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Photoinduced charge carrier dynamics and spectral band filling in organometal halide perovskites

Zhao Wan-Ying Ku Zhi-Liang Jin Zuan-Ming Liu Wei-Min Lin Xian Dai Ye Yan Xiao-Na Ma Guo-Hong Yao Jian-Quan


Photoinduced charge carrier dynamics and spectral band filling in organometal halide perovskites

Zhao Wan-Ying, Ku Zhi-Liang, Jin Zuan-Ming, Liu Wei-Min, Lin Xian, Dai Ye, Yan Xiao-Na, Ma Guo-Hong, Yao Jian-Quan
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  • In recent years, the solution-processed organic-inorganic perovskite solar cells have attracted considerable attention because of their advantages of high energy conversion efficiency, low cost, and easily processing. Organometallic halide perovskite solar cells have gradually demonstrated particular superior properties in energy field due to their excellent photoelectric properties. This has been triggered by the unprecedented increase in its overall power conversion efficiency reaching 23% in just a few years, and it is becoming a direct competitor against the existing leading technology silicon. In this paper, 5-AVA-doped organometal halide perovskite films, (5-AVA)0.05(MA)0.95PbI3 and (5-AVA)0.05(MA)0.95PbI3/Spiro-OMeTAD, are prepared by the two-step method. The generation and recombination mechanism of charge carriers in two kinds of film samples are discussed in detail. The bivalent band structure of perovskite film material CH3NH3PbI3 is determined by ultraviolet-visible absorption spectra of perovskite film (5-AVA)0.05(MA)0.95PbI3 and (5-AVA)0.05(MA)0.95PbI3/Spiro-OMeTAD. We investigate the photocarrier dynamics and band filling effects in these two organometal halide perovskite films by using femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy. For (5-AVA)0.05(MA)0.95PbI3, the photoinduced bleach recovery at 760 nm reveals that band-edge recombination follows second-order kinetics, indicating that the dominant relaxation pathway is via the recombination of free electrons and holes. With regard to the perovskite film (5-AVA)0.05(MA)0.95PbI3 and (5-AVA)0.05(MA)0.95PbI3/Spiro-OMeTAD, the signal is photoinduced absorption from 550 nm to 700 nm. As the delay time increases, the electrons and holes are recombined, which results in a red shift of absorption spectrum in (5-AVA)0.05(MA)0.95PbI3. This can be referred to as Moss-Burstein band filling model. In contrast, the electrons and holes of (5-AVA)0.05(MA)0.95PbI3/Spiro-OMeTAD perovskite film sample are separated after photoexcitation. The holes rapidly transfer to the hole transport layer of Spiro-OMeTAD. It will lead to an increase in sample absorbance and a rapid recovery of bleaching signals. Consequently, electron-hole recombination is no longer a dominant pathway to the relaxation of photocarriers and the band filling effect is not significant in the composite film. Our findings provide a valuable insight into the understanding of the charge carrier dynamics and spectral band filling in mixed perovskites. These results conduce to the understanding of the intrinsic photo-physics of semiconducting organometal halide perovskites with direct implications for photovoltaic and optoelectronic applications, and provide a reference for the future research of perovskite solar cells.

    Noh J H, Im S H, Heo J H, Mandal T N, Seok S I 2013 Nano Lett. 4 1764


    Lin Q, Armin A, Nagiri R C R, Burn P L, Meredith P 2015 Nature Photon. 9 106


    Manser J S, Christians J A, Kamat P V 2016 Chem. Rev. 116 12956


    Etgar L, Gao P, Xue Z, Peng Q, Chandiran A K, Liu B, Nazeeruddin M K, Gratzel M 2012 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134 17396


    Saliba M, Matsui T, Seo J Y, Domanski K, Correa-Baena J P, Nazeeruddin M K, Zakeerudding S M, Tress W, Abate A, Hagfeldt A, Gratzel M 2016 Energy Environ. Sci. 9 1989


    Singh S P, Nagarjuna P 2014 Dalton Trans. 43 5247


    Xiao M, Huang F, Huang W, Dkhissi Y, Zhu Y, Etheridge J, Gray-Weale A, Bach U, Cheng Y B, Spiccia L 2014 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 126 1


    Juarez-Perez E J, Wu M, Fabregat-Santiago F, Lakus-Wollny K, Mankel E, Mayer T, Jaegermann W, Mora-Sero I 2014 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 5 680


