利用精确差分格子Boltzmann模型探讨水在特定温度下的亚稳态及不稳定平衡态, 获得等温相变过程中形成气泡和液滴的条件, 模型预测结果与理论解符合良好. 在该等温模型的基础上耦合能量方程, 通过调节流体-壁面相互作用力获得不同的气泡与固壁间接触角, 从而建立了一种新的描述气液相变的格子Boltzmann理论模型. 利用该新模型模拟不同流体-壁面相互作用力下凹坑气泡成核过程, 再现了气泡成核过程中的三阶段特性; 探讨了接触角、曲率半径及气泡体积随气泡成核过程的变化关系, 获得了与文献结果定性符合的曲率-气泡体积关系曲线.
- 格子Boltzmann方法 /
- 气泡成核过程 /
- 气液相变 /
- 接触角
In this paper, the state of metastable equilibrium and the state of unstable equilibrium of water at a certain temperature are explored using an exact difference lattice Boltzmann model and the conditions of bubble (droplet) formation are investigated in the isothermal phase transition processes. From these simulation results, it is found that the model predictions are in good agreement with analytical results. Based on these works, a new model, which is based on exact difference lattice Boltzmann model and extended with an energy transfer equation to model heat transfer, is proposed to describe liquid-vapor phase transition process. The effects of the wall-fluid interaction strength on the bubble nucleation process in a pit are investigated using this new heterogeneous phase transition model. Simulation results accurately reproduce the characteristics of three stages of the bubble nucleation process. The changes of the contact angle, curvature radius, and volume with the bubble nucleation process are explored, and the relationship curve between curvature and bubble volume from the simulations is in qualitative agreement with the previous results.-
- lattice Boltzmann method /
- bubble nucleation process /
- liquid-vapor phase transition /
- contact angle
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[1] Xu J Y 2011 Boiling Heat Transfer and gas-liquid two phase flow (Beijing: Atomic Energy Press) p211 (in Chinese) [徐济鋆 2001 沸腾传热和气液两相流 (北京: 原子能出版社) 第211页]
[2] Bestion D, Anglart H, Peteraud P, Smith B, Andreani M, Niceno B, Krepper E, Lucas D, Moretti F, Galassi M C, Macek J, Vyskocil L, Koncar B, Hazi G 2009 Sci. Tech. Nucl. Installa. 214512 1
[3] Xin M D 1987 Boiling Heat Transfer and Heat Transfer enhancement (Chongqing: Chongqing Unversity Press) p55 (in Chinese) [辛明道 1987 沸腾传热及其强化 (重庆: 重庆大学出版社) 第55页]
[4] Clark H B, Strenge P S, Westwater J W 1959 Chem. Eng. Progress Symp. 55 103
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[6] Griffith P, Wallis J D 1960 Chem. Eng. Prog. Symp. 30 7673
[7] Sato T, Matsumura H 1964 Bulletin of JSME 7 392
[8] Davis E J, Anderson G H 1966 AICHE Journa 12 774
[9] Lorenz J J, Mikic B B, Rohsenow, Warren M 1971 M.I.T Engineering Projects Laboratory 14091243 29
[10] Wang C H, Dhir V K 1993 J. Heat Transfer 115 659
[11] Mikic B B, Rohsenow W M 1969 J. Heat Transfer 91 245
[12] Judd R L, Hwang K S 1976 Heat Transfer 88 623
[13] Dhir V K 1991 Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow 12 290
[14] Kenning D B R, Yan Y Y 1996 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 39 3117
[15] Zhang L, Shoji M 2003 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 46 513
[16] Guo Z L, Zheng C G 2008 Theory and Applications of Lattice Boltzmann Method (Beijing: Science Press) p76 (In Chinese) [郭照立, 郑楚光 2008 格子Boltzmann方法的原理及应用 (北京: 科学出版社) 第76页]
[17] Wang W X, Shi J, Qiu B, Li H B 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 8371 (in Chinese) [王文霞, 施娟, 邱冰, 李华兵 2010 59 8371]
[18] Shi Z Y, Hu G H, Zhou Z W 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 2595 (in Chinese) [石自媛, 胡国辉, 周哲玮 2010 59 2595]
[19] Zhang X M, Zhou C Y, Islam S, Liu J Q 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 8406 (in Chinese) [张新明, 周超英, Islam Shams, 刘家琦 2009 58 8406]
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[24] Gonnella G, Lamura A, Sofonea V 2007 Phys. Rev. E 76 036703
[25] Gabor H, Attila M 2009 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 52 1472
[26] Shan X W, Chen H D 1993 Phys. Rev. E 47 1815
[27] Zeng J B, Li L J, Liao Q, Cui W Z, Chen Q H, Pan L M 2009 Chin. Sci Bull. 54 1
[28] Zeng J B, Li L J, Liao Q, Chen Q H, Cui W Z, Pan L M 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 178 (in Chinese) [曾建邦, 李隆键, 廖全, 陈清华, 崔文智, 潘良明 2010 59 178]
[29] Zeng J B, Li L J, Jiang F M 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 066401 (in Chinese) [曾建邦, 李隆键, 蒋方明 2011 60 066401]
[30] Kupershtokh A L 2004 Proceedings of the 5th International Electrostatique Workshop August 30-31, 2004 Poitiers-France 241
[31] Martys N S, Chen H D 1996 Phys. Rev. E 53 743
[32] Yuan P, Schaefer L 2006 Phys. Fluids 18 1
[33] Qin R S 2007 J. Chem. Phys. 126 114506
[34] Yang S M, Tao W Q 1998 Heat Transfer (Beijing: Higher Education Press) p218 (in Chinese) [杨世铭, 陶文铨 1998 传热学 (北京: 高等出版社) 第218页]
[35] Shen W D, Jiang Z M, Tong J G 2001 Higher Engineering Theormodynamics (Beijing: Higher Education Press) p413 (in Chinese) [沈维道, 蒋智敏, 童钧耕 2001 高等工程热力学 (北京: 高等教育出版社) 第413页]
[36] Yuan P 2005 Ph.D. Dissertation (Pittsburg: University of Pittsburg) p56
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