995
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[30] Wang X T, Cheng Z X, Yuan H K, Khenata R 2017 J. Mater. Chem. C 5 11559
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Sun K C, Liu S, Gao R R, Shi X Y, Liu H Y, Luo H Z 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 137101
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[32] Zhang Y J, Wang W H, Zhang H G, Liu E K, Ma R S, Wu G H 2013 Physica B 420 86
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[33] Grimvall G, Magyari-Köpe B, Ozoliņš V, Persson K A 2012 Rev. Mod. Phys. 84 945
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[34] Hatcher N, Kontsevoi O Y, Freeman A J 2009 Phys. Rev. B 80 144203
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[35] He W Q, Huang H B, Liu Z H, Ma X Q 2018 Chin. Phys. B 27 016201
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[36] Paul S, Sanyal B, Ghosh S 2015 J. Phys. Condens. Matter 27 035401
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[37] Haines J, Leger J M, Bocquillon G 2001 Annu. Rev. Mater. Res. 31 1
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[38] Zayak A T, Adeagbo W A, Entel P, Rabe K M 2006 Appl. Phys. Lett. 88 111903
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[39] Deltell A, Mohamed A E A, Alvarez-Alonso P, Ipatov M, Andres J P, Gonzalez J A, Sanchez T, Zhukov A, Escoda M L, Sunol J J, Anton R L 2021 J. Mater. Res. Technol. 12 1091
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[40] Perez-Checa A, Feuchtwanger J, Barandiaran J M, Sozinov A, Ullakko K, Chernenko V A 2018 Scr. Mater. 154 131
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Jin M, Bai J, Xu J X, Jiang X J, Zhang Y, Liu X, Zhao X, Zuo L 2023 Acta Phys. Sin. 72 046301
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[42] Li C M, Luo H B, Hu Q M, Yang R, Johansson B, Vitos L 2011 Phys. Rev. B 84 024206
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[43] Kundu A, Ghosh S, Ghosh S 2017 Phys. Rev. B 96 174107
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[44] Li G J, Liu E K, Wang W H, Wu G H 2023 Phys. Rev. B 107 134440
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[45] Felser C, Wollmann L, Chadov S, Fecher G H, Parkin S S P 2015 APL Mater. 3 041518
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