Porous media are widely used in the production and living, and also in science and technology. With the development of energy, chemical industry, metallurgy, atomic energy and also with the progress of the modern industrial and agricultural production technology, a large number of heat and mass transfer problems in porous media gradually appear. Further promoting the development of the discipline about the formation and development of porous media becomes one of hot research points in the modern science and technology. It is expected that the accurate experimental picture and data can be obtained through the experiment, and the fluid flow picture and experimental data are analyzed in depth by using the corresponding software, so that the reliable data are obtained and the theory is supported intuitively, making the research of porous media more perfect. The experiment combined with particle image velocimetry technology and refractive index matching technique is conducted to test the transformation process of liquid flow in a random ball porous medium filled bed, and to extract the data. The extracted data are processed by using Tecplot software, and the transformation process of liquid flow mechanism is obtained. Experimental solid phase is a 25 mm-diameter crystal glass ball stacked bed, and liquid phase is the matching liquid prepared with the mixture of the 65% benzyl alcohol and 35% anhydrous ethanol. The refractive indexes of liquid phase and solid phase are both 1.477, which can successfully eliminate the laser light bending caused by the nismaching of refractive indexes. The flow field diagram in the pebble bed with Reynolds number Re in a range 4.7 Re 1000 is obtained experimentally. The comparisons of variations of flow field and flow lines among the different Reynolds numbers reveal that with the increase of Reynolds number, flow lines become more and more disorder: When the Reynolds number Rep exceeds 220, stable swirl flow inside the bed changes suddenly, and manifests a random feature in location and configuration, which forebodes its entrance into stable turbulence phase.
- particle image velocimetry /
- the refractive index matching /
- flow field measurement /
- porous media
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[1] Bear J (translated by Li J S, Chen C X) 1983 Dyanmics of Fluids in Porous Media (Beijing: China Building Industry Press) p789 (in Chinese) [比尔J 著 (李竞生, 陈崇希 译) 1983 多孔介质流体动力学 (北京: 中国建筑工业出版社) 第789 页]
[2] Scheidegger A E 1974 Soil Sci. 46 259
[3] Yarlagadda A P, Yoganathan A P 2010 Experiments in Fluids 8 59
[4] Moroni M, Cushman J H, Cenedese A 2009 Transp. Porous Med. 79 43
[5] Hassan Y A, Dominguez-Ontiveros E E 2008 Nuclear Engineering and Design 238 3080
[6] Patil V A, Liberty J A 2012 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting(FEDSM) Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, July 8-12, 2012 p1001
[7] Patil V A, Liberty J A 2012 Exp. Fluids 53 1453
[8] Sen D, Nobesm D S, Mitra S K 2012 Microfluid. Nanofluid. 12 189
[9] Iida T, Taneo A, Kaneda M and Suga K 2014 XXI Fluid Mechanics Conference: Journal of Physics Conference Series 530 012058
[10] Yip R, James D F, Currie I G 2011 Exp. Fluids 51 801
[11] Keramaris E, Pechlivanidis G 2013 J. Porous Media 16 21
[12] Hfeli R, Altheimer M, Butscher D, von Rohr P R 2014 Exp. Fluids 55 17
[13] Arthur J K, Ruth D W, Tachie M F 2013 Transport Porous Med. 97 5
[14] Cai J C, Yu B M 2012 Progress in Mechanics 42 735 (in Chinese) [蔡建超, 郁伯铭 2012 力学进展 42 735]
[15] Xu L F, Chen G, Li J Z 2003 J. Mech. 33 533 (in Chinese) [徐联锋, 陈刚, 李建中 2003 力学进展 33 533]
[16] Wiederseiner S, Andreini N, Epely-Chauvin G 2011 Exp. Fluids 50 1183
[17] Zhang C J, Zhang M Y, Lu Y 2002 Journal of Xian Jiao Tong University 36 1125 (in Chinese) [张超杰, 张鸣远, 卢勇 2002 西安交通大学学报 36 1125]
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