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First principles study on polarization and piezoelectric properties of group substitution regulated lead-free organic perovskite ferroelectrics

Zheng Peng-Fei Liu Zhi-Xu Wang Chao Liu Wei-Fang


First principles study on polarization and piezoelectric properties of group substitution regulated lead-free organic perovskite ferroelectrics

Zheng Peng-Fei, Liu Zhi-Xu, Wang Chao, Liu Wei-Fang
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Organic ferroelectrics are desirable for the applications in the field of wearable electronics due to their eco-friendly process-ability, mechanical flexibility, low processing temperatures, and lightweight. In this work, we use five organic groups as substitution for organic cation and study the effects of organic cations on the structural stability, electronic structure, mechanical properties and spontaneous polarization of metal-free perovskite A-NH4-(PF6)3 (A = MDABCO, CNDABCO, ODABCO, NODABCO, SHDABCO) through first-principles calculations. Firstly, the stabilities of the five materials are calculated by molecular dynamics simulations, and the energy values of all systems are negative and stable after 500 fs, which demonstrates the stabilities of the five materials at 300 K. The electronic structure calculation shows that the organic perovskite materials have wide band gap with a value of about 7.05 eV. The valence band maximum (VBM) and Cconduction band minimum (CBM) are occupied by different elements, which is conductive to the separation of electrons and holes. We find that organic cations have an important contribution to the spontaneous polarization of materials, with a contribution rate over 50%. The presence of hydrogen atoms in the substituting groups (MDABCO, ODABCO) enhances the hydrogen bond interaction between the organic cations and ${\rm PF}_6^- $ and increases the displacement of the organic cation, resulting in an increase in the contribution of the polarization of the organic cation to the total polarization. In addition, we observe large piezoelectric strain components, the calculated value of d33 is 36.5 pC/N for CNDABCO-NH4-(PF6)3, 32.3 pC/N for SHNDABCO-NH4-(PF6)3, which is larger than the known value of d33 of MDABCO-NH4-I3(14pC/N). The calculated value of d14 is 57.5 pC/N for ODABCO-NH4-(PF6)3, 27.5 pC/N for NODABCO-NH4-(PF6)3. These components are at a high level among known organic perovskite materials and comparable to many known inorganic crystals. The large value of d14 is found to be closely related to the large value of elastic compliance tensor s44. The analysis of Young’s modulus and bulk’s modulus shows that these organic perovskite materials have good ductility. These results indicate that these organic materials are excellent candidates for future environmentally friendly piezoelectric materials.
      Corresponding author: Liu Wei-Fang,
    • Funds: Project support by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51572193).

    Kieslich G, Sun S J, Cheetham A K 2014 Chem. Sci. 5 4712Google Scholar


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    Zhao Y X, Zhu K 2016 Chem. Soc. Rev. 45 655Google Scholar


    Mischenko A S, Zhang Q, Scott J F, Whatmore R W, Mathur N D 2006 Science 311 1270Google Scholar


    Peña M A, Fierro J 2001 Chem. Rev. 101 1981Google Scholar


    郑隆立, 齐世超, 王春明, 石磊, 2019 68 147701Google Scholar

    Zheng L L, Qi S C, Wang C M, Shi L 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 147701Google Scholar


    Neaten J B, Ederer C, Waghmare U V, Spaldin N A, Rabe K M 2005 Phys. Rev. B 71 14111Google Scholar


    Lebeugle D, Colson D, Forget A, Viret M 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 91 22907Google Scholar


    Palkar V R, Kundaliya D C, Malik S K 2003 J. Appl. Phys. 93 4337Google Scholar


    Gao W X, Chang L, Ma H, You L, Yin J, Liu J M, Liu Z G, Wang J L, Yuan G L 2015 NPG Asia Mater. 7 e189Google Scholar


    Xu W J, Kopyl S, Kholkin A, Rocha J 2019 Coordin. Chem. Rev. 387 398Google Scholar


    Nandi P, Topwal D, Park N G, Shin H 2020 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 53 493002Google Scholar


    Köhnen E, Jost M, Morales-Vilches A B, Tockhorn P, Al-Ashouri A, Macco B, Kegelmann L, Korte L, Rech B, Schlatmann R, Stannowski B, Albrecht S 2019 Sustain. Energ. Fuels 3 1995Google Scholar


