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Research progress of infrared electrochromic devices

Cheng Bai-Zhang Zhu Yu-Lin Yi Yang Tao Xin Jia Yan Liu Dong-Qing Cheng Hai-Feng


Research progress of infrared electrochromic devices

Cheng Bai-Zhang, Zhu Yu-Lin, Yi Yang, Tao Xin, Jia Yan, Liu Dong-Qing, Cheng Hai-Feng
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Infrared electrochromic device is a kind of device whose infrared emissivity can change reversibly under electric field excitation. This kind of device has important applications in the fields of adaptive infrared camouflage and intelligent thermal control, and has become a research frontier and hot spot in the field of infrared radiation control. In this paper, the working principle, research status and progress of infrared electrochromic devices based on metal oxides, conductive polymers, graphene and metals are summarized, and the development trend of infrared electrochromic device is analyzed.
      Corresponding author: Liu Dong-Qing,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 52073303)

    Lin S, Ai L, Zhang J, Bu T, Li H, Huang F, Zhang J, Lu Y, Song W 2019 Sol. Energy Mater Sol. Cells 203 110135Google Scholar


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    Morin S A, Shepherd R F, Kwok S W, Stokes A A, Nemiroski A, Whitesides G M 2012 Science 337 828Google Scholar


    Aliasi G, Mengali G, Quarta A A 2013 J. Guid. Control. Dynam. 36 1544Google Scholar


    Tao X, Liu D Q, Yu J S, Cheng H F 2021 Adv. Optial. Mater. 9 2001847Google Scholar


    Kumar S, Pickett M D, Strachan J P, Gibson G, Nishi Y, Williams R S 2013 Adv. Mater. 25 6128Google Scholar


    Xu C Y, Stiubianu G T, Gorodetsky A A 2018 Mater. Sci. 359 1495Google Scholar


    Leung E M, Colorado Escobar M, Stiubianu G T, Jim S R, Vyatskikh A L, Feng Z, Garner N, Patel P, Naughton K L, Follador M, Karshalev E, Trexler M D, Gorodetsky A A 2019 Nat. Commun. 10 1947Google Scholar


    Xu G, Zhang L, Wang B, Chen X, Dou S, Pan M, Ren F, Li X, Li Y 2020 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 208 110356Google Scholar


    Xu G, Zhang L, Wang B, Ren Z, Chen X, Dou S, Ren F, Wei H, Li X, Li Y 2020 J. Mater. Chem. C 8 13336Google Scholar


    Reid C D, Mcalister E D 1959 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 49 78Google Scholar


    Huchler M, Natusch A, Rothmund W 1995 25th International Conference on Environmental Systems San Diego, California July 10−13, 1995 p1203


    Huang Y S, Zhang Y Z, Zeng X T, Hu X F 2002 Appl. Surf. Sci. 202 104Google Scholar


    Bergeron B V, White K C, Boehme J L, Gelb A H, Joshi P B 2008 J. Phys. Chem. C 112 832Google Scholar


    Kislov N, Groger H, Ponnappan R, Caldwell E, Douglas D, Swanson T 2004 Space Technology and Applications International Forum {minus}. Proceedings July 25−29, 1998 p699


    Franke E, Neumann H, Schubert M, Trimble C L, Yan L, Woollam J A 2002 Surf. Coat. Technol. 151 285Google Scholar


    Franke E B, Trimble C L, Schubert M, Woollam J A, Hale J S 2000 Appl. Phys. Lett. 77 930Google Scholar


    Franke E B, Trimble C L, Hale J S, Schubert M, Woollam J A 2000 J. Phys. D 88 5777Google Scholar


    Cogan S F, David R, Klein J D, Nguyen N M, Jones R B, Plante T D 1997 J. Electrochem. Soc. 144 956Google Scholar


    Trimble C L, Franke E, Hale J S, Woollam J A 2000 AIP Conf. Proc. 504 797Google Scholar


