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Effects of low-temperature annealing phosphorous gettering process on the electrical properties of multi-crystalline silicon with a low minority carrier lifetime

Jiang Li-Li Lu Zhong-Lin Zhang Feng-Ming Lu Xiong


Effects of low-temperature annealing phosphorous gettering process on the electrical properties of multi-crystalline silicon with a low minority carrier lifetime

Jiang Li-Li, Lu Zhong-Lin, Zhang Feng-Ming, Lu Xiong
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  • A new low-temperature annealing phosphorous gettering process (LTAPGP) was developed to improve the electrical properties of multi-crystalline silicon which has a low minority carrier lifetime. LTAPGP combined a multi-plateau temperature phosphorous gettering process and a low-temperature annealing process. LTAPGP can remove the iron impurities and crystallographic defects of multi-crystalline silicon, and improve the electrical properties of silicon solar cells that were produced from low minority carrier lifetime silicon wafers. Compared with multi-plateau and two-plateau temperature phosphorous gettering process, LTAPGP was more effective in gettering iron impurities and repairing crystallographic defects. The multi-crystalline silicon wafers with a low minority carrier lifetime went through an LTAPGP process were utilized to produce solar cells. The IV-measurement data prove that the efficiency of the new solar cells is 0.2% higher than that of specimens subject to the multi-plateau and two-plateau temperature processes. The results indicat that LTAPGP can make the low minority carrier lifetime silicon wafers to be used in solar cell industry, improve the utilization ratio and reduce the production cost of cast polysilicon.

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    Shi X B, Xu Z Q, Shi Z R, Zhu T, Wang Y 2006 Journal of Sothern Yangtze University (Natural Science Edition) 5(6) (in Chinese) [石湘波, 许志强, 施正荣, 朱拓 2006 江南大学学报 5 6]


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    Chen J X, Xi Z Q, Wu D D, Yang D R 2007 Acta Energi 28 2


    Pletzer T, Stegemann E, Windgassen H, Suckow S, Btzner D, Kurz H. 2011 Prog Photovoltaics 19 8


    Shockley W 1952 Proceedings of the IRE 40 11


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    Istratov A A, Vinl H, Huber W, Weber E R 2005 Semiconductor Science and Tech 20


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    Komatsu Y, Galbiati G, Lamers M, Venema P, Harris M, Stassen A F, Meyer C, van den Donker M, Weeber A 2009 24th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Hamburg, Germany., 2009, 1063-1067


    Komatsu Y, Koorn M, Vlooswijk A H G, Venema P R, Stassen A F 2011 Energy Procedia 8


    Manshanden P, Geerligs L 2006 Sol. Energ. Mat. Sol. C 90 7


    Nelson J 2003 The physics of solar cells Vol.57 2003: World Scientific.


    Green M A 1982 Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1982. 288 p1


    Jha A Solar cell technology and applications 2009: Auerbach Publications

  • [1]

    Deng H, Yang D R, Tan J, Xi Z Q, Que D L 2007 Acta Energi. 28 2 (in Chinese) [邓海, 杨德仁, 唐骏, 席珍强, 阙端麟 2005 太阳能学报 28 2]


    Shi X B, Xu Z Q, Shi Z R, Zhu T, Wang Y 2006 Journal of Sothern Yangtze University (Natural Science Edition) 5(6) (in Chinese) [石湘波, 许志强, 施正荣, 朱拓 2006 江南大学学报 5 6]


    Min J, Li J H 1995 Research Progress of SSE 15 3 (in Chinese) [闵靖, 陈一, 宗祥福 1995 固体电子学研究与进展 15 3]


    Ji X B, Zhou Q G, Liu B, Xu J 2009 Chinese J. Rare Metals 32 6 (in Chinese) [籍小兵, 周旗钢, 刘 斌, 徐继平 2009 稀有金属 32 6]


    Seidel T, Meek R, Cullis A 1975 J. Appl. Phys. 46 2


    Tan J, Cuevas A, Macdonald D, Trupke T, Bardos R, Roth K 2008 Prog Photovoltaics 16 2


    Shabani M B, Yamashita T, Morita E. 2008 Solid State Phenom 131


    Prichaud I 2002 Sol. Energ. Mat. Sol. C 72 1


    Khedher N, Hajji M, Hassen M, Ben Jaballah A, Ouertani B, Ezzaouia H, Bessais B, Selmi A, Bennaceur R 2005 Sol. Energ. Mat. Sol. C 87 1


    Chen J X, Xi Z Q, Wu D D, Yang D R 2007 Acta Energi 28 2


    Pletzer T, Stegemann E, Windgassen H, Suckow S, Btzner D, Kurz H. 2011 Prog Photovoltaics 19 8


    Shockley W 1952 Proceedings of the IRE 40 11


    Hall R N 1952 Physical Review 87 2


    Krain R, Herlufsen S, Schmidt J 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 93


    Geranzani P, Pagani M, Pello C, Borionetti G 2002 Internal gettering in silicon: experimental and theoretical studies based on fast and slow diffusing metals Scitec Publications; 1999 p381-386


    Istratov A A, Vinl H, Huber W, Weber E R 2005 Semiconductor Science and Tech 20


    Istratov A A, Hieslmair H, Weber E 1999 Appl. Phys. A-Mater 69 1


    Istratov A A, Hieslmair H, Weber E 2000 Appl. Phys. A-Mater 70 5


    Komatsu Y, Galbiati G, Lamers M, Venema P, Harris M, Stassen A F, Meyer C, van den Donker M, Weeber A 2009 24th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Hamburg, Germany., 2009, 1063-1067


    Komatsu Y, Koorn M, Vlooswijk A H G, Venema P R, Stassen A F 2011 Energy Procedia 8


    Manshanden P, Geerligs L 2006 Sol. Energ. Mat. Sol. C 90 7


    Nelson J 2003 The physics of solar cells Vol.57 2003: World Scientific.


    Green M A 1982 Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1982. 288 p1


    Jha A Solar cell technology and applications 2009: Auerbach Publications

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  • Received Date:  08 September 2012
  • Accepted Date:  10 December 2012
  • Published Online:  05 June 2013

