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Assessment of applicability of cold plasma dispersion relation of slot region hiss based on Van Allen Probes observations

Zhu Qi Ma Xin Cao Xing Ni Bin-Bin Xiang Zheng Fu Song Gu Xu-Dong Zhang Yuan-Nong


Assessment of applicability of cold plasma dispersion relation of slot region hiss based on Van Allen Probes observations

Zhu Qi, Ma Xin, Cao Xing, Ni Bin-Bin, Xiang Zheng, Fu Song, Gu Xu-Dong, Zhang Yuan-Nong
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Electron scattering caused by plasmapheric hiss is the dominant mechanism that is responsible for the formation of slot region (1.8 ≤ L ≤ 3) between the Earth’s inner and outer radiation belts. The cold plasma dispersion relation of plasmaspheric hiss is widely used to quantify its scattering effect on energetic electrons. However, the existence of hot plasmas in the realistic magnetospheric environment will modify the dispersion properties of plasmaspheric hiss. According to Van Allen Probes observations, we select all hiss events in the slot region and compare the observed hiss wave amplitudes with the converted hiss wave amplitudes deduced from cold plasma dispersion relation and electric field observations, and then study the dependence of the applicability of cold plasma dispersion relation of slot region hiss on spatial position and geomagnetic activity. The results show that the cold plasma approximation tends to overestimate the amplitude of slot region hiss. The difference between the observed amplitude and the converted hiss wave amplitude has a strong day night asymmetry. However, it shows a slight dependence on the level of geomagnetic activities. In addition, we find that the converted wave magnetic field intensity is significantly lower (higher) than the observed magnetic field intensity at lower frequencies (higher frequencies), which indicates that the cold plasma approximation generally overestimates (underestimates) the scattering effects of hiss waves on the lower (higher) energy electrons in the slot region. Our study confirms that the application scope of the cold plasma dispersion relation of slot hiss has strong spatial and frequency limitations, which is of great importance in deepening our understanding of the dynamic evolution of electrons in the slot region.
      Corresponding author: Cao Xing, ; Ni Bin-Bin,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 42025404, 41904143, 41904144), the B-type Strategic Priority Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. XDB41000000), and the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant Nos. 2020M672405, 2019M662700).

    Thorne R M, Smith E J, Burton R. K, Holzer R E 1973 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 78 1581Google Scholar


    Thorne R M, Church S R, Gorney D J 1979 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 84 5241Google Scholar


    Ni B, Li W, Thorne R M, Bortnik J, Ma Q, Chen L, Kletzing C A, Kurth W S, Hospodarsky G B, Reeves G D, Spence H E, Blake J B, Fennell J F, Claudepierre S G 2014 Geophys. Res. Lett. 41 1854Google Scholar


    Shi R, Li W, Ma Q, Reeves G D, Kletzing C A, Kurth W S, Hospodarsky G B, Spence H E, Blake J B, Fennell J F, Claudepierre S G 2017 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 122 10263Google Scholar


    Su Z, Liu N, Zheng H, Wang Y, Wang S 2018 Geophys. Res. Lett. 45 565Google Scholar


    Su Z, Liu N, Zheng H, Wang Y, Wang S 2018 Geophys. Res. Lett. 45 10921Google Scholar


    Zhang W, Fu S, Gu X, Ni B, Xiang Z, Summers D, Zou Z, Cao X, Lou Y, Hua M 2018 Geophys. Res. Lett. 45 4618Google Scholar


    Zhang W, Ni B, Huang H, Summers D, Fu S, Xiang Z, Gu X, Cao X, Lou Y, Hua M 2019 Geophys. Res. Lett. 46 5670Google Scholar


    Smith E J, Frandsen A, Tsurutani B T, Thorne R M, Chan K W 1974 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 79 2507Google Scholar


    Meredith N P, Horne R B, Thorne Richard M, Summers D, Anderson R R 2004 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 109 A06209Google Scholar


