The characteristics of martensitic transformation and magnetostructural coupling have been investigated for MnNiGe1-xGax (x=00.30) alloys. It has been found that the martensitic transformation temperature of the system can be deceased about 400 K by doping a low content of Ga to substitute for Ge. Adding Ga may weaken the hybridization and at the same time enhance the magnetic exchange interaction, which are responsible for the increase of the atomic moment and the Curie temperature in the austenitic phase. The structural and magnetic phase diagram was obtained to show some important points: 1) the decreased transition temperature successively pass through the Neel temperature and the Curie temperature; 2) the Curie temperature window still opens during the doping; 3) the magnetism can effectively affect the transformation behavior. The metamagnetization and the preparation influence on the transformation are also observed. These properties are significantly beneficial to the development of new magnetostructural materials.
- MM /
- X alloy /
- martensitic transformation /
- Curie temperature
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[18] Anzai S, Ozawa K 1978 Phys. Rev. B 18 2173
[19] Liu E K, Zhang H G, Xu G Z, Zhang X M, Ma R S, Wang W H, Chen J L, Zhang H W, Wu G H, Feng L, Zhang X X 2013 Applied Physics Letters 102 122405
[20] Bazela W, Szytula A, Todorović J, Tomkowicz Z, Zieba A 1976 Physica Status solidi (a) 38 721
[1] Castelliz L 1953 monatshefte fur chemie 84 765
[2] SzytuLa A, Pedziwiatr A T, Tomkowicz Z, Bazela W 1981 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 25 176
[3] Jeitschko W 1975 Acta Cryst. B 31 1187
[4] Johnson V 1975 Inorganic Chemistry 14 1117
[5] Koyama K, Sakai M, Kanomata T, Watanabe 2004 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 43 8036
[6] Song L, Tegus O, Bruck E, Dagula W, Gortenmulder T J, Buschow K H J 2006 IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 42 3776
[7] Dung N H, Zhang L, Ou Z Q, Bruck E 2011 Applied Physics Letters 99 092511
[8] Trung N T, Zhang L, Caron L, Buschow K H J, Bruck E 2010 Applied Physics Letters 96 172504
[9] Ma S C, Zheng Y X, Xuan H C, Shen L J, Cao Q Q, Wang D H, Zhong Z C, Du Y W 2012 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 324 135
[10] Barcza A, Gercsi Z, Knight K S, Sandeman K G 2010 Physical Review Letters 104 247202
[11] Liu E K, Zhu W, Feng L, Chen J L, Wang W H, Wu G H, Liu H Y, Meng F B, Luo H Z, Li Y X 2010 Europhysics Letters 91 17003
[12] Liu E K, Wang W H, Feng L, Zhu W, Li G J, Chen J L, Zhang H W, Wu G H, Jiang C B, Xu H B, de Boer F 2012 Nature Communications 3 873
[13] Liu E K, Wang W H, Zhang H W, Wu G H 2012 Materials China 31 13
[14] Hamer J B A, Daou R, Özcan S, Mathur N D, Fray D J, Sandeman K G 2009 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321 3535
[15] Liu E K, Du Y, Chen J L, Wang W H, Zhang H W, Wu G H 2011 IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 47 4041
[16] Dincer I, Yzak E, Durak G, Elerman Y, Bell A M T, Ehrenberg H 2012 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 540 236
[17] Samanta T, Dubenko I, Quetz A, Temple S, Stadler S, Ali N 2012 Applied Physics Letters 100 052404
[18] Anzai S, Ozawa K 1978 Phys. Rev. B 18 2173
[19] Liu E K, Zhang H G, Xu G Z, Zhang X M, Ma R S, Wang W H, Chen J L, Zhang H W, Wu G H, Feng L, Zhang X X 2013 Applied Physics Letters 102 122405
[20] Bazela W, Szytula A, Todorović J, Tomkowicz Z, Zieba A 1976 Physica Status solidi (a) 38 721
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