The thermocapillary migration of droplets on a solid surface is widely used in daily life and industrial fields. Regulating droplet thermocapillary migration by changing surface wettability has received extensive attention. According to the lubrication theory and slip boundary conditions, we establish a mathematical model of the thermocapillary migration dynamics of a droplet on wettability-confined tracks subjected to a uniform temperature gradient. Combined with the contact line dynamics, a method of determining the velocity of the contact line in a different direction of the three-dimensional droplet is proposed, the simulation is carried out with FreeFEM++. The evolution of droplet migration is examined, and the effects of track width and wettability on the droplet migration dynamics are emphatically investigated. The results show that the main part of the droplet moves from the high-temperature region to the low-temperature region, the trailing edge of the droplet forms a small bulge during the movement, and a thin liquid film is formed between the bulge and the main part of the droplet. The droplet spreading perpendicular to the track direction is inhibited and remains pinned after shrinking to the track edge. Negative correlation between the velocity of the advancing contact line and the track width is observed. The velocity of the advancing line first rapidly and then slowly decrease to a steady state. The squeezing effect caused by the wettability confined perpendicular to the track direction accelerates the thermocapillary migration of the droplet on the track in the initial short time. The enhanced track wettability increases the initial velocity of the receding contact line but has little effect on its stable value. The velocity of the advancing contact line is positively correlated with track wettability. Changing the track width is possibly easier to regulate the thermocapillary migration of a droplet than varying the track wettability.
- thermocapillary migration /
- wettability /
- droplet /
- lubrication theory
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图 7 接触线随时间的变化 (a) 前进接触线和后退接触线; (b) 左右两侧接触线; (c)后退接触线处的不同主导因素; (d) 前进接触线处的不同主导因素
Figure 7. Temporal evolution of droplet contact lines: (a) The advancing and receding contact lines; (b) left and right contact lines; (c) effects of capillarity, gravity and thermal Marangoni at the receding contact line; (d) effects of capillarity, gravity and thermal Marangoni at the advancing contact line.
图 9 轨道宽度E对接触线位置、移动速度和接触角的影响 (a) 后退接触线; (b) 前进接触线; (c) 后退接触线移动速度; (d) 前进接触线移动速度; (e) 右侧接触线; (f) 前进和后退接触角
Figure 9. The effect of E on the position, velocity of contact lines and contact angles: (a) Receding contact line position; (b) advancing contact line position; (c) the velocity of receding contact line; (d) the velocity of advancing contact line; (e) right contact line; (f) the advancing and receding contact angles.
表 1 网格无关性验证
Table 1. Validation of grid independence.
网格数目 液滴前进
接触角 θa液滴前进接触线
移动速度 ua/10–4计算所需
CPU时长/h4584 0.1506 1.721 3.15 10028 0.1534 1.779 8.02 15578 0.1536 1.781 14.21 表 2 有量纲参数及典型数量级
Table 2. Typical order of dimension parameters.
物性参数 符号 / 单位 典型数量级 液滴厚度 $ \widetilde{H}/ {\rm{m}}$ 10–4 长度特征尺度 $ \widetilde{L}/ {\rm{m}}$ 10–3 液体黏度 $\widetilde{\mu }/ ({\rm{Pa} }{\cdot} {\rm{s} })$ 10–3 液体密度 $\widetilde{\rho }/ ({\rm{kg} }{\cdot} {\rm{m} }^{-3} )$ 103 传热系数 $\widetilde{\alpha }/({\rm{kW} }{\cdot}{\rm{m} }^{-2}{\cdot}{\rm{K} }^{-1} )$ 1—10 壁面温度 $ \widetilde{T}/{\rm{K}} $ 103—102 界面张力 $\widetilde{\sigma }/ ({\rm{N} }{\cdot} {\rm{m} }^{-1} )$ 10–2 特征速度 $\widetilde{U}=\dfrac{\widetilde{\sigma }_{ {T}_{0} }-\widetilde{\sigma }_{ {T}_{\rm{m} } } }{\widetilde{H}/\left(\tilde{\mu }\tilde{L}\right)}/ ({\rm{m} }{\cdot} {\rm{s} }^{-1}$) 10–4—1 表 3 无量纲参数取值范围
Table 3. Range of dimensionless parameters.
