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Dynamical quantum phase transitions in transverse field XY chain after a double quench

Fu Hao Cao Kai-Yuan Zhong Ming Tong Pei-Qing


Dynamical quantum phase transitions in transverse field XY chain after a double quench

Fu Hao, Cao Kai-Yuan, Zhong Ming, Tong Pei-Qing
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Nonequilibrium dynamics of quantum many-body systems have achieved rapid progress from both theoretical and experimental perspectives. Recently, dynamical quantum phase transitions (DQPTs), which describe the nonanalytic behaviors of physical quantities during the time evolution, have attracted a lot of interest. The most studied protocol to drive the system out of equilibrium is via a quantum quench. Recently, the DQPTs in the Ising chain and ANNNI chain after double quench are studied. Double quench means that the Hamiltonian of the system is abruptly changed from $H_{0}$ to $H_{1}$, and then abruptly changed from $H_{1}$ to $H_{2}$ after a evolutionary time T. One can control at will whether or not DQPTs appear after the second quench by varying T. In this paper, we study the DQPTs arising from a double quench in the anisotropic $XY$ chain in a transverse field. The anisotropic $XY$ chain in a transverse field has two kinds of quantum phase transitions (Ising transition and anisotropic transition). We discuss mainly the effects of quench paths on the DQPTs of the transverse field $XY$ chain. By calculating the rate function of the Loschmidt echo and Fisher zeros, we find that there are three typical types of the critical times of DQPTs in the plane of the T and the evolution time t. Type I of critical times, which occurs only in a certain range of T, is related to the protocol of the Hamiltonian abruptly changed from $H_{0}$ to $H_{1}$. Type II of critical times, which occurs all the time, is related to the protocol of the Hamiltonian abruptly changed from $H_{0}$ to $H_{2}$. Type III of critical times, which occurs all the time, is related to the protocols of the Hamiltonian abruptly changed from $H_{0}$ to $H_{1}$ and $H_{0}$ to $H_{2}$. When the double quench paths pass through the same kind of transition point, only the critical times corresponding to Type I will appear after the second quench. When the double quench paths pass through different kinds of transition points, the critical times after the second quench will appear any two of the above three types, which depend on the choice of quench path.
      Corresponding author: Tong Pei-Qing,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11975126, 11575087)

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    Žunkovič B, Heyl M, Knap M, Silva A 2018 Phys. Rev. Lett. 120 130601Google Scholar


    Karrasch C, Schuricht D 2017 Phys. Rev. B 95 075143Google Scholar


    Zhou L, Wang Q H, Wang H, Gong J 2018 Phys. Rev. A 98 022129Google Scholar


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    Fläschner N, Vogel D, Tarnowski M, Rem B S, Lühmann D S, Heyl M, Budich J C, Mathey L, Sengstock K, Weitenberg C 2018 Nat. Phys. 14 265Google Scholar


    Martinez E A, Muschik C A, Schindler P, Nigg D, Erhard A, Heyl M, Hauke P, Dalmonte M, Monz T, Zoller P, Blatt R 2016 Nature 534 516Google Scholar


    Zhang J, Pagano G, Hess P W, Kyprianidis A, Becker P, Kaplan H, Gorshkov A V, Gong Z X, Monroe C 2017 Nature 551 601Google Scholar


    Nie X, Wei B B, Chen X, Zhang Z, Zhao X, Qiu C, Tian Y, Ji Y, Xin T, Lu D, Li J 2020 Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 250601Google Scholar


    Wang K, Qiu X, Xiao L, Zhan X, Bian Z, Yi W, Xue P 2019 Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 020501Google Scholar


    Tia Tn, Yang H X, Qiu L Y, Liang H Y, Yang Y B, Xu Y, Duan L M 2020 Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 043001Google Scholar


    Kennes D M, Schuricht D, Karrasch C 2018 Phys. Rev. B 97 184302Google Scholar


    cheraghi H, Mahdavifar S 2020 Sci. Rep. 10 4407Google Scholar


    Hou X Y, Gao Q C, Guo H, He Y, Liu T, Chien C C 2020 Phys. Rev. B 102 104305Google Scholar


