The multiple electronic phase transition achieved in the metastable perovskite (ReNiO3, where Re denotes a lanthanide rare-earth element) by using critical temperature, hydrogenation, electrical field and interfacial strain has attracted considerable attention in condensed matter physics and materials science, making it promising applications in the critical temperature thermistor, artificial intelligence, energy conversion and weak electric field sensing. Nevertheless, the above abundant applications are still bottlenecked by the intrinsically thermodynamic metastability related to ReNiO3. Herein, we synthesize the atomic-level flat ReNiO3 film material with thermodynamic metastability using laser molecular beam epitaxy (LMBE) that exhibits excellent thermally-driven electronic phase transitions. Notably, the interfacial heterogeneous nucleation of ReNiO3 film can be triggered by the template effect of (001)-oriented LaAlO3 substrates, owing to the similar lattice constants between LaAlO3 substrate and ReNiO3 film. In addition, we elucidate the key role of in situ annealing under oxygen-enriched atmosphere in stabilizing the distorted perovskite structure related to ReNiO3. Apart from the depositing process related to LMBE, the ReNiO3 with heavy rare-earth composition exhibits a more distorted NiO6 octahedron and a higher Gibbs free energy that is rather difficult to synthesize by using physical vacuum deposition. As a representative case, the in situ annealing-assisted LMBE process cannot be utilized to deposit the SmNiO3 film, in which the impurity peaks related to Re2O3 and NiO are observed in its XRD spectra. With the assistance of X-ray photoelectron spectraoscopy and near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure, the valence state of nickel for ReNiO3 is found to be +3, and the $t_{2{\mathrm{g}}}^6e_{\mathrm{g}}^1 $ configuration is observed. Considering the highly tunable electronic orbital configuration of ReNiO3 related to the NiO6 octahedron, co-occupying the A-site of perovskite structure with Nd and Sm elements regulates the transition temperature (TMIT) for ReNiO3 within a broad temperature range. Furthermore, we demonstrate the anisotropy in the electronic phase transitions for Nd1–xSmxNiO3, in which case the TMIT achieved in the Nd1–xSmxNiO3/LaAlO3 (111) heterostructure exceeds the one deposited on the (001)-oriented LaAlO3 substrate. The presently observed anisotropy in the electrical transportation for Nd1–xSmxNiO3 film material is related to the anisotropic in-plane NiO6 octahedron configuration triggered by differently oriented LaAlO3 substrates. The present work is expected to introduce a new degree of freedom to regulate the electronic phase transition, explore new electronic phase in ReNiO3 material system, and pave the way for growing atomic-level flat ReNiO3 film materials with expected electronic phase transitions.
- rare-earth functional material /
- metal-to-insulator transition /
- rare-earth nickelate /
- thermodynamically metastable film
[1] Ding X, Tam C C, Sui X L, Zhao Y, Xu M H, Choi J, Leng H Q, Zhang J, Wu M, Xiao H Y, Zu X T, Garcia-Fernandez M, Agrestini S, Wu X Q, Wang Q Y, Gao P, Li S A, Huang B, Zhou K J, Qiao L 2023 Nature 615 50
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[2] Jeong J, Aetukuri N, Graf T, Schladt T D, Samant M G, Parkin S S 2013 Science 339 1402
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[3] Vistoli L, Wang W B, Sander A, Zhu Q X, Casals B, Cichelero R, Barthélémy A, Fusil S, Herranz G, Valencia S, Abrudan R, Weschke E, Nakazawa K, Kohno H, Santamaria J, Wu W D, Garcia V, Bibes M 2019 Nat. Phys. 15 67
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[4] 周轩弛, 李海帆 2024 73 117102
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Zhou X C, Li H F 2024 Acta Phys. Sin. 73 117102
