In this review, we discuss the recent progress on the study of dynamic topological phenomena in quench dynamics. In particular, we focus on dynamic quantum phase transition and dynamic topological invariant, both of which are hinged upon the existence of fixed points in the dynamics. Further, the existence of these fixed points are topologically protected, in the sense that their existence are closely related to static topological invariants of pre- and post-quench Hamiltonians. We also discuss under what condition these dynamic topological phenomena are robust in non-unitary quench dynamics governed by non-Hermitian Hamiltonians. So far, dynamic topological phenomena have been experimentally observed in synthetic systems such as cold atomic gases, superconducting qubits, and linear optics. These studies extend our understanding of topological matter to the non-equilibrium regime.
- topological phase /
- quench dynamics /
- dynamic topological invariant /
- ultracold atoms
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图 1 Bloch球上的动力学演化 (a) 态矢量在Bloch球上绕
$ {h}^f $ 运动; (b) 动力学不动点对应于$ {h}^i\cdot {h}^f=\pm 1 $ ; (c) 临界点对应于$ {h} ^i\cdot {h}^f=0 $ . 实线代表$ {h}^i $ (绿色)与$ {h}^f $ (红色), 虚线代表态矢量; 假设初态处于$ H_k $ 基态上, 即$ t=0 $ 时态矢量与$ {h}^i $ 方向相反Figure 1. Visualizing dynamics on the Bloch sphere: (a) State vector revolving around the
$ {h}^f $ axis; (b) illustration of fixed points when$ {h}^i\cdot {h}^f=\pm 1 $ ; (c) illustration of critical points with$ {h} ^i\cdot {h}^f=0 $ .图 4 非厄密SSH模型淬火中的典型动力学自由能
$ g(t) $ 与动力学拓扑序参量$ \nu^D(t) $ (a) 动力学自由能$ g(t) $ ; (b) 动力学拓扑序参量$ \nu^D(t) $ . 在非厄米淬火过程中存在两个临界时间尺度及两个动力学拓扑序参量Figure 4. Dynamic free energy
$ g(t) $ and dynamic topological order parameter$ \nu^D(t) $ in the quench dynamics of non-Hermitian SSH model: (a) Dynamic free energy$ g(t) $ ; (b) dynamic topological order parameter$ \nu^D(t) $ . -
[1] Hasan M Z, Kane C L 2010 Rev. Mod. Phys. 82 3045
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[2] Qi X L, Zhang S C 2011 Rev. Mod. Phys. 83 1057
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[3] Jotzu G, Messer M, Desbuquois R, Lebrat M, Uehlinger T, Greif D, Esslinger T 2014 Nature 515 237
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[4] Fläschner N, Rem B S, Tarnowski M, Vogel D, Lühmann D S, Sengstock K, Weitenberg C 2016 Science 352 1091
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[5] Wu Z, Zhang L, Sun W, Xu X T, Wang B Z, Ji S C, Deng Y, Chen S, Liu X J, Pan J W 2016 Science 354 83
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[6] Song B, Zhang L, He C, Poon T F J, Haiiyev E, Zhang S, Liu X J, Jo G B 2018 Sci. Adv. 4 4748
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[26] Sun W, Yi C R, Wang B Z, Zhang W W, Sanders B C, Xu X T, Wang Z Y, Schmiedmayer J, Deng Y J, Liu X J, Chen S, Pan J W 2018 Phys. Rev. Lett. 121 250403
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[28] Wang K, Qiu X, Xiao L, Zhan X, Bina Z, Yi W, Xue P 2019 Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 020501
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