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Source boundary parameter of Monte Carlo inversion technology based on virtual source principle

Tian Zi-Ning Ouyang Xiao-Ping Chen Wei Wang Xue-Mei Deng Ning Liu Wen-Biao Tian Yan-Jie


Source boundary parameter of Monte Carlo inversion technology based on virtual source principle

Tian Zi-Ning, Ouyang Xiao-Ping, Chen Wei, Wang Xue-Mei, Deng Ning, Liu Wen-Biao, Tian Yan-Jie
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • In the in situ γ spectrometer based measurement of " hot particular”, " radioactive collection point” and " radioactive collection area”, only the position of the pollution source can be located roughly, but its boundary parameters such as the thickness of pollution source cannot be given. In this paper, the application of virtual technology to the scanning of γ spectrometer is studied. We convert γ spectrometer measurement objects into a four-layer theoretical model, which are attenuation thickness + radioactive hot area + attenuation thickness + disturb source. Then, the source item layer is virtualized into a point source by using virtual technology. So, the theoretical model is further simplified. Then the detection efficiency and peak/valley ratio parameter of source term are simulated by Monte Carlo method. Finally, the source term parameters are retrieved by using the least square method, and thus establishing the theoretical method and procedure of inversion calculation of source boundary parameters. In this paper, the theoretical and experimental results are shown to be consistent with each other. So, this method is verified to be correct and practicable. Currently, the method can accurately determine the depth distribution parameters of radioactive contamination area for uniformly distributed radio nuclides. In conclusion, the technical achievements can be used to accurately determine the boundary range of the radioactive hot zone, thus realizing the purpose of reducing the waste disposal capacity during the treatment. At the same time, the determination of the inert layer thickness parameters of the target nuclear warhead of Nuclear Test Ban Treaty has a significant reference value.
      Corresponding author: Tian Zi-Ning,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11405134)

    熊宗华, 亢武, 龚建, 胡广春, 向永春, 裴永全 2003 52 1Google Scholar

    Xiong Z H, Kang W, Gong J, Hu G C, Xiang Y C, Pei Y Q 2003 Atca Phys. Sin. 52 1Google Scholar


    Kováik A, Sy′kora I, Povinec P P 2013 J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 298 665Google Scholar


    Peyres V, García-Torao E 2007 Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A 580 296Google Scholar


    田自宁, 欧阳晓平, 殷经鹏, 张洋, 杨文静 2013 原子能科学技术 47 1411Google Scholar

    Tian Z N, Ouyang X P, Yin J P, Zhang Y, Yang W J 2013 Atomic Energy Sci. Technol. 47 1411Google Scholar


    Elanique A, Marzocchi O, Leone D, Hegenbart L, Breustedt B, Oufni L 2012 Appl. Radiat. Isot. 70 538Google Scholar


    Budjá D, Heisel M, Maneschg W, Simgen H 2009 Appl. Radiat. Isot. 67 706Google Scholar


    Gasparro J, Hult M, Johnston P N, Tagziria H 2008 Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A 594 196Google Scholar


    Huya N Q, Binhb D Q, An V X 2007 Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A 573 384Google Scholar


    Huy N Q 2010 Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A 621 390Google Scholar


    Luís R, Bento J, Carvalhal G, Nogueira P, Silva L, Teles P, Vaz P 2010 Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A 623 1014Google Scholar


    Mohammadi M A, Abdi M R, Kamali M, Mostajaboddavati M, Zare M R 2011 Appl. Radiat. Isot. 69 521Google Scholar


    Presler O, German U, Pelled O, Alfassi Z B 2004 Appl. Radiat. Isot. 60 213Google Scholar


    Mahling S, Orion I, Alfassi Z B 2006 Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A 557 544Google Scholar


    熊文彬, 仇春华, 段天英, 刘浩杰, 潘君艳, 陈海涛, 刘进辉 2011 原子能科学技术 45 999

    Xiong W B, Qiu C H, Duan T Y, Liu H J, Pan J Y, Chen H T, Liu J H 2011 Atomic Energy Sci. Technol. 45 999


    Noteal A 1971 Nucl. Instr. Meth. 91 513Google Scholar


    田自宁, 欧阳晓平, 曾鸣, 成智威 2013 62 162902Google Scholar

    Tian Z N, Ouyang X P, Zeng M, Cheng Z W 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 162902Google Scholar


    田自宁, 陈伟, 韩斌, 田言杰, 刘文彪, 冯天成, 欧阳晓平 2016 65 062901Google Scholar

    Tian Z N, Chen W, Han B, Tian Y J, Liu W B, Feng T C, Ouyang X P 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 062901Google Scholar

  • 图 1  源边界参数反演理论模型

    Figure 1.  The inversion theory model of source boundary parameters.

