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Multi-dimensional modeling of radiation belt electron pitch-angle diffusion coefficients caused by plasmaspheric hiss

Wang Jing-Zhi Ma Xin Xiang Zheng Gu Xu-Dong Jiao Lu-Huai Lei Liang-Jian Ni Bin-Bin


Multi-dimensional modeling of radiation belt electron pitch-angle diffusion coefficients caused by plasmaspheric hiss

Wang Jing-Zhi, Ma Xin, Xiang Zheng, Gu Xu-Dong, Jiao Lu-Huai, Lei Liang-Jian, Ni Bin-Bin
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Plasmaspheric hiss is an important wave mode in the Earth’s radiation belts. Hiss waves can scatter energetic electrons into loss cones to precipitate into the atmosphere, and therefore become an important source of fluctuations, leading the radiation belt to lose electrons . As a function of electron energy and pitch angle, the diffusion coefficient of hiss waves for radiation belt electrons is significantly influenced by the solar wind and geomagnetic activity, and also strongly depends on the spatial position, the background magnetic field, and the plasma density distribution. In order to quickly obtain the diffusion coefficients of hiss waves on electrons in the radiation belt for modelling the global dynamics of the radiation belt, we systematically calculate the diffusion coefficients of hiss waves on electrons in the radiation belt by using the full diffusion code (FDC), and build a four-dimensional matrix database of diffusion coefficients for the spatial region L = 1.5–6, the cold plasma parameter α* = 3–30, electron energy 1 keV–10 MeV, and electron throw angle 0°–90°. According to the database, we can quickly obtain diffusion coefficients with different L and α* values through linear interpolations. By comparing the errors between diffusion coefficients calculated by the FDC code and those linearly interpolated from the diffusion coefficient database, the accuracies of interpolated coefficients are validated, showing that most of the errors lie in 10%. The four-dimensional database of hiss wave pitch angle diffusion coefficients for radiation belt electrons and the validated linear interpolation method established in this paper can significantly reduce the time required to obtain global information about hiss wave diffusion coefficients, thereby rapidly improving the computational efficiency of carrying out simulations of spatial and temporal changes in the radiation belts over long periods of time, which in turn is expected to provide favourable conditions for the development of dynamic forecasting models of the Earth's radiation belts.
      Corresponding author: Ma Xin, ; Xiang Zheng,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 42025404, 42188101, 42174190, 41904143, 42274199, 42204160), the Pre-research Projects on Civil Aerospace Technologies (Grant Nos. D020308, D020104) funded by the China National Space Administration, and the B-type Strategic Priority Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant Nos. XDB41000000) and the Key Laboratory of Earth and Planetary Physics, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. DQXX2021-04), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No. 2042021kf0016).

    Ni B, Gu X, Fu S, Xiang Z, Lou Y 2017 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 122 3342Google Scholar


    Lou Y, Cao X, Ni B, Tu W, Gu X, Fu S, Xiang Z, Ma X 2021 Geophys. Res. Lett. 48 e2020GL092208


    Thorne R, Ni B, Tao X, Richard B, Nigel P 2010 Nature 467 943Google Scholar


    Guo D, Xiang Z, Ni, B, Cao X, Fu S, Zhou R, Gu X, Yi J, Guo Y, Jiao L 2021 Geophys. Res. Lett. 48 e2021GL095714


    Guo Y, Ni B, Fu S, Wang D, Shprits Y, Zhelavskaya I, Feng M, Guo D 2022 J. Geophys. Res. 127 e2021JA029926


    He Q, Liu S, Xiao F, Gao Z, Li T, Shang X, Zhou Q, Yang C, He L 2022 Sci. China Technol. Sci. 65 1


    He J, Jin Y, Xiao F, He Z, Yang C, Xie Y, He Q, Wang C, Shang X, Liu S, Zhou Q, Zhang S 2021 Sci. China Technol. Sci. 64 890


