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Ultra-wideband thin frequency-selective surface absorber against sheet resistance fluctuation

Wang Dong-Jun Sun Zi-Han Zhang Yuan Tang Li Yan Li-Ping


Ultra-wideband thin frequency-selective surface absorber against sheet resistance fluctuation

Wang Dong-Jun, Sun Zi-Han, Zhang Yuan, Tang Li, Yan Li-Ping
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • The design of thin frequency selective surface (FSS) absorber based on resistive film that meets the requirements of broadband, polarization independence, incident angle stability, and strong absorption is a challenging task. Fabrication tolerance of resistive film can result in fluctuations in sheet resistance, which negatively affects the absorber performance. To tackle these problems, this work firstly investigates how sheet resistance fluctuations affect the absorbing performance of resistive film FSS absorber. The analysis of simulated surface current density distribution and impedance reveals that the diversity of current paths provides an effective way to mitigate the influence of sheet resistance fluctuation. This is achieved by enabling flexible variation of surface current in response to sheet resistance fluctuations. Consequently, the variation of input impedance of the FSS absorber due to the fluctuation of sheet resistance is suppressed within a small range. Then, a method of extending bandwidth is proposed by employing the complementary variation of FSS impedance with frequency at different layers. By combining this approach with a miniaturization design, a thin and light FSS absorber is developed that exhibits ultra-wide bandwidth, polarization independence and angle stability while mitigating the effects of sheet resistance perturbation. The proposed FSS absorber achieves a 90% absorption bandwidth from 1.50 GHz to 20.50 GHz, covering Ku, X, C, S bands and part of the L and K bands, with a relative bandwidth reaching 173%. The absorber has a thickness of 0.093λL for both transverse electric (TE) polarization and transverse magnetic (TM) polarization, yielding a figure of merit (FoM, the ratio of the theoretical minimum thickness to the actual thickness) of 0.95, indicating that the thickness is close to the theoretical limit. The absorber maintains over 90% absorption rate for TM polarization at an incidence angle of up to 70°, and 80% absorption for TE polarization at 45°. Furthermore, the 90% absorbance bandwidth of the absorber remains at 167.0% when the sheet resistance of any FSS layer fluctuates within a range from 12 to 30 Ω/sq. A prototype of the proposed FSS absorber is fabricated and measured, and the experimental results are in good agreement with the simulation results, thus validating the effectiveness of the proposed method.
      Corresponding author: Yan Li-Ping,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. U22A2015).

    Ramya S, Rao I S 2016 Prog. Electromagn. Res. 50 23Google Scholar


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    Shukoor M A, Dey S 2022 IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat. 64 1337Google Scholar


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    Yao Z X, Xiao S Q, Jiang Z G, Yan L, Wang B Z 2020 IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 19 591Google Scholar


    Panwar R, Puthucheri S, Agarwala V, Singh D 2015 IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. 63 2438Google Scholar


    Yang J, Shen Z X 2007 IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 6 388Google Scholar


    王莹, 程用志, 聂彦, 龚荣洲 2013 62 074101Google Scholar

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    吴雨明, 王任, 丁霄, 王秉中 2020 69 224201Google Scholar

    Wu Y M, Wang R, Ding X, Wang B Z 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 224201Google Scholar


    Shi T, Jin L, Han L, Tang M C, Xu H X, Qiu C W 2021 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 69 229Google Scholar


    He Y, Feng W S, Guo S, Wei J F, Zhang Y L, Huang Z, Li C L, Miao L, Jiang J J 2020 IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 19 841Google Scholar


    Yao Z X, Xiao S Q, Li Y, Wang B Z 2022 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 70 7276Google Scholar


    Ma Z Y P, Jiang C, Cao W B, Li J L, Huang X Z 2022 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 70 9376Google Scholar


    Luo G Q, Yu W, Yu Y, Zhang X H, Shen Z X 2020 IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techn. 68 4206.Google Scholar


    Hao X J, Lin X Q, Yang X M, Su Y H, Yao Y, Yang Y L 2023 IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 22 59Google Scholar


    Zhang Q Q, Zhao Z Z, Zheng J H, Li F R, Tang J Z, Huang Y, Ren Y X, Chen X M 2023 IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 72 8002010Google Scholar


    Cao Z W, Li H R, Wu Y, Yao G J, Zhao Y, Huang Z, Guo S, Miao L, Jiang J J 2022 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 70 11217Google Scholar


    Cao Z W, Yao G J, Zha D C, Zhao Y, Wu Y, Miao L, Bie S W, Jiang J J 2022 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 70 9942Google Scholar


    顾超, 屈绍波, 裴志斌, 徐卓, 柏鹏, 彭卫东, 林宝勤 2011 60 087801Google Scholar

    Gu C, Qu S B, Pei Z B, Xu Z, Lin B Q, Zhou H, Bai P, Gu W, Peng W, Ma H 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 087801Google Scholar