    Kislov N, Groger H, Ponnappan R 2003 AIP Conf. Proc. 654 172Google Scholar


    Larsson A L, Niklasson G A 2004 Mater.Lett. 58 2517Google Scholar


    Sauvet K, Rougier A, Sauques L 2008 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 92 209Google Scholar


    Sauvet K, Sauques L, Rougier A 2010 J. Phys. Chem. Solids 71 696Google Scholar


    Demiryont H 2008 SPIE 10.1117


    Demiryont H, Moorehead D 2009 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 93 2075Google Scholar


    Cox J L, Shannon III K C, Motaghedi P, Sheets J, Groger H, Williams A 2009 Sensors and Systems for Space Applications III St. Petersburg, 2009 p7330


    Zhang X, Tian Y, Li W, Dou S, Wang L, Qu H, Zhao J, Li Y 2019 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 200 109916Google Scholar


    Li M, Gould T, Su Z, Li S, Pan F, Zhang S 2019 Appl. Phys. Lett. 115 073902Google Scholar


    Joshi Y, Saksena A, Hadjixenophontos E, Schneider J M, Schmitz G 2020 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12 10616Google Scholar


    Mandal J, Du S, Dontigny M, Zaghib K, Yu N, Yang Y 2018 Adv. Funct. Mater. 28 1802180Google Scholar


    Freeman E, Stone G, Shukla N, Paik H, Moyer J A, Cai Z, Wen H, Herbert R, Schlom D G, Gopalan V, Datta S 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 103 263109Google Scholar


    Xiao L, Ma H, Liu J, Zhao W, Jia Y, Zhao Q, Liu K, Wu Y, Wei Y, Fan S, Jiang K 2015 Nano Lett. 15 8365Google Scholar


    Zhu S S, Swager T M 1997 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 119 12568Google Scholar


    Hellström S, Henriksson P, Kroon R, Wang E, Andersson M R 2011 Org. Electron. 12 1406Google Scholar


    Meisel T, Braun R 1992 SPIE 200 1728Google Scholar


    Topart P, Hourquebie P 1999 Thin Solid Films 352 243Google Scholar


    Chandrasekhar P, Zay B J, Birur G C, Rawal S, Pierson E A, Kauder L, Swanson T 2002 Adv. Funct. Mater. 12 95Google Scholar


    Chandrasekhar P, Zay B J, McQueeney T, Birur G C, Sitaram V, Menon R, Coviello M, Elsenbaumer R L 2005 Synth. Met. 155 623Google Scholar


    Tian Y, Zhang X, Dou S, Zhang L, Zhang H, Lv H, Wang L, Zhao J, Li Y 2017 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 170 120Google Scholar


    Zhang L, Xia G, Li X, Xu G, Wang B, Li D, Gavrilyuk A, Zhao J, Li Y 2019 Synth. Met. 248 88Google Scholar


    Zhang L, Wang B, Li X, Xu G, Dou S, Zhang X, Chen X, Zhao J, Zhang K, Li Y 2019 J. Phys. Chem. C 7 9878Google Scholar


    Groenendaal L B, Freitag J, Pielartzik H, Reynolds J R 2000 Adv. Mater. 12 481Google Scholar


    Holt A L, Wehner J G A, Hammp A, Morse D E 2010 Macromol. Chem. Phys. 211 1701Google Scholar


    Kim B, Koh J K, Park J, Ahn C, Ahn J, Kim J H, Jeon S 2015 Nano Converg. 2 19Google Scholar


    Brooke R, Mitraka E, Sardar S, Sandberg M, Sawatdee A, Berggren M, Crispin X, Jonsson M P 2017 J. Mater. Chem. C 5 5824Google Scholar


    Petroffe G, Beouch L, Cantin S, Aubert P H, Plesse C, Dudon J P, Vidal F, Chevrot C 2018 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 177 23Google Scholar


    Petroffe G, Beouch L, Cantin S, Chevrot C, Aubert P H, Dudon J P, Vidal F 2019 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 200 110035Google Scholar