    Santolík O, Parrot M, Storey L, Pickett J S, Gurnett D A 2001 Geophys. Res. Lett. 28 1127Google Scholar


    Bortnik J, Thorne R M, Meredith N P 2008 Nature 452 62Google Scholar


    Lyons L R, Thorne R M, Kennel C F 1972 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 77 3455Google Scholar


    Lyons L R, Thorne R M 1973 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 78 2142Google Scholar


    Albert J M 1994 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 99 23741Google Scholar


    Abel B, Thorne R M 1998a J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 103 2385Google Scholar


    Abel B, Thorne R M 1998b J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 103 2397Google Scholar


    Meredith N P, Horne R B, Clilverd M A, Horsfall D, Thorne R M, Anderson R R 2006a J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 111 A09217Google Scholar


    Meredith N P, Horne R B, Glauert S A, Thorne R M, Summers D, Albert J M, Anderson R R 2006b J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 111 A05212Google Scholar


    李柳元, 曹晋滨, 周国成 2008 地球 51 316Google Scholar

    Li L Y, Cao J B, Zhou G C 2008 Chin J. Geophys. 51 316Google Scholar


    宗秋刚, 王永福, 杨彪, 周煦之, 傅绥燕, 濮祖荫, 谢伦, Fritz T A 2009 中国科学: 技术科学 39 923Google Scholar

    Zong Q G, Wang Y F, Yang B, Zhou X Z, Fu S Y, Pu Z Y, Xie L, Fritz T A 2009 Science China: Earth Sciences 39 923Google Scholar


    宗秋刚, 袁憧憬, 王永福, 苏振鹏 2013 中国科学: 地球科学 56 1118Google Scholar

    Zong Q G, Yuan C J, Wang Y F Su Z P 2013 Science China: Earth Sciences. 56 1118Google Scholar


    Ma X, Xiang Z, Ni B, Fu S, Cao X, Hua M, Guo D, Guo Y, Gu X, Liu Z, Zhu Q 2020 Earth Planet. Phys. 4 598Google Scholar


    Xiang Z, Li X, Ni B, Temerin M A, Zhao H, Zhang K, Khoo L Y 2020 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 125 1127Google Scholar


    王春琴, 张贤国, 沈国红, 张珅毅, 张效信, 黄聪, 李兴冀 2021 地球 64 1831Google Scholar

    Wang C Q, Zhang X G, Shen G H, Zhang K Y, Zhang X X, Huang C, Li X Y 2021 Chin J. Geophys. 64 1831Google Scholar


    Summers D, Ni B B, Meredith N P 2007 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 112 A04207Google Scholar


    Ni B B, Bortnik J, Thorne R M, Ma Q, Chen L 2013 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 118 7740Google Scholar


    Breneman A W, Halford A, Millan R, Mccarthy M, Fennell J, Sample J, Woodger L, Hospodarsky G, Wygant J R, Cattell C A, Goldstein J, Malaspina D, Kletzing C A 2015 Nature 523 193Google Scholar


    Ma Q, Li W, Thorne R M, Ni B, Kletzing C A, Kurth W S, Hospodarsky G B, Reeves G D, Henderson M G, Spence H E, Baker D N, Blake J B, Fennell J F, Claudepierre S G, Angelopoulos V 2015 Geophys. Res. Lett. 42 987Google Scholar


    Cao X, Ni B B, Summers D, Zou Z, Fu S, Zhang W 2017 Geophys. Res. Lett. 44 9547Google Scholar


    Fu S, Yi J, Ni B, Zhou R, Hu Z, Cao X, Gu X, Guo D 2020 Geophys. Res. Lett. 47 e2020GL086963Google Scholar


    Ni B, Huang H, Zhang W, Gu X, Zhao H, Li X, Baker D, Fu S, Xiang Z, Cao X 2019 Geophys. Res. Lett. 46 4134Google Scholar


