A novel design of optical receiver for visible light communication system in indoor environment is proposed in this study. The compound parabolic concentrator is coupled with a photo-detector as the receiving unit due to its optical properties. The composite optical receiver is composed of seven receiving units inserted in a hyper-hemispherical lens aligned with geometry configuration based on angle diversity. The composite optical receiver has fields of view of 360 in the horizontal direction and 180 in the vertical direction respectively, while the field of view of each receiving unit is 30. Model of indoor visible light communication is built through measurement in a room of a 5 m 5 m 3 m size. The received power and SNR distribution are acquired through MATLAB scripts. The received power of each receiving unit is treated by different algorithms. At a lower data rate, the sum of the received power from all receiving units is the final received power, while at a higher data rate, the final received power is the highest value of power collected by the each unit. The results show that the received powers of the composite receiver by using two different algorithms increase 11.58 and 7.47 dB, respectively, while the gains of the receiver are 15.31 and 5.98, respectively. The mean values of the signaltonoise ratio are 79.17 dB from the sum algorithm and 72.26 dB from maximum algorithm, respectively. It is concluded that signaltonoise ratio is high and the distribution fluctuation is weak. This usually means a good and stable communication performance. It is proved that the composite receiver designed in this study gives high quality communication performance and presents a wide field of view, thereby avoiding the blind area in communication.
- visible light communication /
- receiver /
- received power
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[1] Tanaka Y, Komine T, Haruyama S, Nakagawa M 2003 IEICE Trans. Commun. 86 2440
[2] Komine T, Nakagawa M 2004 IEEE Trans. Consum. Electron. 50 100
[3] Afgani M Z, Haas H, Elgala H, Knipp D 2006 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities Barcelona, Spain, March 1-3, 2006 p134
[4] Hashemi S, Ghassemlooy Z, Chao L, Benhaddou D 2008 IEEE 6th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing(CNSDSP) July 25, 2008 p174
[5] Lee K, Park H, Barry J R 2011 IEEE Commun. Lett. 15 217
[6] Choi J H, Koo S W, Kim J Y 2009 IEEE 9th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technology Icheon, Korea, September 28-30, 2009 p1247
[7] Cui L, Tang Y, Zhu Q W, Luo J B, Hu S S 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 94208 (in Chinese) [崔璐, 唐义, 朱庆炜, 骆加彬, 胡珊珊 2015 65 94208]
[8] Ding D Q, Ke X Z, Li J X 2007 Optoe. Eng. 34 131 (in Chinese) [丁德强, 柯熙政, 李建勋 2007 光电工程 34 131]
[9] Wang Z X, Yu C Y, Zhong W D, Chen J, Chen W 2012 Opt. Express 20 4564
[10] Liu H J, Lan T, Ni G Q 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 238503 (in Chinese) [刘浩杰, 蓝天, 倪国强 2014 63 238503]
[11] Wang Z X, Yu C Y, Zhong W D, Chen J 2011 Opt. Express 19 13418
[12] Winston R, Miano J C, Benitez P 2005 Nonimaging Optics (New York: Academic Press) pp50-65
[13] Kahn J M, Barry J R 1997 Proc. IEEE 85 265
[14] Shen Z M, Lan T, Wang Y, Wang L H, Ni G Q 2015 Infrared and Laser Engineering 44 2496 (in Chinese) [沈振民, 蓝天, 王云, 王龙辉, 倪国强 2015 红外与激光工程 44 2496]
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