    图 2  探测模式1

    Figure 2.  The detection mode 1.

    图 3  探测模式2

    Figure 3.  The detection mode 2.

    图 4  探测模式1的MCNP程序计算模型

    Figure 4.  Calculation model of MCNP procedure for detection mode 1.

    图 5  探测模式2的MCNP程序计算模型

    Figure 5.  Calculation model of MCNP procedure for detection mode 2.

    表 1  探测模式1实验能谱峰计数及处理结果

    Table 1.  Energy peak count of experimental spectrum and process results for detection mode 1.

    测量对象测量时长t/105 sN241 (54—57 keV)N241 (59.54 keV)N239 (51.62, 129 keV)A/104 Bq
    239Pu体源2.0075248200239711, 527174.5618.7
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  探测模式2实验能谱峰计数及处理结果

    Table 2.  Energy peak count of experimental spectrum and process results for detection mode 2.

    测量对象测量时长 t/105 sN241 (26.4 keV)N241 (54—57 keV)N241 (59.54 keV)A/× 104 Bq
    26.4 keV59.54 keV
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 3  等效虚拟点源探测效率及峰谷比

    Table 3.  The detection efficiency and peak/valley of equivalent virtual point source.

    h/cm${\varepsilon _{241}}(h)$/10–3${\varepsilon _{239}}(h)$/10–3A241/104 BqA239/105 BqQ${N}/{ { {N_{\rm v}} } }(h)$
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 4  不同组合下等效虚拟点的均方偏差计算数据

    Table 4.  The mean square deviation calculation data of equivalent virtual point at different combination.

    wh/cm$\varepsilon (h)$/10–3${\varepsilon ^*}(h)$/10–3${N}/{ { {N_{\rm v}} } }(h)$X2/10–3X3/10–3X1$\sigma (X)$
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 5  不同组合下等效虚拟点的均方偏差计算数据

    Table 5.  The mean square deviation calculation data of equivalent virtual point at different combination.

    h/cmw$\sigma (X)$w$\sigma (X)$w$\sigma (X)$w$\sigma (X)$w$\sigma (X)$
    DownLoad: CSV
    h/cmw$\sigma (X)$w$\sigma (X)$w$\sigma (X)$w$\sigma (X)$
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 6  体源参数的反演计算数据

    Table 6.  The inversion data of volume source parameters.

    hV/cm体源厚度/cm$\varepsilon ({h_{\rm{V}}})$
    ${\varepsilon ^*}({h_{\rm{V}}})$
    ${N}/{ { {N_{\rm v}} } }({h_{\rm{V} } })$$\sigma (X)$
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 7  等效虚拟点源探测效率、峰谷比及活度比

    Table 7.  The detection efficiency, peak/valley and acvitiy ratio of equivalent virtual point source.

    h/cm${\varepsilon _{26.4\;{\rm{keV}}}}(h)$/10–3${\varepsilon _{59.54\;{\rm{keV}}}}(h)$/10–2A26.4 keV/104 BqA59.54 keV/104 BqA59.54 keV/A26.4 keV${N}/{ { {N_{\rm v}} } }(h)$
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 9  体源参数的反演计算数据

    Table 9.  The inversion data of volume source parameters.