    Liu M, Yin X, Ulin-Avila E, Geng B, Zentgraf T, Ju L, Wang F, Zhang X 2011 Nature 474 64Google Scholar


    Sensale-Rodriguez B, Yan R, Kelly M M, Fang T, Tahy K, Hwang W S, Jena D, Liu L, Xing H G 2012 Nat. Commun. 3 780Google Scholar


    Zhang B Y, Liu T, Meng B, Li X, Liang G, Hu X, Wang Q J 2013 Nat. Commun. 4 1811Google Scholar


    Nair R R, Grigorenko A N, Novoselov K S, Booth T J, Stauber T, Peres N M R, Geim A K 2008 Science 320 1308Google Scholar


    Brar V W, Sherrott M C, Jang M S, Kim S, Kim L, Choi M, Sweatlock L A, Atwater H A 2015 Nat. Commun. 6 7032Google Scholar


    Wang Y, Liu H, Wang S, Cai M, Ma L 2019 Crystals 9 354Google Scholar


    Salihoglu O, Uzlu H B, Yakar O, Aas S, Balci O, Kakenov N, Balci S, Olcum S, Suzer S, Kocabas C 2018 Nano Lett. 18 4541Google Scholar


    Ergoktas M S, Bakan G, Steiner P, Bartlam C, Malevich Y, Yenigun E O, He G, Karim N, Cataldi P, Bissett M A, Kinloch I A, Novoselov K S, Kocabas C 2020 Nano Lett. 20 5346Google Scholar


    Ergoktas M S, Bakan G, Kovalska E, Le Fevre L W, Fields R P, Steiner P, Yu X, Salihoglu O, Balci S, Fal’ko V I, Novoselov K S, Dryfe R A W, Kocabas C 2021 Nat. Photonics 10 1038Google Scholar


    Gladush Y, Mkrtchyan A A, Kopylova D S, Ivanenko A, Nyushkov B, Kobtsev S, Kokhanovskiy A, Khegai A, Melkumov M, Burdanova M, Staniforth M, Lloyd-Hughes J, Nasibulin A G 2019 Nano Lett. 19 5836Google Scholar


    Wang F, Itkis M E, Bekyarova E, Haddon R C 2013 Nat. Photonics 7 459Google Scholar


    Sun Y, Chang H, Hu J, Wang Y, Weng Y, Zhang C, Niu S, Cao L, Chen Z, Guo N, Liu J, Chi J, Li G, Xiao L 2020 Adv. Optical Mater. 9 2001216Google Scholar


    Jun Y C, Gonzales E, Reno J L, Shaner E A, Gabbay A, Brener I 2012 Opt. Express 20 1903Google Scholar


    Zhang Y, Tan Y W, Stormer H L, Kim P 2005 Nature 438 201Google Scholar


    Yao Y, Kats M A, Genevet P, Yu N, Song Y, Kong J, Capasso F 2013 Nano Lett. 13 1257Google Scholar


    Zeng B, Huang Z, Singh A, Yao Y, Azad A K, Mohite A D, Taylor A J, Smith D R, Chen H T 2018 Light Sci. Appl. 7 51Google Scholar


    Zaromb S 1962 J. Electrochem. Soc. 109 912Google Scholar


    Zaromb S 1962 J. Electrochem. Soc. 109 906Google Scholar


    Camlibel I, Singh S, Stocker H J, VanUitert L G, Zydzik G J 1978 Appl. Phys. Lett. 33 793Google Scholar


    Barile C J, Slotcavage D J, Hou J, Strand M T, Hernandez T S, McGehee M D 2017 Joule 1 133Google Scholar


    Li M Y, Liu D Q, Cheng H F, Peng L, Zu M 2020 J. Mater. Chem. C 8 8538Google Scholar