    Sahli F, Werner J, Kamino B A, Bräuninger M, Monnard R, Paviet-Salomon B, Barraud L, Ding L, Diaz Leon J J, Sacchetto D, Cattaneo G, Despeisse M, Boccard M, Nicolay S, Jeangros Q, Niesen B, Ballif C 2018 Nat. Mater. 17 820Google Scholar


    Yang W S, Park B, Jung E H, Jeon N J, Kim Y C, Lee D U, Shin S S, Seo J, Kim E K, Noh J H, Seok S I 2017 Science 356 1376Google Scholar


    Yun J S, Park C K, Jeong Y H, Cho J H, Paik J, Yoon S H, Hwang K 2016 Nanomater. Nanotechno. 6 20Google Scholar


    Ye H Y, Tang Y Y, Li P F, Liao W Q, Gao J X, Hua X N, Cai H, Shi P P, You Y M, Xiong R G 2018 Science 361 151Google Scholar


    Fu D W, Cai H L, Liu Y M, Ye Q, Zhang W, Zhang Y, Chen X Y, Giovannetti G, Capone M, Li J Y, Xiong R G 2013 Science 339 425Google Scholar


    Wang H, Liu H H, Zhang Z Y, Liu Z H, Lv Z L, Li T W, Ju W W, Li H S, Cai X W, Han H 2019 npj Comput. Mater 5 17Google Scholar


    Wu H S, Wei S, Chen S W, Pan H C, Pan W P, Huang S, Tsai M, Yang P 2022 Adv. Sci. 9 2105974Google Scholar


    Choi H S, Li S N, Park I, Liew W H, Zhu Z Y, Kwon K C, Wang L, Oh I, Zheng S S, Su C L, Xu Q H, Yao K, Pan F, Loh K P 2022 Nat. Commun. 13 794Google Scholar


    Sun M J, Zheng C, Gao Y, Johnston A, Najarian A M, Wang P X, Voznyy O, Hoogland S, Sargent E H 2021 Adv. Mater. 33 2006368Google Scholar


    Kasel T W, Deng Z Y, Mroz A M, Hendon C H, Butler K T, Canepa P 2019 Chem. Sci. 10 8187Google Scholar


    Kresse, Furthmuller 1996 Phys. Rev. B 54 11169Google Scholar


    Kresse, Hafner 1994 Phys. Review. B 49 14251Google Scholar


    Kresse, Hafner 1993 Phys. Review. B 47 558Google Scholar


    Spaldin N A 2012 J. Solid State Chem. 195 2Google Scholar


    Li Z Z, Li Z H, Peng G Q, Shi C, Wang H X, Ding S Y, Wang Q, Liu Z T, Jin Z W 2023 Adv. Mater. 35 2300480Google Scholar


    King-Smith R D, Vanderbilt D 1993 Phys. Rev. B 48 4442Google Scholar


    Vanderbilt D, King-Smith R D 1993 Phys. Rev. B 47 1651Google Scholar


    Wang X M, Yan Y F 2022 arXiv: 2206.11137v1 [cond-mat. mtrl-sci]


    Singh J, Kaur H, Singh G, Tripathi S K 2021 Mater. Today Energy 21 100820Google Scholar


    Al-Qaisi S, Rai D P, Haq B U, Ahmed R, Vu T V, Khuili M, Tahir S A, Alhashim H H 2021 Mater. Chem. Phys. 258 123945Google Scholar


    Kiely E, Zwane R, Fox R, Reilly A M, Guerin S 2021 CrystEngComm 23 5697Google Scholar


    Mouhat F, Coudert F 2014 Phys. Rev. B 90 224104Google Scholar


    Haid S, Bouadjemi B, Houari M, Matougui M, Lantri T, Bentata S, Aziz Z 2019 Solid State Commun. 294 29Google Scholar