    Liu S, Xie Y, Zhang S, Shang X, Yang C, Zhou Q, He Y, Xiao F 2020 Geophys. Res. Lett. 47 e2020GL089994


    Ni B, Bortnik J, Thorne R, Ma Q, Chen L 2013 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 118 7740Google Scholar


    Ni B, Li W, Thorne R, Bortnik J, Ma Q, Chen L, Kletzing C, Kurth W, Hospodarsky G, Reeves G, Spence H, Blake J, Fennell J, Claudepierre S 2014 Geophys. Res. Lett. 41 1854Google Scholar


    Zhang W, Fu S, Gu X, Ni B, Xiang Z, Summers D, Zou Z, Cao X, Lou Y, Hua M 2018 Geophys. Res. Lett. 45 4618Google Scholar


    Fu S, Yi J, Ni B, Zhou R, Hu Z, Cao X, Gu X, Guo D 2020 Geophys. Res. Lett. 47 e2020GL086963


    Ni B, Cao X, Zou Z, Zhou C, Gu X, Bortnil J, Zhang J, Fu S, Zhao Z, Shi R, Xie L 2015 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 120 7357Google Scholar


    Xiang Z, Tu W, Li X, Ni B, Morley S, Baker D 2017 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 122 9858Google Scholar


    Xiang Z, Tu W, Ni B, Henderson M, Cao X 2018 Geophys. Res. Lett. 45 8035Google Scholar


    Fu S, Ni B, Lou Y, Bortnik J, Ge Y, Tao X, Cao X, Gu X, Xiang Z, Zhang W, Zhang Y, Wang Q 2018 Geophys. Res. Lett. 45 10866


    Lou Y, Cao, X, Ni, B, Wu M, Zhang T 2021 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 126 e2021JA029966


    Zhou R, Ni B, Fu S, Teng S, Tao X, Hu Z, Guo J, Hua M, Yi J, Guo Y, Jiao L, Ma X, Gu X 2022 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 127 e2021JA030093


    Yang C, Wang Z, Xiao F, He Z, Xie Y, Zhang S, He Y, Liu S, Zhou Q 2022 Sci. China Technol. Sci. 65 131


    Guan C, Shang X, Xie Y, Yang C, Zhang S, Liu S, Xiao F 2020 Sci. China Technol. Sci. 63 2369Google Scholar


    Liu S, Zhang Jian, Chen L, Zhu H, He Zhao 2018 Geophys. Res. Lett. 45 10138


    Hua M, Li W, Ni B, Ma Q, Green A, Shen X, Claudepierre S, Bortnik J, Gu X, Fu S, Xiang Z, Reeves G 2020 Nat. Comm. 11 4847Google Scholar


    Ni B, Hua M, Gu X, Fu S, Xiang Z, Cao X, Ma X 2021 Sci. China Earth Sci. 65 391


    Xiang Z, Lin X, Chen W, Wang Y, Lu P, Gong W, Ma W, Hua M, Liu Y 2021 Chin. J. Geophys. 64 3860


    刘阳希子, 项正, 郭建广, 顾旭东, 付松, 周若贤, 花漫, 朱琪, 易娟, 倪彬彬 2021 70 149401Google Scholar

    Liu Y X Z, Xiang Z, Guo J G, Gu X D, Fu S, Zhou R X, Hua M, Zhu Q, Yi J, Ni B B 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 149401Google Scholar


    Liu Y, Xiang Z, Ni B, Li X, Zhang K, Fu S, Gu X, Liu J, Cao X 2022 Geophys. Res. Lett. 49 e2021GL097443


    Gu X, Peng R, Wang S, Ni B, Luo F, Li G, Li Z 2022 IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 60 1


    Li W, Ma Q, Thorne R, Bortnil J, Kletzing C, Kurth W, Hospodarsky G, Nishimura Y 2015 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 120 3393Google Scholar


