Kinesin is one of the most important linear motors for intracellular transport. It has two main features. One is its persistence: at least one head is attached to the microtubule during stepping, so that it can move a long distance before detaching. Another feature is the tight mechanochemical coupling: it consumes one adenosine-triphosphate for each step. Therefore, there should be a mechanism responsible for the coordination of the two heads to achieve the high persistence and tight coupling. The underlying mechanism is the mechanochemical coupling, which is the basic issue for all chemical-driven molecular motors. Owing to the developments of single-molecule experiments and molecular dynamics simulations, a breakthrough in the coupling mechanism has been made in recent decades. In this article, we review the progress of the relevant researches from the perspective of kinematics, energetics, coordination of two heads and force generating mechanism. We also present a personal perspective on the future studies of kinesin.
- kinesin /
- single molecule technology /
- mechanochemical coupling
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[1] Shu Y G, Ouyang Z C 2007 Physics 36 735 (in Chinese) [舒咬根, 欧阳钟灿 2007 物理 36 735]
[2] Berlinrood M, McGee-Russell S M, Allen R D 1972 J. Cell Sci. 11 875
[3] Allen R D, Allen N S, Travis J L 1981 Cell Motil. 1 291
[4] Allen R D, Allen N S 1983 J. Microscopy 129 3
[5] Allen R D, Metuzals J, Tasahi I, et al. 1982 Science 218 1127
[6] Brady S T, Lasek R J, Allen R D 1982 Science 218 1129
[7] Allen R D, Weiss D G, Hayden J H, et al. 1985 J. Cell Biol. 100 1736
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[22] Ashkin A, Dziedzic J M, Bjorkholm J E, et al. 1986 Opt. Lett. 11 288
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[24] Visscher K, Schnitzer M J, Block S M 1999 Nature 400 184
[25] Svoboda K, Schmidt C F, Schnapp B J, et al. 1993 Nature 365 721
[26] Hua W, Chung J, Gelles J 2002 Science 295 844
[27] Yildiz A, Tomishige M, Vale R D, et al. 2004 Science 303 676
[28] Schief W R, Clark R H, Crevenna A H, et al. 2004 . PNAS 101 1183
[29] Kodera N, Yamamoto D, Ishikawa R, et al. 2010 Nature 468 72
[30] Jlicher F, Ajdari A, Prost J 1997 Rev. Mod. Phys. 69 1269
[31] Hua W, Young E C, Fleming M L, et al. 1997 Nature 388 390
[32] Coy D L, Wagenbach M, Howard J 1999 J. Biol. Chem. 274 3667
[33] Chemla Y R, Moffitt J R, Bustamante C 2008 J. Phys. Chem. 112 6025
[34] Svoboda K, Mitra P P, Block S M 1994 PNAS 91 11782
[35] Schnitzer M J, Block S M 1995 Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology LX 793
[36] Schnitzer M J, Block S M 1997 Nature 388 386
[37] Yildiz A, Tomishige M, Gennerich A, et al. 2008 Cell 134 1030
[38] Clancy B E, Behnke-Parks W M, Andreasson J O L, et al. 2011 Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 18 1020
[39] Rosenfeld S S, Fordyce P M, Jefferson G M, et al. 2003 J. Biol. Chem. 278 18550
[40] Kawaguchi K, Ishiwata S 2001 Science 291 667
[41] Block S M 2007 Biophys. J. 92 2986
[42] Miyazono Y, Hayashi M, Karagiannis P, et al. 2010 EMBO J. 29 93
[43] Hackney D D, Stock M F, Moore J, et al. 2003 Biochemistry 42 12011
[44] Dogan M Y, Can S, Cleary F B, et al. 2015 Cell Rep. 10 1967
[45] Hwang W, Lang M J, Karplus M 2008 Structure 16 62
[46] Milic B, Andreasson J O, Hancock W O, et al. 2014 PNAS 111 14136
[47] Andreasson J O, Milic B, Chen G Y, et. al. 2015 Elife Sciences 4 e07403
[48] Mickolajczyk K J, Deffenbaugh N C, Ortega Arroyo J, et al. 2015 PNAS 112 E7186
[49] Shu Y G, Zhang X H, Ouyang Z C, et al. 2012 J. Phys: Condens. Matter 24 035105
[50] Bornschlgl T, Woehlke G, Rief M 2009 PNAS 106 6992
[51] Coppin C M, Finer J T, Spudich J A, et al. 1996 PNAS 93 1913
[52] Nishiyama M, Muto E, Inoue Y, et al. 2001 Nat. Cell Biol. 3 425
[53] Taniguchi Y, Nishiyama M, Ishii Y, et al. 2005 Nat. Chem. Biol. 1 342
[54] Zhang Z, Thirumalai D 2012 Structure 20 628
[55] Wade R H, Kozielski F 2000 Nat. Struct. Biol. 7 456
[56] Rice S, Cui Y, Sindelar C, et al. 2003 Biophys. J. 84 1844
[57] Carter N J, Cross R A 2005 Nature 435 308
[58] Fox R F, Choi M H 2001 Phys. Rev. E. 63 051901
[59] Mather W H, Fox R F 2006 Biophys. J. 91 2416
[60] Astumian R D 2015 Biophys. J. 108 291
[61] Hopfield J J 1974 PNAS 71 4135
[62] Khalil A S, Appleyard D C, Labno A K, et. al. 2009 PNAS 105 19247
[63] Svoboda K, Block S M 1994 Cell 77 773
[64] Nishiyama M, Higuchi H, Yanagida T 2002 Nat. Cell Biol. 4 790
[65] Kolomeisky A B, Fisher M E 2007 Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 58 675
[66] Liepelt S, Lipowsky R 2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 258102
[67] Hyeon C, Klumpp S, Onuchic J N 2009 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 11 4899
[68] Shu Y G, Ouyang Z C 2007 Chinese Journal of Nature 29 249 (in Chinese) [舒咬根, 欧阳钟灿 2007 自然杂志 29 249]
[69] Shu Y G, Lai P Y 2008 J. Phys. Chem. B 112 13453
[70] Toyabe S, Watanabe-Nakayama T, Okamoto T, et al. 2011 PNAS 108 17951
[71] Toyabe S, Muneyuki E 2015 New J. Phys. 17 015008
[72] Tsygankov D, Lindn M, Fisher M E 2006 Phys. Rev. E. 75 95
[73] Chowdhury D 2012 Phys. Rep. 529 1
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