    ${\varepsilon ^*}({h_{\rm{V}}})$/
    $\varepsilon ({h_{\rm{V}}})$/
    ${N}/{ { {N_{\rm v}} } }({h_{\rm{V} } })$$\sigma (X)$ hV/cm体源
    ${\varepsilon ^*}({h_{\rm{V}}})$/
    $\varepsilon ({h_{\rm{V}}})$/
    ${N}/{ { {N_{\rm v}} } }({h_{\rm{V} } })$$\sigma (X)$
    0.750.603.478.0611.401.0100 0.151.602.312.698.540.3470
    0.750.303.447.2311.200.8060 0.150.402.171.327.860.6920
    0.251.902.564.919.440.2110 02.502.264.409.000.0900
    0.251.802.544.429.290.0890 02.452.244.148.900.0470
    0.251.702.514.009.140.0220 02.402.233.908.830.0640
    0.251.502.473.328.920.1870 01.502.041.607.830.6260
    0.251.302.432.818.720.3130 01.001.971.137.540.7470
    0.250.802.372.048.380.5080 –
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 8  不同组合下等效虚拟点的均方偏差计算数据

    Table 8.  The mean square deviation calculation data of equivalent virtual point at different combination.

    h/cmw$\sigma (X)$w$\sigma (X)$w$\sigma (X)$w$\sigma (X)$w$\sigma (X)$
    DownLoad: CSV
    h/cmw$\sigma (X)$w$\sigma (X)$w$\sigma (X)$w$\sigma (X)$
    DownLoad: CSV
  • [1]

    熊宗华, 亢武, 龚建, 胡广春, 向永春, 裴永全 2003 52 1Google Scholar

    Xiong Z H, Kang W, Gong J, Hu G C, Xiang Y C, Pei Y Q 2003 Atca Phys. Sin. 52 1Google Scholar


    Kováik A, Sy′kora I, Povinec P P 2013 J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 298 665Google Scholar


    Peyres V, García-Torao E 2007 Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A 580 296Google Scholar


    田自宁, 欧阳晓平, 殷经鹏, 张洋, 杨文静 2013 原子能科学技术 47 1411Google Scholar

    Tian Z N, Ouyang X P, Yin J P, Zhang Y, Yang W J 2013 Atomic Energy Sci. Technol. 47 1411Google Scholar


    Elanique A, Marzocchi O, Leone D, Hegenbart L, Breustedt B, Oufni L 2012 Appl. Radiat. Isot. 70 538Google Scholar


    Budjá D, Heisel M, Maneschg W, Simgen H 2009 Appl. Radiat. Isot. 67 706Google Scholar


    Gasparro J, Hult M, Johnston P N, Tagziria H 2008 Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A 594 196Google Scholar


    Huya N Q, Binhb D Q, An V X 2007 Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A 573 384Google Scholar


    Huy N Q 2010 Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A 621 390Google Scholar


    Luís R, Bento J, Carvalhal G, Nogueira P, Silva L, Teles P, Vaz P 2010 Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A 623 1014Google Scholar


    Mohammadi M A, Abdi M R, Kamali M, Mostajaboddavati M, Zare M R 2011 Appl. Radiat. Isot. 69 521Google Scholar


    Presler O, German U, Pelled O, Alfassi Z B 2004 Appl. Radiat. Isot. 60 213Google Scholar


    Mahling S, Orion I, Alfassi Z B 2006 Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A 557 544Google Scholar


    熊文彬, 仇春华, 段天英, 刘浩杰, 潘君艳, 陈海涛, 刘进辉 2011 原子能科学技术 45 999

    Xiong W B, Qiu C H, Duan T Y, Liu H J, Pan J Y, Chen H T, Liu J H 2011 Atomic Energy Sci. Technol. 45 999


    Noteal A 1971 Nucl. Instr. Meth. 91 513Google Scholar


    田自宁, 欧阳晓平, 曾鸣, 成智威 2013 62 162902Google Scholar

    Tian Z N, Ouyang X P, Zeng M, Cheng Z W 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 162902Google Scholar


    田自宁, 陈伟, 韩斌, 田言杰, 刘文彪, 冯天成, 欧阳晓平 2016 65 062901Google Scholar

    Tian Z N, Chen W, Han B, Tian Y J, Liu W B, Feng T C, Ouyang X P 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 062901Google Scholar

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  • Received Date:  16 July 2019
  • Accepted Date:  19 September 2019
  • Available Online:  27 November 2019
  • Published Online:  05 December 2019

