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Nanosecond pulse X-ray emission source based on ultrafast laser modulation

Li Yun Su Tong Sheng Li-Zhi Zhang Rui-Li Liu Duo Liu Yong-An Qiang Peng-Fei Yang Xiang-Hui Xu Ze-Fang


Nanosecond pulse X-ray emission source based on ultrafast laser modulation

Li Yun, Su Tong, Sheng Li-Zhi, Zhang Rui-Li, Liu Duo, Liu Yong-An, Qiang Peng-Fei, Yang Xiang-Hui, Xu Ze-Fang
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  • In response to the growing demand for miniaturized ultrafast pulsed X-ray sources in the fields of fundamental science and space applications, we design and develop an ultrafast pulsed X-ray generator based on a laser-modulated light source and a photoelectric cathode. This innovative technology addresses the limitations commonly encountered in traditional X-ray emission devices, such as low repetition rate, insufficient time stability, and suboptimal pulse characteristics.Our effort is to study and develop the ultrafast modulation control module for the pulsed X-ray generator. This effort results in achieving high levels of time accuracy and stability in ultrafast time-varying photon signals. Moreover, we successfully generate nanosecond pulsed X-rays by using a laser-controlled light source.Theoretically, we establish a comprehensive time response model for the pulsed X-ray generator in response to short pulses. This includes a thorough analysis of the time characteristics of the emitted pulsed X-rays in the time domain. Experimentally, we conduct a series of tests related to various time-related parameters of the laser-controlled light source. Additionally, we design and implemente an experimental test system for assessing the time characteristics of pulsed X-rays, by using an ultrafast scintillation detector.The experimental results clearly demonstrate that our pulsed X-ray generator achieves impressive capabilities, including high repetition rates (12.5 MHz), ultrafast pulses (4 ns), and exceptional time stability (400 ps) in X-ray emission. These results closely align with our established theoretical model. Compared with traditional modulation techniques, our system exhibits significant improvement in pulse time parameters, thereby greatly expanding its potential applications.This research provides a valuable insight into achieving ultra-high time stability and ultrafast pulsed X-ray emission sources. These advances will further enhance the capabilities of X-ray technology for scientific research and space applications.
      Corresponding author: Su Tong,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 62271483).

    胡慧君 2012 博士学位论文(北京: 中国科学院大学)

    Hu H J 2012 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: University of Chinese Academy of Sciences


    徐能, 盛立志, 张大鹏, 陈琛, 赵宝升, 郑伟, 刘纯亮 2017 66 059701Google Scholar

    Xu N, Sheng L Z, Zhang D P, Chen C, Zhao B S, Zheng W, Liu C L 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 059701Google Scholar


    赵宝升, 苏桐, 盛立志 2016 空间X射线通信概论 (北京: 科学出版社) 第114页

    Zhao B S, Su T, Sheng L Z 2016 Introduction to Space X-ray Communication (Beijing: Science Press) p114


    唐添, 徐捷, 王新, 穆宝忠 2019 光学仪器 41 76Google Scholar

    Tang T, Xu J, Wang X, Mu B Z 2019 Opt. Instrum. 41 76Google Scholar


    Zhao B, Yan Q, Sheng L, Liu Y 2017 US Patent 9 577 766 B2


    马晓飞, 赵宝升, 盛立志, 刘永安, 刘舵, 邓宁勤 2014 16 160701Google Scholar

    Xiao F, Zhao B S, Sheng L Z, Liu Y A, Liu D, Deng N L 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 16 160701Google Scholar


    全林, 屠荆, 樊亚军, 刘月恒, 张永民, 周金山, 刘胜, 马彦良, 张继红, 李达 2007 强激光与粒子束 19 1049

    Quan L, Tu J, Fan Y J, Liu Y H, Zhang Y M, Zhou J S, Liu S, Ma Y L, Zhang J H, Li D 2007 High Power Laser Part Beams 19 1049


    Blankespoor S, Derenzo S, Moses W, Rossington C, Ito M, Oba K 1994 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 41 698Google Scholar


    Derenzo S, Moses W, Blankespoor S, Ito M, Oba K 1992 IEEE Conference on Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Orlando, the United States, October 25–31, 1992 p37