    Zhao H, Ni B, Li X, Baker D N, Johnston W R, Zhang W, Xiang Z, Gu X, Jaynes A N, Kanekal S G, Blake J B, Claudepierre S G, Temerin M A, Funsten H O, Reeves G D, Boyd A J 2019 Nat. Phys. 15 367Google Scholar


    Claudepierre S G, Ma Q, Bortnik J, O'Brien T P, Fennell J F, Blake J B 2020 Geophys. Res. Lett. 47 e2019GL086056Google Scholar


    Kennel C F, Engelmann F 1966 Phys. Fluids 9 2377Google Scholar


    Xiao F L, Su Z, Zheng H. Wang S 2009a J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 114 A03201Google Scholar


    Xiao F L, Zong Q G, Chen L 2009b J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 114 A01215Google Scholar


    Ma Q, Li W, Thorne R M, Nishimura Y, Zhang X J, Reeves G D, Kletzing C A, Kurth W S, Hospodarsky G B, Henderson M G, Spence H E, Baker D N, Blake J B, Fennell J F, Angelopoulos V 2016 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 121 4217Google Scholar


    Hua M, Li W, Ni B, Ma Q, Reeves G D 2020 Nat. Commun 11Google Scholar


    Zhu Q, Cao X, Gu X, N i, B, Xiang Z, Fu S, Summers D, Hua M, Lou Y, Ma X, Guo Y, Guo D, Zhang W 2021 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 126 A029057Google Scholar


    Reeves G D, Fritz T A, Cayton T E, Belian R D 1990 Geophys. Res. Lett. 17 2015Google Scholar


    Friedel R H W, Korth A, Kremser G 1996 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 101 A00399Google Scholar


    Baker D N, Pulkkinen T I, Hesse M, Mcpherron R L 1997 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 102 A03961Google Scholar


    Cao J B, Wei X H, Duan A Y, Fu H S, Zhang T L, Reme H, Dandouras I 2013 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 118 1659Google Scholar


    Chen L, Thorne R M, Shprits Y, Ni B 2013 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 118 2185Google Scholar


    Turner D L, Claudepierre S G, Fennell J F, O'Brien T P, Blake J B, Lemon C, Gkioulidou M, Takahashi K, Reeves G D, Thaller S, Breneman A, Wygant J R, Li W, Runov A, Angelopoulos V 2015 Geophys. Res. Lett. 42 2079Google Scholar


    Cao X, Shprits Y, Ni B, Zhelavskaya I S 2017 Sci. Rep. 7 17719Google Scholar


    Ni B, Cao X, Shprits Y Y, Summers D, Gu X, Fu S, Lou Y 2018 Geophys. Res. Lett. 45 21Google Scholar


    Yu J, Li L Y, Cui J, Cao J B, Wang J 2019 Geophys. Res. Lett. 46 6306Google Scholar


    Yu J, Li L Y, Cui J, Cao J B, Wang J, He Z, Yang J 2020 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 125Google Scholar


    Hartley D P, Kletzing C A, Kurth W S, Bounds S R, Averkamp T F, Hospodarsky G B, Wygant J R, Bonnell J W, Santolík O, Watt C E J 2016 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 121 4590Google Scholar


    Cao X, Ni B, Summers D, Fu S, Gu X, Shi R 2020 Astrophys. J. 896 118Google Scholar


    Ma X, Cao X, Ni B, Zhu Q, Xiang Z 2021 Astrophys. J. 916Google Scholar


    Selesnick R S, Blake J B, Mewaldt R A 2003 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 108 1468Google Scholar


    Kim K C, Shprits Y, Subbotin D, Ni B 2011 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 116 A10214Google Scholar


    Meredith N P, Horne R B, Glauert S A, Anderson R R 2007 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 112 8214Google Scholar


    Stix T H 1992 Waves in Plasmas (America Institute Physics)


