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赵兹卿 严裕 娄钦



赵兹卿, 严裕, 娄钦
cstr: 32037.14.aps.74.20241678

Three-dimensional mesoscopic numerical simulation of the rising behavior of bubbles with large density ratio in porous media channels

ZHAO Ziqing, YAN Yu, LOU Qin
cstr: 32037.14.aps.74.20241678
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 本文基于格子Boltzmann方法, 使用三维数值模拟研究了复杂多孔介质中大密度比气泡运动行为, 重点探讨Eötvös数 (Eo)、接触角 (θ) 和Reynolds数(Re)耦合作用对气泡速度、形态演化及停滞现象的影响规律. 研究发现, 在多孔介质中, 接触角增大降低了气泡速度, 并加剧速度波动, 使气泡趋于扁平化. Eo的增大则可显著抑制扁平化趋势, 稳定气泡速度, 使其形态更接近子弹头状. 当接触角较大且Eo较小时, 黏附力增强会导致气泡停滞于多孔介质内部. 此外, Re与接触角在阻力构成中呈竞争关系, 对气泡的平均速度具有相互增强的作用, 而在较大接触角下, Re增大会导致气泡尾部不稳定并易断裂. 研究还表明, 低Eo和低Re条件下气泡速度随Eo增大而下降, 而在高Eo和高Re条件下则呈相反趋势, 这一现象源于气泡形态的不稳定性对浮力和速度的影响.
    In this paper, a three-dimensional numerical simulation of the motion behavior of bubbles in complex porous medium channels in a large density ratio gas-liquid system is conducted based on the lattice Boltzmann method. The Eötvös number (Eo), contact angle (θ) and Reynolds number (Re) are systematically discussed with emphasis on the law of their coupling effect affecting bubble velocity, morphological evolution and stagnation phenomenon. The results show that the increase of contact angle will reduce the bubble velocity but intensify the velocity fluctuations, making the bubbles tend flat, while the increase of Eo number significantly suppresses the influence of the contact angle, stabilizes the bubble velocity, and makes its shape close to a bullet head shape. When the contact angle is large (θ > 90°) and the Eo number is small (Eo < 10), the adhesion force is significantly enhanced and the bubbles will stagnate inside the porous medium. Re number and contact angle compete in the generation of resistance, and have mutually reinforcing effects on the average velocity of bubbles and interface evolution. The larger contact angle makes the deformation of the bubble tail intensify and becomes unstable, and as the Re number further increases, the tail tentacles are more likely to break, forming residual bubbles. It is also found in this work that the coupling between Eo number and Re number significantly affects bubble behavior in motion and morphological evolution. Under the conditions of high Eo number (Eo ≥ 25) and high Re number (Re ≥14), the bubble velocity increases with the Eo number rising, and the trend becomes more significant as the Re number increases; while under the conditions of low Eo number (Eo < 25) and low Re number (Re < 14), the speed change pattern is completely opposite. This phenomenon is due to the high instability of bubble morphology under the conditions of high Eo number and high Re number, which affects the buoyancy and speed performance. The research results provide important guidance for optimizing the flow behavior of bubbles in porous medium.
      通信作者: 娄钦, qlou@usst.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 52376068, 51976128)和上海市浦江人才(批准号: 22PJD047)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: LOU Qin, qlou@usst.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 52376068, 51976128) and the Pujiang Program of Shanghai, China (Grant No. 22PJD047).

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    娄钦, 汤升, 王浩原 2021 计算物理 38 289

    Lou Q, Tang S, Wang H Y 2021 J. Comput. Phys. 38 289

  • 图 1  三维物理模型 (a) 示意图; (b) y方向正视图

    Fig. 1.  3D physical model (a) Schematic diagram; (b) front view in the y direction.

    图 2  不同网格下气泡在y = Ly/2和z = h3切面上轮廓变化 (a) t* = 2.19时刻气泡在y = Ly/2切面的轮廓; (b) t* = 3.69时刻气泡在z = h3切面的轮廓

    Fig. 2.  The contour changes of the bubble on the y = Ly/2 and z = h3 sections under different grids: (a) The contour of the bubble on the y = Ly/2 section at t* = 2.19; (b) the contour of the bubble on the z = h3 section at t* = 3.57.

    图 3  不同Eo与接触角组合下的气泡形态变化

    Fig. 3.  Changes in bubble morphology under different combinations of Eo numbers and contact angles.

    图 4  不同工况下未通过多孔介质的气泡形态

    Fig. 4.  The morphology of bubbles that do not pass through porous media under different working conditions.

    图 5  气泡平均速度${v_{{\text{ave}}}}$在(a)不同Eo与(b)接触角θ工况下的变化趋势

    Fig. 5.  Variation trend of average bubble velocity under (a) different Eo numbers and (b) contact angle θ conditions.

    图 6  瞬时速度v* 在不同Eo下随θ的变化 (a) Eo = 10; (b) Eo = 100

    Fig. 6.  Variation of instantaneous velocity v* with θ at different Eo numbers: (a) Eo = 10; (b) Eo = 100.

    图 7  气泡在 (a)绿色圆点、(b) 蓝色方块、(c) 红色三角处的位置与形态

    Fig. 7.  The position and shape of bubbles at (a) green dots, (b) blue squares, and (c) red triangles.

    图 8  气泡在(a)不同Re与(b)不同θ工况下vave的变化趋势

    Fig. 8.  Variation trend of bubble vave under (a) different Re and (b) different θ conditions.

    图 9  不同Re与接触角耦合作用下气泡的形态变化

    Fig. 9.  Changes in bubble morphology under the coupling effect of different Re and contact angle.

    图 10  气泡在(a)不同Eo和(b)不同Re组合下vave的变化情况

    Fig. 10.  Changes in the bubble vave under (a) different Eo numbers and (b) different Re number combinations.

    图 11  不同ReEo耦合作用下气泡的形态变化

    Fig. 11.  Changes in bubble morphology under the coupling of different Re and Eo numbers.

  • [1]

    Lichtschlag A, Haeckel M, Olierook D, Peel K, Flohr A, Pearce C R, Marieni C, James R H, Connelly D P 2021 Int. J. Greenh. Gas Control 109 103352Google Scholar


    张沐安, 王进卿, 吴睿, 冯致, 詹明秀, 徐旭, 池作和 2023 72 164701Google Scholar

    Zhang M A, Wang J Q, Wu R, Feng Z, Zhan M X, Xu X, Chi Z H 2023 Acta Phys. Sin. 72 164701Google Scholar


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    Guo Z L, Zheng C G 2009 Theory and Applications of Lattice Boltzmann Method (Beijing: Science Press) p42


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    Yi T H, Zhang W Y, Qiu Y N, Lei G, Yu Y Z, Wu J Y, Yang G 2023 Int. J. Multiphase Flow 169 104601Google Scholar


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