    Sun Z H, Yan L P, Zhao X, Gao R X K 2023 IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 22 789Google Scholar


    Tirkey M M, Gupta N 2022 IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat. 64 66Google Scholar


    He F, Si K X, Li R, Zha D C, Dong J X, Miao L, Bie S W, Jiang J J 2022 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 70 8643Google Scholar


    Kazemzadeh A 2011 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 59 135Google Scholar


    Shi T, Tang M C, Yang J N, Yan X S 2022 IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett. 21 551Google Scholar


    程用志, 聂彦, 龚荣洲, 王鲜 2013 62 044103Google Scholar

    Cheng Y Z, Nie Y, Gong R Z, Wang X 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 044103Google Scholar


    郭飞, 杜红亮, 屈绍波, 夏颂, 徐卓, 赵建峰, 张红梅 2015 64 077801Google Scholar

    Guo F, Du H L, Qu S B Xia S, Xu Z, Zhao J F, Zhang H M 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 077801Google Scholar


    Hossain M I, Nguyer-Trong N, Abbosh A M 2022 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 70 410Google Scholar


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    Kong X L, Ma H Y, Chen P etc. 2021 Chin. J. Radio Sci. 36 947Google Scholar

  • 图 1  分形FSS吸波体结构 (a) 无方环时和 (b) 有方环时的十字分形FSS单元结构; (c) 吸波体侧视图

    Figure 1.  Structure of the proposed fractal FSS absorber: The cross-fractal structure (a) without and (b) with square ring; (c) side view of the absorber.

    图 2  分形FSS吸波体的反射系数

    Figure 2.  The scattering parameters of the fractal FSS absorber.

    图 3  不同方阻时分形FSS吸波体的 (a)反射系数和(b)吸波率

    Figure 3.  (a) Reflection coefficient and (b) absorption rate of the fractal FSS absorbers with respect to different sheet resistance.

    图 4  分形FSS吸波体的输入阻抗随方阻波动的变化 (a) 等效电阻; (b) 等效电抗

    Figure 4.  Input impedance of the fractal FSS absorber with respect to fluctuation of sheet resistance: (a) Resistance; (b) reactance.

    图 5  高性能FSS吸波体结构图 (a) 整体结构; (b) FSS I, (c) FSS II 和(d) FSS III的单元结构

    Figure 5.  Configuration of the proposed FSS absorber: (a) Perspective view; unit cell of (b) FSS I, (c) FSS II and (d) FSS III.

    图 6  FSS 吸波体(a)分层结构示意图及(b)输入电导和(c)输入电纳

    Figure 6.  The schematic (a) and input conductance (b) and susceptance (c) of the proposed FSS absorber.

    图 7  各层处的输入阻抗 (a) 等效电阻; (b) 等效电抗

    Figure 7.  Input impedance at each layer: (a) Resistance; (b) reactance.

    图 8  FSS 吸波体散射参数

    Figure 8.  The scattering parameters of the proposed FSS absorber.

    图 9  FSS 吸波体吸波率随入射角的变化 (a) TE 极化; (b) TM 极化

    Figure 9.  Absorption rate with respect to incident angles for (a) TE and (b) TM polarizations.

    图 10  (a) FSS Ⅰ, (b) FSS Ⅱ 和 (c) FSS Ⅲ 方阻 Rs1, Rs2, Rs3变化对吸波率的影响(注意: 当一层 FSS 层方阻变化时, 另外两层取原值)

    Figure 10.  Effects of (a) Rs1, (b) Rs2 and (c) Rs3 on absorption rate of the proposed FSS absorber. Note that when the sheet resistance of one FSS layer changes, the other two layers take their original values

    图 11  (a) FSS Ⅰ 方阻为 5 Ω/sq 和(b) FSS Ⅰ 方阻为 35 Ω/sq 时其他 FSS 层方阻同时变化对吸波率的影响

    Figure 11.  Effects of simultaneous variation of square resistances of 2nd and 3rd layers on the absorption performance.

    图 12  (a) 加工样件; (b) 实验测试系统

    Figure 12.  (a) Fabricated prototype; (b) the experimental setup

    图 13  (a) TE 与(b) TM 极化下垂直入射测试结果与仿真结果对比

    Figure 13.  Comparison of measurement and simulation results of (a) TE and (b) TM polarizations for normal incidence.

    图 14  (a) TE 与(b) TM 极化下不同入射角吸波率测试结果

    Figure 14.  The measured absorption rate of (a) TE and (b) TM polarizations with respect to incident angles.

    表 1  分形FSS吸波体参数

    Table 1.  Structural parameters of the fractal FSS absorber.