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[5] Zhou X C, Shang Y L, Gu Z J, Jiang G Z, Ozawa T, Mao W, Fukutani K, Matsuzaki H, Jiang Y, Chen N F, Chen J K 2024 Appl. Phys. Lett. 124 082103
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[6] Li D F, Lee K, Wang B Y, Osada M, Crossley S, Lee H R, Cui Y C, Hikita Y, Hwang H Y 2019 Nature 572 624
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[7] Bisogni V, Catalano S, Green R J, Gibert M, Scherwitzl R, Huang Y B, Strocov V N, Zubko P, Balandeh S, Triscone J M, Sawatzky G, Schmitt T 2016 Nat. Commun. 7 13017
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[8] Domínguez C, Georgescu A B, Mundet B, Zhang Y J, Fowlie J, Mercy A, Waelchli A, Catalano S, Alexander D T L, Ghosez P, Georges A, Millis A J, Gibert M, Triscone J M 2020 Nat. Mater. 19 1182
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[9] Song Q, Doyle S, Pan G A, El Baggari I, Segedin D F, Carrizales D C, Nordlander J, Tzschaschel C, Ehrets J R, Hasan Z, El-Sherif H, Krishna J, Hanson C, LaBollita H, Bostwick A, Jozwiak C, Rotenberg E, Xu S Y, Lanzara A, N'Diaye A T, Heikes C A, Liu Y H, Paik H, Brooks C M, Pamuk B, Heron J T, Shafer P, Ratcliff W D, Botana A S, Moreschini L, Mundy J A 2023 Nat. Phys. 19 522
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[10] Zhang H T, Park T J, Islam A, Tran D S J, Manna S, Wang Q, Mondal S, Yu H M, Banik S, Cheng S B, Zhou H, Gamage S, Mahapatra S, Zhu Y M, Abate Y, Jiang N, Sankaranarayanan S, Sengupta A, Teuscher C, Ramanathan S 2022 Science 375 533
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[11] Shi J, Zhou Y, Ramanathan S 2014 Nat. Commun. 5 4860
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[12] Shi J, Ha S D, Zhou Y, Schoofs F, Ramanathan S 2013 Nat. Commun. 4 2676
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[13] Scherwitzl R, Zubko P, Lezama I G, Ono S, Morpurgo A F, Catalan G, Triscone J M 2010 Adv. Mater. 22 5517
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[14] Phillips P J, Rui X, Georgescu A B, Disa A S, Longo P, Okunishi E, Walker F, Ahn C H, Ismail-Beigi S, Klie R F 2017 Phys. Rev. B 95 205131
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[15] Zhao W Y, Ma Z W, Shi Y, Fu R J, Wang K, Sui Y M, Xiao G J, Zou B 2023 Cell Rep. Phys. Sci. 4 101663
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[16] Zhao D L, Cong M, Liu Z, Ma Z W, Wang K, Xiao G J, Zou B 2023 Cell Rep. Phys. Sci. 4 101445
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[17] Shi Y, Zhao W Y, Ma Z W, Xiao G J, Zou B 2021 Chem. Sci. 12 14711
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[18] Zhou X C, Li H F, Jiao Y J, Zhou G W, Ji H H, Jiang Y, Xu X H 2024 Adv. Funct. Mater. 34 2316536
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[19] Zhang H T, Park T J, Zaluzhnyy I A, Wang Q, Wadekar S N, Manna S, Andrawis R, Sprau P O, Sun Y F, Zhang Z, Huang C Z, Zhou H, Zhang Z, Narayanan B, Srinivasan G, Hua N, Nazaretski E, Huang X J, Yan H F, Ge M Y, Chu Y S, Cherukara M J, Holt M V, Krishnamurthy M, Shpyrko O G, Sankaranarayanan S, Frano A, Roy K, Ramanathan S 2020 Nat. Commun. 11 2245
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[20] Zhang Z, Schwanz D, Narayanan B, Kotiuga M, Dura J A, Cherukara M, Zhou H, Freeland J W, Li J R, Sutarto R, He F Z, Wu C Z, Zhu J X, Sun Y F, Ramadoss K, Nonnenmann S S, Yu N F, Comin R, Rabe K M, Sankaranarayanan S, Ramanathan S 2018 Nature 553 68
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[21] Zhou Y, Guan X F, Zhou H, Ramadoss K, Adam S, Liu H J, Lee S, Shi J, Tsuchiya M, Fong D D, Ramanathan S 2016 Nature 534 231
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[22] Yang Z, Ko C, Ramanathan S 2011 Annu. Rev. Mater. Res. 41 337
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[23] Mattoni G, Zubko P, Maccherozzi F, van der Torren A J H, Boltje D B, Hadjimichael M, Manca N, Catalano S, Gibert M, Liu Y, Aarts J, Triscone J M, Dhesi S S, Caviglia A D 2016 Nat. Commun. 7 13141
