Photoacoustic spectroscopy based on the photoacoustic effect is the combination of optical imaging and acoustical imaging, which has become a powerful medical diagnosis tool to distinguish different tissues and components with several different wavelength photoacoustic images. But photoacoustic spectroscopy is limited by the scanning speed, system stability and signal accuracy. To solve these limitation problems, in this paper we propose a new method called photoacoustic double spectrum analysis which can greatly improve the image contrast and identification capability with quantitative analysis of the detected photoacoustic signal frequency. The final experimental results indicate that this method has the feasibility to distinguish different tissues quickly and easily with better contrast, which will be helpful for improving the applications of photoacoustic imaging in various branches of physics, biology, engineering, medicine, etc. We also expect the theoretical and experimental research proposed in this paper to establish the foundation and method for photoacoustic frequency imaging.
- photoacoustic imaging /
- photoacoustic spectrum /
- spectral analysis of photoacoustic frequency
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[1] Bell A G 1980 Am. J. Sci. Arts Ser. 3 305
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[15] Yang D, Xing D, Gu H, Tan Y, Zeng L 2005 Appl. Phys. Lett. 87 194101
[16] Yin B, Xing D, Wang Y, Zeng Y, Tan Y, Chen Q 2004 Phys. Med. Biol. 49 1339
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[20] Tan Y, Xing D, Wang Y, Zeng Y G, Yi B Z 2005 Acta Photon. Sin. 34 1019 (in Chinese) [谭毅, 邢达, 王毅, 曾亚光, 尹邦政 2005 光子学报 34 1019]
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[24] Hoelen C, de Mul FFM 1999 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 106 695
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[26] Hu H Y, Sun J H, Chen H H 1998 Mechanical Vibration and Shock (1st Ed.) (Beijing:Aviation Industry Press) (in Chinese) [胡海岩, 孙久厚, 陈怀海 1998 机械振动与冲击 (第1版) (北京:航空工业出版社)]
[27] Hu H Y 1992 J. Vib. Eng. 5 8 (in Chinese) [胡海岩1992振动工程学报 5 8]
[28] Fan H D, Fu J M, Zhou X M, Zhao H 2004 Nondestruc. Test. 26 551 (in Chinese) [范海东, 傅金明, 周小明, 赵晗 2004 无损检测 26 551]
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