    Birch F 1938 J. Appl. Phys. 9 279Google Scholar


    Kholil M I, Bhuiyan M T H 2020 Solid State Commun. 322 114053Google Scholar


    Crisler D F, Cupal J J, Moore A R 1968 P. IEEE 56 225Google Scholar


    Weis R S, Gaylord T K 1985 Appl. Phys. A 37 191Google Scholar


    Joffe H, Berlincourt D, Krueger H, Shiozawa L 1960 14th Annual Symposium on Frequency Control Atlantic City, NJ, USA May 21–June 2 1960 p19


    Vanderbilt D, Hamann D R, Wu X F 2005 Phys. Rev. B 72 35105Google Scholar


    X Y H 1991 Ferroelectric Materials and Their Applications (Netherlands: Amsterdam


    Li F L, Tian S W, Wu G D, Jiang C, Wu F P, Zhao X 2019 Symposium on Piezoelectrcity, Acoustic Waves and Device Applications Shijiazhuang, China, November 1–4, 2019 p1


    Guy I L, Muensit S, Goldys E M 1999 Appl. Phys. Lett. 75 4133Google Scholar


    Irzhak D, Roshchupkin D, Fahrtdinov R 2012 Proceedings of ISAF-ECAPD-PFM 2012 Aveiro, Portugal, July 9–13 2012 p1

  • 图 1  甲基替换H原子打破阳离子对称性

    Figure 1.  Replacing H atoms with methyl groups to break cation symmetry.

    图 2  (a) MDABCO2+, ${\mathrm{NH}}_4^+ $, ${\text{PF}}_6^ - $结构示意图; (b) 沿a轴观察的MDABCO-NP3的原胞; (c) 不同基团取代之后的阳离子; (d) MDABCO-NP3的原胞; (e)沿着[111]方向观察到的MDABCO-NP3的原胞; (f) 沿a轴观察的MDABCO-NP3的晶胞

    Figure 2.  (a) Structures of MDABCO2+, ${\mathrm{NH}}_4^+ $, ${\text{PF}}_6^ - $ components; (b) the primitive cell of MDABCO-NP3 viewed along the a-axis; (c) cations substituted with different functionalities; (d) the primitive cell of MDABCO-NP3; (e) the primitive cell of MDABCO-NP3 viewed along [111] direction; (f) the unit cell of MDABCO-NP3 viewed along a-axis.

    图 3  (a) A-NP3的结合能; (b) A-NP3在300 K条件下的分子动力学模拟

    Figure 3.  (a) Binding energy of A-NP3; (b) molecular dynamics simulation of A-NP3 under 300 K conditions.

    图 4  (a) 5种材料的总态密度; (b)—(f)分别为NODABCO-NP3, SHDABCO-NP3, ODABCO-NP3, CNDABCO-NP3, MDABCO-NP3的投影态密度 ; 费米能级设置为0 eV

    Figure 4.  (a) Total density of states for A-NP3; (b)–(f) projected density of states of (b) NODABCO-NP3, (c) SHDABCO-NP3, (d) ODABCO-NP3, (e) CNDABCO-NP3, (f) MDABCO-NP3. Fermi level is set to zero.

    图 5  R3到+R3结构的转变过程 (a) –R3铁电相 (λ = –1)结构; (b)中间相变结构(λ =0); (c) +R3铁电相(λ = 1)结构; (d) 类反铁电($ {\lambda }' = -1$)结构

    Figure 5.  Transformation of –R3 to +R3 structure: (a) –R3 ferroelectric phase (λ = –1) structure; (b) intermediate phase transition structure (λ = 0); (c) +R3 ferroelectric phase (λ = 1) structure; (d) quasi-antiferroelectric phase structure ($ {\lambda }' =-1$).

    图 6  计算的(a) MDABCO-NP3, (b) SHDABCO-NP3, (c) NODABCO-NP3, (d) ODABCO- NP3, (e) CNDABCO-NP3的经极化量子数修正的和未修正的极化值; (f) 5种材料总的极化值

    Figure 6.  Calculated polarization value of (a) MDABCO-NP3, (b) SHDABCO-NP3, (c) NODABCO-NP3, (d) ODABCO-NP3, (e) CNDABCO-NP3 with and without correction for polarization quantum; (f) the total polarization values of five materials.

