Biosensor has received increasing attention in recent years due to the demand for detecting biological and chemical substances in liquid. In particular, the detection methods based on refractive index have advantages in detection sensitivity. Colorimetric biosensor can transform the change in refractive index of target into the change in color, which has advantages in simple operation, low cost and real-time detection with naked human eyes. In this work, a Fabry-Pérot cavity colorimetric biosensor based on α-MoO3 integrating microfluidic channel is proposed. The α-MoO3 is an emerging natural two-dimensional van der Waals material with anisotropic optical properties due to its unique crystal structure. Theoretical analysis of the feasibility of BK7/Ag/SiO2 as the reflective layers is carried out. And the transmittance spectra of the proposed colorimetric biosensor are calculated by the transfer-matrix method. The obvious color changes can be observed when the microfluidic channel filled with NaCl solutions with different concentrations. The proposed colorimetric biosensor achieves a high detection sensitivity of 600 nm/RIU, which can detect a concentration change of NaCl solution as low as 9‰. The proposed colorimetric biosensor can tune the operating wavelength by simply rotating the device due to the anisotropic optical properties of α-MoO3 to satisfy the color vision of human eyes. Moreover, by tuning the thickness of microfluidic channel, the operating wavelength of colorimetric biosensor can be further shifted. Our approach offers a new direction for developing tunable biosensors with low cost and real-time detection.
- biosensor /
- Fabry–Pérot cavity /
- α-MoO3 /
- colorimetric sensor
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Tang W J, Tang S Q, Zhu Z F 2007 Principle and Application of Modern Color Technology (Beijing: Beijing Institute of Technology Press) p24 (in Chinese)
图 3 入射光分别为 (a) x偏振光(φ = 0°)和(b) y偏振光(φ = 90°)时纯水(0%)和多种浓度(5%—25%)的NaCl溶液通过FP谐振腔生物传感器的微流腔(300 nm)的透射光谱图; (c) 入射光分别为x偏振光(φ = 0°)和y偏振光(φ = 90°)时纯水(0%)和多种浓度(5%—25%)的NaCl溶液通过FP谐振腔生物传感器的微流腔(300 nm)的色彩图
Figure 3. Transmittance spectrum of the FP cavity biosensor on (a) x polarization (φ = 0°) and (b) y polarization (φ = 90°) while the micofluidic chamber (300 nm) was filled with NaCl solution in different concentration; (c) colormap for NaCl solution in different concentration filled in micofluidic chamber (300 nm) at x polarization (φ = 0°) and y polarization (φ = 90°).
图 5 入射光分别为 (a) x偏振光(φ = 0°)和(b) y偏振光(φ = 90°)时纯水(0%)和多种浓度(5%—25%)的NaCl溶液通过FP谐振腔生物传感器的微流腔(550 nm)的透射光谱图; (c) 入射光分别为x偏振光(φ = 0°)和y偏振光(φ = 90°)时纯水(0%)和多种浓度(5%—25%)的NaCl溶液通过FP谐振腔生物传感器的微流腔(550 nm)的色彩图
Figure 5. Transmittance spectrum of the FP cavity biosensor on (a) x polarization (φ = 0°) and (b) y polarization (φ = 90°) while the micofluidic chamber (550 nm) was filled with NaCl solution in different concentration; (c) colormap for NaCl solution in different concentration filled in micofluidic chamber (550 nm) at x polarization (φ = 0°) and y polarization (φ = 90°).
表 1 TMM计算FP谐振腔透射光谱所用的参数
Table 1. Parameter for simulation of transmittance spectrum of proposed FP cavity biosensor using TMM.
[1] Ferreira M F S, Statkiewicz-Barabach G, Kowal D, Mergo P, Urbanczyk W, Frazao O 2017 Opt. Commun. 394 37
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[2] Takahashi T, Hizawa T, Misawa N, Taki M, Sawada K, Takahashi K 2018 J. Micromech. Microeng. 28 054002
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[3] Wei T, Han Y K, Li Y J, Tsai H L, Xiao H 2008 Opt. Express 16 5764
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[24] Huang S X, Tatsumi Y, Ling X, Guo H H, Wang Z Q, Watson G, Puretzky A A, Geohegan D B, Kong J, Li J, Yang T, Saito R, Dresselhaus M S 2016 ACS Nano 10 8964
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[30] Yang H, Jussila H, Autere A, Komsa H P, Ye G J, Chen X H, Hasan T, Sun Z P 2017 ACS Photonics 4 3023
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[31] Yang S X, Liu Y, Wu M H, Zhao L D, Lin Z Y, Cheng H C, Wang Y L, Jiang C B, Wei S H, Huang L, Huang Y, Duan X F 2018 Nano Res. 11 554
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[36] Tamagnone M, Chaudhary K, Zhu A, Meretska M, Li J, Edgar J H, Ambrosio A, Capasso F 2020 arXiv e-prints: 1905.02177 v2 [physics.optics]
[37] Sreekanth K V, Ouyang Q L, Sreejith S, Zeng S W, Lishu W, Ilker E, Dong W L, ElKabbash M, Ting Y, Lim C T, Hinczewski M, Strangi G, Yong K T, Simpson R E, Singh R 2019 Adv. Opt. Mater. 7 1900081
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[41] Prayakarao S, Mendoza B, Devine A, Kyaw C, van Dover R B, Liberman V, Noginov M A 2016 Appl. Phys. Lett. 109 061105
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[43] Gosmanov A R, Gosmanova E O, Dillard-Cannon E 2014 Diabet. Metab. Synd. Ob. 7 255
[44] Pascoe K J 2001 Reflectivity and Transmissivity Through Layered, Lossy Media: a User-friendly Approach (US, Ohio: Air Force Inst. of Tech. Wright-PattersonAFB, OH, School of Engineering) AFIT/EN-TR-01-07[Technical Report]
[45] Wolter H 1966 Z. Angew. Phys. 21 565
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[47] Rakic A D, Djurisic A B, Elazar J M, Majewski M L 1998 Appl. Opt. 37 5271
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[48] Wei C W, Dereshgi S A, Song X L, Murthy A, Dravid V P, Cao T, Aydin K 2020 Adv. Opt. Mater. 8 2000088
Google Scholar
[49] 胡威捷, 汤顺青, 朱正芳 2007 现代颜色技术原理及应用 (北京: 北京理工大学出版社) 第24页
Tang W J, Tang S Q, Zhu Z F 2007 Principle and Application of Modern Color Technology (Beijing: Beijing Institute of Technology Press) p24 (in Chinese)
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