Silicon (Si)-wafer-based solar cells have dominated the global market with a share exceeding 90% due to their abundant source material and well-known physical and chemical properties. The brittleness of silicon material limits its further applications. It is necessary to investigate the material strength properties of Si wafer and/or Si solar cells, which can guide the fabrication process of Si solar cells to avoid breaking the Si wafers. The Si material strength properties have been extensively investigated by the methods of three-point bending test and four-point bending test. However, the difference between these two methods has not been studied so far. In this work, the mechanical strength properties of monocrystalline silicon (c-Si) wafer and bifacial c-Si solar cells are measured by three-point bending test and four-point bending test respectively. The average value of the maximum bending displacements has a little discrepancy between the results of the three-point bending test and four-point bending test methods. It is worth noting that the degree of dispersion of the Si wafer test results of the three-point bending test is larger than those of the four-point bending test. And the results of the dispersion of the Si bifacial solar cells, obtained from the two bending test methods, show no difference between them due to the existence of metalized electrodes. Whether the measured sample is Si wafer or Si solar cell, the average value of the maximum load, obtained from the four-point bending test, is higher than that from the three point-bending test method, and the average value of the fracture strength, obtained from the four-point bending test, is lower than that from the three-point bending test method. By establishing the models of different beams, the applied load gets dispersed through two bars of the four-point bending test method, whereas the applied load is directly applied to the sample through one bar of the three-point bending test method, which can explain the relatively large difference between these two test methods. -
- three point bending test /
- four point bending test /
- mechanical property /
- modeling
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[9] Rengarajan K N, Radchenko I, Illya G, Handara V, Kunz M, Tamura N, Budiman A S 2016 8th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies Singapore, 28 June–3 July, 2015 p76
[10] Heilbronn B, de Moro F, Jolivet E, Tupin E, Chau B, Varrot R, Drevet B, Bailly S, Rey D, Lignier H, Xi Y H, Mangelinck N, Reinhart G, Regula G 2015 Cryst. Res. Technol. 50 101
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[11] Barredo J, Parra V, Guerrero I, Fraile A, Hermanns L 2013 Prog. Photovoltaics 22 1204
[12] Woo J, Kim Y, Kim S, Jang J, Han H N, Choi K J, Kim I, Kim J 2017 Scripta Mater. 140 1
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[13] Oswald M, Loewenstein T, Schubert G, Schoenfelder S 2012 6th International Workshop on Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells Aixles-bains France, October 8–11, 2012
[14] Echizenya D, Sakamoto H, Sasaki K 2011 Procedia Engineering 10 1440
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[15] Haase F, Kasewieter J, Köntges M 2016 6th International Conference on Silicon Photovoltaics Chambery France, March 7–9, 2016 p554
[16] Popovich V A 2014 Microstructure and Mechanical Aspects of Multicrystalline Silicon Solar Cells (Netherlands: Delft University of Technology) p115
[17] Mansfield B R, Armstrong D E, Wilshaw P R, Murphy J D 2009 Solid State Phenomena 156–158 p55
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[19] Sekhar H, Fukuda T, Tanahashi K, Shirasawa K, Takato H, Ohkubo K, Ono H, Sampei Y, Kobayashi T 2018 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 57 095501
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[20] Kaule F, Kohler B, Hirsch J, Schoenfeldera S, Lauscha D 2018 Sol. Energ. Mat. Sol. C. 185 511
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[21] Gou W X 2010 Mechanics of Materials (Beijing: Science Press) p152
表 1 三点弯曲和四点弯曲测试的比较
Table 1. Comparison of three point bending and four point bending tests.
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[1] Battaglia C, Cuevas A, de Wolf S 2016 Energ. Environ. Sci. 9 1552
Google Scholar
[2] Borrerolopez O, Vodenitcharova T, Hoffman M, Leo A J 2009 J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 92 2713
Google Scholar
[3] Paul I, Majeed B, Razeeb K M, Barton J 2006 Acta Mater. 54 3991
Google Scholar
[4] Funke C, Wolf S, Stoyan D 2009 J. Sol. Energy Eng. 131 011012
Google Scholar
[5] Schoenfelder S, Ebert M, Landesberger C, Bock K, Bagdahn J 2007 Microelectron. Reliab. 47 168
Google Scholar
[6] Sekhar H, Fukuda T, Tanahashi K 2018 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 57 08RB08
Google Scholar
[7] Li Z L, Wang L, Yang D R, Zhu X, Shi Y Z, Jiang W L 2011 Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica 32 225
[8] Wang P, Yu X G, Li Z L, Yang D R 2011 J. Cryst. Growth 318 230
Google Scholar
[9] Rengarajan K N, Radchenko I, Illya G, Handara V, Kunz M, Tamura N, Budiman A S 2016 8th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies Singapore, 28 June–3 July, 2015 p76
[10] Heilbronn B, de Moro F, Jolivet E, Tupin E, Chau B, Varrot R, Drevet B, Bailly S, Rey D, Lignier H, Xi Y H, Mangelinck N, Reinhart G, Regula G 2015 Cryst. Res. Technol. 50 101
Google Scholar
[11] Barredo J, Parra V, Guerrero I, Fraile A, Hermanns L 2013 Prog. Photovoltaics 22 1204
[12] Woo J, Kim Y, Kim S, Jang J, Han H N, Choi K J, Kim I, Kim J 2017 Scripta Mater. 140 1
Google Scholar
[13] Oswald M, Loewenstein T, Schubert G, Schoenfelder S 2012 6th International Workshop on Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells Aixles-bains France, October 8–11, 2012
[14] Echizenya D, Sakamoto H, Sasaki K 2011 Procedia Engineering 10 1440
Google Scholar
[15] Haase F, Kasewieter J, Köntges M 2016 6th International Conference on Silicon Photovoltaics Chambery France, March 7–9, 2016 p554
[16] Popovich V A 2014 Microstructure and Mechanical Aspects of Multicrystalline Silicon Solar Cells (Netherlands: Delft University of Technology) p115
[17] Mansfield B R, Armstrong D E, Wilshaw P R, Murphy J D 2009 Solid State Phenomena 156–158 p55
[18] Cotterell B, Chen Z, Han J, Tan N 2003 J. Electron. Packaging 125 114
Google Scholar
[19] Sekhar H, Fukuda T, Tanahashi K, Shirasawa K, Takato H, Ohkubo K, Ono H, Sampei Y, Kobayashi T 2018 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 57 095501
Google Scholar
[20] Kaule F, Kohler B, Hirsch J, Schoenfeldera S, Lauscha D 2018 Sol. Energ. Mat. Sol. C. 185 511
Google Scholar
[21] Gou W X 2010 Mechanics of Materials (Beijing: Science Press) p152
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