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Four-wave-mixing generated by femto-second laser pumping based on graphene coated microfiber structure

Feng Qiu-Yan Yao Bai-Cheng Zhou Jin-Hao Xia Han-Ding Fan Meng-Qiu Zhang Li Wu Yu Rao Yun-Jiang


Four-wave-mixing generated by femto-second laser pumping based on graphene coated microfiber structure

Feng Qiu-Yan, Yao Bai-Cheng, Zhou Jin-Hao, Xia Han-Ding, Fan Meng-Qiu, Zhang Li, Wu Yu, Rao Yun-Jiang
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  • Nonlinear optics researches of graphene-based four waves mixing (FWM) effect are important for a new generation of photonic devices. Compared with the ordinary graphene materials, the P-doped graphene based hybrid waveguide structure is more conducive to the simulating of the third-order nonlinear effect in low power due to its smaller transmission loss. In this work, we propose a P-doped graphene coated microfiber hybrid waveguide structure for femto-second laser pumping excited FWM. By the simulations, we analyze the HE11 mode distribution and the effective refractive index of the silica microfiber and P-doped graphene coated microfiber hybrid waveguide with different fiber diameters at a wavelength of ~1550 nm. We also implement the fabrication processing and characterize this P-doped graphene coated microfiber hybrid waveguide. In the experiments, we utilize a femto-second laser as the pump laser with a peak power up to kW. As the graphene material and the microfiber contribute to the nonlinearity, the cascade FWM could be obtained. Experimental results demonstrate that when the peak power of the injection pump is fixed at 1.03 kW, by adjusting the detuning in wavelength to the length less than 10.0nm, there are four sets of frequency components that can be observed. In the present paper, we provide the relationship among the detuning in wavelength, the pump power and the the power of stokes peak. These results indicate that under the condition of a few nanometer detuning wavelength, when the pump power is fixed at 14.1 dBm and the detuning wavelength is 6.7 nm, there are second order stokes light and the second order anti-stokes light, which can be observed, here the obtained conversion efficiency is up to-60 dB, which can be improved by optimizing the waveguide structure and increasing the pump power. Meanwhile, this FWM processing is also fast due to the fast pumping laser.#br#The simulation and experimental results demonstrate that this P-doped graphene coated microfiber hybrid structure has the advantages of highly nonlinearity, compact size and withstanding high power ultrafast laser, showing the important research value and potential applications in fields based on ultrafast optics, such as multi-wavelength laser, phase-sensitive amplification, comb filters and all-optical regeneration.
      Corresponding author: Wu Yu,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61475032), and the Major Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61290312).

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    Yao B C, Wu Y, Zhang A Q, Wang Z G, Rao Y J, Gong Y, Zhang W L, Wang Z N, Chiang K S, Sumetsky M 2014 Opt. Express 22 23829


    Yao B C, Wu Y, Zhang A Q, Rao Y J, Wang Z N, Cheng Y, Gong Y, Zhang W L, Chen Y F, Chiang K S 2014 Opt. Express 22 28154


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  • [1]

    Bonaccorso F, Sun Z, Hasan T, Ferrari A C 2010 Nat. Photon. 4 611


    Avouris P 2010 Nano Lett. 10 4285


    Cheng Y, Yao B C, Wu Y, Wang Z G, Gong Y, Rao Y J 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 237805(in Chinese) [程杨, 姚佰承, 吴宇, 王泽高, 龚元, 饶云江 2013 62 237805]


    Li S J, Gan S, Mu H R, Xu Q Y, Qiao H, Li P F, Xue Y Z, Bao Q L 2014 New Carb. Met. 29 330(in Chinese) [李绍娟, 甘胜, 沐浩然, 徐庆阳, 乔虹, 李鹏飞, 薛运周, 鲍桥梁 2014 新型炭材料 29 330]


    Li Z Q, Henriksen E A, Jiang Z, Hao Z, Martin M C, Kim P, Stormer H L, Basov D N 2008 Nat. Phys. 4 532


    Youngblood N, Anugrah Y, Ma R, Koester S J, LiM 2014 Nano Lett. 14 2741


    Manjavacas A, Thongrattanasiri S, Greffet J J, Abajo F J G D 2014 Appl. Phys. Lett. 105 211102


    Feng D J, Huang W Y, Jiang S Z, Ji W, Jia D F 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 054202(in Chinese) [冯德军, 黄文育, 姜守振, 季伟, 贾东方 2013 62 054202]


    Yao B C, Wu Y, Cheng Y, Zhang A Q, Gong Y, Rao Y J, Wang Z G, Chen Y F 2014 Sen. Actuator B 194 142


    Li W, Chen B, Meng C, Fang W, Xiao Y, Li X, Hu Z, Xu Y, Tong L, Wang H, Liu W, Bao J, Shen Y 2014 Nano Lett. 14 955


    Tong Z, Lundstrom C, Andrekson P A, McKinstrie C J, Karlsson M, Blessing D J, Tipsuwannakul E, Puttnam B J, Toda H, Grner-Nielsen L 2011 Nat. Photon. 5 430


    Kakande J, Slavik R, Parmigiani F, Bogris A, Syvridis D, Nielsen L, Phelan R, Petropoulos P, Richardson D J 2011 Nat. Photon. 5 748


    Hendry E, Hale P, Moger J, Savchenko A 2010 Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 097401


    Zhang Z, Voss P L 2011 Opt. Lett. 36 4569


    Gu T, Petrone N, McMillan J F, Zande A, Yu M, Lo G, Kwong D, Hone J, Wong C W 2012 Nat. Photon. 6 554


    Wu Y, Yao B C, Cheng Y, Rao Y J, Zhou X Y, Wu B J, Chiang K S 2014 IEEE Photo. Tech. Lett. 20 249


    Tong L, Lou J, Mazur E 2004 Opt. Express 12 1025


    Yao B C, Wu Y, Zhang A Q, Wang Z G, Rao Y J, Gong Y, Zhang W L, Wang Z N, Chiang K S, Sumetsky M 2014 Opt. Express 22 23829


    Yao B C, Wu Y, Zhang A Q, Rao Y J, Wang Z N, Cheng Y, Gong Y, Zhang W L, Chen Y F, Chiang K S 2014 Opt. Express 22 28154


    Vakil A, Engheta N 2011 Science 332 1291


    Agrawal G P 2009 Nonlinear Fiber Optics (4th Ed.) (Singapore: Elsevier) pp35-39


    Li Y H, Zhao Y Y, Wang L J 2012 Opt. Lett. 37 3441

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  • Received Date:  19 March 2015
  • Accepted Date:  17 April 2015
  • Published Online:  05 September 2015

