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Principles and simulation of spectropolarimetirc imaging technique based on static dual intensity-modulated Fourier transform

Yu Hui Zhang Rui Li Ke-Wu Xue Rui Wang Zhi-Bin


Principles and simulation of spectropolarimetirc imaging technique based on static dual intensity-modulated Fourier transform

Yu Hui, Zhang Rui, Li Ke-Wu, Xue Rui, Wang Zhi-Bin
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  • Traditional imaging spectropolarimetry generally requires slit, moving parts, electrically tunable devices, or the use of micropolarized arrays. Furthermore, the acquired raw data are a physical superposition of interferogram and image. Given their complicated structure, poor seismic capacity, low detection sensitivity, and heavy computations with approximation in spectral reconstruction, meeting the needs for applications in aviation, remote sensing, and field detection is difficult. To overcome these drawbacks, a new spectropolarimetric imaging technique based on static dual intensity-modulated Fourier transform is presented. The system consists of a front telescopic system, two phase retarders, a linear polarizer, a Wollaston prism, a Savart polariscope, a linear analyzer, a reimaging system, and a charge-coupled device (CCD) array detector. The incident light is modulated through a module of polarization spectrum modulation, which consists of the retarders and the polarizer. The Wollaston prism splits the modulated incident light into two equal intensities, orthogonally polarized components with a small divergent angle. After passing through the interference module, which is composed of the Savart polariscope and the analyzer, then the reimaging system, two full-polarization interferograms, which are the superposition of background images and interference fringes, are recorded simultaneously on a single CCD. The pure target image and the pure interference fringes can be simply achieved from the summation or the difference of the two interferograms. Spectral and complete polarization information can be acquired by using the Fourier transform of the pure interference fringes. The principle and the configuration of the system are described here in this paper. The reconstruction processes of the target image and the full Stokes polarization spectra are theoretically analyzed and mathematically simulated. The results show that the system can availably separate background image from interference fringes of the target, achieving high-precision spectral reconstruction and effective extraction of the complete polarization information. Compared with the features of existing instruments, one of the salient features of the described model is to use the dual-intensity modulation, which can avoid mutual interference between the image and the fringes from the hardware and is conducive to the extraction of pure interference fringes with high signal-tonoise ratio (SNR). With this feature, the inadequacies on traditional spectral reconstruction, such as large computation, heavy data processing, and low accuracy of acquired information, are overcome. Moreover, the entrance slit in the front telescopic system is removed, which greatly increases the transmittance and flux of the incident light and improves the SNR of the interferogram. The modified Savart polariscope is used in the interference module. Its transverse shearsplitting principle further enlarges the field of view and increases the spectral resolution of the straight fringes. Thus, this design has the advantages of good stability, high spectrum, high sensitivity, large SNR, high-precision information reconstruction, and low-complexity data processing, as well as simultaneous detection of image, spectrum, and complete polarization information. This work will provide an important theoretical basis and practical instruction for developing new spectropolarimetric imaging technique and its engineering applications.
      Corresponding author: Yu Hui,; ; Zhang Rui,;
    • Funds: Project supported by the Funds for International Cooperation and Exchange of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 2013DFR10150), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61127015, 61471325, 61505179), and the Natural Science Foundation for Young Scientists of Shanxi Province, China (Grant No. 2014021012).

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    Stephen H J, Frank J I, Chris H 2006NASA Earth Science Technology Conference Proceeding


    Tyo J S, Goldstein D L, Chenault D B, Shaw J A 2006Appl.Opt. 45 5453


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    Gendre L, Foulonneau A, BiguL 2010Appl.Opt. 49 4687


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    Jones J C, Kudenov M W, Stapelbroe M G, Dereniak E L 2011Appl.Opt. 50 1170


    Mu T K, Zhang C M, Jia C L, Ren W Y 2012Opt.Express 20 18194


    Meng X, Li G, Liu D 2013Opt.Lett. 38 778


    Meng X, Li J, Liu D, Xu T, Liu D, Zhu R 2013Opt.Express 21 32071


    Li J, Zhu J P, Qi C, Zheng C L, Gao B, Zhang Y Y, Hou X 2013Acta Phys.Sin. 62 044206(in Chinese)[李杰, 朱京平, 齐春, 郑传林, 高博, 张云尧, 侯洵2013 62 044206]


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    Mu T K, Zhang C M, Li Q W, Wei Y T, Chen Q Y, Jia C L 2014Acta Phys.Sin. 63 110704(in Chinese)[穆廷魁, 张淳民, 李祺伟, 魏宇童, 陈清颖, 贾辰凌2014 63 110704]


    Liu Y, Lo Y, Li C, Liao C 2015Opt.Commun. 336 295


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    Kohzo H, Hirokimi S, Hiromichi Y 2005Proc.SPIE 5655 407


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    Nathan J P, Andrew R D, Michael J, Joseph A 2011Opt.Express 19 18602


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    Li Y N, Sun X B, Mao Y N 2012Infrared Laser Eng. 41 205


    Lou M J, Xing Q G, Shi P 2013Remote Sensing Technology and Application 28 627


    Zhao J, Zhou F, Li H 2014Spacecraft Recovery and Remote Sensing 35 39


    Xue Q S 2014Chin.J.Lasers 41 0316003


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  • Received Date:  23 July 2016
  • Accepted Date:  30 November 2016
  • Published Online:  05 March 2017