    Chen H, Pan X, Liu W, Cai M, Kou D, Huo Z, Fang X, Dai S 2013 Chem. Commun. 49 7277


    Lv S, Han L, Xiao J, Zhu L, Shi J, Wei H, Xu Y, Dong J, Xu X, Li D, Wang S, Luo Y, Meng Q, Li X 2014 Chem. Commun. 50 6931


    Kim H S, Lee C R, Im J H, Lee K B, Moehl T, Marchioro A, Moon S J, Humphry-Baker R, Yum J H, Moser J E, Gratzel M, Park N G 2012 Sci. Rep. 2 591


    Zhou H P, Chen Q, Li G, Luo S, Song T B, Duan H S, Hong Z R, You J B, Liu Y S, Yang Y 2014 Science 345 542


    Yamada Y, Nakamura T, Endo M, Wakamiya A, Kanemitsu Y 2014 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136 11610


    Deschler F, Price M, Pathak S, Klintberg L E, Jarausch D D, Higler R, Huttner S, Leijtens T, Stranks S D, Snaith H J, Atature M, Phillips R T, Friend R H 2014 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 5 1421


    Wehrenfennig C, Liu M, Snaith H J, Johnston M B, Herz L M 2014 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 5 1300


    Saba M, Cadelano M, Marongiu D, Chen F, Sarritzu V, Sestu N, Figus C, Aresti M, Piras R, Lehmann A G, Cannas C, Musinu A, Quochi F, Mura A, Bongiovanni G 2014 Nature Commun. 5 5049


    Manser J S, Kamat P V 2014 Nature Photon. 8 737


    Marchioro A, Teuscher J, Friedrich D, Kunst M, van de Krol R, Moehl T, Gratzel M, Moser J E 2014 Nature Photon. 8 250


    Wu X, Trinh M T, Niesner D, Zhu H, Norman Z, Owen J S, Yaffe O, Kudisch B J, Zhu X Y 2015 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 137 2089


    Yan H J, Ku Z L, Hu X F, Zhao W Y, Zhong M J, Zhu Q B, Lin X, Jin Z M, Ma G H 2018 Chin. Phys. Lett. 35 028401


    Yan H J, An B L, Fan Z F, Zhu X Y, Lin X, Jin Z M, Ma G H 2016 Appl. Phys. A 122 414


    Xing G, Mathews N, Sun S, Lim S S, Lam Y M, Gratzel M, Mhaisalkar S, Sum T C 2013 Science 342 344


    Guo Z, Wan Y, Yang M, Jordan S, Zhu K, Huang L 2017 Science 356 6333


    Mei A, Li X, Liu L, Ku Z, Liu T, Rong Y, Xu M, Hu M, Chen J, Yang Y, Gratzel M, Han H 2014 Science 345 295


    Ghanassi M, Schanne-Klein M C, Hache F, Ekimov A I, Ricard D, Flytzanis C 1993 Appl. Phys. Lett. 62 78


    Burstein E 1954 Phys. Rev. 93 632


    Moss T S 1954 Proc. Phys. Soc. B 67 775


    Kamat P V, Dimitrijevic N M, Nozik A J 1989 J. Phys. Chem. 93 2873


    Kawamura K, Maekawa K, Yanagi H, Hirano M, Hosono H 2003 Thin Solid Films 445 182


    Hickey S G, Riley D J, Tull E J 2000 J. Phys. Chem. B 104 7623


    Xing G, Mathews N, Lim S S, Yantara N, Liu X, Sabba D, Gratzel M, Mhaisalkar S, Sum T C 2014 Nature Mater. 13 476


    Giorgi G, Fujisawa J, Segawa H, Yamashita K 2013 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 4 4213

  • [1]

    Noh J H, Im S H, Heo J H, Mandal T N, Seok S I 2013 Nano Lett. 4 1764


    Lin Q, Armin A, Nagiri R C R, Burn P L, Meredith P 2015 Nature Photon. 9 106


    Manser J S, Christians J A, Kamat P V 2016 Chem. Rev. 116 12956


    Etgar L, Gao P, Xue Z, Peng Q, Chandiran A K, Liu B, Nazeeruddin M K, Gratzel M 2012 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134 17396


    Saliba M, Matsui T, Seo J Y, Domanski K, Correa-Baena J P, Nazeeruddin M K, Zakeerudding S M, Tress W, Abate A, Hagfeldt A, Gratzel M 2016 Energy Environ. Sci. 9 1989