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    Xiang Z, Tan J Q, Ni B B, Gu X D, Cao X, Zou Z Y, Zhou C, Fu S, Shi R, Zhao Z Y, He F M, Zheng C Y, Yin Q, Wang H 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 039401Google Scholar


    Meredith N, Horne R, Kersten T, Li W, Bortnik J, Sicard A, Yearby K 2018 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 123 4526Google Scholar


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    Chen L, Li W, Bortnik J, Thorne R 2012 b Geophys. Res. Lett. 39 L08111


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    Zhu Q, Cao X, Gu X, Ni B, Xiang Z, Fu S, Summers D, Hua M, Lou Y, Ma X, Guo Y, Guo D, Zhang W 2021 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 126 e2020JA029057


    Ma Q, Li W, Thorne R, Bortnik J, Reeves G, Kletzing C, Kurth W, Hospodarsky G, Spence H, Baker D, Blake J, Fennell J, Claudepierre S, Angelopoulos V 2016 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 121 11737


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  • 图 1  (a) 不同的Lα*条件下对应等离子体密度的数值; (b) 不同Lα*的值, 蓝线表示位于等离子体层以内, 黄线表示位于等离子体层以外

    Figure 1.  (a) The values of the density at different L and α* values; (b) the values of α* at different L, the blue line indicates inside the plasmapause and the yellow line indicates outside the plasmapause.

    图 2  L = 2时常数传播角模型的嘶声波对电子的弹跳平均散射系数$\langle $Dαα$\rangle $, 其中(a1)—(d7)分别对应不同α*条件下的散射系数

    Figure 2.  Bounce averaged diffusion coefficients $\langle $Dαα$\rangle $ of hiss waves for electrons with constant wave normal angle model at L = 2, where (a1)–(d7) corresponds to the diffusion coefficients under different α* conditions, respectively.

    图 3  L = 3时固定传播角模型的嘶声波对电子的弹跳平均散射系数$\langle $Dαα$\rangle $, 其中(a1)—(d7)分别对应不同α*条件下的散射系数

    Figure 3.  Bounce averaged diffusion coefficients $\langle $Dαα$\rangle $ of hiss waves for electrons with constant wave normal angle model at L = 3, where (a1)–(d7) corresponds to the diffusion coefficients under different α* conditions, respectively.

    图 4  L = 4时常数传播角模型的嘶声波对电子的弹跳平均散射系数$\langle $Dαα$\rangle $, 其中(a1)—(d7)分别对应不同α*条件下的散射系数

    Figure 4.  Bounce averaged diffusion coefficients $\langle $Dαα$\rangle $ of hiss waves for electrons with constant wave normal angle model at L = 4, where (a1)–(d7) corresponds to the diffusion coefficients under different α* conditions, respectively.

    图 5  L = 5时固定传播角模型的嘶声波对电子的弹跳平均散射系数$\langle $Dαα$\rangle $, 其中(a1)—(d7)分别对应不同α*条件下的散射系数

    Figure 5.  Bounce averaged diffusion coefficients $\langle $Dαα$\rangle $ of hiss waves for electrons with constant wave normal angle model at L = 5, where (a1)–(d7) corresponds to the diffusion coefficients under different α* conditions, respectively.

    图 7  L = 3时随纬度变化传播角模型的嘶声波对电子的弹跳平均散射系数$\langle $Dαα$\rangle $, 其中(a1)—(d7)分别对应不同α*条件下的散射系数

    Figure 7.  Bounce averaged diffusion coefficients $\langle $Dαα$\rangle$ of hiss waves for electrons with latitudinally varying wave normal angle model at L = 3, where (a1)–(d7) corresponds to the diffusion coefficients under different α* conditions, respectively.

