The lattice Boltzmann method is used to simulate the thermal field and flow field of nanofluid Raleigh-Benard convection in a rectangular cavity. The heat transfer characteristics of nanofluid are compared under different Raleigh numbers, volume fractions of nanoparticles and particle sizes. The results show that under the same Raleigh number and volume fraction, the convection heat transfer of nanofluid becomes weakened by increasing the particle size. Under the same Raleigh number and particle size, the convection heat transfer of nanofluid becomes strengthened by increasing the volume fraction of nanoparticles.
- nanofluid /
- Raleigh-Benard /
- multiphase flow /
- lattice Boltzmann method
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[1] Zhao B W, Xing R P 2008 J. Zhejiang Sci.-Tech. Univ. 25 457 (in Chinese) [赵秉文, 刑荣鹏 2008 浙江理工大学学报 25 457 ]
[2] Barakos G, Mistoulis E 1994 Int. J. Numer. Meth. Heat Fluid Fl. 18 695
[3] Ho C J, Liu W K, Chang Y S, Lin C C 2010 Int. J. Therm. Sci. 49 1345
[4] Agwa Nnana A G 2007 ASME, J. Heat Transfer 129 697
[5] Heris S Z, Etemad S G, Esfahany M N 2006 Int. Commun. Heat Mass 33 529
[6] Xuan Y M, Li Q 2000 Int. J. Heat Fluid Fl. 21 58
[7] Xuan Y M, Li Q 2003 J.Heat Trans. 125 151
[8] Wu X, Kumar R 2005 ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference San Francisco, California, USA, July 17-22, 2005 p72660
[9] Fattahi E, Farhadi M, Sedighi K, Nemati H 2012 Int. J. Therm. Sci. 52 137
[10] Kefayati G H R, Hosseinizadeh S F, Gorji M, Sajjadi H 2011 Int. Commun. Heat Mass 38 798
[11] Guo Y L, Qin D Y, Shen S Q, Bennacer R 2012 Int. Commun. Heat Mass 39 350
[12] Hwang K S, Lee J H, Jang S P 2007 Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 50 4003
[13] Santra A K, Sen S, Chakraborty N 2008 Enhanced Heat Transf. 15 273
[14] He X, Chen S, Doolen G D 1998 J. Comput. Phys. 146 282300
[15] Lin H 2008 M. S. Dissertation (Qingdao: Qingdao University of Science and Technology) (in Chinese) [林红 2008 硕士学位论文 (青岛: 青岛科技大学)]
[16] Qing D Y 2012 M. S. Dissertation (Dalian: Dalian University of Technology) (in Chinese) [秦道洋 2012 硕士学位论文 (大连: 大连理工大学)]
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