    Li W, Ma Q, Thorne R M, Bortnik J, Kletzing C A, Kurth W S, Hospodarsky G B, Nishimura Y 2015 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 120 5


    顾旭东, 殷倩, 倪彬彬, 项正, 曹兴, 邹正洋, 周晨, 付松, 石润, 赵正予, 谈家强, 王豪, 郑程耀, 贺丰明 2017 地球 60 1249Google Scholar

    Gu X D, Yin Q, Ni B B, Xiang Z, Cao X, Zou Z Y, Zhou C, Fu S, Shi R, Zhao Z Y, Tan J Q, Wang H, Zhen C Y, He F M 2017 Chin. J. Geophys. 60 1249Google Scholar


    项正, 谭家强, 倪彬彬, 顾旭东, 曹兴, 邹正洋, 周晨, 付松, 石润, 赵正予, 贺丰明, 郑程耀, 殷倩, 王豪 2017 66 039401Google Scholar

    Xiang Z, Tan J Q, Ni B B, Gu X D, Cao X, Zou Z Y, Zhou C, Fu S, Shi R, Zhao Z Y, He F M, Zhen C Y, Yin Q, Wang H 2017 Acta Phys. Sin 66 039401Google Scholar


    Kurth W S, Pascuale S D, Faden J B, Kletzing C A, Hospodarsky G B, Thaller S, Wygant J R 2015 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 120 904Google Scholar


    Hartley D P, Chen Y, Kletzing C A, Denton M H, Kurth W S 2015 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 120 1144Google Scholar


    Hartley D P, Kletzing C A, Kurth W S, Hospodarsky G B, Bounds S R, Averkamp T F, Bonnell J W, Santolík O, Wygant J R 2017 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 122 4420Google Scholar

  • 图 1  2015年5月23日范阿伦B观测到的嘶声波事件 (a)背景电子密度; (b) AE和Dst指数; (c)观测电场功率谱密度; (d)观测磁场功率谱密度; (e) 基于冷等离子理论的反演磁场功率谱密度; (f)传播角; (g)极化率; (h)平面度; (i)嘶声波观测(红色)和反演(蓝色)幅值. 图(c)—(e)中的品红线条对应下混杂频率fLHR

    Figure 1.  Overview of a plasmaspheric hiss event observed by Van Allen Probe B on 23 May 2015: (a) Ambient electron density; (b) AE index and SYM_H index; observed power spectral intensity of (c) electric field and (d) magnetic field; (e) converted power spectral intensity of magnetic field based on the cold plasma dispersion relation; (f) wave normal angle; (g) wave ellipticity; (h) wave planarity; (i) observed (red) and converted (blue) hiss wave amplitudes. The magenta lines in panels (c)–(e) correspond to the lower hybrid resonance frequency fLHR.

    图 2  嘶声波观测幅值与反演幅值比值(${\rm{log}}_{10}\left( {{B}_{\rm{obs}}}/{{B}_{\rm{cvt}}}\right)$)的(a)均值与(b)方差随L和MLT的全球二维统计分布; (c)—(f)比值的均值与方差在不同MLT区间随L-shell的一维统计分布; (g)—(j)在不同L-shell区间随MLT的一维统计分布

    Figure 2.  Global distribution of the (a) mean value and (b) variance of the ratio of observed hiss amplitudes and converted amplitudes (${\rm{log}}_{10}\left( {{B}_{\rm{obs}}}/{{B}_{\rm{cvt}}}\right)$) as a function of L-shell and MLT; (c)–(f) the mean value and variance of the ratio as a function of L-shell in different MLT sectors; (g)–(j) the mean value and variance of the ratio as a function of MLT in different L-shell ranges.