    Heyl M 2015 Phys. Rev. Lett. 115 140602Google Scholar


    Lang J, Frank B, Halimeh J C 2018 Phys. Rev. Lett. 121 130603Google Scholar


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    Huang Y P, Banerjee D, Heyl M 2019 Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 250401Google Scholar


    Khatun A, Bhattacharjee S M 2019 Phys. Rev. Lett. 123 160603Google Scholar


    Zhou B, Yang C, Chen S 2019 Phys. Rev. B 100 184313Google Scholar


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    Divakaran U, Sharma S, Dutta A 2016 Phys. Rev. E 93 052133Google Scholar


    Zhang X X, Li F J, Wang K, Xue J, Huo G W, Fang A P, Li H R 2021 Chin. Phys. B 30 090504Google Scholar


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    杨超, 陈澍 2019 68 220304Google Scholar

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    贺志, 余敏, 王琼 2019 物理学 报 68 240506

    He Z, Yu M, Wang Q 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 240506


    Lieb E, Schultz T, Mattis D 1961 Ann. Phys. NY 16 407Google Scholar

  • 图 1  横场中XY链的相图, 其中的点$A, B, \cdots, F$表示典型的参数值所对应的位置

    Figure 1.  Phase diagram of the $XY$ chain in a transverse field. The points $A, B, \cdots, F$ in the phase diagram correspond to the typical parameter values.

    图 2  (a)淬火路径$A\rightarrow B\rightarrow C$对应的临界时间图, 图中两条虚线对应的时刻分别为$T=0.5$$1.0$; (b1) $T=0.5$和(b2)$T=1.0$$t>T$时的Fisher零点分布; (c)两次淬火过程中的率函数, 黑色和红色实线分别对应$T=0.5$$1.0$; (d) $|B_{k}/A_{k}|$k的关系, 黑色和红色实线分别对应$T=0.5$$1.0$

    Figure 2.  (a) Location of the critical times in the $t\text{-}T$ plane for the path $A\rightarrow B\rightarrow C$. The dotted lines mark the times for $T=0.5$ and $1.0$, respectively. (b) The Fisher zeros for $t>T$ with (b1) $T=0.5$ and (b2) $T=1.0$, respectively. (c) The rate functions corresponding to $T=0.5$ and $1.0$, respectively. (d) The relationship between $|B_{k}/A_{k}|$ and k for $T=0.5$ and $1.0$, respectively.

    图 3  (a)淬火路径$C\rightarrow D\rightarrow E$对应的临界时间图, 图中虚线对应的时刻为$T=1.25$; (b) $T=1.25$$t>T$时的Fisher零点分布; (c) $T=1.25$时两次淬火过程的率函数; (d)黑色实线是$\tan^{2}(\theta_{0, k}-\theta_{1, k})/2$k的关系, 图中红色和蓝色实线为$|B_{k}/A_{k}|$k的关系, 对应的时间间隔分别为$T=T_{5}\approx1.1574$$T=T_{6}\approx1.3879$

    Figure 3.  (a) Location of the critical times in the $t\text{-}T$ plane for the path $C\rightarrow D\rightarrow E$. The dotted line marks the time for $T=1.25$. (b) The Fisher zeros for $t>T$ with $T=1.25$. (c) The rate function corresponding to $T=1.25$. (d) The black line corresponding to the relationship between $\tan^{2}(\theta_{0, k}-\theta_{1, k})/2$ and k. The red and blue lines corresponding to the relationships between $|B_{k}/A_{k}|$ and k for $T=T_{5}\approx1.1574$ and $T=T_{6}\approx1.3879$, respectively.

    图 4  (a)淬火路径$B\rightarrow C\rightarrow D$对应的临界时间图, 图中虚线对应的时刻为$T=1.5$; (b) $T=1.5$$t>T$时的Fisher零点分布; (c) $T=1.5$时两次淬火过程的率函数; (d)黑色实线是$\tan^{2}(\theta_{0, k}-\theta_{1, k})/2$k的关系. 红色实线为$|B_{k}/A_{k}|$k的关系, 对应的时间间隔为$T=T_{7}\approx1.5210$

    Figure 4.  (a) Location of the critical times in the $t\text{-}T$ plane for the path $B\rightarrow C\rightarrow D$. The dotted line marks the time for $T=1.5$. (b) The Fisher zeros for $t>T$ with $T=1.5$. (c) The rate function corresponding to $T=1.5$. (d) The black line corresponding to the relationship between $\tan^{2}(\theta_{0, k}-\theta_{1, k})/2$ and k. The red line corresponding to the relationship between $|B_{k}/A_{k}|$ and k for $T=T_{7}\approx1.5210$.

