The design of thin frequency selective surface (FSS) absorber based on resistive film that meets the requirements of broadband, polarization independence, incident angle stability, and strong absorption is a challenging task. Fabrication tolerance of resistive film can result in fluctuations in sheet resistance, which negatively affects the absorber performance. To tackle these problems, this work firstly investigates how sheet resistance fluctuations affect the absorbing performance of resistive film FSS absorber. The analysis of simulated surface current density distribution and impedance reveals that the diversity of current paths provides an effective way to mitigate the influence of sheet resistance fluctuation. This is achieved by enabling flexible variation of surface current in response to sheet resistance fluctuations. Consequently, the variation of input impedance of the FSS absorber due to the fluctuation of sheet resistance is suppressed within a small range. Then, a method of extending bandwidth is proposed by employing the complementary variation of FSS impedance with frequency at different layers. By combining this approach with a miniaturization design, a thin and light FSS absorber is developed that exhibits ultra-wide bandwidth, polarization independence and angle stability while mitigating the effects of sheet resistance perturbation. The proposed FSS absorber achieves a 90% absorption bandwidth from 1.50 GHz to 20.50 GHz, covering Ku, X, C, S bands and part of the L and K bands, with a relative bandwidth reaching 173%. The absorber has a thickness of 0.093λL for both transverse electric (TE) polarization and transverse magnetic (TM) polarization, yielding a figure of merit (FoM, the ratio of the theoretical minimum thickness to the actual thickness) of 0.95, indicating that the thickness is close to the theoretical limit. The absorber maintains over 90% absorption rate for TM polarization at an incidence angle of up to 70°, and 80% absorption for TE polarization at 45°. Furthermore, the 90% absorbance bandwidth of the absorber remains at 167.0% when the sheet resistance of any FSS layer fluctuates within a range from 12 to 30 Ω/sq. A prototype of the proposed FSS absorber is fabricated and measured, and the experimental results are in good agreement with the simulation results, thus validating the effectiveness of the proposed method.
- frequency selective surface /
- absorber /
- thin /
- ultra-wideband /
- sheet resistance fluctuation
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[47] Jiang H, Yang W, Lei S W, Hu H Q, Chen B, Bao Y F, He Z Y 2021 Opt. Express 29 29439
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[49] Zhang H B, Zhou P H, Lu H P, Xu Y Q, Liang D F, Deng L J 2013 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 61 976
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[51] 孔祥林, 马洪宇, 陈鹏等 2021 电波科学学报 36 947
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Kong X L, Ma H Y, Chen P etc. 2021 Chin. J. Radio Sci. 36 947
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图 10 (a) FSS Ⅰ, (b) FSS Ⅱ 和 (c) FSS Ⅲ 方阻 Rs1, Rs2, Rs3变化对吸波率的影响(注意: 当一层 FSS 层方阻变化时, 另外两层取原值)
Figure 10. Effects of (a) Rs1, (b) Rs2 and (c) Rs3 on absorption rate of the proposed FSS absorber. Note that when the sheet resistance of one FSS layer changes, the other two layers take their original values
表 1 分形FSS吸波体参数
Table 1. Structural parameters of the fractal FSS absorber.
参量 值/mm 参量 值/mm l1 3.90 w1 0.58 l2 2.59 w2 0.58 l3 1.38 w3 0.20 P 11.85 t1 0.175 h 5.00 t2 0.05 表 2 不同方阻情况下分形FSS吸波体的表面电流密度分布
Table 2. Surface current density of the fractal FSS absorber for different sheet resistance
频率 方阻 8 Ω/sq 11 Ω/sq 14 Ω/sq 17 Ω/sq 21 Ω/sq 8 GHz 11 GHz 15 GHz 表 3 FSS吸波体参数
Table 3. Structural parameters of the FSS absorber.
参量 值/mm 参量 值/mm 参量 值/mm l1 10.28 w1 0.20 s1 0.56 g1 0.90 r1 3.30 wr1 0.38 r2 2.54 r3 1.78 l2 11.78 w2 0.50 i2 2.18 s2 4.74 ws2 0.54 g2 1.62 l3 10.64 w3 0.22 i3 2.96 s3 2.60 ws3 0.40 g3 1.06 P 11.90 h1 6.00 h2 0.175 表 4 与其他宽带FSS吸波体的性能对比
Table 4. Comparison between the proposed and other FSS absorbers.
