The shape of atmospheric aerosol is an important factor that influences radiation transfer. In this paper, a vector radiation transfer model based on Monte Carlo method is systematically introduced, and its accuracy is validated against the published results. and the sensitivity of Stokes vectors of transmitted and reflected light to aerosol shape is discussed when polarized light incidents. In addition, the influence of the particle shape on the depolarization ratio, transmission rate and the reflection rate is analyzed for incident light with different polarization states. Simulation results show that for the incident light in different polarization states, the sensitivity of the Stokes vectors of the diffuse light to different aerosol shapes is not the same in different viewing directions, and the Q, U, V elements of Stokes vector are all insensitive to the change of particle shape near the direction of the zenith angle 0°. It is evident that the aerosol shapes have a stronger influence on the depolarization ratio for reflected diffuse light compared with that for transmitted diffuse light, and there are also remarkable differences between the degree of depolarization of the diffuse light when the polarization states of the incident light are different. Results also show that the aerosol shape has a significant influence on the whole transmission rate and the reflection rate, and with the increasing of propagation distance, the influence also becomes more remarkable. Compared with particle shape, the influence of polarization states of incident light is relatively small, the transmission rate of horizontally-polarized light is slightly larger than that of unpolarized light, while for perpendicularly-polarized light, its results is opposite. For circularly polarized light, the results is almost the same as that of unpolarized light.
- shape of aerosol /
- monte carlo /
- vector radiation transfer /
- stokes vector
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[1] Han Y, Wang T J, Rao R Z, Wang Y J 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 7396 (in Chinese) [韩永, 王体健, 饶瑞中, 王英俭 2008 57 7396]
[2] Wang HH, Sun X M 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 054204
[3] Shi G Y, Wang B, Zhang H, Zhao J Q 2008 Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 32 826 (in Chinese) [石广玉, 王标, 张华, 赵剑琦 2008 大气科学 32 826]
[4] Mao J T, Li C C 2005 Acta Meteorologica Sinica 63 622 (in Chinese) [毛节泰, 李成才. 2005 气象学报 63 622]
[5] Wu Z S, You J G, Yang R K 2004 Chinese Journal of Lasers 31 1075 (in Chinese) [吴振森, 由金光, 杨瑞科 2004 中国激光 31 1075]
[6] Xu L, Gang T J F, Zhang P, Zhang D Z, Shi G Y 2002 Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 26 402 (in Chinese) [许黎, 冈田菊夫, 张鹏, 张代洲, 石广玉 2002 大气科学 26 402]
[7] Fan M, Chen L F, Li S S, Tao J H 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 204202 (in Chinese) [范萌, 陈良富, 李莘莘, 陶金花 2012 61 204202]
[8] Mishchenko M I 2009 Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 110 808
[9] Curtis D B, Meland B, Aycibin M 2008 Journal of Geophysical Research 113 D08210
[10] Liou K N 1994 Atmospheric Research 31 271
[11] Bai L, Tang S Q, Wu Z S, Xie P H, Wang S M 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 1749 (in Chinese) [白璐, 汤双庆, 吴振森, 谢品华, 汪世美 2010 59 1749]
[12] Mishchenko M I, Travis L D 1997 Journal Of Geophysical Research 102 16989
[13] Wang W, Chu J K, Chui Y, Zhi W 2013 Chinese Journal Of Lasers 40 0513001 (in Chinese) [王威, 褚金奎, 崔岩, 支炜 2013 中国激光 40 0513001]
[14] Mishchenko M I, Hovenier J W, Travis L D 2000 Light Scattering By Nonspherical Particles-Theory, Measureflents, And Applications (New York: Academic Press) p400
[15] Liou K N 2003 An Introduction To Atmospheric Radiation (San Diego: Academic Press) p100
[16] Lacis A A, Mishchenko C J, Cairns M I 1998 Geophysical Research Letters 25 135
[17] Zheng Q, Li P, Devaux C, Gu X F, Qiao Y L, Zhao F S, Chen H B 2004 Atmospheric Research 71 233
[18] Evans K F, Stephens G L 1991 Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 46 413
[19] Hovenier J W 1971 Astronomy And Astrophysics 13 7
[20] Schulz F M, Stamnes K 2000 Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 65 609
[21] Min Q L, Duan M Z 2004 Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 87 243
[22] Vaillon R, Wongb B T, Menguc M P. 2004 Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 84 383
[23] Ramella-Roman J C, Prahl S A, Jacques S L 2005 Optics Express 13 4420
[24] Ramella-Roman J C, Prahl S A, Jacques S L 2005 Optics Express 13 10392
[25] Siewert C E 1982 Astronomy and Astrophysics 109 195
[26] Siewert C E 2000 Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 64 227
[27] Yi H L, Ben X, Tan H P 2014 Optics Express 21 26693
[28] Ben X, Yi H L, Tan H P 2014 Applied Optics 53 388
[29] Whitney B A 2011 Bull Astr Soc India 39 1
[30] Hopcraft K I, Chang P C Y, Walker J G, Jakeman E 2000 Lecture Notes In Physics (Berlin: Springer-Verlag) p131
[31] Yi H 1993 Foudation of Atmospheric Radiation (Beijing: Meteorology Express) p66[伊宏1993大气辐射学基础(北京: 气象出版社) p66]
[32] Curtis D B, Aycibina M, Young M A, Grassian V H, Kleiber P D 2007 Atmospheric Environment 41 4748
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