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Passive impulsive source range estimation based on warping operator in shallow water

Wang Dong Guo Liang-Hao Liu Jian-Jun Qi Yu-Bo


Passive impulsive source range estimation based on warping operator in shallow water

Wang Dong, Guo Liang-Hao, Liu Jian-Jun, Qi Yu-Bo
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  • An approach to passive impulsive source range estimation in shallow water is proposed. The approach is based on warping transformation of the energy density function of the received signal. Because of the influence of the sea bottom, it is difficult to find a warping operator adapted to the dispersion characteristics of modes in shallow water. Even though the modes can be separated from each other by using the warping operator adapted to the ideal waveguide, it is impossible to obtain the analytic solutions of the characteristic frequencies, while the energy density function of the received signal is not affected by the sea bottom. Like the received signal and the autocorrelation function of the signal, the frequency spectrum of the warped energy density function of the received signal also owns invariable frequency features. These characteristic frequencies equal the difference in the cut-off frequency between two modes in ideal waveguide, which are easy to calculate with the knowledge of the depth and the average sound speed of the water. What is more, the warping operator transforms mode pairs in energy density function with the same mode number difference into one monotone, which means one characteristic frequency is not unique for one mode pair. In shallow water, the acoustic field is typically composed of a group of modes with close mode numbers. Therefore, the smaller the mode number difference, the more the mode pairs, and the higher the spectral peak of the corresponding monotone is. When the source range is unknown, the approximate relation formula between the extracted characteristic frequency in a supposed source range and the real characteristic frequency is derived, based on which a fast passive source range estimation method is proposed. The proposed method successfully avoids using the guide source and the calculation of replica field, which is necessary in existing passive range estimation algorithms. And applying warping operator to the energy density function of the received signal makes it easy to obtain the analytic solutions of the characteristic frequencies, which is impossible in previous researches. The method is successfully applied to the Yellow Sea impulsive signal data collected by a single hydrophone in November 2011. The mean relative error of range estimation is less than 8%.
      Corresponding author: Guo Liang-Hao,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61571436).

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    Qi Y B, Zhou S H, Ren Y 2015 Acta Acoust. 64 144 (in Chinese) [戚聿波, 周士弘, 任云 2015 声学学报 64 144]


    Qi Y B, Zhou S H, Zhang R H, Zhang B, Ren Y 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 044303 (in Chinese) [戚聿波, 周士弘, 张仁和, 张波, 任云 2014 63 044303]


    Qi Y B 2015 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) (in Chinese) [戚聿波 2015 博士学位论文 (北京:中国科学院大学)]


    Niu H Q 2014 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) (in Chinese) [牛海强 2014 博士学位论文 (北京:中国科学院大学)]

  • [1]

    Mao W N 2001 Journal of Southeast University 3 1 (in Chinese) [毛卫宁 2001 东南大学学报 3 1]


    Song X J, Hui J Y, Yin D M, Li Y M 2005 Appl. Acoust. 24 133 (in Chinese) [宋新见, 惠俊英, 殷冬梅, 李艳梅 2005 应用声学 24 133]


    Bucker H P 1976 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 59 368


    Baggeroer A B, Kuperman W A, Mikhalevsky P N 1993 IEEE J. Ocean. Eng. 18 401


    Lee S, Makris N C 2006 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 119 336


    Thode A M, Kuperman W A, DSpain G L, Hodgkiss W S 2000 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 107 278


    Rakotonarivo S, Kuperman W A 2012 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 132 2218


    Baraniuk R G, Jones D L 1995 IEEE Trans. Sign. Process. 43 2269


    Bonnel J, Nicolas B, Mars J I 2010 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 128 719


    Bonnel J, Chapman N R 2011 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 130 EL101


    Niu H Q, He L, Li Z L, Zhang R H, Nan M X 2014 Acta Acoust. 39 1 (in Chinese) [牛海强, 何利, 李整林, 张仁和, 南明星 2014 声学学报 39 1]


    Niu H Q, Zhang R H, Li Z L, Guo Y G, He Li 2013 Chin. Phys. Lett. 30 804301


    Zhou S H, Niu H Q, Ren Y, He L 2013 Science China: Phys. Mech. Astron. 43 s68 (in Chinese) [周士弘, 牛海强, 任云, 何利 2013 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学 43 s68]


    Bonnel J, Touz G L, Gervaise C 2008 Oceans 2008 Quebec City, September 15-18, 2008, p1


    Bonnel J, Thode A 2013 ICA 2013 Montreal Montreal, Canada, June 2-7, 2013 p070066


    Lopatka M, Touz G L, Nicolas B, Cristol X, Mars J I, Fattaccioli D 2010 J. Adv. Signal Proc. 2010 304103


    Qi Y B, Zhou S H, Zhang R H, Ren Y 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 074301 (in Chinese) [戚聿波, 周士弘, 张仁和, 任云 2015 63 074301]


    Qi Y B, Zhou S H, Ren Y 2015 Acta Acoust. 64 144 (in Chinese) [戚聿波, 周士弘, 任云 2015 声学学报 64 144]


    Qi Y B, Zhou S H, Zhang R H, Zhang B, Ren Y 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 044303 (in Chinese) [戚聿波, 周士弘, 张仁和, 张波, 任云 2014 63 044303]


    Qi Y B 2015 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) (in Chinese) [戚聿波 2015 博士学位论文 (北京:中国科学院大学)]


    Niu H Q 2014 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) (in Chinese) [牛海强 2014 博士学位论文 (北京:中国科学院大学)]

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  • Received Date:  30 December 2015
  • Accepted Date:  02 March 2016
  • Published Online:  05 May 2016