文献 90%带宽/GHz FBW/% 厚度 (FoM) FSS层数 角度稳定性 TE TM [15] 1.07—9.70 160.3 0.93 2 30° (80%) 60° (80%) [17] 2.24—11.40 134.3 0.075 λL 2 45° (80%) 30° (87%) [22] 2.11—3.89 59.3 0.090 λL 3D 50° (90%) 50° (90%) [25] 5.80—22.20 117.1 0.155 λL 1 50° (90%) 40° (90%) [29] 0.87—9.28 165.8 0.086 λL 2 45° (80%) 45° (90%) [31] 7.0—27.5 118.8 0.096 λL 1 45° (80%) 30° (80%) [32] 2.79—20.62 152.0 0.119 λL 2 60° (80%) 60° (80%) [34]# 2.0—15.5 154.3 0.113 λL 1 — — [36] 1.14—14.2 170.2 0.093 λL 3 30° (90%) 50° (90%) [37] 7.5—42.0 139.4 0.02 λL 2 50° (> 80%) 50°(> 80%) [38] #* 7.8—18.0 79.1 0.065 λL 1 — — [39]* 0.76—4.92 146.5 0.031 λL 2 — — [41] 2.1—37.5 179.0 0.98 4 45° (80%) 60° (90%)- [51] 3.16—51.6 176.9 0.102 λL 4 45° (80%) 45° (88%) 本文设计 1.50—20.50 173.0 0.95或0.093 λL 3 45° (80%) 70° (90%) 注: # 代表所用介质层为有耗电介质层; * 代表介质层为有耗磁介质. -
[1] Ramya S, Rao I S 2016 Prog. Electromagn. Res. 50 23
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[2] Li M, Shen L, Jing L Q, Xu S, Zheng B, Lin X, Yang Y H, Wang Z J, Chen H S 2019 Adv. Sci. 6 1901434
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[3] Nguyen T K T, Cao T N, Nguyen N H, Tuyen L D, Bui X K, Truong C L, Vu D L, Nguyen T Q H 2021 IEEE Photonics J. 13 1
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[4] Wang Z J, Yang H C, Jing L Q 2023 J. Opt. 25 74002
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[5] Liu T, Cao X Y, Gao J, Zheng Q R, Li W Q, Yang H H 2013 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 61 1479
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Feng K S, Li N, Li T, 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 034101
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[8] Yu J, Jiang W, Gong S X 2020 IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 19 1058
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[9] Huang Z, Luo Z N, Zhao Y, Li H R, Si K X, Han Y, Miao L, Jiang J J 2023 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 71 6191
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[10] Panwar R, Puthucheri S, Singh D, Agarwala V 2015 IEEE Trans. Magn. 51 2802804
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Zhao Y T, Li Y S, Yang G H 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 198101
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[12] Chakradhary V K, Baskey H B, Roshan R, Pathik A, Akhtar M. J 2018 IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. 66 4737
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[13] Zuo P P, Li T W, Wang M J, Zheng H X, Li E P 2020 IEEE Access 8 6583
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[18] Panwar R, Puthucheri S, Agarwala V, Singh D 2015 IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. 63 2438
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[28] Zhang Q Q, Zhao Z Z, Zheng J H, Li F R, Tang J Z, Huang Y, Ren Y X, Chen X M 2023 IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 72 8002010
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[29] Cao Z W, Li H R, Wu Y, Yao G J, Zhao Y, Huang Z, Guo S, Miao L, Jiang J J 2022 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 70 11217
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Gu C, Qu S B, Pei Z B, Xu Z, Lin B Q, Zhou H, Bai P, Gu W, Peng W, Ma H 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 087801
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[32] Sun Z H, Yan L P, Zhao X, Gao R X K 2023 IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 22 789
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[33] Tirkey M M, Gupta N 2022 IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat. 64 66
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[34] He F, Si K X, Li R, Zha D C, Dong J X, Miao L, Bie S W, Jiang J J 2022 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 70 8643
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[35] Kazemzadeh A 2011 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 59 135
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[37] 程用志, 聂彦, 龚荣洲, 王鲜 2013 62 044103
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Cheng Y Z, Nie Y, Gong R Z, Wang X 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 044103
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Guo F, Du H L, Qu S B Xia S, Xu Z, Zhao J F, Zhang H M 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 077801
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