无量纲参数 定义式 取值范围 小量ε ${\varepsilon }=\widetilde{H}/\widetilde{L}$ 10–2—10–1 邦德数Bo $ Bo=\widetilde{\rho }g{\widetilde{H}}^{2}/\widetilde{\mu }U $ 10–2—10–1 温度梯度$ \varGamma $ $\varGamma =\dfrac{(d{\widetilde{T} }_{\rm{w} }/{\rm{d}}\widetilde{x})\widetilde{L} }{ {\widetilde{T} }_{\rm{m} }-{\widetilde{T} }_{0} }$ 10–3—10–2 毛细数C $ C=\dfrac{{\varepsilon }^{2}{\widetilde{\sigma }}_{{\widetilde{T}}_{\rm{m}}}}{{\widetilde{\sigma }}_{{\widetilde{T}}_{0}}-{\widetilde{\sigma }}_{{\widetilde{T}}_{\rm{m}}}} $ 10–2—10–1 界面温度敏感系数$\varOmega_{\rm{i}} $ $ {\varOmega }_{\rm{i}}=\dfrac{{\widetilde{\alpha }}_{T\rm{i}}({\widetilde{T}}_{\rm{m}}-{\widetilde{T}}_{0})}{{\widetilde{\sigma }}_{{\rm{i}, \widetilde{T}}_{0}}-{\widetilde{\sigma }}_{{\rm{l}\rm{g}, \widetilde{T}}_{\rm{m}}}} $ 0—102 -
[1] Daniel S, Chaudhury M K, Chen J C 2001 Science 291 633
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[2] Bakli C, PD S H, Chakraborty S 2017 Nanoscale 9 12509
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[3] Musin A, Grynyov R, Frenkel M, Bormashenko E 2016 J. Colloid Interface Sci. 479 182
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[4] Dhiman S, Jayaprakash K, Iqbal R, Sen A 2018 Langmuir 34 12359
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[5] 王飞, 彭岚, 张全壮, 刘佳 2015 64 140202
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Wang F, Peng L, Zhang Q Z, Liu J 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 140202
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[6] Karapetsas G, Chamakos N T, Papathanasiou A G 2017 Langmuir 33 10838
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[7] Dai Q W, Huang W, Wang X L 2014 Exp. Therm. Fluid Sci. 57 200
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[8] Chaudhury M K, Whitesides G M 1992 Science 256 1539
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[9] Qi L, Niu Y, Ruck C, Zhao Y 2019 Lab Chip 19 223
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[10] 石自媛, 胡国辉, 周哲玮 2010 59 2595
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Shi Z Y, Hu G H, Zhou Z W 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 2595
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[11] Dai Q W, Huang W, Wang X L, Khonsari M M 2021 Tribol. Int. 154 106749
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[12] Ghosh A, Ganguly R, Schutzius T M, Megaridis C M 2014 Lab Chip 14 1538
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[13] Sen U, Chatterjee S, Ganguly R, Dodge R, Yu L, Megaridis C M 2018 Langmuir 34 1899
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[14] 姚祎, 周哲玮, 胡国辉 2013 62 134701
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Yao W, Zhou Z W, Hu G H 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 134701
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[16] Dai Q W, Ji Y J, Chong Z J, Huang W, Wang X L 2019 J. Colloid Interface Sci. 557 837
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[17] Fu X J, Sun J J, Ba Y 2022 Phys. Fluids 34 012119
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[18] Diddens C, Kuerten J G, Van der Geld C, Wijshoff H 2017 J. Colloid Interface Sci. 487 426
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[20] Ye X M, Zhang N K, Cheng R, Li C X 2022 J. Appl. Fluid Mech. 15 1361
[21] Gomba J M, Homsy G M 2010 J. Fluid Mech. 647 125
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[22] Beltrame P, Knobloch E, Hänggi P, Thiele U 2011 Phys. Rev. E 83 016305
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[23] Ehrhard P, Davis S H 1991 J. Fluid Mech. 229 365
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[25] Karapetsas G, Sahu K C, Matar O K 2013 Langmuir 29 8892
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[28] Nagy M, Škvarla J 2013 Acta Montanistica Slovaca 18 125
[29] Dai Q W, Khonsari M M, Shen C, Huang W, Wang X L 2016 Langmuir 32 7485
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[30] Mukhopadhyay S, Murisic N, Behringer R P, Kondic L 2011 Phys. Rev. E 83 046302
[31] Chowdhury I U, Mahapatra P S, Sen A K 2019 Phys. Fluids 31 042111
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[32] 宋金龙, 徐文骥 2017 金属加工: 冷加工 2017 65
Song J L, Xu W J 2017 Metal Working: Metal Cutting 2017 65
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