    Li M Y, Liu D Q, Cheng H F, Peng L, Zu M 2021 Sci. Adv. 6 3494Google Scholar


    Yin X, Chen Q, Pan N 2013 Exp. Therm. Fluid Sci. 46 211Google Scholar


    Wu G, Yu D 2013 Prog. Org. Coat. 76 107Google Scholar

  • 图 1  不同类型的WO3电致发射率动态调控器件 (a)多孔电极式[13]; (b)半导体电极式[19]; (c)金属网格电极式[18]; (d)超材料电极式[27]; (e) ITO电极式[29]

    Figure 1.  Several WO3 infrared electrochromic devices: (a) Device with porous electrode[13]; (b) device with semiconductor electrode[19]; (c) device with metal grid electrode[18]; (d) device with metamaterials electrode[27]; (e) device with ITO electrode[29].

    图 2  (a) LTO器件结构及工作原理示意图[32]; (b) LTO相变过程示意图[32]; (c) 器件在不同状态下的反射率曲线[32]

    Figure 2.  (a) Schematic diagram of structure and working principle of LTO device[32]; (b) phase transition process of LTO[32]; (c) the reflectivity curves of the LTO device in different states[32].

    图 3  (a) VO2器件结构示意图[34]; (b)器件高发射率态的红外热图[34]; (c)器件低发射率态的红外热图[34]

    Figure 3.  (a) Schematic diagram of structure of VO2 device[34]; (b) thermal image of VO2 device in high emissivity state[34]; (c) thermal image of VO2 device in low emissivity state[34].

    图 4  (a)金属网格电极器件结构[38]; (b)多孔电极器件结构[11]

    Figure 4.  (a) The structural diagram of device with metal grid electrode[38]; (b) the structural diagram of the device with porous electrode[11].

    图 5  (a)透射式噻吩器件结构及红外透过性调控效果[46]; (b)横向式噻吩器件结构及红外热图[47]

    Figure 5.  (a) The structure and regulation effect of infrared transmittance of transmission thiophene device[46]; (b) structure and infrared discoloration image of transverse discoloration thiophene device[47].

    图 6  (a)石墨烯器件结构及红外热图[56]; (b)织物石墨烯器件外观及反射率光谱[57]

    Figure 6.  (a) Structure and thermal map of graphene device[56]; (b) appearance and reflectivity curves of fabric graphene device[57].

    图 7  (a)多壁碳纳米管器件结构示意图[61]; (b)多壁碳纳米管微观结构示意图[61]; (c)柔性器件的红外伪装效果[61]; (d)不同掺杂程度器件的红外热图[61]

    Figure 7.  (a) Structure diagram of multi-walled CNT device[61]; (b) schematic diagram of microstructure of multi-walled CNT[61]; (c) infrared camouflage effect of flexible multi-walled CNT device[61]; (d) infrared thermal maps of multi-walled CNT devices in different states[61].

    图 8  (a)超表面石墨烯器件表面微元结构示意图[65]; (b)金纳米微元阵列[65]; (c)不同栅极电压下的器件反射率光谱[65]

    Figure 8.  (a) Chematic diagram of surface microelement structure of metasurface graphene device[65]; (b) gold electrode array[65]; (c) IR reflectance curves of the device for different gate voltages[65].

    图 9  (a)基于石墨烯电极的器件的结构及红外热图[70]; (b) 基于Pt电极刚性器件的工作过程及不同通电时间下的反射率曲线[71]; (c)基于Pt电极柔性器件的红外伪装效果及不同通电时间下柔性器件的反射率曲线[71]

    Figure 9.  (a) Schematic diagram of device structure and thermal maps based on graphene electrode[70]; (b) diagram of working process and the reflectivity curves of rigid device based on Pt electrode at different times of energization[71]; (c) infrared camouflage effect and reflectivity curves of flexible device at different times of energization[71].

    表 1  几类红外发射率动态调控器件的主要性能最优值[17,27,32,34,39,45,56,61,71]

    Table 1.  The optimum values of main performance of several kinds of IR emissivity adjustable devices[17,27,32,34,39,45,56,61,71].