    图 3  不同地磁活动水平下, 嘶声波观测幅值与反演幅值比值(${\rm{log}}_{10}\left( {{B}_{\rm{obs}}}/{{B}_{\rm{cvt}}}\right)$)的均值和方差随L和MLT的全球统计分布(a)—(c)均值; (d)—(f)方差

    Figure 3.  From left to right, global distribution of the mean value and variance of the ratio of observed hiss amplitudes and converted amplitudes (${\rm{log}}_{10}\left( {{B}_{\rm obs}}/{{B}_{\rm cvt}}\right)$) as a function of L-shell and MLT, in different geomagnetic conditions: (a)–(c) mean value; (d)–(f) variance of the ratio.

    图 4  嘶声波观测的磁场功率谱密度与反演的磁场功率谱密度比值(${\rm{log}}_{10}\left( {{B}_{\rm{obs}}}/{{B}_{\rm{cvt}}}\right)$)的均值(蓝线)和方差(红线)随波动频率的变化

    Figure 4.  Mean value (blue) and variance (red) of the ratio of observed and converted power spectral intensity $( {\rm{log}}_{10}\left( {{B}_{\rm{obs}}}/{{B}_{\rm{cvt}}}\right)$) as a function of wave frequency.

  • [1]

    Thorne R M, Smith E J, Burton R. K, Holzer R E 1973 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 78 1581Google Scholar


    Thorne R M, Church S R, Gorney D J 1979 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 84 5241Google Scholar


    Ni B, Li W, Thorne R M, Bortnik J, Ma Q, Chen L, Kletzing C A, Kurth W S, Hospodarsky G B, Reeves G D, Spence H E, Blake J B, Fennell J F, Claudepierre S G 2014 Geophys. Res. Lett. 41 1854Google Scholar


    Shi R, Li W, Ma Q, Reeves G D, Kletzing C A, Kurth W S, Hospodarsky G B, Spence H E, Blake J B, Fennell J F, Claudepierre S G 2017 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 122 10263Google Scholar


    Su Z, Liu N, Zheng H, Wang Y, Wang S 2018 Geophys. Res. Lett. 45 565Google Scholar


    Su Z, Liu N, Zheng H, Wang Y, Wang S 2018 Geophys. Res. Lett. 45 10921Google Scholar


    Zhang W, Fu S, Gu X, Ni B, Xiang Z, Summers D, Zou Z, Cao X, Lou Y, Hua M 2018 Geophys. Res. Lett. 45 4618Google Scholar


    Zhang W, Ni B, Huang H, Summers D, Fu S, Xiang Z, Gu X, Cao X, Lou Y, Hua M 2019 Geophys. Res. Lett. 46 5670Google Scholar


    Smith E J, Frandsen A, Tsurutani B T, Thorne R M, Chan K W 1974 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 79 2507Google Scholar


    Meredith N P, Horne R B, Thorne Richard M, Summers D, Anderson R R 2004 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 109 A06209Google Scholar


    Santolík O, Parrot M, Storey L, Pickett J S, Gurnett D A 2001 Geophys. Res. Lett. 28 1127Google Scholar


    Bortnik J, Thorne R M, Meredith N P 2008 Nature 452 62Google Scholar


    Lyons L R, Thorne R M, Kennel C F 1972 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 77 3455Google Scholar


    Lyons L R, Thorne R M 1973 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 78 2142Google Scholar


    Albert J M 1994 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 99 23741Google Scholar


    Abel B, Thorne R M 1998a J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 103 2385Google Scholar


    Abel B, Thorne R M 1998b J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 103 2397Google Scholar


    Meredith N P, Horne R B, Clilverd M A, Horsfall D, Thorne R M, Anderson R R 2006a J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 111 A09217Google Scholar


    Meredith N P, Horne R B, Glauert S A, Thorne R M, Summers D, Albert J M, Anderson R R 2006b J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 111 A05212Google Scholar