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[24] Zhou X C, Li H F, Meng F Q, Mao W, Wang J O, Jiang Y, Fukutani K, Wilde M, Fugetsu B, Sakata I, Chen N F, Chen J K 2022 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 13 8078
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[25] Zhou X C, Cui Y C, Shang Y L, Li H F, Wang J O, Meng Y, Xu X, Jiang Y, Chen N F, Chen J K 2023 J. Phys. Chem. C 127 2639
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[26] Zhou X C, Li H F, Shang Y L, Meng F Q, Li Z A, Meng K K, Wu Y, Xu X G, Jiang Y, Chen N F, Chen J K 2023 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25 21908
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[27] Zhou X C, Jiao Y J, Li H F 2024 Appl. Phys. Lett. 125 032103
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[28] Schiffer P, Ramirez A P, Bao W, Cheong S W 1995 Phys. Rev. Lett. 75 3336
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[29] Catalano S, Gibert M, Fowlie J, Iñiguez J, Triscone J M, Kreisel J 2018 Rep. Prog. Phys. 81 046501
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[30] Nikulin I V, Novojilov M A, Kaul A R, Mudretsova S N, Kondrashov S V 2004 Mater. Res. Bull. 39 775
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[31] Escote M T, da Silva A M L, Matos J R, Jardim R F 2000 J. Solid State Chem. 151 298
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[32] Chen X G, Zhang X, Koten M A, Chen H H, Xiao Z Y, Zhang L, Shield J E, Dowben P A, Hong X 2017 Adv. Mater. 29 1701385
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[33] Hadjimichael M, Mundet B, Domínguez C, Waelchli A, De Luca G, Spring J, Jöhr S, Walker S M, Piamonteze C, Alexander D T L, Triscone J M, Gibert M 2023 Adv. Electron. Mater. 9 2201182
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[34] Demazeau G, Marbeuf A, Pouchard M, Hagenmuller P 1971 J. Solid State Chem. 3 582
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[35] Chen J K, Li Z A, Dong H L, Xu J N, Wang V, Feng Z J, Chen Z Q, Chen B, Chen N F, Mao H K 2020 Adv. Funct. Mater. 30 2000987
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[36] Chen J K, Hu H Y, Wang J O, Yajima T, Ge B H, Ke X Y, Dong H L, Jiang Y, Chen N F 2019 Mater. Horiz. 6 788
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[37] Chen J H, Chen J K, Ren Z Y, Zhao D D, Wang M X, Miao J, Xu X G, Jiang Y, Chen N F 2021 J. Rare Earths 39 174
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[38] Zhou X C, Wu Y, Yan F B, Zhang T Z, Ke X Y, Meng K K, Xu X G, Li Z P, Miao J, Chen J K, Jiang Y 2021 Ceram. Int. 47 25574
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[39] Catalan G 2008 Phase Transit. 81 729
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[40] Zhou X C, Mao W, Cui Y C, Zhang H, Liu Q, Nie K Q, Xu X G, Jiang Y, Chen N F, Chen J K 2023 Adv. Funct. Mater. 33 2303416
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[41] Zhong J, Li Z, Zheng Y Q, Jiang P H, Zhang F, Zhang T, Cui Y C, Zhong Z C, Chen N F, Chen J K 2023 J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 106 5067
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[42] Chen J K, Hu H Y, Meng F Q, Yajima T, Yang L X, Ge B H, Ke X Y, Wang J O, Jiang Y, Chen N F 2020 Matter 2 1296
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图 1 稀土镍酸盐(ReNiO3)的电子相变特性 (a) ReNiO3的晶体结构及 ReNiO3绝缘相的电子结构和扭曲的NiO6八面体; (b) ReNiO3的TMIT随其扭曲钙钛矿结构容忍因子的变化; (c) 温度为1100 K时ReNiO3的吉布斯自由能(ΔG)随稀土离子半径的变化
Figure 1. Electronic phase transitions for rare-earth nickelates (ReNiO3): (a) Crystal structure for ReNiO3 and the electronic structure and distorted NiO6 octahedron for the insulating phase of ReNiO3; (b) transition temperature (TMIT) for ReNiO3 plotted as a function of the tolerance factor of distorted perovskite structure; (c) Gibbs free energy (ΔG) for ReNiO3 plotted as a function of the ionic radius of Re elements at 1100 K.
