Thermal instability of power SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) at high current over a wide temperature range restricts the applications of the device in RF and microwave circuits. In order to improve the thermal instability, the influences of Ge profile in a base region on the electrical and thermal characteristics of microwave power SiGe HBT are studied with the aid of the model of multi-finger power SiGe HBT established by SILVACO TCAD. It is shown that for the HBT with graded step Ge profile, a higher cut-off frequency fT can be achieved due to the accelerating electric field caused by the graded step Ge concentration in the base region when compared with the device with uniform Ge profile. The influences of temperature on current gain β and fT are weakened, which avoids the drift of electrical characteristics over a wide temperature range. Although the temperature of device is lowered, the temperature of each emitter finger is still non-uniform. Considering the difference in heat dissipation among emitter fingers, a new device with non-uniform emitter finger spacing in layout and a graded step Ge profile in base region is designed. For the new device, the uniformity of temperature among emitter fingers is achieved, higher fT is kept, β and fT are less sensitive to temperature variation. Hence the thermal instability is obviously improved compared with the device with uniform emitter finger spacing and uniform Ge profile in base region, indicating the superiority of the new device at high current over a wide temperature range.
- SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistor /
- Ge-profile /
- non-uniform emitter finger spacing /
- thermal stability
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[1] Li Y, Lopez J, Lie D Y C, Chen K, Wu S, Yang T Y, Ma G K 2011 IEEE Trans. Ciruits and Systems I: Regular Papers 58 893
[2] Comeau J P, Najafizadeh L, Andrews J M, Prakash A P G, Cressler J D 2007 IEEE Microwave Wirel. Components Lett. 17 349
[3] Giammello V, Ragonese E, Palmisano G 2012 IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques 60 1676
[4] Joseph A J, Cressler J D, Richey D M, Niu G F 1999 IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 46 1347
[5] Zhang Y J, Zhang W R, Guo Z J, Xing G H, Lu Z Y 2012 ICMMT Beijing, China, May 5-8, 2012 p1
[6] Fox R M, Lee S G, Zweidinger D T 1993 IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits 28 678
[7] Zhang Q Y, Yang Z M, Jiang Z H, Zhao C 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 3106 (in Chinese) [张勤远, 杨中民, 姜中宏, 赵纯 2006 55 3106]
[8] Zhu Y B, Bao Z, Yang Y J, Cai C J 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 7833 (in Chinese) [朱亚波, 鲍振, 杨玉杰, 蔡存金 2009 58 7833]
[9] Lee J G, Oh T K, Kim B, Kang B K 2001 Solid State Electron. 45 27
[10] Chang Y H, Chiang C C, Lee Y C, Liu C C 2002 The Proceedings of the International Electron Devices Meeting Hong Kong, 22 June, 2001 p95
[11] Zhou W, Sheu S, Liou J J, Huang C I 1996 Solid State Electron. 39 1709
[12] Liu Y, Bayraktaroglu 1993 Solid State Electron. 36 125
[13] Rieh J S, Greenberg D, Liu Q Z, Joseph A J, Freeman G, Ahlgren D C 2005 IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 52 2744
[14] Xiao Y, Zhang W R, Jin D Y, Chen L, Wang R Q, Xie H Y 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 044402 (in Chinese) [肖盈, 张万荣, 金冬月, 陈亮, 王任卿, 谢红云 2011 60 044402]
[15] Harame D L, Comfort J H, Cressler J D, CrabbC E F, Sun J Y C, Meyerson B S, Tice T 1995 IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 4 455
[16] Song J, Yuan J S, Schwierz F, Schipanski D 1996 Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS) 2 876
[17] Patri V S, Kumar M J 1999 IEE Proc.-Circuits Dev. Syst. 146 291
[18] Jin D Y, Zhang W R, Chen L, Fu Q, Xiao Y, Wang R Q, Zhao X 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 064401
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