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Asymmetric waveguide and the dual-wavelength stimulated emission for CdS/CdS0.48Se0.52 axial nanowire heterostructures

Li Dan Liang Jun-Wu Liu Hua-Wei Zhang Xue-Hong Wan Qiang Zhang Qing-Lin Pan An-Lian


Asymmetric waveguide and the dual-wavelength stimulated emission for CdS/CdS0.48Se0.52 axial nanowire heterostructures

Li Dan, Liang Jun-Wu, Liu Hua-Wei, Zhang Xue-Hong, Wan Qiang, Zhang Qing-Lin, Pan An-Lian
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  • Semiconductor axial nanowire heterostructures are important for realizing the high-performance nano-photonics and opto-electronics devices. Although different IV and III-V semiconductor axial nanowire heterostructures have been successfully prepared in recent decade, few of them focused on the optical properties, such as the waveguide, due to their low light emission efficiencies. The II-VI semiconductor nanowires grown by chemical vapor deposition strategy, such as CdS, CdSe and their alloys, can act as nanoscale waveguide, nanolasers, etc., because of their high optical gains and atomically smooth surfaces. However, it is still a challenge to growing the high-quality II-VI semiconductor axial nanowire heterostructures, owning to the poor controllability of the vapor growth techniques. Here, the CdS/CdSSe axial nanowire heterostructures are prepared with well controlled CVD method under the catalysis of annealed Au nanoparticles. The scanning electron microscope characterization shows that the wires have smooth surfaces with Au particles at the tips, indicating the vapor-liquid-solid growth mechanism for the nanowire heterostructures. The microscope images of the dispersed wires illuminated with a 405 nm laser show that the red and the green segment align axially with a sharp interface, demonstrating the axial alignment of CdS and CdSSe segments. The position related micro-photoluminescence spectra exhibit near band edge emissions of CdS and CdSSe without obvious emission from defect states, which suggests that the wires have highly crystalline quality. The waveguide of the nanowire heterostructures is studied through respectively locally exciting the two ends of the wire with a focused 488 nm laser. The local illuminations at both the CdS end and the CdSSe end result in red emission at the corresponding remote ends of the wires, with the emission intensity of the former being one order lower than that of the later, which is caused by the reabsorption of the green light emission (from CdS segment) in the CdSSe segment. This indicates the asymmetric waveguide in these heterosturctures, which implies that the CdS/CdSSe nanowire heterostructures have the potential applications in the photodiode. Under the pumping of 470 nm femtosecond laser, dual-color (red and green) lasing is realized based on these wires, with the lasing threshold of red light lasing being lower than that of the green one, which results from the larger round-trip loss for the green light arising from the self-absorption in CdSSe segment. To prove that the light can be transfer between the two segments with different refractivities, the waveguide of the nanowire heterostructure is simulated by the COMSOL. The result shows that the light can effectively propagate between CdS and CdSSe segments, which ensures the light-matter interaction in the axial CdS/CdSSe nanowire heterostructures as discussed above. These high-quality CdS/CdSSe axial nanowire heterostructures can be found to have the potential applications in photodiodes, dual-color nanolasers and photodetectors.
      Corresponding author: Zhang Qing-Lin,; ; Pan An-Lian,;
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11374092, 61474040, 61574054, 61505051).

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    Li J B, Meng C, Liu Y, Wu X Q, Lu Y Z, Ye Y, Dai L, Tong L M, Liu X, Yang Q 2013 Adv. Mater. 25 833


    Guo P F, Zhuang X J, Xu J Y, Zhang Q L, Hu W, Zhu X L, Wang X X, Wan Q, He P B, Zhou H, Pan A L 2013 Nano Lett. 13 1251


    Zimmler M A, Bao J, Capasso F, Muller S, Ronning C 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 051101


    Zhuang X J, Guo P F, Zhang Q L, Liu H W, Li D, Hu W, Zhu X L, Zhou H, Pan A L 2016 Nano Res. 9 933


    Jensen B, Torabi A 1986 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 3 857

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    Faist J, Capasso F, Sivco D L, Sirtori C, Hutchinson A L, Cho A Y 1994 Science 264 553


    Slight T J, Romeira B, Wang L, Figueiredo J M L, Wasige E, Ironside C N A 2008 IEEE J. Quantum Elect. 44 1158


    Hiyamizu S, Mimura T 1982 J. Cryst. Growth 56 455


    Harrison T R, Tait G B, McAdoo J A 2005 Proc. SPIE 5732 342


    Nylund G, Storm K, Lehmann S, Capasso F, Samuelson L 2016 Nano Lett. 16 1017


    de la Mata M, Magen C, Caroff P, Arbiol J 2014 Nano Lett. 14 6614


    Gudiksen M S, Lauhon L J, Wang J, Smith D C, Lieber C M 2002 Nature 415 617


    Wu Y, Fan R, Yang P 2002 Nano Lett. 2 83


    Flynn G, Ramasse Q M, Ryan K M 2016 Nano Lett. 16 374


    Bjrk M T, Ohlsson B J, Sass T, Persson A I, Thelander C, Magnusson M H, Deppert K, Wallenberg L R, Samuelson L 2002 Nano Lett. 2 87