图 2 揭示高氧压原位退火在沉积ReNiO3薄膜中的关键作用 (a) 未经原位退火、经原位退火及放置空气中4个月后NdNiO3的X射线衍射图谱(XRD); (b) 经原位退火NdNiO3薄膜的原子力显微镜(AFM)图; (c) 原位退火、放置于空气中4个月及未经原位退火NdNiO3的阻温特性曲线(ρ-T曲线); (d) 原位退火及未经原位退火NdNiO3的电阻温度系数与温度的变化关系图(TCR -T曲线), 插图为本工作制备的NdNiO3薄膜的归一化特性曲线与文献[36]的对比图
Figure 2. Revealing the critical role of in situ annealing upon high oxygen pressure in depositing the ReNiO3 film material: (a) X-ray diffraction for the as-deposited NdNiO3 film before and after in-situ annealing and exposed to the air for 4 months; (b) image of atomic force microscope for NdNiO3 film upon in-situ annealing; (c) resistance temperature characteristic curves (ρ-T tendency) of NdNiO3 after in-situ annealing, 4 months in air, and without in-situ annealing; (d) temperature dependance of the temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR) for the NdNiO3 film before and after in-situ annealing, while the normalized ρ-T tendency for as-deposited NdNiO3 film as compared for the previously reported one were shown in the inset [36].
图 3 所制备NdNiO3薄膜的X射线光电子能谱(XPS) (a) Ni-2p核心能级, (b) O-1s核心能级. 所制备NdNiO3薄膜的同步辐射X射线近边吸收谱(NEXAFS) (c) Ni-L边, (d) O-K边
Figure 3. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) for NdNiO3 film: (a) Ni-2p core-level peak; (b) O-1s core-level peak. Near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) for NdNiO3 film: (c) Ni-L edge, (d) O-K edge.
图 4 Nd1–xSmxNiO3薄膜的晶体结构和电子相变特性 (a) Nd1–xSmxNiO3 (x = 0, 0.25, 0.5) 薄膜的XRD图谱, 插图为Nd1–xSmxNiO3 (x = 0.75, 1) 薄膜的XRD图谱; (b) Nd1–xSmxNiO3 (x = 0, 0.25, 0.5) 薄膜c轴晶格参数随A位Sm元素共占据比例的变化关系图; (c) Nd1–xSmxNiO3 (x = 0, 0.25)薄膜的阻温特性曲线; (d) Nd1–xSmxNiO3 (x = 0, 0.25) 薄膜的相变温度随A位Sm元素共占据比例的变化关系图, 插图为Nd1–xSmxNiO3 (x = 0, 0.25, 0.5) 薄膜的TCR-T曲线
Figure 4. Crystal structure and electronic phase transition for Nd1–xSmxNiO3 film material: (a) The XRD spectra for as-deposited Nd1–xSmxNiO3 films (x = 0, 0.25, 0.5), while the XRD spectra for as-deposited Nd1–xSmxNiO3 films (x = 0.75, 1) was shown in the inset; (b) the c-axis lattice constant for Nd1–xSmxNiO3 (x = 0, 0.25, 0.5) films plotted as a function of Sm substituting concentration; (c) the ρ-T tendency for Nd1–xSmxNiO3 films (x = 0, 0.25); (d) TMIT for as-grown Nd1–xSmxNiO3 (x = 0, 0.25) films plotted as a function of Sm substituting concentration; while the TCR-T tendency as achieved in the Nd1–xSmxNiO3 (x = 0, 0.25, 0.5) film was shown in the inset.
图 5 Nd1–xSmxNiO3电输运特性的各向异性 (a) 不同取向NdNiO3薄膜的XRD图谱; (b)不同取向 NdNiO3的归一化阻温特性曲线; (c) NdNiO3相变温度随晶体学取向的变化关系图, 插图中为NdNiO3/LAO(111)异质结的AFM图; (d) 不同取向Nd1–xSmxNiO3薄膜的归一化阻温特性曲线, 插图为其XRD图谱
Figure 5. Anisotropy in the electrical transport properties for Nd1–xSmxNiO3: (a) XRD spectra for differently oriented NdNiO3 films; (b) the normalized ρ-T tendency for differently oriented NdNiO3 films; (c) TMIT for NdNiO3 films plotted as a function of crystallographic orientation, while the respective AFM spectra of NdNiO3/LAO (111) heterostructure was shown in the inset; (d) the normalized ρ-T tendency for differently oriented Nd1–xSmxNiO3 films, while the respective XRD spectra are shown in the inset.
