In the present study, the three-dimensional steady-state numerical simulation has been performed by using ANSYS Fluent15.0 with SST k-ω low Reynolds turbulence model to study flow and heat transfer characteristics for supercritical CO2 in the horizontal straight tube with inner diameter di = 22.14 mm and heating length Lh = 2440 mm under heating condition. The reliability and accuracy of the numerical model was verified by the experimental data of flow and heat transfer of supercritical CO2 in horizontal tube. Firstly, flow and heat transfer characteristics of supercritical CO2 was studied in horizontal tube. Based on the assumption that the supercritical CO2 will undergoes “phase transition” between liquid-like and vapor-like at pseudocritical temperature Tpc, the differences between top generatrix and bottom generatrix of horizontal tube at flow and heat transfer behaviors were revealed. The results show flow and heat transfer characteristics of supercritical CO2 in horizontal tube are similar to those under subcritical pressure. Then, the influences of heat flux qw and mass flux G on flow and heat transfer of supercritical CO2 were analyzed. The higher heat flux qw is or the smaller mass flux G is, the higher inner wall temperature Tw,i at top generatrix is. The reasons for difference in the distribution of inner wall temperature Tw,i at top generatrix under different heat flux qw and mass flux G were explained by capturing detailed information about thermophysical properties distribution including specific heat at constant pressure cp and thermal conductivity λ, axial velocity distribution and turbulent kinetic energy distribution in the fluid domain. It is observed that vapor-like film thickness δ, vapor-like film property characterized by specific heat at constant pressure cp and thermal conductivity λ, axial velocity u and turbulent kinetic energy k are the main factors affecting the difference in inner wall temperature distribution at top generatrix. The present work can provide a theoretical guidance for design and safe operation of heat exchanger for supercritical CO2 Brayton cycle.
- supercritical CO2 /
- horizontal flow /
- heat transfer /
- numerical simulation
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图 5 水平圆管内S-CO2传热特性典型曲线 (a) 顶母线与底母线内壁温Tw,i和传热系数h轴向分布; (b) 类气膜厚度δ周向分布
Figure 5. Typical curves of heat transfer characteristics for S-CO2 in horizontal tube: (a) Axial distribution of inner wall temperature and heat transfer coefficient at top generatrix and bottom generatrix; (b) circumferential distribution of vapor-like film thickness.
图 10 不同热流密度时, 水平圆管特征截面内热物性、轴向速度和湍动能沿径向分布曲线 (a) 定压比热cp; (b) 导热系数λ; (c) 轴向速度u; (d) 湍动能k
Figure 10. Radial distribution curves of thermophyical properties in the characteristic cross-sections under different heat flux: (a) Specific heat at constant pressure cp; (b) thermal conductivity λ; (c) axial velocity u; (d) turbulent kinetic energy k.
图 12 不同质量流速下, 水平圆管特征截面内热物性、轴向速度和湍动能沿径向分布曲线 (a) 定压比热cp; (b) 导热系数λ; (c) 轴向速度u; (d) 湍动能k
Figure 12. Radial distribution curves of thermophyical properties in the characteristic cross-sections under different mass flux: (a) Specific heat at constant pressure cp; (b) thermal conductivity λ; (c) axial velocity u; (d) turbulent kinetic energy k.
[1] Dostal V 2004 Ph.D. Dissertation (Massachusetts: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
[2] Al-Sulaiman F A, Atif M 2015 Energy 82 61
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Xu J J 2001 Boiling Heat Transfer and Gas-liquid Two-phase Flow (Beijing: Atomic Energy Press) pp16−19 (in Chinese)
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[27] Wang X C, Xiang M J, Huo H J, Liu Q 2018 Appl. Therm. Eng. 141 775
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[28] 闫晨帅, 朱兵国, 尹少军, 孙恩慧, 徐进良, 刘欢 2019 中国科学: 技术科学
Google Scholar
Yan C S, Z hu, B G, Yin S J, Sun E H, Xu J L, Liu H 2019 Sci. Sin. Tech.
Google Scholar
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