As one of the most remarkable features of quantum mechanics, quantum coherence is regarded as an important quantum resource in the quantum information processing. The one-mode squeezed state and the two-mode squeezed state (Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) entangled states) as the most representative examples of nonclassical states both have quantum coherence. The squeezing property of the squeezed state is described by the variance of quadrature components, and the positive partial transposition (PPT) criterion is used to describe the entanglement of the EPR entangled states. The research of the quantum coherence of Gaussian states is also a bridge between the properties of squeezing and entanglement. It has been shown that the quantum coherence with infinite-dimensional systems can be quantified by relative entropy. One of the widely used effective methods to obtain the value of quantum coherence experimentally is the quantum tomography. The covariance matrices of the quantum states are reconstructed via balanced homodyne detection and then taken into quantum coherence expression to calculate the corresponding value. The main factors affecting quantum coherence are the classical and uncorrelated noise in the actual experimental generation processing and the decoherence effect caused by the coupling between quantum resources and the surrounding environment. And the quantum coherence evolution in the generation and transmission process of the quantum resources is essential for the practical applications. Therefore, we analyze in detail the influences of the impurity of quantum resource on squeezing, entanglement and quantum coherence. The evolutions of quantum coherence of these Gaussian states in the lossy channels are demonstrated experimentally. The quantum coherence is shown to be robust against the loss in the lossy channels, which is similar to the case of squeezing and entanglement. The quantum coherences of the squeezed states and the EPR entangled states are robust against the thermal photons in the actual experimental generation processing, although the squeezing and entanglement of Gaussian states disappear at a certain number of thermal photons. Our research results provide a reference for the practical applications of quantum coherence of the squeezed state and entangled states in the lossy environment.
- squeezed state /
- Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen entangled states /
- purity of quantum state /
- quantum coherence
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图 3 单模压缩态实验结果 (a) 相对噪声功率随传输效率的变化; (b) 损耗信道中压缩态光场的纯度对量子相干性的影响
Figure 3. Experimental results of the one-mode squeezed state in a lossy channel: (a) Dependence of relative noise power on the transmission efficiency; (b) the influence of purity of squeezed state on quantum coherence in a lossy channel.
图 4 双模压缩态实验结果 (a) PPT值随热光子数的变化; (b) 量子相干性随热光子数的变化; (c) 纠缠特性随传输效率的变化; (d) 量子相干性随传输效率的变化
Figure 4. Experimental results of the two-mode squeezed states in lossy channels: (a) Dependence of PPT value on the number of thermal photons; (b) dependence of quantum coherence on the number of thermal photons; (c) dependence of PPT values on the transmission efficiency; (d) decoherence of quantum coherence in the lossy channels.
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