Microfluidic technology based on microchannel two-phase flow has been widely used. The precise control of the bubble or droplet size in the channel plays a crucial role in designing the microfluidic systems. In this work, the bubble breakup behavior in Y-shaped microchannel is reconstructed based on the volume of fluid method (VOF), and the effects of bubble dimensionless size (1.2–2.7), outlet flow ratio (1–4) and main channel Reynolds number (100–600) on the bubble breakup behavior are systematically investigated. The bubble asymmetric breakup process is found to be divided into three stages: extension stage, squeeze stage, and rapid pinch-off stage. In the case of small initial bubble size or relatively high outlet flow rate, the bubble does not break, but only experiences the extension stage and the squeezing stage. Four flow patterns of bubble breakup are further revealed for the bubbles with different sizes and outlet flow ratios: tunnel-tunnel breakup, obstruction-obstruction breakup, tunnel-obstruction breakup, and non-breakup. With the increase of outlet flow ratio, the breakup process of the bubble gradually becomes asymmetrical, and the flow pattern shifts along the tunnel-tunnel breakup and the obstruction-obstruction breakup, gradually turns toward the tunnel-obstruction breakup and non-breakup. On this basis, the critical flow ratio of bubble breakup and the variation of daughter bubble volume ratio with outlet flow ratio are obtained for different Reynolds numbers and initial bubble sizes, and the corresponding criterion correlation equation is refined, which can provide theoretical guidance for accurately regulating the daughter bubble size after breakup.
- outlet flow ratio /
- Y-shaped microchannel /
- bubble breakup /
- 3-dimensional numerical simulation
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表 1 水和空气的物理性质(20 ℃)
Table 1. Physical parameters of water and air (20 ℃)
流体类型 密度/(kg·m–3) 黏性系
系数/(N·m–1)空气 1.225 0.000018 水 998.2 0.001005 0.07275 表 2 网格无关性验证: 气泡长度对比
Table 2. Mesh-independent study: Comparison of bubble length.
算例 网格 1 网格 2 网格 3 网格 4 网格数 499890 1003170 1586530 2401453 雷诺数 100 600 100 600 100 600 100 600 气泡长度$l^* $ 2.122 2.563 2.196 2.595 2.187 2.589 2.190 2.592 |误差($l^* $)|/% 3.11 1.12 0.27 0.12 0.14 0.12 — — Re 100 200 300 400 500 600 a1 1.47 1.45 1.35 1.30 1.25 1.22 b1 5.0 ×
10–71.1 ×
10–71.0 ×
10–45.8 ×
10–34.6 ×
10–32.2 ×
10–4c1 0.42 0.57 1.15 2.08 2.25 2.65 a2 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.02 0.02 0.02 b2 9.9 ×
10–51.20 1.58 1.07 0.66 0.81 c2 0.50 0.98 1.23 2.05 2.24 2.50 a3 — 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.005 0.010 b3 — 0.47 –0.36 0.15 0.03 –0.13 c3 — 0.85 1.00 1.20 1.63 1.98 i j $V^* $= 1.7 –0.79 0.025 $V^* $= 2.2 –0.44 0.034 $V^* $= 2.7 –1.54 0.054 -
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Wang C L, Jin Z L, Wang Y Q, Wang D B 2017 Chem. Ind. Eng. Prog 36 S1
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Liu Z M, Liu L K, Shen F 2014 Chin. J. Mech. Eng. 50 8
[16] 王维萌, 马一萍, 王澎, 陈斌 2015 工程热 36 2
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[17] Ma D F, Liang D, Zhu C Y, Fu T T, Ma Y G 2020 Chem. Eng. Sci. 10 1016
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[27] Fluent, ANSYS FLUENT 17.0: User's Guide, 2016, ANSYS-Fluent Inc., Canonsburg, PA.
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