For ZnO which is not magnetic itself, it is of great significance to study the source of ferromagnetism and its photoelectric properties when Cu doped ZnO coexists with internal defects. The effects of intrinsic defects on the electronic structures, magnetic and optical properties of Cu-doped ZnO (CuZn) are studied by using first principle calculations based on the density functional theory combined with the Hubbard U (DFT + Ud + Up). The results indicate that the doped Cu is a substitute acceptor, and the manufacturing environment plays an important role in forming the CuZn with internal defects. Under the oxygen-rich condition, the doped Cu is favorable for forming internal defects, and the CuZn—Oi bonds are easily formed. On the contrary, the Cu-doped ZnO is not conducive to forming internal defects under the O-poor condition. The 3d electrons of the substitute Cu form the unoccupied accepter energy level at the top of valence band, generating p-type conduction. Comparing with CuZn system, the carrier concentration of positive hole decreases in CuZn-VO system and the conductivity is poor. In the CuZn-VZn system, the number of carrier holes is almost constant, and the conductivity has no effect. In the CuZn-Oi model, the carrier concentration of positive holes increases and the conductivity gets better. The pure ZnO system exhibits non-magnetic behavior. The study also reveals that the smaller the electro-negativity, the greater the contribution to magnetic moment is when O atom is connected with Cu atom. The magnetic moments in CuZn and CuZn-Oi system are mainly generated by the coupling between the Cu 3d and the O 2p orbital on the c axis. When VO and VZn exist in CuZn, the magnetic moment is mainly caused by the strong coupling of Cu 3d with O 2p in ab plane. In the presence of VZn in CuZn, the magnetism also contains the contribution of the spin polarization of O(5, 6) atoms around VZn. In the defect states of CuZn-VZn and CuZn-Oi, the induced states in the deep energy levels are generated by the interaction between the O-O 2s orbital electrons. The reduced optical band gap of the CuZn model results in the red shift of absorption spectrum. The enhanced absorption and reflection of the CuZn-VZn model reduce the transmission.
- first principles /
- intrinsic defect /
- Cu-doped ZnO /
- formation energy
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Xu Q Y, Wu X M, Zhuge L J, Chen X M, Wu Z F 2008 MicroFabric. Tech. 12 16
表 1 ZnO和CuZn缺陷的形成能(单位: eV)
Table 1. Formation energy of ZnO and CuZn with intrinsic defects (in eV)
缺陷类型 VO VZn Oi Cui CuZn CuZn-VO CuZn-VZn CuZn-Oi O-rich 6.603 0.915 –0.548 5.795 –0.495 6.337 0.422 –0.965 O-poor 1.308 6.210 4.747 4.026 3.031 4.569 9.244 7.856 表 2 ZnO模型的带隙和空穴浓度P
Table 2. Band gap and hole concertration P of ZnO model
ZnO CuZn CuZn-VO CuZn-VZn CuZn-Oi 禁带宽度/eV 3.370 2.577 2.413 2.597 1.885 光学带隙/eV 3.370 0.980 0.228 1.108 0.195 P 0.068 1.344 1.107 1.321 1.574 -
[1] Wang Z L 2008 ACS Nano 2 1987
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[2] Ahn K S, Deutsch T, Yan Y, Jiang C S, Perkins C L, Turner J, Jassim M A 2007 J. Appl. Phys. 102 023517
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[16] Zhu M Y, Zhang Z H, Zhong M, Tariq M, Li Y, Li W X, Jin H M, Skotnicova K, Li Y B 2017 Ceram. Int. 43 3166
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[25] Anisimov V V, Zaanen J, Andersen K 1991 Phys. Rev. B: Condens. Matter 44 943
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[34] Yan Y F, Aljassim M M, Wei S H 2006 Appl. Phys. Lett. 89 181912
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[35] Narendra G L, Sreedhar B, Rao J L, Lakshman S V J 1991 J. Mater. Sci. 26 5342
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[36] Lee H Y, Clark S J, Robertson J 2012 Phys. Rev. B 86 075209
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Lin Q L, Li G P, Xu N N, Liu H, Wang C L 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 037101
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[38] Zhao L, Lu P F, Yu Z Y, Liu Y M, Wang D L, Ye H 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 056104
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[39] 徐庆岩, 吴雪梅, 诸葛兰剑, 陈学梅, 吴兆丰 2008 微细加工技术 12 16
Xu Q Y, Wu X M, Zhuge L J, Chen X M, Wu Z F 2008 MicroFabric. Tech. 12 16
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