    图 7  体系的差分电荷密度 (a) MDABCO-NP3; (b) SHDABCO-NP3; (c) NODABCO-NP3; (d) OHDABCO-NP3; (e) CNDABCO-NP3

    Figure 7.  Differential charge density distribution of differ systems: (a) MDABCO-NP3; (b) SHDABCO-NP3; (c) NODABCO-NP3; (d) OHDABCO-NP3; (e) CNDABCO-NP3.

    图 8  计算的 A-NP3的(a) 压电应变张量和(b) 压电应力张量

    Figure 8.  Calculated piezoelectric strain (a) and stress (b) tensor of A-NP3.

    表 1  采用PBE和PBE+D3方法优化后的A-NP3的晶格结构参数

    Table 1.  Structural optimization of A-NP3 by using PBE and PBE+D3 methods.

    Material Method a α/(°) V3
    MDABCO-NP3 PBE 7.89(0.57%) 84.91(0.06%) 485.51
    PBE+D3 7.73(–1.46%) 84.55(–0.36%) 478.25
    Exp 7.84 84.86 496.46
    SHDABCO-NP3 PBE 7.93 83.84 489.86
    PBE+D3 7.74 83.18 483.46
    NODABCO-NP3 PBE 7.95 83.74 493.15
    PBE+D3 7.84 81.25 485.65
    ODABCO-NP3 PBE 7.85 85.2 478.75
    PBE+D3 7.75 83.65 475.21
    CNDABCO-NP3 PBE 10.58 85.21 477.19
    PBE+D3 9.28 83.48 486.48
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  A位阳离子的极化PA (μC/cm2)和材料的总极化PS (μC/cm2)及阳离子的极化对总极化的贡献PA/PS

    Table 2.  Polarization of A-site cations (PA) and total polarization of materials (PS) and the contribution of cation polarization to total polarization (PA/PS).

    Materials PA PS PA/PS
    SHDABCO-NP3 2.4 3.8 0.64
    NODABCO-NP3 2.6 4.2 0.63
    ODABCO-NP3 4.3 6.0 0.71
    MDABCO-NP3 4.3 6.3 0.68
    CNDABCO-NP3 5.7 9.4 0.61
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 3  计算的A-NP3的弹性刚度张量Cij、体积模量B、剪切模量G、杨氏模量E (GPa)、皮尤比(B/G)和泊松比$ \nu $

    Table 3.  Calculated elastic tensor coefficients Cij , bulk modulu B, shear modulu G, Young’s modulu E(GPa), Pugh’s and Poisson’s ratios of A-NP3.

    Materials C11 C33 C44 C12 C13 C14 C25 B G E B/G ν
    MDABCO-NP3 32.9 15.9 8.2 15.9 16.3 0.8 0.1 21.4 8.2 21.8 2.6 0.3
    ODABCO-NP3 21.9 7.2 6.7 7.2 14.4 0.2 0.4 18.4 3.6 10.2 2.8 0.3
    CNDABCO-NP3 35.2 19.4 6.6 19.4 22.8 0.6 1.3 25.7 6.7 18.4 4.0 0.4
    SHDABCO-NP3 32.4 21.8 8.6 21.8 24.1 4.8 4.4 25.9 7.3 20.1 4.1 0.4
    NODABCO-NP3 36.2 19.7 4.4 19.7 19.7 0.3 0.4 25.0 5.9 16.5 4.5 0.4
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 7  代表性无机、有机压电体对CNDABCO-NP3和SHDABCO-NP3的压电分量d33的对比.

    Table 7.  Comparison of piezoelectric component d33 of representative inorganic, organic piezoelectrics to CNDABCO-NP3 and SHDABCO-NP3.

    LiNbO3, LN[42]6.0
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 8  代表性无机、有机压电体对MDABCO-NP3, NODABCO-NP3 和ODABCO-NP3的压电分量d14的对比

    Table 8.  Comparison of piezoelectric component d14 of representative inorganic, organic piezoelectrics to MDABCO-NP3, NODABCO-NP3 and ODABCO-NP3.

    La3Ga5.5Ta0.5O14, LGT[46]5.0
    Ca3TaGa3Si2O14, CTGS[48]24.3
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 4  A-NP3的压电应变张量dij (pC/N)

    Table 4.  Piezoelectric strain tensor dij of A-NP3 (pC/N).