    图 8  L = 4时随纬度变化传播角模型的嘶声波对电子的弹跳平均散射系数$\langle $Dαα$\rangle $, 其中(a1)—(d7)分别对应不同α*条件下的散射系数

    Figure 8.  Bounce averaged diffusion coefficients $\langle $Dαα$\rangle $ of hiss waves for electrons with latitudinally varying wave normal angle model at L = 4, where (a1)–(d7) corresponds to the diffusion coefficients under different α* conditions, respectively.

    图 6  L = 2时随纬度变化传播角模型的嘶声波对电子的弹跳平均散射系数$\langle $Dαα$\rangle $, 其中(a1)—(d7)分别对应不同α*条件下的散射系数

    Figure 6.  Bounce averaged diffusion coefficients $\langle $Dαα$\rangle $ of hiss waves for electrons with latitudinally varying wave normal angle model at L = 2, where (a1)–(d7) corresponds to the diffusion coefficients under different α* conditions, respectively.

    图 9  L = 5时随纬度变化传播角模型的嘶声波对电子的弹跳平均散射系数$\langle $Dαα$\rangle $, 其中(a1)—(d7)对应不同α*条件下的散射系数

    Figure 9.  Bounce averaged diffusion coefficients $\langle $Dαα$\rangle $ of hiss waves for electrons with latitudinally varying wave normal angle model at L = 5, where (a1)–(d7) corresponds to the diffusion coefficients under different α* conditions, respectively.

    图 10  (a1)—(a3) 当α* = 4时, L = 3.25, L = 4.35, L = 5.55处计算得到的嘶声波散射系数; (b1)—(b3) 通过数据库进行线性插值计算得到的嘶声波散射系数; (c1)—(c3) 二者相对误差分析

    Figure 10.  (a1)–(a3) The diffusion coefficients of hiss waves calculated at L = 3.25, L = 4.35, L = 5.55 when α* = 3; (b1)–(b3) the hiss wave diffusion coefficients calculated by linear interpolation from the database; (c1)–(c3) the relative error analysis.

    图 11  (a)—(c) 当α* = 4时, L = 3.25, L = 4.35, L = 5.55处选取能级为50 keV, 200 keV, 400 keV以及700 keV的散射系数对比结果; (d)—(f) 数值的比值, 虚线表示FDC计算结果, 点画线表示线性插值结果, 不同颜色代表不同能级

    Figure 11.  (a1)–(a3) Comparison of the diffusion coefficients at α* = 4, L = 3.25, L = 4.35, L = 5.55 for selected energy levels of 50 keV, 200 keV, 400 keV and 700 keV; (d)–(f) the ratio of values, the dashed line shows the result of the FDC calculation, the dotted lines shows the result of linear interpolation, different colors represent different energy levels.

    图 12  (a1)—(a3) 当L = 4时, α* = 3.25, α* = 4.35, α* = 5.55处计算得到的嘶声波散射系数; (b1)—(b3) 通过数据库进行线性插值计算得到的嘶声波散射系数; (c1)—(c3) 表示对二者进行相对误差分析

    Figure 12.  (a1)–(a3) The diffusion coefficients of hiss waves calculated at α* = 3.25, α* = 4.35, α* = 5.55 when L = 4; (b1)–(b3) the hiss wave diffusion coefficients calculated by linear interpolation from the database; (c1)–(c3) the relative error analysis.

    图 13  (a)—(c) 当L = 4时, α* = 3.25, α* = 4.35, α* = 5.55处选取能级为50 keV, 200 keV, 400 keV和700 keV的散射系数对比结果; (d)—(f) 数值的比值, 虚线表示FDC计算结果, 点画线表示线性插值结果, 表示不同颜色代表不同能级

    Figure 13.  (a)–(c) The comparison of the diffusion coefficients at α* = 3.25, α* = 4.35, α* = 5.55 for L = 4 for selected energy levels of 50 keV, 200 keV, 400 keV and 700 keV; (d)–(f) the ratio of values, the dashed line shows the result of the FDC calculation, the dotted lines shows the result of linear interpolation, different colors represent different energy levels.

