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Theoretical study of laser cooling of potassium chloride anion

Wan Ming-Jie Luo Hua-Feng Yuan Di Li Song


Theoretical study of laser cooling of potassium chloride anion

Wan Ming-Jie, Luo Hua-Feng, Yuan Di, Li Song
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • The potential energy curves and transition dipole moments (TDMs) for three Λ-S states (X2Σ+, A2Π, and B2Σ+) of potassium chloride anion (KCl) are investigated by using multi-reference configuration interaction (MRCI) method. The def2-AQZVPP-JKFI of K atom and AV5Z-DK all-electron basis set of Cl atom are used in all calculations. The Davidson correction, core-valence (CV) correction, and spin-orbit coupling effect (SOC) are also considered. In the complete active self-consistent field (CASSCF) calculations, eight molecular orbitals are selected as active orbitals, which includ K 4s4p and Cl 3s3p shells; K 3p shell is closed orbital, and the remaining shells (K 1s2s3s and Cl 1s2s2p) are frozen orbitals. In the MRCI+Q calculations, K 3p shell is used for the CV correction. There are 15 electrons in the correlation energy calculations. Then, their spectroscopic parameters, Einstein coefficients, Franck-Condon factors, and radiative lifetimes are obtained by solving the radial Schrödinger equation. The spectroscopic properties and transition properties for the Ω states are predicted. Highly diagonally distributed Franck-Condon factor f00 values for the (2)1/2↔(1)1/2 and (1)3/2↔(1)1/2 transition are 0.8816 and 0.8808, respectively. And the short radiative lifetimes for the (2)1/2 and (1)3/2 excited states are also obtained, i.e. τ[(2)1/2] = 45.7 ns and τ[(1)3/2] = 45.5 ns, which can ensure laser cooling of KCl anion rapidly. The results indicate that the (2)1/2↔(1)1/2 and (1)3/2↔(1)1/2 quasicycling transitions are suitable to the building of laser cooling projects. For driving the (2)1/2↔(1)1/2 transition, a main pump laser (λ00) and two repumping lasers (λ10 and λ21) are required. Their wavelengths are λ00 = 1065.77 nm, λ10 = 1090.13 nm and λ21 = 1087.76 nm. For driving the (1)3/2↔(1)1/2 transition, the wavelengths are λ00 = 1064.24 nm, λ10 = 1088.54 nm, and λ21 = 1086.17 nm. The cooling wavelengths of KCl- anion for two transitions are both deep in the infrared range. Finally, the Doppler temperature and recoil temperature for two transitions are also calculated, respectively. The Doppler temperatures for (2)1/2↔(1)1/2 and (1)3/2(1)1/2 transitions are 83.57 μK and 83.93 μK, and the recoil temperatures for two transitions are 226 nK and 227 nK, respectively. for two transitions are 226 nK and 227 nK, respectively.
      Corresponding author: Wan Ming-Jie,
    • Funds: Project supported by the Special Foundation for Theoretical Physics Research Program of China (Grant No. 11647075) and the Open Research Fund of Computational Physics Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Yibin University, China (Grant No. JSWL2018KFZ03).

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  • 图 1  KCl-阴离子的势能曲线 (a) Λ-S态; (b) Ω态

    Figure 1.  Potential energy curves of KCl anion: (a) Λ-S states; (b) Ω states.

    图 2  KCl-阴离子的偶极矩

    Figure 2.  Dipole moments (DMs) of KCl- anion.

    图 3  KCl阴离子的跃迁偶极矩

    Figure 3.  Transition dipole moments (TDMs) of KCl anion

    图 4  激光冷却KCl阴离子的方案 (a) (2)1/2↔(1)1/2准闭合循环跃迁系统; (b) (1)3/2↔(1)1/2准闭合循环跃迁系统

    Figure 4.  Proposed laser cooling scheme of KCl anion: (a) Using (2)1/2↔(1)1/2 transition; (b) using (1)3/2↔(1)1/2 transition.

    表 1  KCl阴离子Ω电子态的离解极限

    Table 1.  The dissociation relationship for the Ω states of KCl anion.

    K(2S1/2) + Cl(1S0)(1)1/200
    K(2P1/2) + Cl(1S0)(2)1/212997.9412985.17
    K(2P3/2) + Cl(1S0)(3)1/2, (1)3/213046.2313042.89
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  KCl阴离子的Ω态的光谱常数

    Table 2.  Spectroscopic parameters for the Ω states of KCl anion.

    DownLoad: CSV

    表 3  (2)1/2↔(1)1/2和(1)3/2↔(1)1/2跃迁的FCFs, Aν′ν′′τ

    Table 3.  FCFs, spontaneous emission rates Aν′ν′′ and spontaneous radiative lifetime τ for the (2)1/2↔(1)1/2 and (1)3/2↔(1)1/2 transitions.

    ν′ = 0fν′ν′′0.88160.10900.00880.0006
    ν′ = 1fν′ν′′0.11280.66870.19140.0246
    ν′ = 2fν′ν′′0.00560.20520.48830.2490
    ν′ = 0fν′ν′′0.88080.10960.00890.0006
    ν′ = 1fν′ν′′0.11340.66680.19240.0249
    ν′ = 2fν′ν′′0.00570.20630.48570.2499
    注: a1.9384(7)表示1.9384 × 107.
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 4  (3)1/2↔(1)1/2, (3)1/2↔(2)1/2和(3)1/2↔(1)3/2跃迁的FCF, 总辐射速率A0和辐射寿命

    Table 4.  FCFs, total emission rates A0 and τ for the (3)1/2↔(1)1/2, (3)1/2↔(2)1/2 and (3)1/2↔(1)3/2 transitions.

    注: a1.9384(7)表示1.9384 × 107.
    DownLoad: CSV
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    Yuan X, Yin S, Shen Y, Liu Y, Lian Y, Xu H F, Yan B 2018 J. Chem. Phys. 149 094306Google Scholar


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  • Received Date:  04 June 2019
  • Accepted Date:  13 June 2019
  • Available Online:  01 September 2019
  • Published Online:  05 September 2019