    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  不同方阻情况下分形FSS吸波体的表面电流密度分布

    Table 2.  Surface current density of the fractal FSS absorber for different sheet resistance

    频率 方阻
    8 Ω/sq 11 Ω/sq 14 Ω/sq 17 Ω/sq 21 Ω/sq
    8 GHz
    11 GHz
    15 GHz
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 3  FSS吸波体参数

    Table 3.  Structural parameters of the FSS absorber.

    DownLoad: CSV

    表 4  与其他宽带FSS吸波体的性能对比

    Table 4.  Comparison between the proposed and other FSS absorbers.

    文献 90%带宽/GHz FBW/% 厚度 (FoM) FSS层数 角度稳定性
    TE TM
    [15] 1.07—9.70 160.3 0.93 2 30° (80%) 60° (80%)
    [17] 2.24—11.40 134.3 0.075 λL 2 45° (80%) 30° (87%)
    [22] 2.11—3.89 59.3 0.090 λL 3D 50° (90%) 50° (90%)
    [25] 5.80—22.20 117.1 0.155 λL 1 50° (90%) 40° (90%)
    [29] 0.87—9.28 165.8 0.086 λL 2 45° (80%) 45° (90%)
    [31] 7.0—27.5 118.8 0.096 λL 1 45° (80%) 30° (80%)
    [32] 2.79—20.62 152.0 0.119 λL 2 60° (80%) 60° (80%)
    [34]# 2.0—15.5 154.3 0.113 λL 1
    [36] 1.14—14.2 170.2 0.093 λL 3 30° (90%) 50° (90%)
    [37] 7.5—42.0 139.4 0.02 λL 2 50° (> 80%) 50°(> 80%)
    [38] #* 7.8—18.0 79.1 0.065 λL 1
    [39]* 0.76—4.92 146.5 0.031 λL 2
    [41] 2.1—37.5 179.0 0.98 4 45° (80%) 60° (90%)-
    [51] 3.16—51.6 176.9 0.102 λL 4 45° (80%) 45° (88%)
    本文设计 1.50—20.50 173.0 0.95或0.093 λL 3 45° (80%) 70° (90%)
    注: # 代表所用介质层为有耗电介质层; * 代表介质层为有耗磁介质.
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  • [1]

    Ramya S, Rao I S 2016 Prog. Electromagn. Res. 50 23Google Scholar


    Li M, Shen L, Jing L Q, Xu S, Zheng B, Lin X, Yang Y H, Wang Z J, Chen H S 2019 Adv. Sci. 6 1901434Google Scholar


    Nguyen T K T, Cao T N, Nguyen N H, Tuyen L D, Bui X K, Truong C L, Vu D L, Nguyen T Q H 2021 IEEE Photonics J. 13 1Google Scholar


    Wang Z J, Yang H C, Jing L Q 2023 J. Opt. 25 74002Google Scholar


    Liu T, Cao X Y, Gao J, Zheng Q R, Li W Q, Yang H H 2013 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 61 1479Google Scholar


    王彦朝, 许河秀, 王朝辉, 王明照, 王少杰 2020 69 134101Google Scholar

    Wang Y Z, Xu H X, Wang Z H, Wang M Z, Wang S J 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 134101Google Scholar


    冯奎胜, 李娜, 李桐 2022 71 034101Google Scholar

    Feng K S, Li N, Li T, 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 034101Google Scholar


    Yu J, Jiang W, Gong S X 2020 IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 19 1058Google Scholar


    Huang Z, Luo Z N, Zhao Y, Li H R, Si K X, Han Y, Miao L, Jiang J J 2023 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 71 6191Google Scholar


    Panwar R, Puthucheri S, Singh D, Agarwala V 2015 IEEE Trans. Magn. 51 2802804Google Scholar


    赵宇婷, 李迎松, 杨国辉 2020 69 198101Google Scholar

    Zhao Y T, Li Y S, Yang G H 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 198101Google Scholar


    Chakradhary V K, Baskey H B, Roshan R, Pathik A, Akhtar M. J 2018 IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. 66 4737Google Scholar


    Zuo P P, Li T W, Wang M J, Zheng H X, Li E P 2020 IEEE Access 8 6583Google Scholar


    Shukoor M A, Dey S 2022 IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat. 64 1337Google Scholar


    Hossain M I, Nguyen-Trong N, Sayidmarie K H, Abbosh, A. M 2020 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 68 8215Google Scholar


    Rozanov K N 2000 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 48 1230Google Scholar


    Yao Z X, Xiao S Q, Jiang Z G, Yan L, Wang B Z 2020 IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 19 591Google Scholar


    Panwar R, Puthucheri S, Agarwala V, Singh D 2015 IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. 63 2438Google Scholar


    Yang J, Shen Z X 2007 IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 6 388Google Scholar