[1] Ding X, Tam C C, Sui X L, Zhao Y, Xu M H, Choi J, Leng H Q, Zhang J, Wu M, Xiao H Y, Zu X T, Garcia-Fernandez M, Agrestini S, Wu X Q, Wang Q Y, Gao P, Li S A, Huang B, Zhou K J, Qiao L 2023 Nature 615 50
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[2] Jeong J, Aetukuri N, Graf T, Schladt T D, Samant M G, Parkin S S 2013 Science 339 1402
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[3] Vistoli L, Wang W B, Sander A, Zhu Q X, Casals B, Cichelero R, Barthélémy A, Fusil S, Herranz G, Valencia S, Abrudan R, Weschke E, Nakazawa K, Kohno H, Santamaria J, Wu W D, Garcia V, Bibes M 2019 Nat. Phys. 15 67
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[4] 周轩弛, 李海帆 2024 73 117102
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Zhou X C, Li H F 2024 Acta Phys. Sin. 73 117102
Google Scholar
[5] Zhou X C, Shang Y L, Gu Z J, Jiang G Z, Ozawa T, Mao W, Fukutani K, Matsuzaki H, Jiang Y, Chen N F, Chen J K 2024 Appl. Phys. Lett. 124 082103
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[6] Li D F, Lee K, Wang B Y, Osada M, Crossley S, Lee H R, Cui Y C, Hikita Y, Hwang H Y 2019 Nature 572 624
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[7] Bisogni V, Catalano S, Green R J, Gibert M, Scherwitzl R, Huang Y B, Strocov V N, Zubko P, Balandeh S, Triscone J M, Sawatzky G, Schmitt T 2016 Nat. Commun. 7 13017
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[8] Domínguez C, Georgescu A B, Mundet B, Zhang Y J, Fowlie J, Mercy A, Waelchli A, Catalano S, Alexander D T L, Ghosez P, Georges A, Millis A J, Gibert M, Triscone J M 2020 Nat. Mater. 19 1182
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[9] Song Q, Doyle S, Pan G A, El Baggari I, Segedin D F, Carrizales D C, Nordlander J, Tzschaschel C, Ehrets J R, Hasan Z, El-Sherif H, Krishna J, Hanson C, LaBollita H, Bostwick A, Jozwiak C, Rotenberg E, Xu S Y, Lanzara A, N'Diaye A T, Heikes C A, Liu Y H, Paik H, Brooks C M, Pamuk B, Heron J T, Shafer P, Ratcliff W D, Botana A S, Moreschini L, Mundy J A 2023 Nat. Phys. 19 522
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[10] Zhang H T, Park T J, Islam A, Tran D S J, Manna S, Wang Q, Mondal S, Yu H M, Banik S, Cheng S B, Zhou H, Gamage S, Mahapatra S, Zhu Y M, Abate Y, Jiang N, Sankaranarayanan S, Sengupta A, Teuscher C, Ramanathan S 2022 Science 375 533
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[11] Shi J, Zhou Y, Ramanathan S 2014 Nat. Commun. 5 4860
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[12] Shi J, Ha S D, Zhou Y, Schoofs F, Ramanathan S 2013 Nat. Commun. 4 2676
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[13] Scherwitzl R, Zubko P, Lezama I G, Ono S, Morpurgo A F, Catalan G, Triscone J M 2010 Adv. Mater. 22 5517
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[14] Phillips P J, Rui X, Georgescu A B, Disa A S, Longo P, Okunishi E, Walker F, Ahn C H, Ismail-Beigi S, Klie R F 2017 Phys. Rev. B 95 205131
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[15] Zhao W Y, Ma Z W, Shi Y, Fu R J, Wang K, Sui Y M, Xiao G J, Zou B 2023 Cell Rep. Phys. Sci. 4 101663
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[16] Zhao D L, Cong M, Liu Z, Ma Z W, Wang K, Xiao G J, Zou B 2023 Cell Rep. Phys. Sci. 4 101445
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[17] Shi Y, Zhao W Y, Ma Z W, Xiao G J, Zou B 2021 Chem. Sci. 12 14711
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[18] Zhou X C, Li H F, Jiao Y J, Zhou G W, Ji H H, Jiang Y, Xu X H 2024 Adv. Funct. Mater. 34 2316536
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[19] Zhang H T, Park T J, Zaluzhnyy I A, Wang Q, Wadekar S N, Manna S, Andrawis R, Sprau P O, Sun Y F, Zhang Z, Huang C Z, Zhou H, Zhang Z, Narayanan B, Srinivasan G, Hua N, Nazaretski E, Huang X J, Yan H F, Ge M Y, Chu Y S, Cherukara M J, Holt M V, Krishnamurthy M, Shpyrko O G, Sankaranarayanan S, Frano A, Roy K, Ramanathan S 2020 Nat. Commun. 11 2245