    Fan C, Zhang Q L, Zhu X L, Zhuang X J, Pan A L 2015 Sci. Bull. 60 1674


    Guo S, Li Z S, Song G L, Zou B S, Wang X X, Liu R B 2015 J. Alloys Compd. 649 793


    Tan H, Fan C, Ma L, Zhang X H, Fan P, Yang Y K, Hu W, Zhou H, Zhuang X J, Zhu X L, Pan A L 2016 Nano-Micro Lett. 8 29


    Lou Z, Li L, Shen G 2016 Nanoscale 8 5219


    Ma L, Zhang X H, Li H L, Tan H, Yang Y K, Xu Y D, Hu W, Zhu X L, Zhuang X J, Pan A L 2015 Semicond. Sci. Technol. 30 10


    Li J J, Gao Z Y, Xue X W, Li H M, Deng J, Cui B F, Zou D S 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 118104 (in Chinese) [李江江, 高志远, 薛晓玮, 李慧敏, 邓军, 崔碧峰, 邹德恕 2016 65 118104]


    Zheng D S, Wang J L, Hu W D, Liao L, Fang H H, Guo N, Wang P, Gong F, Wang X D, Fan Z Y, Wu X, Meng X J, Chen X S, Lu W 2016 Nano Lett. 16 2548


    Zheng D S, Fang H H, Wang P, Luo W J, Gong Fan, Ho J C, Chen X S, Lu W, Liao L, Wang J L, Hu W D 2016 Adv. Funct. Mater. 26 7690


    Pan A L, Wang S Q, Liu R B, Li C R, Zou B S 2005 Small 1 1058


    Wang X, Pan A L, Liu D, Bai Y Q, Zhang Z H, Zou B S, Zhu X 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 6352 (in Chinese) [王笑, 潘安练, 刘丹, 白永强, 张朝晖, 邹炳锁, 朱星 2007 56 6352]


    Zhang Q L, Zhu X L, Li Y Y, Liang J W, Chen T R, Fan P, Zhou H, Hu W, Zhuang X J, Pan A L 2016 Laser Photon. Rev. 10 458


    Zhang Q L, Liu H W, Guo P F, Li D, Fan P, Zheng W H, Zhu X L, Jiang Y, Zhou H, Hu W, Zhuang X J, Liu H J, Duan X F, Pan A L 2017 Nano Energy 32 28


    Zhang Q L, Wang S W, Liu X X, Chen T R, Li H F, Liang J W, Zheng W H, Agarwal R, Lu W, Pan A L 2016 Nano Energy 30 481


    Pan A L, Zhou W C, Leong E S P, Liu R B, Chin A H, Zou B S, Ning C Z 2009 Nano Lett. 9 784


    Sirbuly D J, Law M, Pauzauskie P, Yan H, Maslov A V, Knutsen K, Ning C Z, Saykally R J, Yang P 2005 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102 7800


    Pan Z W, Dai Z R, Ma C, Wang Z L 2002 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 124 1817


    Pan A L, Yang H, Liu R B, Yu R C, Zou B S, Wang Z L 2005 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127 15692


    Pan A L, Wang X X, He P B, Zhang Q L, Wan Q, Zacharias M, Zhu X, Zou B S 2007 Nano Lett. 7 2970


    Xu J Y, Zhuang X J, Guo P F, Huang W Q, Hu W, Zhang Q L, Wan Q, Zhu X L, Yang Z Y, Tong L M, Duan X F, Pan A L 2012 Sci. Rep. 2 820


    Xu J Y, Zhuang X J, Guo P F, Zhang Q L, Ma L, Wang X X, Zhu X L, Pan A L 2013 J. Mater. Chem. C 1 4391


    Yan H, Choe H S, Nam S W, Hu Y J, Das S, Klemic J F, llenbogen J C, Lieber C M 2011 Nature 470 240


    Duan X F, Huang Y, Cui Y, Wang J F, Lieber C M 2001 Nature 409 66


    Li J B, Meng C, Liu Y, Wu X Q, Lu Y Z, Ye Y, Dai L, Tong L M, Liu X, Yang Q 2013 Adv. Mater. 25 833


    Guo P F, Zhuang X J, Xu J Y, Zhang Q L, Hu W, Zhu X L, Wang X X, Wan Q, He P B, Zhou H, Pan A L 2013 Nano Lett. 13 1251


    Zimmler M A, Bao J, Capasso F, Muller S, Ronning C 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 051101


    Zhuang X J, Guo P F, Zhang Q L, Liu H W, Li D, Hu W, Zhu X L, Zhou H, Pan A L 2016 Nano Res. 9 933


    Jensen B, Torabi A 1986 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 3 857

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  • Received Date:  06 November 2016
  • Accepted Date:  17 December 2016
  • Published Online:  05 March 2017

