The radioxenon from environmental samples is usually measured by the HPGe detector. The relative measurement method is used in the analysis process. However, the half-life of radioactive isotopes of xenon is too short to be used as a standard, so the calibration of the HPGe detector is difficult. In order to resolve this problem, the mixed disk sources are used to simulate the efficiencies of four radioactive xenon isotopes, and the mean value theorem of integrals is adopted, thereby improving the accuracy and simplifying the process. The samples are obtained by the xenon system under environment of high activity of radon, then the γ spectrum with regions of interest for 133Xe are obtained by the sample measurement. The activity of 133Xe is given by using the detection efficiency of disk source at a certain source-detector distance. The detection efficiency simulated by disk source is consistent with the detection efficiency of gas cell. Therefore, the simulated technology of disk source and mean value theorem of integrals are identified to be correct and effective.
- disk source /
- LabSOCS /
- efficiency calibration
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[1] Fontaine J P, Pointurier F, Blanchard X, Taffary T 2004 J. Environ. Radioact 72 129
[2] Stocki T J, Bean M, Ungar R K, Toivonen H, Zhang W, Whyte J, Meyerhof D 2004 Appl. Radiat. Isot. 61 231
[3] Schulze J, Auer M, Werzi R 2000 Appl. Radiat. Isot. 53 23
[4] Zhang W, Mekarski P, Ungar K 2010 Appl. Radiat. Isot. 68 2377
[5] Petit G L, Jutier C, Gross P, Greiner V 2006 Appl. Radiat. Isot. 64 1307
[6] Stocki T J, Blanchard X, D’Amours R, Ungar R K, Fontaine J P, Sohier M, Bean M, Taffary T, Racine J, Tracy B L, Brachet G, Jean M, Meyerhof D 2005 J. Environ. Radioact 80 305
[7] Xiang Y C, Gong J, Li W, Bian Z S, Hao F H, Wang H X, Wang Q, Xiong Z H 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 784 (in Chinese) [向永春, 龚建, 李伟, 卞直上, 郝樊华, 王红侠, 王茜, 熊宗华 2008 57 784]
[8] Zhang N T, Lei X G, Zhang Y H, Zhou X H, Liu M L, Guo Y X, Fang Y D, Li S C, Zhou H B, Ding B, Wang H X, Wu X G, He C Y, Zheng Y 2012 Chin. Phys. Lett. 29 042901
[9] Hao F H, Hu G C, Liu S P, Gong J, Xiang Y C, Huang R L, Shi X M, Wu J 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 3523 (in Chinese) [郝樊华, 胡广春, 刘素萍, 龚建, 向永春, 黄瑞良, 师学明, 伍钧 2005 54 3523]
[10] Qian N, Wang D Z, Bai Y F, Liu C, Zhang Y, Yang Y L 2010 Nucl. Tech. 33 25 (in Chinese) [钱 楠, 王德忠, 白云飞, 刘 诚, 张 勇, 杨永亮 2010核技术 33 25]
[11] Zhang H Q, Ni B F, Tian W Z, Wang P S, Huang D H, Zhang G Y, Liu C X, Xiao C J, Sun H C, Zhao C J 2010 Nucl. Tech. 33 839 (in Chinese) [张海青, 倪邦发, 田伟之, 王平生, 黄东辉, 张贵英, 刘存兄, 肖才锦, 孙洪超, 赵常军 2010 核技术 33 839]
[12] Tian Z N, Ouyang X P, Huang X L, Zhou C Y, Zhang Y, Shen M Q, Yang X Y 2011 Nucl. Tech. 34 832 (in Chinese) [田自宁, 欧阳晓平, 黄雄亮, 周崇阳, 张 洋, 申茂泉, 杨晓燕 2011 核技术 34 832]
[13] Nie P, Ni B F, Tian W Z 2010 Nucl. Tech. 33 79 (in Chinese) [聂鹏, 倪邦发, 田伟之 2010 核技术 33 79]
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