光声成像技术是利用激光照射组织产生超声波成像的新型医学影像技术. 在传统光声成像中, 由于组织体内复杂的成分与环境会对入射光波产生较大的扰动而导致波前畸变、图像分辨率下降, 从而降低诊断的准确性. 为了克服这一影响, 本文提出了一种自适应多光谱光声成像技术. 该技术利用自适应光学技术可有效地降低组织对光波扰动的影响, 提高系统成像分辨率与图像对比度. 此外, 该系统还融合了多光谱成像技术, 可在多种波长下对目标成像, 从而更好地进行组织结构识别、组分分析等. 实验结果表明, 该系统十分适用于复杂的生物组织光声成像, 可极大地增强光声成像性能, 在生物医学领域具有广阔的应用前景.Photoacoustic imaging is an advanced medical imaging technology based on the effect of ultrasound generation by electromagnetic irradiation. However in photoacoustic imaging, because the optical property of tissue is always very complex, the aberration of light in tissue is ineluctable and the image spot is dispersed, which greatly influences the photoacoustic image resolution. For improving the lateral resolution of photoacoustic imaging, the adaptive optics multispectral photoacoustic imaging system is proposed in this paper. In this system an adaptive optics sub-system is designed to correct the wavefront errors of the illuminating light for obtaining high-resolution images of biological tissues. Moreover, the multispectral imaging is combined to obtain different wavelength photoacoustic images, which is useful for distinguishing organization accurate structure, identifying organizational components, etc. The simulation results demonstrate that when the wavefront errors are corrected by the adaptive optics system, the image resolution and quality are improved significantly. This research will be helpful for improving the ability and application of photoacoustic imaging.
- photoacoustic imaging /
- adaptive optics /
- multispectral imaging
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[1] Rosencwaig A 1975 Phys. Today 28 9
[2] Yang S H, Yin G Z 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 4765 (in Chinese) [杨思华, 阴广志 2009 58 4765]
[3] Xu X H, Li H 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 4628 (in Chinese) [ 徐晓辉, 李晖 2008 57 4628]
[4] Xu M, Wang L V 2006 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 77 041101-1
[5] Beard P 2011 Interface Focus 1 4
[6] Wu D, Tao C, Liu X J 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 5850 (in Chinese) [吴丹, 陶超, 刘晓峻 2010 59 5850]
[7] Wang L V 2009 Nat. Photo. 3 9
[8] Xiang L Z, Xing D, Gu H M, Yang S H, Zeng L M 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 3916 (in Chinese) [向良忠, 邢达, 谷怀民, 杨思华, 曾吕明 2007 56 3916]
[9] Li C, Wang L V 2009 Phys. Med. Bio. 54 59
[10] Song K H, Stein E W, Margenthaler J A, Wang L V 2008 J. Biomed. Opt. 13 024006
[11] Wang X D, Pang Y J, Ku G, Xie X Y, Stoica G, Wang L V 2003 Nat. Biotechnol. 21 7
[12] Jiao S, Jiang M, Hu J, Fawzi A, Zhou Q, Shung K K, Puliafito C A, Zhang H F 2010 Opt. Express 18 4
[13] Zhang H F, Maslov K, Stoica G, Wang L V 2006 Nat. Biotechnol. 24 7
[14] Roddier F 1999 Adaptive Optics in Astronomy (London: Cambridge University Press) p22
[15] Liang J, Williams D R, Miller D T 1997 JOSA A 14 11
[16] Zawadzki R, Jones S, Olivier S, Zhao M, Bower B, Izatt J, Choi S, Laut S, Werner J 2005 Opt. Express 13 21
[17] Razansky D, Distel M, Vinegoni C, Ma R, Perrimon N, Kster R W, Ntziachristos V 2009 Nat. Photonics 3 7
[18] West G A, Barrett J J, Siebert D R, Reddy K V 1983 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 54 797
[19] Duck F A 1990 Physical Properties of Tissue: A Comprehensive Reference Book (New York: Academic Press) p102
[20] Ma R, Taruttis A, Ntziachristos V, Razansky D 2009 Opt. Express 17 24
[21] Wang S F 2003 The Theory and Application of Information Optics (Beijing: Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications) p89 (in Chinese) [王仕璠 2003 信息光学理论与应用 (北京: 北京邮电大学出版社) 第89页]
[22] Keijzer M, Richards-Kortum R R, Jacques S L, Feld M S 1989 Appl. Opt. 28 20
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