    李柳元, 曹晋滨, 周国成 2008 地球 51 316Google Scholar

    Li L Y, Cao J B, Zhou G C 2008 Chin J. Geophys. 51 316Google Scholar


    宗秋刚, 王永福, 杨彪, 周煦之, 傅绥燕, 濮祖荫, 谢伦, Fritz T A 2009 中国科学: 技术科学 39 923Google Scholar

    Zong Q G, Wang Y F, Yang B, Zhou X Z, Fu S Y, Pu Z Y, Xie L, Fritz T A 2009 Science China: Earth Sciences 39 923Google Scholar


    宗秋刚, 袁憧憬, 王永福, 苏振鹏 2013 中国科学: 地球科学 56 1118Google Scholar

    Zong Q G, Yuan C J, Wang Y F Su Z P 2013 Science China: Earth Sciences. 56 1118Google Scholar


    Ma X, Xiang Z, Ni B, Fu S, Cao X, Hua M, Guo D, Guo Y, Gu X, Liu Z, Zhu Q 2020 Earth Planet. Phys. 4 598Google Scholar


    Xiang Z, Li X, Ni B, Temerin M A, Zhao H, Zhang K, Khoo L Y 2020 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 125 1127Google Scholar


    王春琴, 张贤国, 沈国红, 张珅毅, 张效信, 黄聪, 李兴冀 2021 地球 64 1831Google Scholar

    Wang C Q, Zhang X G, Shen G H, Zhang K Y, Zhang X X, Huang C, Li X Y 2021 Chin J. Geophys. 64 1831Google Scholar


    Summers D, Ni B B, Meredith N P 2007 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 112 A04207Google Scholar


    Ni B B, Bortnik J, Thorne R M, Ma Q, Chen L 2013 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 118 7740Google Scholar


    Breneman A W, Halford A, Millan R, Mccarthy M, Fennell J, Sample J, Woodger L, Hospodarsky G, Wygant J R, Cattell C A, Goldstein J, Malaspina D, Kletzing C A 2015 Nature 523 193Google Scholar


    Ma Q, Li W, Thorne R M, Ni B, Kletzing C A, Kurth W S, Hospodarsky G B, Reeves G D, Henderson M G, Spence H E, Baker D N, Blake J B, Fennell J F, Claudepierre S G, Angelopoulos V 2015 Geophys. Res. Lett. 42 987Google Scholar


    Cao X, Ni B B, Summers D, Zou Z, Fu S, Zhang W 2017 Geophys. Res. Lett. 44 9547Google Scholar


    Fu S, Yi J, Ni B, Zhou R, Hu Z, Cao X, Gu X, Guo D 2020 Geophys. Res. Lett. 47 e2020GL086963Google Scholar


    Ni B, Huang H, Zhang W, Gu X, Zhao H, Li X, Baker D, Fu S, Xiang Z, Cao X 2019 Geophys. Res. Lett. 46 4134Google Scholar


    Zhao H, Ni B, Li X, Baker D N, Johnston W R, Zhang W, Xiang Z, Gu X, Jaynes A N, Kanekal S G, Blake J B, Claudepierre S G, Temerin M A, Funsten H O, Reeves G D, Boyd A J 2019 Nat. Phys. 15 367Google Scholar


    Claudepierre S G, Ma Q, Bortnik J, O'Brien T P, Fennell J F, Blake J B 2020 Geophys. Res. Lett. 47 e2019GL086056Google Scholar


    Kennel C F, Engelmann F 1966 Phys. Fluids 9 2377Google Scholar


    Xiao F L, Su Z, Zheng H. Wang S 2009a J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 114 A03201Google Scholar


    Xiao F L, Zong Q G, Chen L 2009b J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 114 A01215Google Scholar


    Ma Q, Li W, Thorne R M, Nishimura Y, Zhang X J, Reeves G D, Kletzing C A, Kurth W S, Hospodarsky G B, Henderson M G, Spence H E, Baker D N, Blake J B, Fennell J F, Angelopoulos V 2016 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 121 4217Google Scholar