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[20] Zhang Z, Schwanz D, Narayanan B, Kotiuga M, Dura J A, Cherukara M, Zhou H, Freeland J W, Li J R, Sutarto R, He F Z, Wu C Z, Zhu J X, Sun Y F, Ramadoss K, Nonnenmann S S, Yu N F, Comin R, Rabe K M, Sankaranarayanan S, Ramanathan S 2018 Nature 553 68
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[21] Zhou Y, Guan X F, Zhou H, Ramadoss K, Adam S, Liu H J, Lee S, Shi J, Tsuchiya M, Fong D D, Ramanathan S 2016 Nature 534 231
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[22] Yang Z, Ko C, Ramanathan S 2011 Annu. Rev. Mater. Res. 41 337
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[23] Mattoni G, Zubko P, Maccherozzi F, van der Torren A J H, Boltje D B, Hadjimichael M, Manca N, Catalano S, Gibert M, Liu Y, Aarts J, Triscone J M, Dhesi S S, Caviglia A D 2016 Nat. Commun. 7 13141
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[24] Zhou X C, Li H F, Meng F Q, Mao W, Wang J O, Jiang Y, Fukutani K, Wilde M, Fugetsu B, Sakata I, Chen N F, Chen J K 2022 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 13 8078
Google Scholar
[25] Zhou X C, Cui Y C, Shang Y L, Li H F, Wang J O, Meng Y, Xu X, Jiang Y, Chen N F, Chen J K 2023 J. Phys. Chem. C 127 2639
Google Scholar
[26] Zhou X C, Li H F, Shang Y L, Meng F Q, Li Z A, Meng K K, Wu Y, Xu X G, Jiang Y, Chen N F, Chen J K 2023 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25 21908
Google Scholar
[27] Zhou X C, Jiao Y J, Li H F 2024 Appl. Phys. Lett. 125 032103
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[28] Schiffer P, Ramirez A P, Bao W, Cheong S W 1995 Phys. Rev. Lett. 75 3336
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[29] Catalano S, Gibert M, Fowlie J, Iñiguez J, Triscone J M, Kreisel J 2018 Rep. Prog. Phys. 81 046501
Google Scholar
[30] Nikulin I V, Novojilov M A, Kaul A R, Mudretsova S N, Kondrashov S V 2004 Mater. Res. Bull. 39 775
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[31] Escote M T, da Silva A M L, Matos J R, Jardim R F 2000 J. Solid State Chem. 151 298
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[32] Chen X G, Zhang X, Koten M A, Chen H H, Xiao Z Y, Zhang L, Shield J E, Dowben P A, Hong X 2017 Adv. Mater. 29 1701385
Google Scholar
[33] Hadjimichael M, Mundet B, Domínguez C, Waelchli A, De Luca G, Spring J, Jöhr S, Walker S M, Piamonteze C, Alexander D T L, Triscone J M, Gibert M 2023 Adv. Electron. Mater. 9 2201182
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[34] Demazeau G, Marbeuf A, Pouchard M, Hagenmuller P 1971 J. Solid State Chem. 3 582
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[35] Chen J K, Li Z A, Dong H L, Xu J N, Wang V, Feng Z J, Chen Z Q, Chen B, Chen N F, Mao H K 2020 Adv. Funct. Mater. 30 2000987
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[36] Chen J K, Hu H Y, Wang J O, Yajima T, Ge B H, Ke X Y, Dong H L, Jiang Y, Chen N F 2019 Mater. Horiz. 6 788
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[37] Chen J H, Chen J K, Ren Z Y, Zhao D D, Wang M X, Miao J, Xu X G, Jiang Y, Chen N F 2021 J. Rare Earths 39 174
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[38] Zhou X C, Wu Y, Yan F B, Zhang T Z, Ke X Y, Meng K K, Xu X G, Li Z P, Miao J, Chen J K, Jiang Y 2021 Ceram. Int. 47 25574
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[39] Catalan G 2008 Phase Transit. 81 729
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[40] Zhou X C, Mao W, Cui Y C, Zhang H, Liu Q, Nie K Q, Xu X G, Jiang Y, Chen N F, Chen J K 2023 Adv. Funct. Mater. 33 2303416
Google Scholar
[41] Zhong J, Li Z, Zheng Y Q, Jiang P H, Zhang F, Zhang T, Cui Y C, Zhong Z C, Chen N F, Chen J K 2023 J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 106 5067
Google Scholar
[42] Chen J K, Hu H Y, Meng F Q, Yajima T, Yang L X, Ge B H, Ke X Y, Wang J O, Jiang Y, Chen N F 2020 Matter 2 1296
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