    图 5  (a)淬火路径$D\rightarrow C\rightarrow B$对应的临界时间图, 图中虚线对应的时刻为$T=1.5$; (b) $T=1.5$$t>T$ 时的Fisher零点分布; (c) $T=1.5$时两次淬火过程的率函数; (d)黑色实线是$\tan^{2}(\theta_{0, k}-\theta_{1, k})/2$k的关系, 其中红色和蓝色实线为$|B_{k}/A_{k}|$k的关系, 对应的时间间隔分别为$T=T_{8}\approx1.1574$$T=T_{9}\approx1.3879$

    Figure 5.  (a) Location of the critical times in the $t\text{-}T$ plane for the path $D\rightarrow C\rightarrow B$. The dotted line marks the time for $T=1.5$. (b) The Fisher zeros for $t>T$ with $T=1.5$. (c) The rate function corresponding to $T=1.5$. (d) The black line corresponding to the relationship between $\tan^{2}(\theta_{0, k}-\theta_{1, k})/2$ and k. The red and blue lines corresponding to the relationships between $|B_{k}/A_{k}|$ and k for $T=T_{8}\approx1.1574$ and $T=T_{9}\approx1.3879$, respectively.

    图 6  (a)淬火路径$C\rightarrow B\rightarrow D$对应的临界时间图, 图中虚线对应的时刻为$T=1.5$; (b) $T=1.5$$t>T$ 时的Fisher零点分布; (c) $T=1.5$时两次淬火过程的率函数; (d)黑色实线是$\tan^{2}(\theta_{0, k}-\theta_{1, k})/2$k的关系, 其中红色实线为$|B_{k}/A_{k}|$k的关系, 对应的时间间隔为$T=T_{10}\approx0.9170$

    Figure 6.  (a) Location of the critical times in the $t\text{-}T$ plane for the path $C\rightarrow B\rightarrow D$. The dotted line marks the time for $T=1.5$. (b) The Fisher zeros for $t>T$ with $T=1.5$. (c) The rate function corresponding to $T=1.5$. (d) The black line corresponding to the relationship between $\tan^{2}(\theta_{0, k}-\theta_{1, k})/2$ and k. The red line corresponding to the relationship between $|B_{k}/A_{k}|$ and k for $T=T_{10}\approx0.9170$.

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    Polkovnikov A, Sengupta K, Silva A, Vengalattore M 2011 Rev. Mod. Phys. 83 863Google Scholar


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    Jurcevic P, Shen H, Hauke P, Maier C, Brydges T, Hempel C, Lanyon B P, Heyl M, Blatt R, Roos C F 2017 Phys. Rev. Lett. 119 080501Google Scholar


    Fläschner N, Vogel D, Tarnowski M, Rem B S, Lühmann D S, Heyl M, Budich J C, Mathey L, Sengstock K, Weitenberg C 2018 Nat. Phys. 14 265Google Scholar


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    Kennes D M, Schuricht D, Karrasch C 2018 Phys. Rev. B 97 184302Google Scholar


    cheraghi H, Mahdavifar S 2020 Sci. Rep. 10 4407Google Scholar


    Hou X Y, Gao Q C, Guo H, He Y, Liu T, Chien C C 2020 Phys. Rev. B 102 104305Google Scholar


    Heyl M 2015 Phys. Rev. Lett. 115 140602Google Scholar


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    Huang Y P, Banerjee D, Heyl M 2019 Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 250401Google Scholar


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    Divakaran U, Sharma S, Dutta A 2016 Phys. Rev. E 93 052133Google Scholar


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  • Received Date:  16 April 2021
  • Accepted Date:  16 June 2021
  • Available Online:  15 August 2021
  • Published Online:  20 September 2021