    Hua M, Li W, Ni B, Ma Q, Reeves G D 2020 Nat. Commun 11Google Scholar


    Zhu Q, Cao X, Gu X, N i, B, Xiang Z, Fu S, Summers D, Hua M, Lou Y, Ma X, Guo Y, Guo D, Zhang W 2021 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 126 A029057Google Scholar


    Reeves G D, Fritz T A, Cayton T E, Belian R D 1990 Geophys. Res. Lett. 17 2015Google Scholar


    Friedel R H W, Korth A, Kremser G 1996 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 101 A00399Google Scholar


    Baker D N, Pulkkinen T I, Hesse M, Mcpherron R L 1997 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 102 A03961Google Scholar


    Cao J B, Wei X H, Duan A Y, Fu H S, Zhang T L, Reme H, Dandouras I 2013 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 118 1659Google Scholar


    Chen L, Thorne R M, Shprits Y, Ni B 2013 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 118 2185Google Scholar


    Turner D L, Claudepierre S G, Fennell J F, O'Brien T P, Blake J B, Lemon C, Gkioulidou M, Takahashi K, Reeves G D, Thaller S, Breneman A, Wygant J R, Li W, Runov A, Angelopoulos V 2015 Geophys. Res. Lett. 42 2079Google Scholar


    Cao X, Shprits Y, Ni B, Zhelavskaya I S 2017 Sci. Rep. 7 17719Google Scholar


    Ni B, Cao X, Shprits Y Y, Summers D, Gu X, Fu S, Lou Y 2018 Geophys. Res. Lett. 45 21Google Scholar


    Yu J, Li L Y, Cui J, Cao J B, Wang J 2019 Geophys. Res. Lett. 46 6306Google Scholar


    Yu J, Li L Y, Cui J, Cao J B, Wang J, He Z, Yang J 2020 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 125Google Scholar


    Hartley D P, Kletzing C A, Kurth W S, Bounds S R, Averkamp T F, Hospodarsky G B, Wygant J R, Bonnell J W, Santolík O, Watt C E J 2016 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 121 4590Google Scholar


    Cao X, Ni B, Summers D, Fu S, Gu X, Shi R 2020 Astrophys. J. 896 118Google Scholar


    Ma X, Cao X, Ni B, Zhu Q, Xiang Z 2021 Astrophys. J. 916Google Scholar


    Selesnick R S, Blake J B, Mewaldt R A 2003 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 108 1468Google Scholar


    Kim K C, Shprits Y, Subbotin D, Ni B 2011 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 116 A10214Google Scholar


    Meredith N P, Horne R B, Glauert S A, Anderson R R 2007 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 112 8214Google Scholar


    Stix T H 1992 Waves in Plasmas (America Institute Physics)


    Li W, Ma Q, Thorne R M, Bortnik J, Kletzing C A, Kurth W S, Hospodarsky G B, Nishimura Y 2015 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 120 5


    顾旭东, 殷倩, 倪彬彬, 项正, 曹兴, 邹正洋, 周晨, 付松, 石润, 赵正予, 谈家强, 王豪, 郑程耀, 贺丰明 2017 地球 60 1249Google Scholar

    Gu X D, Yin Q, Ni B B, Xiang Z, Cao X, Zou Z Y, Zhou C, Fu S, Shi R, Zhao Z Y, Tan J Q, Wang H, Zhen C Y, He F M 2017 Chin. J. Geophys. 60 1249Google Scholar


    项正, 谭家强, 倪彬彬, 顾旭东, 曹兴, 邹正洋, 周晨, 付松, 石润, 赵正予, 贺丰明, 郑程耀, 殷倩, 王豪 2017 66 039401Google Scholar

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  • Received Date:  07 September 2021
  • Accepted Date:  11 October 2021
  • Available Online:  27 February 2022
  • Published Online:  05 March 2022