    Gopal L, Sim M L 2008 6th National Conference on Telecommunication Technologies and 2nd Malaysia Conference on Photonics Putrajaya, Malaysia, August 26–28, 2008 p304


    Timofeev G, Potrakhov N 2018 5th International Conference on X-ray, Electrovacuum and Biomedical Technique St. Petersburg, Russia, November 29–30, 2018 p020020


    安毓英, 刘继芳 2016 光电子技术 (北京: 电子工业出版社) 第236页

    An Y Y, Liu J F 2016 Optoelectronic Technology (Beijing: Electronic Industry Press) p236


    Xuan H, Liu Y A, Qiang P F, Su T, Yang X H, Sheng L Z 2021 Chin. Phys. B 30 118502Google Scholar


    李瑶, 苏桐, 盛立志, 强鹏飞, 徐能, 李林森, 赵宝升 2017 光子学报 46 1106002Google Scholar

    Li Y, Su T, Sheng L Z, Qiang P F, Xu N, Li L S, Zhao B S 2017 Acta Photon. Sin. 46 1106002Google Scholar


    李瑶, 苏桐, 石峰, 盛立志, 强鹏飞, 赵宝升 2018 红外与激光工程 47 622001Google Scholar

    Li Y, Su T, Shi F, Sheng L Z, Qiang P F, Zhao B S 2018 Infrared Laser Eng. 47 622001Google Scholar


    Liu C Y, Wu C C, Tang L C, Cheng W H, Chang E Y, Peng C Y, Kuo H C 2022 Photonics 9 652Google Scholar


    王律强, 苏桐, 赵宝升, 盛立志, 刘永安, 刘舵 2015 64 120701Google Scholar

    Wang L Q, Su T, Zhao B S, Sheng L Z, Liu Y A, Liu D 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 120701Google Scholar


    David R, Allard B, Branca X, Joubert C 2021 Microelectron. J. 113 105056Google Scholar


    Dawood A A, Mansour T S, Mohammed L T 2019 Iraqi Laser J. 18 27


    Yaffe M, Rowlands J 1997 Phys. Med. Biol. 42 1Google Scholar

  • 图 1  脉冲X射线发生器的原理图

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of pulsed X-ray generator.

    图 2  激光控制光源的设计图

    Figure 2.  Design diagram of laser controlled light source.

    图 3  脉冲X射线发生器对短脉冲的时间响应曲线

    Figure 3.  Time response curve of pulsed X-ray generator to short pulse.

    图 4  脉冲X射线发生器的时间弥散曲线

    Figure 4.  Time dispersion curve of pulsed X-ray generator.

    图 5  不同重复频率下激光控制光源的输出光信号(蓝色为输入电信号, 红色为MPPC探测器接收到的光信号) (a) 1 MHz; (b) 5 MHz; (c) 10 MHz; (d) 40 MHz

    Figure 5.  Light signals of LD light source at different modulation rates under different modulation frequencies (Blue is the input electrical signal, red is the light signal received by the MPPC detector): (a) 1 MHz; (b) 5 MHz; (c) 10 MHz; (d) 40 MHz.

    图 6  基于超快闪烁体探测器的脉冲X射线时间特性实验测试系统

    Figure 6.  Experimental testing system for pulsed X-ray time characteristics based on ultrafast scintillator detector.

    图 7  重复频率为12.5 MHz的实验结果图 (蓝色为输入电信号, 红色为超快闪烁体探测器得到的X射线信号)

    Figure 7.  Experimental results with a modulation frequency of 12.5 MHz (Blue is the input electrical signal, red is the X-ray signal from scintillator detection).

    图 8  脉冲宽度为4 ns的实验结果图 (蓝色为输入电信号, 红色为超快闪烁体探测器得到的X射线信号)

    Figure 8.  Experimental results with a pulse width of 4 ns (Blue is the input electrical signal, red is the X-ray signal from scintillator detection).

    表 1  激光控制光源的特性参数

    Table 1.  Characteristics of laser controlled light source.