    调控量0.800 (7—12 μm)0.553 (8—14 μm)0.550 (7.5—13 μm)0.770 (8—14 μm)
    响应时间/s1.61.01$ \times $10–910
    DownLoad: CSV
  • [1]

    Lin S, Ai L, Zhang J, Bu T, Li H, Huang F, Zhang J, Lu Y, Song W 2019 Sol. Energy Mater Sol. Cells 203 110135Google Scholar


    Kim D G, Han K I, Choi J H, Kim T K 2016 J. Mech. Sci. Technol. 30 4801Google Scholar


    Hong S, Shin S, Chen R 2020 Adv. Funct. Mater. 30 1909788Google Scholar


    Morin S A, Shepherd R F, Kwok S W, Stokes A A, Nemiroski A, Whitesides G M 2012 Science 337 828Google Scholar


    Aliasi G, Mengali G, Quarta A A 2013 J. Guid. Control. Dynam. 36 1544Google Scholar


    Tao X, Liu D Q, Yu J S, Cheng H F 2021 Adv. Optial. Mater. 9 2001847Google Scholar


    Kumar S, Pickett M D, Strachan J P, Gibson G, Nishi Y, Williams R S 2013 Adv. Mater. 25 6128Google Scholar


    Xu C Y, Stiubianu G T, Gorodetsky A A 2018 Mater. Sci. 359 1495Google Scholar


    Leung E M, Colorado Escobar M, Stiubianu G T, Jim S R, Vyatskikh A L, Feng Z, Garner N, Patel P, Naughton K L, Follador M, Karshalev E, Trexler M D, Gorodetsky A A 2019 Nat. Commun. 10 1947Google Scholar


    Xu G, Zhang L, Wang B, Chen X, Dou S, Pan M, Ren F, Li X, Li Y 2020 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 208 110356Google Scholar


    Xu G, Zhang L, Wang B, Ren Z, Chen X, Dou S, Ren F, Wei H, Li X, Li Y 2020 J. Mater. Chem. C 8 13336Google Scholar


    Reid C D, Mcalister E D 1959 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 49 78Google Scholar


    Huchler M, Natusch A, Rothmund W 1995 25th International Conference on Environmental Systems San Diego, California July 10−13, 1995 p1203


    Huang Y S, Zhang Y Z, Zeng X T, Hu X F 2002 Appl. Surf. Sci. 202 104Google Scholar


    Bergeron B V, White K C, Boehme J L, Gelb A H, Joshi P B 2008 J. Phys. Chem. C 112 832Google Scholar


    Kislov N, Groger H, Ponnappan R, Caldwell E, Douglas D, Swanson T 2004 Space Technology and Applications International Forum {minus}. Proceedings July 25−29, 1998 p699


    Franke E, Neumann H, Schubert M, Trimble C L, Yan L, Woollam J A 2002 Surf. Coat. Technol. 151 285Google Scholar


    Franke E B, Trimble C L, Schubert M, Woollam J A, Hale J S 2000 Appl. Phys. Lett. 77 930Google Scholar


    Franke E B, Trimble C L, Hale J S, Schubert M, Woollam J A 2000 J. Phys. D 88 5777Google Scholar


    Cogan S F, David R, Klein J D, Nguyen N M, Jones R B, Plante T D 1997 J. Electrochem. Soc. 144 956Google Scholar


    Trimble C L, Franke E, Hale J S, Woollam J A 2000 AIP Conf. Proc. 504 797Google Scholar


    Kislov N, Groger H, Ponnappan R 2003 AIP Conf. Proc. 654 172Google Scholar


    Larsson A L, Niklasson G A 2004 Mater.Lett. 58 2517Google Scholar


    Sauvet K, Rougier A, Sauques L 2008 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 92 209Google Scholar