    DownLoad: CSV

    表 5  A-NP3的压电应力张量eij (C/m2)

    Table 5.  Piezoelectric stress tensor eij of A-NP3 (C/m2).

    DownLoad: CSV

    表 6  A-NP3的柔性刚度张量sij (10–12 m/N).

    Table 6.  Elastic compliance tensor sij of A-NP3 (10–12 m/N).

    Materials s11 s33 s44 s12 s13 s14 s25
    MDABCO-NP3 48.8 49.8 130.3 –16.8 –16.7 3.2 0.6
    ODABCO-NP3 38.4 57.2 247.3 –9.0 –17.6 18 45.5
    CNDABCO-NP3 56.9 85.4 157.3 –8.8 –35.7 –5.5 13.3
    SHDABCO-NP3 124.7 142.4 218.9 –37.0 –79.2 –60.1 5.0
    NODABCO-NP3 46.8 51.2 199.0 –16.6 –17.2 17.1 19.9
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    Sessolo M, Bolink H J 2011 Adv. Mater. 23 1829Google Scholar


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    Haertling G H 1999 J. Am. Cera. Soc. 82 797Google Scholar


    Zhao Y X, Zhu K 2016 Chem. Soc. Rev. 45 655Google Scholar


    Mischenko A S, Zhang Q, Scott J F, Whatmore R W, Mathur N D 2006 Science 311 1270Google Scholar


    Peña M A, Fierro J 2001 Chem. Rev. 101 1981Google Scholar


    郑隆立, 齐世超, 王春明, 石磊, 2019 68 147701Google Scholar

    Zheng L L, Qi S C, Wang C M, Shi L 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 147701Google Scholar


    Neaten J B, Ederer C, Waghmare U V, Spaldin N A, Rabe K M 2005 Phys. Rev. B 71 14111Google Scholar


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    Gao W X, Chang L, Ma H, You L, Yin J, Liu J M, Liu Z G, Wang J L, Yuan G L 2015 NPG Asia Mater. 7 e189Google Scholar


    Xu W J, Kopyl S, Kholkin A, Rocha J 2019 Coordin. Chem. Rev. 387 398Google Scholar


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    Choi H S, Li S N, Park I, Liew W H, Zhu Z Y, Kwon K C, Wang L, Oh I, Zheng S S, Su C L, Xu Q H, Yao K, Pan F, Loh K P 2022 Nat. Commun. 13 794Google Scholar


    Sun M J, Zheng C, Gao Y, Johnston A, Najarian A M, Wang P X, Voznyy O, Hoogland S, Sargent E H 2021 Adv. Mater. 33 2006368Google Scholar


    Kasel T W, Deng Z Y, Mroz A M, Hendon C H, Butler K T, Canepa P 2019 Chem. Sci. 10 8187Google Scholar


    Kresse, Furthmuller 1996 Phys. Rev. B 54 11169Google Scholar


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    Spaldin N A 2012 J. Solid State Chem. 195 2Google Scholar


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    Singh J, Kaur H, Singh G, Tripathi S K 2021 Mater. Today Energy 21 100820Google Scholar


    Al-Qaisi S, Rai D P, Haq B U, Ahmed R, Vu T V, Khuili M, Tahir S A, Alhashim H H 2021 Mater. Chem. Phys. 258 123945Google Scholar


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    Haid S, Bouadjemi B, Houari M, Matougui M, Lantri T, Bentata S, Aziz Z 2019 Solid State Commun. 294 29Google Scholar


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    Li F L, Tian S W, Wu G D, Jiang C, Wu F P, Zhao X 2019 Symposium on Piezoelectrcity, Acoustic Waves and Device Applications Shijiazhuang, China, November 1–4, 2019 p1


    Guy I L, Muensit S, Goldys E M 1999 Appl. Phys. Lett. 75 4133Google Scholar


    Irzhak D, Roshchupkin D, Fahrtdinov R 2012 Proceedings of ISAF-ECAPD-PFM 2012 Aveiro, Portugal, July 9–13 2012 p1

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Publishing process
  • Received Date:  18 March 2024
  • Accepted Date:  02 April 2024
  • Available Online:  24 April 2024
  • Published Online:  20 June 2024

