当声源和接收器之间存在相对运动时, 接收到的信号会发生多普勒频移, 多普勒频移和目标运动参数有关. 针对声学多普勒频移问题提出Doppler-warping变换, 运用该变换可以实现多普勒信号相位的线性化, 推导出warping算子, 提出一种利用该变换估计目标运动参数的算法. 首先构造不同运动参数下的Doppler-warping算子, 再利用算子对接收的时域信号进行时间重采样, 然后求出变换之后信号的频谱函数, 最后利用频谱函数熵最小来实现目标参数估计. 仿真结果证明了该方法的有效性, 对于低信噪比的海试数据, 渔船真实速度为4.5 m/s, 采用传统的最小均方误差(MMSE)速度估计方法得到的结果为5.2 m/s, 误差达到15.56%, 本文提出的Doppler-warping变换方法较为准确地估计了目标运动速度, 估计结果为4.7 m/s, 误差为4.44%.When there appears the relative motion between the sound source and the receiver, the received tonal signal will produce Doppler shift, and the Doppler information is relevant to the motion parameters of the target. According to the acoustic Doppler shift frequency, we propose the Doppler-warping transformation. The phase linearization of the Doppler signal can be realized by using the transformation. Then, we deduce the warping operator and propose an algorithm for estimating the target motion parameters by using the proposed transformation. Firstly, the Doppler-warping operator under different motion parameters is constructed. Secondly, the time resampling of the received time-domain signal is performed by using the operator. Then, the spectral function of the transformed signal is calculated. Finally, the spectral function entropy is minimized to estimate the objective parameter. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed method. For a low signal-to-noise ratio of sea trial data, where the real speed of a fishing boat is 4.5 m/s, the result from the traditional minimum mean square error (MMSE) velocity estimation method is 5.2 m/s, and the estimation error is 15.56%. The proposed Doppler-warping transform method can estimate the target velocity more accurately, specifically, it is 4.7 m/s and its corresponding estimation error is 4.44%.
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Wang D Z, Shang E C 2013 Underwater Acoustics (Vol. 2) (Beijing: Science Press) pp345−347 (in Chinese)
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图 5 SNR = –10 dB时的(a)时频分布图, (b)瞬时频率真实值和估计值, 以及(c) v = 5 m/s 条件下Doppler-warping变换后的频谱和原始信号频谱的对比
Fig. 5. (a) Time-frequency distribution; (b) real and estimated instantaneous frequency; (c) comparison of signal spectrum after the Doppler-warping transform with v = 5 m/s and the spectrum of the original signal. SNR = –10 dB.
图 7 海试数据分析 (a)时频图; (b)瞬时频率理论值和估计值; (c) MMSE计速度的结果; (d) Doppler-warping变换估计速度的结果
Fig. 7. Analysis of the sea trial data: (a) Time-frequency distribution; (b) theoretical and estimated instantaneous frequency; (c) result of velocity estimation by MMSE; (d) result of velocity estimation by the Doppler-warping transform.
[1] 汪德昭, 尚尔昌 2013 水声学(第二版) (北京: 科学出版社) 第345−347页
Wang D Z, Shang E C 2013 Underwater Acoustics (Vol. 2) (Beijing: Science Press) pp345−347 (in Chinese)
[2] 吴国清, 李靖, 陈耀明, 袁毅 1999 声学学报 24 6
Google Scholar
Wu G Q, Li J, Chen Y M, Yuan Y 1999 Acta Acustica 24 6
Google Scholar
[3] 杨德森, 吴一 1996 哈尔滨工程大学学报 17 38
Yang D S, Wu Y 1996 J. Harbin Engineering Univ. 17 38
[4] Ferguson B G, Quinn B G 1994 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 96 821
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[5] Reid D C, Zoubir A M, Boashash B 1997 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 102 207
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[6] Valiere J C, Poisson F, Depollier C, Simon L 1999 IEEE Signal Process Lett. 6 113
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[7] Xu L J, Yang Y X, Yu S D 2015 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 137 320
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[8] Liang N N, Yang Y X, Guo X J 2019 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 145 34
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[9] Quinn B G 1998 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 98 2560
[10] 邹红星, 周小波, 李衍达 2000 清华大学学报(自然科学版) 40 55
Google Scholar
Zou H X, Zhou X B, Li Y D 2000 J. Tsinghua Univ. (Sci. & Tech.) 40 55
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[11] 吴国清, 陈永强 2003 声学学报 28 130
Google Scholar
Wu G Q, Chen Y Q 2003 Acta Acustica 28 130
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[12] Timlelt H, Remram Y, Belouchrani A 2017 Digital Signal Processing 63 35
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[13] 刘凯悦, 彭朝晖, 张灵珊, 王光旭 2020 应用声学 39 236
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Liu K Y, Peng Z H, Zhang L S, Wang G X 2020 Appl. Acoust. 39 236
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[14] Baraniuk R G, Jones D L 1995 IEEE Trans. Signal Process. 43 2269
Google Scholar
[15] Bonnel J, Thode A, Wright D, Chapman R 2020 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 147 1897
Google Scholar
[16] Le Touze G, Torras J, Nicolas B, Mars J 2008 IEEE Oceans 2008 Quebec City, Canada, September 15–18, 2008 p1
[17] 戚聿波, 周士弘, 张仁和, 张波, 任云 2014 63 044303
Google Scholar
Qi Y B, Zhou S H, Zhang R H, Zhang B, Ren Y 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 044303
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[18] Bonnel J, Dosso S, Chapman R 2013 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 134 120
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[19] Li F H, Zhang B, Guo Y G 2014 Chin. Phys. Lett. 31 024301
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[20] Niu H Q, Zhang R H, Li Z L, Guo Y G, He L 2013 Chin. Phys. Lett. 30 84301
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