The streak tube imaging lidar (STIL) community requires the streak tube with characteristics of small-size, high edge spatial resolution, high luminance gain, and large working area. In this work, with the aid of the computer simulation technology software, a streak camera with high edge spatial resolution and high luminance gain is designed, in which there are adopted 1) a spherical photocathode and screen to increase the edge spatial resolution and detection area, further enlarging the field of view for the STIL; 2) a slit accelerating electrode instead of the mesh one favorable for improving the electrical resistance and reliability for streak camera; 3) a streak tube with lower magnification combining with -15 kV working voltage to be able to achieve high luminance gain, thus further increasing the detection distance for STIL. Some static and dynamic properties of the tube are analyzed by observing different electron trajectories emitted from a number of different points on the photocathode. As for the spatial resolution, spatial modulation transfer function method is used to evaluate the spatial resolution characteristics of the streak tube. The 36.9 lp/mm at MTF=5% in static mode and 23 lp/mm at MTF=5% in dynamic mode of the high resolution across the 16 mm long slit on the photocathode can be obtained. As for the temporal resolution, three electron pulses at intervals of 54.6 ps can be well resolved by the streak tube in the dynamic mode. Thus, the temporal resolution of the streak tube is better than 54.6 ps. Furthermore, the influence of shape of the photocathode and screen on spatial resolution are analyzed. Compared with the P-streak tube (streak tube with plane photocathode and plane screen), S-streak tube (steak tube with spherical photocathode and spherical screen) can greatly improve the spatial resolution. The slit image of the spherical and plane photocathode are simulated. The spatial dispersion of the off-axis 8 mm slit image along the scanning direction is analyzed. The experimental results demonstrate that the spatial resolution of the small-size streak tube is 29.3 lp/mm at MTF=5% over the whole working area 16 mm2 mm, and the luminance gain is higher than 39.4. The static spatial resolution of the small-size streak tube is much higher than 15 lp/mm at CTF = 11.64%; the dynamic spatial resolution is higher than 9.8 lp/mm at CTF=5.51%; the temporal resolution is higher than 54.6 ps at Tscreen=4.3 ns and has good consistency on the whole photocathode, and the dynamic range is 345:1 at 54.6 ps. The streak camera contains 6 scanning levels for different depth of field and detection accuracy to achieve ultrafast signal diagnosis at different scanning speeds. The streak tube has a smaller dimension of 40 mm140 mm. It is of great significance in unmanned aerial and spaceborne laser imaging lidar detection.
- steak tube imaging lidar /
- streak camera /
- temporal resolution /
- spatial resolution
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[15] Tian L P, Tian J S, Wen W L, Chen P, Wang X, Hui D D, Wang J F 2017 Proc. SPIE 10605 106050O
[16] Wang Q Q 2014 M. S. Thesis (Xi'an: Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of Chinese Academy of Sciences) (in Chinese) [王强强 2014 硕士学位论文 (西安: 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所)]
[17] Zong F K 2015 Ph. D. Dissertation (Shenzhen: Shenzhen University) (in Chinese) [宗方轲 2015博士学位论文 (深圳: 深圳大学)]
[18] Hui D D, Tian J S, Lu Y, Wang J F, Wen W L, Liang L L, Chen L 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 158502 (in Chinese) [惠丹丹, 田进寿, 卢裕, 王俊锋, 温文龙, 梁玲亮, 陈琳 2016 65 158502]
[19] Niu H 1983 Proc. SPIE 0348 p231
[1] Wei J S, Wang Q, Sun J F, Gao J 2010 J. Russ. Laser Res. 31 307
[2] Tian J S, Hui D D, Luo D, Wang T, Zhang J, Chen S R, Jia H 2017 Proc. SPIE 103280 103280O
[3] Xia W Z, Han S K, Ullah N, Cao J Y, Wang L, Cao J, Cheng Y, Yu H Y 2017 Appl. Opt. 56 487
[4] Gelbart A, Redman B C, Light R S, Schwartzlow C A, Griffis A J 2002 Proc. SPIE 4723 9
[5] Chen Z D, Fan R W, Ye G C, Luo T, Guan J Y, Zhou Z G, Chen D Y 2018 Chin. Opt. Lett. 16 041101
[6] Hui D D, Tian J S, Wang J F, Lu Y, Wen W L, Xu X Y 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 018502 (in Chinese) [惠丹丹, 田进寿, 王俊锋, 卢裕, 温文龙, 徐向晏 2016 65 018502]
[7] Hui D D, Luo D, Tian L P, Lu Y, Chen P, Wang J F, Sai X F, Wen W L, Wang X, Xin L W, Zhao W, Tian J S 2018 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 89 045113
[8] Ageeva N V, Andreev S V, Belolipetski V S, Bryukhnevich G I, Greenfield D E, Ivanova S R, Kaverin A M, Khohlova A N, Kuz'menko E A, Levina G P, Makushina V A, Monastyrskiy M A, Schelev M Ya, Semichastonva Z M, Serdyuchenko Y N, Skaballanovich T A, Sokolov V E 2009 Proc. SPIE 7126 71260A
[9] Howorth J R, Milnes J S, Fisher Y, Jadwin A, Boni R, Jaanimagi P A 2016 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87 11D447
[10] Yuan Q Y, Niu L H, Hu C C, Wu L, Yang H R, Yu B 2018 Proc. SPIE 10697 106970R
[11] Gao J, Sun J F, Wang Q, Cong M Y Liu R, Tian J S, Li H, Wang Q Q, Wang C, Wen W L, Lu Y, Liu H L, Cao X B, Wang J F, Xu X Y, Wang X 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 058501 (in Chinese) [刘蓉, 田进寿, 李昊, 王强强, 王超, 温文龙, 卢裕, 刘虎林, 曹希斌, 王俊锋, 徐向晏, 王兴 2014 63 058501]
[12] Liu R, Tian J S, Li H, Wang Q Q, Wang C, Wen W L, Lu Y, Liu H L, Cao X B, Wang J F, Xu X Y, Wang X 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 058501 (in Chinese) [刘蓉, 田进寿, 李昊, 王强强, 王超, 温文龙, 卢裕, 刘虎林, 曹希斌, 王俊锋, 徐向晏, 王兴 2014 63 058501]
[13] Hua Z Y, Gu C X 1993 Electron Optics (Shanghai: Fudan University Press) p241 (in Chinese) [华中一, 顾昌鑫 1993 电子光学 (上海: 复旦大学出版社) 第241页]
[14] Liu H B 2004 M. S. Thesis (Xi'an: Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of Chinese Academy of Sciences) (in Chinese) [刘宏波 2004 硕士学位论文 (西安: 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所)]
[15] Tian L P, Tian J S, Wen W L, Chen P, Wang X, Hui D D, Wang J F 2017 Proc. SPIE 10605 106050O
[16] Wang Q Q 2014 M. S. Thesis (Xi'an: Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of Chinese Academy of Sciences) (in Chinese) [王强强 2014 硕士学位论文 (西安: 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所)]
[17] Zong F K 2015 Ph. D. Dissertation (Shenzhen: Shenzhen University) (in Chinese) [宗方轲 2015博士学位论文 (深圳: 深圳大学)]
[18] Hui D D, Tian J S, Lu Y, Wang J F, Wen W L, Liang L L, Chen L 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 158502 (in Chinese) [惠丹丹, 田进寿, 卢裕, 王俊锋, 温文龙, 梁玲亮, 陈琳 2016 65 158502]
[19] Niu H 1983 Proc. SPIE 0348 p231
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