The refractive index of the coating is one of the essential parameters used for principal strain separation in luminescent photoelastic coating (LPC) method by oblique incidence technique. According to the theoretical analysis of the amplitude of the emitted light exciting the coating, which returns along the same path as the oblique incident excitation light, we propose a new online method of measuring the refractive index of the LPC based on optical Fresnel response of the coating. The refractive index of the coating containing Rhodamine B as luminescent dye, is measured under the excitation at a wavelength of 465 nm and an incident angle of 60. The experimental result proves the feasibility of the new method, and the present method is also applicable to the refractive index measurement of other luminescent coating.
- refractive index /
- optical testing /
- optical coating /
- photoluminescence
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[1] Zandman F, Redner S, Dally J W 1977 Photoelastic Coatings (Ames: Iowa State University Press) p30
[2] Yan C A 2003 Photoelastic coatings technique and its application in engineering (Beijing: National Defence Industry Press) p54 (in Chinese) [严承蔼 2003 光弹性贴片技术及工程应用 (北京: 国防工业出版社) 第54页]
[3] Hubner J P, Ifju P G, Schanze K S, Liu Y, Chen L, El-Ratal W 2004 Exp. Mech. 44 416
[4] Hubner J P, Ifju P G, Schanze K S, Jaing S, Liu Y, El-Ratal W 2004 AIAA J. 42 1662
[5] Hubner J, Chen L, Liu Y, Schanze K, Nicolosi J, Ifju P, El-Ratal W 2005 Exp. Mech. 45 137
[6] Padmanabhan S, Hubner J P, Kumar A V, Ifju P G 2006 Ex. Mech. 46 569
[7] Hubner J P, Chen L 2007 Exp. Mech. 47 549
[8] Esirgemez E, Hubner J P 2010 Opt. Eng. 49 35487
[9] Gerber D R, Ali H K, Hubner J P 2011 Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering San Diego, California, March 7-10, 2011, v7981
[10] Xu J G, Wang Z B 2006 Fluorescence Analytical Methods (Third Edition) (Beijing: Science Press) p8 (in Chinese) [许金钩, 王尊本 2006 荧光分析法(第三版) (北京:科学出版社) 第8页]
[11] Hua S Q, Luo Y, Lu D L, Wu C L 2011 Journal of Jiangs Uuniversity (Natural science edition) 32 715 (in Chinese) [花世群, 骆英, 陆道礼, 吴长龙 2011 江苏大学学报 (自然版) 32 715]
[12] Huang Z J, TAN C H, Huang X G 2010 Acta Phys. Chim. Sin. 26 1271 (in Chinese) [黄振健, 谭春华, 黄旭光 2010 物理化学学报 26 1271]
[13] Zhang J C, Fang M, Jin Y X, He H B 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 014202
[14] Hou J P, Ning T, Gai S L, Li P, Hao J P, Zhao J L 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 4732 (in Chinese) [侯建平, 宁韬, 盖双龙, 李鹏, 郝建苹, 赵建林 2010 59 4732]
[15] Zhang S N, Luo Z Y, Shen W D, Liu X, Zhang Y G 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 014221 (in Chinese) [张淑娜, 罗震岳, 沈伟东, 刘旭, 章岳光 2011 60 014221]
[16] Zhou Y, Wu G S, Dai W, Li H B, Wang A Y 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 2356 (in Chinese) [周毅, 吴国松, 代伟, 李洪波, 汪爱英 2010 59 2356]
[17] Liang L P, Hao J Y, Qin M, Zheng J J 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 7906 (in Chinese) [梁丽萍, 郝建英, 秦梅, 郑建军 2008 57 7906]
[18] Hua S Q, Luo Y, Hong Y 2006 Chin. J. Lasers 33 1542 (in Chinese) [花世群, 骆英, 洪云 2006 中国激光 33 1542]
[19] Wu Y X, Yu Y, Pan Y S, Zhu Q, Fan Q L, Pan Y H 1997 Appl. Laser 17 184 (in Chinese) [巫颐秀, 于瑶, 潘元胜, 朱青, 范全林, 潘永华 1997 应用激光 17 184]
[20] Born M, Wolf E 1999 Principles of Optics (7th Ed.) (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) p40
[21] Song M S 2000 Evaluation and mathematical analysis of uncertainty in measurement (Beijing: China Meterage Press) p54 (in Chinese) [宋明顺 2000 测量不确定度评定与数据处理 (北京: 中国计量出版社) 第54页]
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