    Sauvet K, Sauques L, Rougier A 2010 J. Phys. Chem. Solids 71 696Google Scholar


    Demiryont H 2008 SPIE 10.1117


    Demiryont H, Moorehead D 2009 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 93 2075Google Scholar


    Cox J L, Shannon III K C, Motaghedi P, Sheets J, Groger H, Williams A 2009 Sensors and Systems for Space Applications III St. Petersburg, 2009 p7330


    Zhang X, Tian Y, Li W, Dou S, Wang L, Qu H, Zhao J, Li Y 2019 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 200 109916Google Scholar


    Li M, Gould T, Su Z, Li S, Pan F, Zhang S 2019 Appl. Phys. Lett. 115 073902Google Scholar


    Joshi Y, Saksena A, Hadjixenophontos E, Schneider J M, Schmitz G 2020 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12 10616Google Scholar


    Mandal J, Du S, Dontigny M, Zaghib K, Yu N, Yang Y 2018 Adv. Funct. Mater. 28 1802180Google Scholar


    Freeman E, Stone G, Shukla N, Paik H, Moyer J A, Cai Z, Wen H, Herbert R, Schlom D G, Gopalan V, Datta S 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 103 263109Google Scholar


    Xiao L, Ma H, Liu J, Zhao W, Jia Y, Zhao Q, Liu K, Wu Y, Wei Y, Fan S, Jiang K 2015 Nano Lett. 15 8365Google Scholar


    Zhu S S, Swager T M 1997 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 119 12568Google Scholar


    Hellström S, Henriksson P, Kroon R, Wang E, Andersson M R 2011 Org. Electron. 12 1406Google Scholar


    Meisel T, Braun R 1992 SPIE 200 1728Google Scholar


    Topart P, Hourquebie P 1999 Thin Solid Films 352 243Google Scholar


    Chandrasekhar P, Zay B J, Birur G C, Rawal S, Pierson E A, Kauder L, Swanson T 2002 Adv. Funct. Mater. 12 95Google Scholar


    Chandrasekhar P, Zay B J, McQueeney T, Birur G C, Sitaram V, Menon R, Coviello M, Elsenbaumer R L 2005 Synth. Met. 155 623Google Scholar


    Tian Y, Zhang X, Dou S, Zhang L, Zhang H, Lv H, Wang L, Zhao J, Li Y 2017 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 170 120Google Scholar


    Zhang L, Xia G, Li X, Xu G, Wang B, Li D, Gavrilyuk A, Zhao J, Li Y 2019 Synth. Met. 248 88Google Scholar


    Zhang L, Wang B, Li X, Xu G, Dou S, Zhang X, Chen X, Zhao J, Zhang K, Li Y 2019 J. Phys. Chem. C 7 9878Google Scholar


    Groenendaal L B, Freitag J, Pielartzik H, Reynolds J R 2000 Adv. Mater. 12 481Google Scholar


    Holt A L, Wehner J G A, Hammp A, Morse D E 2010 Macromol. Chem. Phys. 211 1701Google Scholar


    Kim B, Koh J K, Park J, Ahn C, Ahn J, Kim J H, Jeon S 2015 Nano Converg. 2 19Google Scholar


    Brooke R, Mitraka E, Sardar S, Sandberg M, Sawatdee A, Berggren M, Crispin X, Jonsson M P 2017 J. Mater. Chem. C 5 5824Google Scholar


    Petroffe G, Beouch L, Cantin S, Aubert P H, Plesse C, Dudon J P, Vidal F, Chevrot C 2018 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 177 23Google Scholar


    Petroffe G, Beouch L, Cantin S, Chevrot C, Aubert P H, Dudon J P, Vidal F 2019 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 200 110035Google Scholar


    Liu M, Yin X, Ulin-Avila E, Geng B, Zentgraf T, Ju L, Wang F, Zhang X 2011 Nature 474 64Google Scholar


    Sensale-Rodriguez B, Yan R, Kelly M M, Fang T, Tahy K, Hwang W S, Jena D, Liu L, Xing H G 2012 Nat. Commun. 3 780Google Scholar