    Properties Parameters
    Emission wavelength/nm 468—478
    Rated power/mW 3600
    Optical output power/mW 1200
    Response time/ns 1.8
    Pulse repetition rate DC to MHz
    Divergence angle/(°) 12
    Timing pulse jitter tl/ps $\pm $70
    DownLoad: CSV
  • [1]

    胡慧君 2012 博士学位论文(北京: 中国科学院大学)

    Hu H J 2012 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: University of Chinese Academy of Sciences


    徐能, 盛立志, 张大鹏, 陈琛, 赵宝升, 郑伟, 刘纯亮 2017 66 059701Google Scholar

    Xu N, Sheng L Z, Zhang D P, Chen C, Zhao B S, Zheng W, Liu C L 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 059701Google Scholar


    赵宝升, 苏桐, 盛立志 2016 空间X射线通信概论 (北京: 科学出版社) 第114页

    Zhao B S, Su T, Sheng L Z 2016 Introduction to Space X-ray Communication (Beijing: Science Press) p114


    唐添, 徐捷, 王新, 穆宝忠 2019 光学仪器 41 76Google Scholar

    Tang T, Xu J, Wang X, Mu B Z 2019 Opt. Instrum. 41 76Google Scholar


    Zhao B, Yan Q, Sheng L, Liu Y 2017 US Patent 9 577 766 B2


    马晓飞, 赵宝升, 盛立志, 刘永安, 刘舵, 邓宁勤 2014 16 160701Google Scholar

    Xiao F, Zhao B S, Sheng L Z, Liu Y A, Liu D, Deng N L 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 16 160701Google Scholar


    全林, 屠荆, 樊亚军, 刘月恒, 张永民, 周金山, 刘胜, 马彦良, 张继红, 李达 2007 强激光与粒子束 19 1049

    Quan L, Tu J, Fan Y J, Liu Y H, Zhang Y M, Zhou J S, Liu S, Ma Y L, Zhang J H, Li D 2007 High Power Laser Part Beams 19 1049


    Blankespoor S, Derenzo S, Moses W, Rossington C, Ito M, Oba K 1994 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 41 698Google Scholar


    Derenzo S, Moses W, Blankespoor S, Ito M, Oba K 1992 IEEE Conference on Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Orlando, the United States, October 25–31, 1992 p37


    Gopal L, Sim M L 2008 6th National Conference on Telecommunication Technologies and 2nd Malaysia Conference on Photonics Putrajaya, Malaysia, August 26–28, 2008 p304


    Timofeev G, Potrakhov N 2018 5th International Conference on X-ray, Electrovacuum and Biomedical Technique St. Petersburg, Russia, November 29–30, 2018 p020020


    安毓英, 刘继芳 2016 光电子技术 (北京: 电子工业出版社) 第236页

    An Y Y, Liu J F 2016 Optoelectronic Technology (Beijing: Electronic Industry Press) p236


    Xuan H, Liu Y A, Qiang P F, Su T, Yang X H, Sheng L Z 2021 Chin. Phys. B 30 118502Google Scholar


    李瑶, 苏桐, 盛立志, 强鹏飞, 徐能, 李林森, 赵宝升 2017 光子学报 46 1106002Google Scholar

    Li Y, Su T, Sheng L Z, Qiang P F, Xu N, Li L S, Zhao B S 2017 Acta Photon. Sin. 46 1106002Google Scholar


    李瑶, 苏桐, 石峰, 盛立志, 强鹏飞, 赵宝升 2018 红外与激光工程 47 622001Google Scholar

    Li Y, Su T, Shi F, Sheng L Z, Qiang P F, Zhao B S 2018 Infrared Laser Eng. 47 622001Google Scholar


    Liu C Y, Wu C C, Tang L C, Cheng W H, Chang E Y, Peng C Y, Kuo H C 2022 Photonics 9 652Google Scholar


    王律强, 苏桐, 赵宝升, 盛立志, 刘永安, 刘舵 2015 64 120701Google Scholar

    Wang L Q, Su T, Zhao B S, Sheng L Z, Liu Y A, Liu D 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 120701Google Scholar


    David R, Allard B, Branca X, Joubert C 2021 Microelectron. J. 113 105056Google Scholar


    Dawood A A, Mansour T S, Mohammed L T 2019 Iraqi Laser J. 18 27


    Yaffe M, Rowlands J 1997 Phys. Med. Biol. 42 1Google Scholar

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Publishing process
  • Received Date:  15 September 2023
  • Accepted Date:  30 October 2023
  • Available Online:  18 November 2023
  • Published Online:  20 February 2024

