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Multi-scale analysis of nanoscale contact process between spherical indenter and single crystal aluminium

Yang Xiao-Jing Fang Cong-Cong


Multi-scale analysis of nanoscale contact process between spherical indenter and single crystal aluminium

Yang Xiao-Jing, Fang Cong-Cong
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  • Based on the quasicontinuum method and repulsive force-field approach, a muti-scale modeling of nano-contact process between rigid spherical indenter and surface of single crystal aluminium is established. The corresponding load-depth, graph of atomic state, and moire pattern of displacement are obtained, from which the arrangement of atoms and the effects of the shape of indenter on the nucleation and emission of dislocations in the contact process are studied. Therefore micro-mechanisms of deformation are analyzed. The result shows that due to the fact that the direction of force on atoms that contact the indenter is constantly changing with the increase of contact depth, the corresponding load-depth shows that step increases which is different from that of the square indenter with the response of the underlying crystal. Due to the indenter geometry, the close packed planes under both sides of indenter slip partially lead to Shockley partial dislocations. In the process of disengagement, the elastic recovery is accomplished as the atoms move up with indenter. The residual depth is 0.3 nm, which is close to the magnitude of the Burgers vector, 0.285 nm.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Science Fund for the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11062003).

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    Liu W K, Park H S, Qian D, Eduard G, Kadowaki H, Wagner G J 2006 Comput. Method Appl. M. 195 1407


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  • [1]

    Zhou Z R, Lei Y Z, Zhang C W 2006 Frontier Development of Tribology (Beijing: Science Press) p4 (in Chinese) [周仲荣, 雷源忠, 张嗣伟 2006 摩擦学发展前沿 (北京: 科学出版社) 第4页]


    Leng Y S, Hu Y Z, Zheng L Q 1999 J. Tribol.-T. ASME 121 128


    Xiao X D, Qian L M 2000 Langmuir 16 8153


    Liu W K, Karpov E G, Zhan G S, Park H S 2004 Comput. Method Appl. M. 193 1529


    Karpov E G, Yu H, Park H S, Kam L W, Jane W Q, Qian D 2006 Int. J. Solids Struct. 43 6359


    Shillkrot L E, Miller R E, Curtin W A 2002 J. Mech. Phys. Solids 50 2085


    Luan B Q, Hyun S, Molinari J F, Bernstein N, Robbins M O 2006 Phys. Rev. E 74 046710


    Liu W K, Park H S 2006 Handbook of Theorectical and Computational Nanotechnology (Stevenson Ranch: American Scientific Publishers)


    Liu W K, Park H S, Qian D, Eduard G, Kadowaki H, Wagner G J 2006 Comput. Method Appl. M. 195 1407


    Miller R E, Tadmor E B 2002 J. Computer-Aided Mater. Des. 9 203


    Tadmor E B, Miller R E 2005 Handbook of Materials Modeling (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers)


    Sauer R A, Li S 2007 Finite Elem. Anal. Des. 43 384


    Sauer R A, Li S 2007 Int. J. Numer. Meth. Eng. 71 931


    Li J W, Ni Y S, Lin Y H 2009 Acta Metall. Sin. 45 129 (in Chinese) [黎军顽, 倪玉山, 林逸汉 2009 金属学报 45 129]


    Qin Z D, Wang H T, Ni Y S 2007 Chin. Quart. Mech. 28 46 (in Chinese) [秦昭栋, 王华滔, 倪玉山 2007 力学季刊 28 46]


    Wang H T, Qin Z D, Ni Y S, Zhang W 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 1057 (in Chinese) [王华滔, 秦昭栋, 倪玉山, 张文 2009 58 1057]


    Miller R E, Rodney D 2008 J. Mech. Phys. Solids 56 1203


    Mei J F, Li J W, Ni Y S, Wang H T 2010 Nanoscale Res. Lett. 5 692


    Tadmor E B, Ortiz M, Philips R 1996 Philos. Mag. A 73 1529


    Tadmor E B, 1996 Ph. D. Dissertation (Providence: Brown University)


    Tadmor E B, Miller R E, Philips R, Ortiz M 1999 Mater. Res. 14 2233


    Tadmor E B, Miller R E 2011 Modeling Materials Continuum, Atomistic and Multiscale Techniques (London: Cambridge University Press) p610


    Shenoy V B, Miller R E, Tadmor E B, Rodney D, Phillips R, Ortiz M 1999 Mech. Phys. Solids 47 611


    Erolessi F, Adams J B 1994 Europhys. Lett. 28 583


    Li J W 2010 Ph. D. Dissertation (Shanghai: Fuda University) [黎军顽 2010 博士学位论文 (上海: 复旦大学)]


    Kelchner Cynthia L, Plimpton S J, Hamilton J C 1998 Phys. Rev. B 58 11085


    Michalske T A, Houston J E 1998 Acta Mater. 46 391


    Huo D H, Liang Y C, Chen K 2003 China Mech. Engineer. 14 43 (in Chinese) [霍德鸿, 梁迎春, 程 凯 2003 中国机械工程 14 43]


    Yang X J, Zhan S P 2012 Trans. Chin. Soc. Agricult. Machinery 43 250 (in Chinese) [杨晓京, 詹胜鹏 2012 农业机械学报 43 250]


    Ian C, Jane S 2012 Introduction to Programming with Fortran (London: Springer Press) p21


    Jiang W G, Li J W, Su J J, Tang J L 2007 Acta Mech. Solida Sin. 28 375 (in Chinese) [江五贵, 黎军顽, 苏建君, 汤井伦 2007 固体力学学报 28 375]


    Landman U, Luedtke W D, Burnham N A, Colton R J 1990 Science 248 454


    Gouldstone A, Koh H J, Zeng K Y, Giannakopoulos A E, Suresh S 2000 Acta Mater. 48 2277


    Shi L Q, Sun T, Yan Y D, Dong S 2006 Nanotechnol. Precision Engineer. 4 146


    Hu G X, Cai X 2000 Fundamentals of Materials Science (Shanghai: Shanghai Jiaotong University Press) p102 (in Chinese) [胡赓祥, 蔡珣 2000 材料科学基础 (上海: 上海交通大学出版社) 第102页]


    Vugrin Kay E 2003 M. S. Dissertation (Blacksburg: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)


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  • Received Date:  13 May 2013
  • Accepted Date:  05 June 2013
  • Published Online:  05 September 2013