    Zhang B Y, Liu T, Meng B, Li X, Liang G, Hu X, Wang Q J 2013 Nat. Commun. 4 1811Google Scholar


    Nair R R, Grigorenko A N, Novoselov K S, Booth T J, Stauber T, Peres N M R, Geim A K 2008 Science 320 1308Google Scholar


    Brar V W, Sherrott M C, Jang M S, Kim S, Kim L, Choi M, Sweatlock L A, Atwater H A 2015 Nat. Commun. 6 7032Google Scholar


    Wang Y, Liu H, Wang S, Cai M, Ma L 2019 Crystals 9 354Google Scholar


    Salihoglu O, Uzlu H B, Yakar O, Aas S, Balci O, Kakenov N, Balci S, Olcum S, Suzer S, Kocabas C 2018 Nano Lett. 18 4541Google Scholar


    Ergoktas M S, Bakan G, Steiner P, Bartlam C, Malevich Y, Yenigun E O, He G, Karim N, Cataldi P, Bissett M A, Kinloch I A, Novoselov K S, Kocabas C 2020 Nano Lett. 20 5346Google Scholar


    Ergoktas M S, Bakan G, Kovalska E, Le Fevre L W, Fields R P, Steiner P, Yu X, Salihoglu O, Balci S, Fal’ko V I, Novoselov K S, Dryfe R A W, Kocabas C 2021 Nat. Photonics 10 1038Google Scholar


    Gladush Y, Mkrtchyan A A, Kopylova D S, Ivanenko A, Nyushkov B, Kobtsev S, Kokhanovskiy A, Khegai A, Melkumov M, Burdanova M, Staniforth M, Lloyd-Hughes J, Nasibulin A G 2019 Nano Lett. 19 5836Google Scholar


    Wang F, Itkis M E, Bekyarova E, Haddon R C 2013 Nat. Photonics 7 459Google Scholar


    Sun Y, Chang H, Hu J, Wang Y, Weng Y, Zhang C, Niu S, Cao L, Chen Z, Guo N, Liu J, Chi J, Li G, Xiao L 2020 Adv. Optical Mater. 9 2001216Google Scholar


    Jun Y C, Gonzales E, Reno J L, Shaner E A, Gabbay A, Brener I 2012 Opt. Express 20 1903Google Scholar


    Zhang Y, Tan Y W, Stormer H L, Kim P 2005 Nature 438 201Google Scholar


    Yao Y, Kats M A, Genevet P, Yu N, Song Y, Kong J, Capasso F 2013 Nano Lett. 13 1257Google Scholar


    Zeng B, Huang Z, Singh A, Yao Y, Azad A K, Mohite A D, Taylor A J, Smith D R, Chen H T 2018 Light Sci. Appl. 7 51Google Scholar


    Zaromb S 1962 J. Electrochem. Soc. 109 912Google Scholar


    Zaromb S 1962 J. Electrochem. Soc. 109 906Google Scholar


    Camlibel I, Singh S, Stocker H J, VanUitert L G, Zydzik G J 1978 Appl. Phys. Lett. 33 793Google Scholar


    Barile C J, Slotcavage D J, Hou J, Strand M T, Hernandez T S, McGehee M D 2017 Joule 1 133Google Scholar


    Li M Y, Liu D Q, Cheng H F, Peng L, Zu M 2020 J. Mater. Chem. C 8 8538Google Scholar


    Li M Y, Liu D Q, Cheng H F, Peng L, Zu M 2021 Sci. Adv. 6 3494Google Scholar


    Yin X, Chen Q, Pan N 2013 Exp. Therm. Fluid Sci. 46 211Google Scholar


    Wu G, Yu D 2013 Prog. Org. Coat. 76 107Google Scholar

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Publishing process
  • Received Date:  28 January 2021
  • Accepted Date:  17 May 2021
  • Available Online:  11 October 2021
  • Published Online:  20 October 2021