    王莹, 程用志, 聂彦, 龚荣洲 2013 62 074101Google Scholar

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    吴雨明, 王任, 丁霄, 王秉中 2020 69 224201Google Scholar

    Wu Y M, Wang R, Ding X, Wang B Z 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 224201Google Scholar


    Shi T, Jin L, Han L, Tang M C, Xu H X, Qiu C W 2021 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 69 229Google Scholar


    He Y, Feng W S, Guo S, Wei J F, Zhang Y L, Huang Z, Li C L, Miao L, Jiang J J 2020 IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 19 841Google Scholar


    Yao Z X, Xiao S Q, Li Y, Wang B Z 2022 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 70 7276Google Scholar


    Ma Z Y P, Jiang C, Cao W B, Li J L, Huang X Z 2022 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 70 9376Google Scholar


    Luo G Q, Yu W, Yu Y, Zhang X H, Shen Z X 2020 IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techn. 68 4206.Google Scholar


    Hao X J, Lin X Q, Yang X M, Su Y H, Yao Y, Yang Y L 2023 IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 22 59Google Scholar


    Zhang Q Q, Zhao Z Z, Zheng J H, Li F R, Tang J Z, Huang Y, Ren Y X, Chen X M 2023 IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 72 8002010Google Scholar


    Cao Z W, Li H R, Wu Y, Yao G J, Zhao Y, Huang Z, Guo S, Miao L, Jiang J J 2022 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 70 11217Google Scholar


    Cao Z W, Yao G J, Zha D C, Zhao Y, Wu Y, Miao L, Bie S W, Jiang J J 2022 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 70 9942Google Scholar


    顾超, 屈绍波, 裴志斌, 徐卓, 柏鹏, 彭卫东, 林宝勤 2011 60 087801Google Scholar

    Gu C, Qu S B, Pei Z B, Xu Z, Lin B Q, Zhou H, Bai P, Gu W, Peng W, Ma H 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 087801Google Scholar


    Sun Z H, Yan L P, Zhao X, Gao R X K 2023 IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 22 789Google Scholar


    Tirkey M M, Gupta N 2022 IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat. 64 66Google Scholar


    He F, Si K X, Li R, Zha D C, Dong J X, Miao L, Bie S W, Jiang J J 2022 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 70 8643Google Scholar


    Kazemzadeh A 2011 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 59 135Google Scholar


    Shi T, Tang M C, Yang J N, Yan X S 2022 IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett. 21 551Google Scholar


    程用志, 聂彦, 龚荣洲, 王鲜 2013 62 044103Google Scholar

    Cheng Y Z, Nie Y, Gong R Z, Wang X 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 044103Google Scholar


    郭飞, 杜红亮, 屈绍波, 夏颂, 徐卓, 赵建峰, 张红梅 2015 64 077801Google Scholar

    Guo F, Du H L, Qu S B Xia S, Xu Z, Zhao J F, Zhang H M 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 077801Google Scholar


    Hossain M I, Nguyer-Trong N, Abbosh A M 2022 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 70 410Google Scholar


    Zheng L, Yang X Z, Gong W, Qiao M K, Li X C 2022 IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 21 576Google Scholar


    Li Y, Gu P F, He Z etc. 2022 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 70 11911Google Scholar


    Fan Y D, Li D, Ma H Z, Xing J Q, Gu Y J, Ang L K, Li E P 2023 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 71 2855Google Scholar


    Zhu M, Yuan H, Li H Y, Wang Y, Cao Q S 2022 IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat. 64 2005Google Scholar


    Wang Y, Min X F, Zhao M X, Yuan H, Li R H, Hu X R, Cao Q S 2022 IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 21 2125Google Scholar


    Chen Q, Sang D, Guo M, Fu Y Q, 2018 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 66 4105Google Scholar


    Xing Q J, Wu W W, Yan Y C, Zhang X M, Yuan N C 2022 IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 21 1688Google Scholar


    Jiang H, Yang W, Lei S W, Hu H Q, Chen B, Bao Y F, He Z Y 2021 Opt. Express 29 29439Google Scholar


    Li D D, Hu X J, Gao B T, Yin W Y, Chen H S, Qian H L 2023 Prog. Electromagn. Res. 176 35Google Scholar


    Zhang H B, Zhou P H, Lu H P, Xu Y Q, Liang D F, Deng L J 2013 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 61 976Google Scholar


    Min P P, Song Z C, Yang L, Dai B, Zhu J Q 2020 Opt. Express 28 19518Google Scholar


    孔祥林, 马洪宇, 陈鹏等 2021 电波科学学报 36 947Google Scholar

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Publishing process
  • Received Date:  22 August 2023
  • Accepted Date:  27 September 2023
  • Available Online:  12 October 2023
  • Published Online:  20 January 2024