    表 1  随纬度变化的传播角模型主要参数

    Table 1.  Parameters of the varying latitudinal wave normal angle model.

    λ/(º)$ \varphi $m/(º)δ$ \varphi $/(º)$ \varphi $/(º)
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  不同L的磁纬度选取范围

    Table 2.  Range of magnetic latitude at different L values

    DownLoad: CSV
  • [1]

    Ni B, Gu X, Fu S, Xiang Z, Lou Y 2017 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 122 3342Google Scholar


    Lou Y, Cao X, Ni B, Tu W, Gu X, Fu S, Xiang Z, Ma X 2021 Geophys. Res. Lett. 48 e2020GL092208


    Thorne R, Ni B, Tao X, Richard B, Nigel P 2010 Nature 467 943Google Scholar


    Guo D, Xiang Z, Ni, B, Cao X, Fu S, Zhou R, Gu X, Yi J, Guo Y, Jiao L 2021 Geophys. Res. Lett. 48 e2021GL095714


    Guo Y, Ni B, Fu S, Wang D, Shprits Y, Zhelavskaya I, Feng M, Guo D 2022 J. Geophys. Res. 127 e2021JA029926


    He Q, Liu S, Xiao F, Gao Z, Li T, Shang X, Zhou Q, Yang C, He L 2022 Sci. China Technol. Sci. 65 1


    He J, Jin Y, Xiao F, He Z, Yang C, Xie Y, He Q, Wang C, Shang X, Liu S, Zhou Q, Zhang S 2021 Sci. China Technol. Sci. 64 890


    Liu S, Xie Y, Zhang S, Shang X, Yang C, Zhou Q, He Y, Xiao F 2020 Geophys. Res. Lett. 47 e2020GL089994


    Ni B, Bortnik J, Thorne R, Ma Q, Chen L 2013 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 118 7740Google Scholar


    Ni B, Li W, Thorne R, Bortnik J, Ma Q, Chen L, Kletzing C, Kurth W, Hospodarsky G, Reeves G, Spence H, Blake J, Fennell J, Claudepierre S 2014 Geophys. Res. Lett. 41 1854Google Scholar


    Zhang W, Fu S, Gu X, Ni B, Xiang Z, Summers D, Zou Z, Cao X, Lou Y, Hua M 2018 Geophys. Res. Lett. 45 4618Google Scholar


    Fu S, Yi J, Ni B, Zhou R, Hu Z, Cao X, Gu X, Guo D 2020 Geophys. Res. Lett. 47 e2020GL086963


    Ni B, Cao X, Zou Z, Zhou C, Gu X, Bortnil J, Zhang J, Fu S, Zhao Z, Shi R, Xie L 2015 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 120 7357Google Scholar


    Xiang Z, Tu W, Li X, Ni B, Morley S, Baker D 2017 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 122 9858Google Scholar


    Xiang Z, Tu W, Ni B, Henderson M, Cao X 2018 Geophys. Res. Lett. 45 8035Google Scholar


    Fu S, Ni B, Lou Y, Bortnik J, Ge Y, Tao X, Cao X, Gu X, Xiang Z, Zhang W, Zhang Y, Wang Q 2018 Geophys. Res. Lett. 45 10866


    Lou Y, Cao, X, Ni, B, Wu M, Zhang T 2021 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 126 e2021JA029966


    Zhou R, Ni B, Fu S, Teng S, Tao X, Hu Z, Guo J, Hua M, Yi J, Guo Y, Jiao L, Ma X, Gu X 2022 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 127 e2021JA030093


    Yang C, Wang Z, Xiao F, He Z, Xie Y, Zhang S, He Y, Liu S, Zhou Q 2022 Sci. China Technol. Sci. 65 131


    Guan C, Shang X, Xie Y, Yang C, Zhang S, Liu S, Xiao F 2020 Sci. China Technol. Sci. 63 2369Google Scholar