    Singh S P, Nagarjuna P 2014 Dalton Trans. 43 5247


    Xiao M, Huang F, Huang W, Dkhissi Y, Zhu Y, Etheridge J, Gray-Weale A, Bach U, Cheng Y B, Spiccia L 2014 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 126 1


    Juarez-Perez E J, Wu M, Fabregat-Santiago F, Lakus-Wollny K, Mankel E, Mayer T, Jaegermann W, Mora-Sero I 2014 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 5 680


    Chen H, Pan X, Liu W, Cai M, Kou D, Huo Z, Fang X, Dai S 2013 Chem. Commun. 49 7277


    Lv S, Han L, Xiao J, Zhu L, Shi J, Wei H, Xu Y, Dong J, Xu X, Li D, Wang S, Luo Y, Meng Q, Li X 2014 Chem. Commun. 50 6931


    Kim H S, Lee C R, Im J H, Lee K B, Moehl T, Marchioro A, Moon S J, Humphry-Baker R, Yum J H, Moser J E, Gratzel M, Park N G 2012 Sci. Rep. 2 591


    Zhou H P, Chen Q, Li G, Luo S, Song T B, Duan H S, Hong Z R, You J B, Liu Y S, Yang Y 2014 Science 345 542


    Yamada Y, Nakamura T, Endo M, Wakamiya A, Kanemitsu Y 2014 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136 11610


    Deschler F, Price M, Pathak S, Klintberg L E, Jarausch D D, Higler R, Huttner S, Leijtens T, Stranks S D, Snaith H J, Atature M, Phillips R T, Friend R H 2014 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 5 1421


    Wehrenfennig C, Liu M, Snaith H J, Johnston M B, Herz L M 2014 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 5 1300


    Saba M, Cadelano M, Marongiu D, Chen F, Sarritzu V, Sestu N, Figus C, Aresti M, Piras R, Lehmann A G, Cannas C, Musinu A, Quochi F, Mura A, Bongiovanni G 2014 Nature Commun. 5 5049


    Manser J S, Kamat P V 2014 Nature Photon. 8 737


    Marchioro A, Teuscher J, Friedrich D, Kunst M, van de Krol R, Moehl T, Gratzel M, Moser J E 2014 Nature Photon. 8 250


    Wu X, Trinh M T, Niesner D, Zhu H, Norman Z, Owen J S, Yaffe O, Kudisch B J, Zhu X Y 2015 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 137 2089


    Yan H J, Ku Z L, Hu X F, Zhao W Y, Zhong M J, Zhu Q B, Lin X, Jin Z M, Ma G H 2018 Chin. Phys. Lett. 35 028401


    Yan H J, An B L, Fan Z F, Zhu X Y, Lin X, Jin Z M, Ma G H 2016 Appl. Phys. A 122 414


    Xing G, Mathews N, Sun S, Lim S S, Lam Y M, Gratzel M, Mhaisalkar S, Sum T C 2013 Science 342 344


    Guo Z, Wan Y, Yang M, Jordan S, Zhu K, Huang L 2017 Science 356 6333


    Mei A, Li X, Liu L, Ku Z, Liu T, Rong Y, Xu M, Hu M, Chen J, Yang Y, Gratzel M, Han H 2014 Science 345 295


    Ghanassi M, Schanne-Klein M C, Hache F, Ekimov A I, Ricard D, Flytzanis C 1993 Appl. Phys. Lett. 62 78


    Burstein E 1954 Phys. Rev. 93 632


    Moss T S 1954 Proc. Phys. Soc. B 67 775


    Kamat P V, Dimitrijevic N M, Nozik A J 1989 J. Phys. Chem. 93 2873


    Kawamura K, Maekawa K, Yanagi H, Hirano M, Hosono H 2003 Thin Solid Films 445 182


    Hickey S G, Riley D J, Tull E J 2000 J. Phys. Chem. B 104 7623


    Xing G, Mathews N, Lim S S, Yantara N, Liu X, Sabba D, Gratzel M, Mhaisalkar S, Sum T C 2014 Nature Mater. 13 476


    Giorgi G, Fujisawa J, Segawa H, Yamashita K 2013 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 4 4213

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  • Received Date:  15 October 2018
  • Accepted Date:  11 November 2018
  • Published Online:  05 January 2019

