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Influences of nonspherical aerosol particles and relative humidity of atmosphere on the performance of free space quantum communication

Nie Min Ren Jia-Ming Yang Guang Zhang Mei-Ling Pei Chang-Xing


Influences of nonspherical aerosol particles and relative humidity of atmosphere on the performance of free space quantum communication

Nie Min, Ren Jia-Ming, Yang Guang, Zhang Mei-Ling, Pei Chang-Xing
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  • When the optical signal is transmitted in the free space, it inevitably passes through the atmosphere. The atmospheric aerosol is one of the most important components of the atmosphere, which not only affects the regional climate, but also influences the transmission of the free space optical signal. However, the study on the relationship between the non-spherical aerosols and the parameters of the free space quantum communication channel has not been carried out so far. To investigate this relationship, the spectral distribution function of the aerosol and its extinction factor should be analyzed first. According to three nonspherical aerosol particles: cylindrical particles, ellipsoidal particles and Chebyshev particles, the equation between channel attenuation of the free space quantum communication and the degree of quantum entanglement can then be established. After that, the effects of the relative humidity of the atmosphere on the degree of quantum entanglement and the fidelity of quantum communication can be analyzed and simulated finally. The simulation results show that the channel attenuations of the free space quantum communication are sequenced in ascending order as cylindrical particles, ellipsoidal particles, and Chebyshev particles, and their influences on the degree of quantum entanglement have different changing trends. When the transmission time is fixed, with the increase of aspect ratio of ellipsoidal particles, the degree of quantum entanglement shows a growing trend, with the increase of aspect ratio of cylindrical particles, the degree of quantum entanglement shows descending trend. With the increase of Chebyshev particle equivalent radius, the degree of quantum entanglement also shows the descending trend. When the relative humidity of the atmosphere is 0.2(0.9), the degree of quantum entanglement and the fidelity of quantum communication will be 0.72(0.75) and 0.32(0.22), respectively. It can be seen that the nonspherical aerosol particles and the relative humidity of the atmosphere each have a significant effect on the function of the free space quantum communication system. Therefore, in a practical free space quantum communication system, the shape factor of nonspherical aerosol particle, orientating factor, equivalent radius and the relative humidity of the atmosphere cannot be ignored, in order to improve the effectiveness and reliability of the free space quantum communication, the different parameters of the communication system should be adjusted adaptively.
      Corresponding author: Ren Jia-Ming,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61172071, 61201194), the Natural Science Research Foundation of Shaanxi Province, China (Grant No. 2014JQ8318) and the International Scientific and Technological Cooperation and Exchange Program in Shaanxi Province, China (Grant No. 2015KW-013).

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    Aden A L, Kerker M 1951 Appl. Phys. 22 1242


    Xu L, Pan X B, Shi G Y, Yan B T X, Ao Y J Y, Yuan G Y L, Gong Z B, Zhou J 1998 J. Acta Meteorol. Sin. 56 551 (in Chinese) [许黎, 攀小标, 石广玉, 岩坂泰信, 奥原靖彦, 原圭一郎, 龚知本, 周军1998气象学报56 551]


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    Waterman P C 1999 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 16 2968


    Draine B T, Flatau P J 1994 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 11 1491


    Yee K 1996 IEEE Trans. Antenn. Prop. 14 302


    Xu Y, Gustafson B S 2001 J. Quant. Spectr. Rad. Trans. 70 395


    Fan M, Chen L F, Li S S, Tao J H, Su L, Zou M M, Zhang Y, Han D 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 204202 (in Chinese) [范萌, 陈良富, 李莘莘, 陶金花, 苏林, 邹铭敏, 张莹, 韩东2012 61 204202]


    Nie M, Shang P G, Yang G, Zhang M L, Pei C X 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 240303 (in Chinese) [聂敏, 尚鹏钢, 杨光, 张美玲, 裴昌幸2014 63 240303]


    Nie M, Ren J, Yang G, Zhang M L, Pei C X 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 150301 (in Chinese) [聂敏, 任杰, 杨光, 张美玲, 裴昌幸2015 64 150301]


    Yan Y, Pei C X, Han B B, Zhao N 2008 Chin. J. Radio Sci. 23 834 (in Chinese) [阎毅, 裴昌幸, 韩宝彬, 赵楠2008电波科学学报23 834]


    Tao J H, Wang Z F, Xu Q, Li L J, Fan M, Tao M H, Su L, Chen L F 2015 J. Remot. Sens. 19 12 (in Chinese) [陶金花, 王子峰, 徐谦, 李令军, 范萌, 陶明辉, 苏林, 陈良富2015遥感学报19 12]


    Lanzagorta M (translated by Zhou W X, Wu M Y, Hu M C, Jin L) 2013 Quantum Radar (Beijing: Publishing House Of Electronics Industry) pp15-17(in Chinese) [兰萨戈尔塔M著(周万幸, 吴鸣亚, 胡明春, 金林译) 2013量子雷达(北京: 电子工业出版社)第15–17页]


    Shao C C, Ma J J 2010 J. At. Mol. Phys. 27 475 (in Chinese) [邵长城, 麻金继2010原子与分子 27 475]


    Kaegi R 2004 J. Aerosol Sci. 35 621


    Cai J, Gao J, Fan Z G, Fen S, Fang J 2013 Chin. J. Lumin. 34 639 (in Chinese) [蔡嘉, 高隽, 范之国, 冯屾, 方静2013发光学报34 639]


    Ren J, Nie M, Yang G, Pei C X 2015 Acta Phot. Sin. 44 1227003 (in Chinese) [任杰, 聂敏, 杨光, 裴昌幸2015光子学报44 1227003]


    Middleton W E K 1954 Phys. Today 7 254


    Wang J, Niu S J, Yu X N 2013 Chin. Environ. Sci. 33 201 (in Chinese) [王静, 牛生杰, 于兴娜2013中国环境科学33 201]


    Gong C W, Li X B, Li J Y, Cao Y N, Zhu W Y, Xu Q S, Wei H L 2014 Acta Opt. Sin. 34 16 (in Chinese) [宫纯文, 李学彬, 李建玉, 曹亚楠, 朱文越, 徐青山, 魏合理2014光学学报34 16]


    Bu Y C, Zhao Y K, Chen Z Y, Zhang P, Huang H J 2015 Chin. J. Laser 42 288 (in Chinese) [卜一川, 赵永凯, 陈正岩, 张佩, 黄惠杰2015中国激光42 288]


    Chen Y R, Li Q, Liu T J, Feng F Q 2011 Optoe. Eng. 38 42 (in Chinese) [陈玉茹, 李晴, 刘庭杰, 冯富强2011光电工程38 42]

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  • Received Date:  20 March 2016
  • Accepted Date:  20 May 2016
  • Published Online:  05 October 2016