    Liu S, Zhang Jian, Chen L, Zhu H, He Zhao 2018 Geophys. Res. Lett. 45 10138


    Hua M, Li W, Ni B, Ma Q, Green A, Shen X, Claudepierre S, Bortnik J, Gu X, Fu S, Xiang Z, Reeves G 2020 Nat. Comm. 11 4847Google Scholar


    Ni B, Hua M, Gu X, Fu S, Xiang Z, Cao X, Ma X 2021 Sci. China Earth Sci. 65 391


    Xiang Z, Lin X, Chen W, Wang Y, Lu P, Gong W, Ma W, Hua M, Liu Y 2021 Chin. J. Geophys. 64 3860


    刘阳希子, 项正, 郭建广, 顾旭东, 付松, 周若贤, 花漫, 朱琪, 易娟, 倪彬彬 2021 70 149401Google Scholar

    Liu Y X Z, Xiang Z, Guo J G, Gu X D, Fu S, Zhou R X, Hua M, Zhu Q, Yi J, Ni B B 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 149401Google Scholar


    Liu Y, Xiang Z, Ni B, Li X, Zhang K, Fu S, Gu X, Liu J, Cao X 2022 Geophys. Res. Lett. 49 e2021GL097443


    Gu X, Peng R, Wang S, Ni B, Luo F, Li G, Li Z 2022 IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 60 1


    Li W, Ma Q, Thorne R, Bortnil J, Kletzing C, Kurth W, Hospodarsky G, Nishimura Y 2015 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 120 3393Google Scholar


    项正, 谈家强, 倪彬彬, 顾旭东, 曹兴, 邹正洋, 周晨, 付松, 石润, 赵正予, 贺丰明, 郑程耀, 殷倩, 王豪 2017 66 039401Google Scholar

    Xiang Z, Tan J Q, Ni B B, Gu X D, Cao X, Zou Z Y, Zhou C, Fu S, Shi R, Zhao Z Y, He F M, Zheng C Y, Yin Q, Wang H 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 039401Google Scholar


    Meredith N, Horne R, Kersten T, Li W, Bortnik J, Sicard A, Yearby K 2018 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 123 4526Google Scholar


    Kim K, Shprits Y 2019 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 124 1904Google Scholar


    Zhang W, Ni B, Huang H, Summers D, Fu S, Xiang Z, Gu X, Cao X, Lou Y, Hua M 2019 Geophys. Res. Lett. 46 5670Google Scholar


    Chen L, Li W, Bortnik J, Thorne R 2012 b Geophys. Res. Lett. 39 L08111


    Cao X, Ni B, Summers D, Fu S, Shi R 2020 Astrophys. J. 896 118Google Scholar


    Ma X, Cao X, Ni B, Zhu Q, Xiang Z 2021 Astrophys. J. 916 14Google Scholar


    Bortnik J, Li W, Thome R, Angelopoulos V, Cully C, Bonnell J, Contel O, Roux A 2009 Science 324 775Google Scholar


    Chen L, Bortnik J, Li W, Thorne R, Horne R 2012 J. Geophys. Res. 117 A05201


    Chen L, Thorne R, Bortnik J, Li W, Horne R, Reeves G, Kletzing C, Kurth W, Hospodarsky G, Spence H, Blake J, Fennell J 2014 Geophys. Res. Lett. 41 5702Google Scholar


    Lyons L, Thorne R 1973 J. Geophys. Res. 78 2142Google Scholar


    Meredith N, Horne R, Glauert S, Baker D, Kanekal S, Albert J 2009 J. Geophys. Res. 114 A03222


    Xiang Z, Li X, Ni B, Temerin M, Zhang K, Khoo L 2020 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 125 e2020JA028042


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  • Received Date:  10 April 2022
  • Accepted Date:  18 October 2022
  • Available Online:  19 October 2022
  • Published Online:  20 November 2022

