The characteristics of gate-modulated generation (GMG) current IGMG in nano-scale LDD nMOSFET under the reverse substrate bias VB are investigated. It is found that the rising and falling edges of IGMG curve shift rightwards as |VB| increases. On the basis of experimental and theoretical analysis, the physical mechanism behind this shift phenomenon is attained. The shift phenomenon is ascribed from the fact that VB modulates the proportion of surface potential φs in the gate bias VG. φs decreases with |VB| increasing under a certain VG, and consequently the maximum generation factor of the rising edge (gr) diminishes and that of the falling edge (gf) augments. Further, it is found that the transconductance peaks of the rising edge (GMR) and falling edge (GMF) increase with |VB| increasing. Moreover, GMR and GMF both have the linear relationship with VB in log coordinate. Due to the different roles of drain bias VD on the rising and falling edge of IGMG curve, GMR keeps constant but GMF varies under different values of VD. Increasing VD can enhance the change of gf with VG, there by increasing GMF under a given VB. Also, this results in the fact that the trend of GMF increasing with |VB| increasing slows down under a larger VD: the slop of GMF-VB curve decreases from 0.09 to 0.03 as VD increases from 0.2 to 0.6 V.
- generation current /
- surface potential /
- substrate bias /
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[1] Chang I Y, You S W, Juan P C, Wang M T, Lee J Y 2009 IEEE Electron Dev. Lett. 30 161
[2] Cheng C Y, Fang Y K, Hsieh J C, Hsia H, Sheu Y M, Lu W T, Chen W M, Lin S S 2007 IEEE Electron Dev. Lett. 28 408
[3] Zhang E X, Fleetwood D M, Duan G X, Zhang C X, Francis S A, Duan R D, Zhang C X, Francies S A, Schrimpf R D 2012 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 59 3062
[4] Pan J 2009 IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 56 1351
[5] Young C D, Neugroschel A, Matthews K, Smith C, Heh D, Park H 2010 IEEE Electron Dev. Lett. 31 653
[6] Mori Y, Yoshimoto H, Takeda K, Yamada R 2012 J. Appl. Phys. 111 104513
[7] Cui J W, Yu X F, Ren D Y, Lu J 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 026102 (in Chinese) [崔江维, 余学峰, 任迪远, 卢健 2012 61 026102]
[8] Lawrence R K, Ioannou D E, Jenkins W C, Liu S T 2001 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 48 388
[9] Felix J A, Shaneyfelt M R, Dodd P E, Draper B L 2005 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 52 2378
[10] Rao P R, Wang X Y, Theuwissen A J P 2008 Solid-State Electronics 52 1407
[11] Goiffon V, Cervantes P, Virmontois C, Corbiere F, Magnan P, Estribeau M 2011 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 58 3076
[12] Shi M S, Wu G Y 2008 Physics of Semiconductor Devices (Xi’an: Xi’an Jiaotong University Press) p33
[13] Chen H F, Guo L X, Du H M 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 088501
[14] Wang B, Zhang H M, Hu H Y, Zhang Y M, Shu B, Zhou C Y, Li Y C, L Y 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 057103 (in Chinese) [王斌, 张鹤鸣, 胡辉勇, 张玉明, 舒斌, 周春宇, 李妤晨, 吕懿 2013 62 057103]
[15] Pierret R F (Translated by Huang R) 2004 Semiconductor Device Fundamentals (Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry) p419 (in Chinese) [皮埃罗 著, 黄如 译 2004 半导体器件基础(北京: 电子工业出版社) 第419页]
[16] Liu E K, Zhu B S, Luo J S 1997 Semiconductor Physics (Beijing: National Defence Industry Press) p206 (in Chinese) [刘恩科, 朱秉升, 罗晋升 1997 半导体物理学(北京: 国防工业出版社) 第206页]
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