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Infrared-modulated photoluminescence spectroscopy: From wide-band coverage to micro-area and high-throughput scanning imaging



Infrared-modulated photoluminescence spectroscopy: From wide-band coverage to micro-area and high-throughput scanning imaging

SHAO Jun, CHEN Xiren, WANG Man, LU Wei
cstr: 32037.14.aps.74.20241491
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy has been widely used in the ultraviolet-near-infrared spectral range for over seventy years since its early reporting in the 1950’s, because it not only reveals the electronic structure information about such as band gap and impurity energy levels of semiconductor materials, but also serves as an efficient tool for analyzing interfacial structures, carrier lifetime, and quantum efficiency. However, in the infrared band beyond about 4 μm, the study of PL spectrum has been limited for decades due to strong thermal background interference, weak PL signals and low detection capability. In this review, a traditional PL method is introduced based on a Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer, and a continuous-scan FTIR spectrometer-based double-modulation PL (csFTIR-DMPL) method is briefly described which was proposed in 1989 for breaking through the dilemma of the infrared band, and developed continuously in the later more than 20 years, with its limitations emphasized. Then, a step-scan FTIR spectrometer-based infrared modulated PL (ssFTIR-MPL) method reported in 2006 is analyzed with highlights on its advantages of anti-interference, sensitivity and signal-to-noise ratio. The effectiveness demonstration and application progress of this method in many research groups around the world are listed. Further developments in recent years are then summarized of wide-band, high-throughput scanning imaging and spatial micro-resolution infrared modulated PL spectroscopic experimental systems, and the technological progresses are demonstrated of infrared-modulated PL spectroscopy from 0.56–20 μm visible-far-infrared broadband coverage to >1000 high-throughput spectra imaging and ≤2–3 μm spatial micro-resolution. Typical achievements of collaborative research are enumerated in the visible-far-infrared semiconductor materials of dilute nitrogen/dilute bismuth quantum wells, HgCdTe epitaxial films, and InAs/GaSb superlattices. The results presented demonstrate the advancement of infrared modulated PL spectroscopy and the effectiveness of the experimental systems, and foresee further application and development in the future.
      Corresponding author: SHAO Jun, ; LU Wei,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 12227901, 12393832, 10927404, 61675224, 60676063, 12274429), Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. YZ201334), and the Shanghai Committee of Science and Technology, China (Grant Nos. 20142201000, 08XD14047, 22QA1410600).

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  • 图 1  (a) FTIR-PL光谱测试原理图. (b) 不同半导体材料PL光谱, 其中①为HgCdTe厚膜, ②为InGaNAs/GaAs量子阱(QW), ③为InGaP/AlGaInP QW, 黑色实线为实测结果, 红色虚线是局部放大图

    Figure 1.  (a) Schematic of a FTIR-PL spectroscopic system. (b) PL spectra in different spectral bands from semiconductors, where ① is the HgCdTe epilayer, ② is the InGaNAs/GaAs quantum well (QW), and ③ is the InGaP/AlGaInP QW, black lines for measured data, red dashes for partially zoomed-in.

    图 2  (a) ssFTIR-MPL光谱测试原理图[25]. (b)不同半导体材料PL光谱, 其中①为HgCdTe外延膜, ③为InGaP/AlGaInP量子阱(QW), 黑色实线为FTIR-PL结果, 红色虚线是ssFTIR-MPL结果

    Figure 2.  (a) Schematic of the ssFTIR-MPL spectroscopic system[25]. (b) PL spectra in different spectral bands from semiconductors, where ① is HgCdTe epilayer, and ③ is InGaP/AlGaInP quantum well (QW), black lines by FTIR-PL, and red dashes by ssFTIR-MPL methods.

    图 3  (a) 宽波段ssFTIR-MPL光谱测试原理图; (b) InGa(N)As/GaAs量子阱(QW)低温磁光-PL光谱; (c) HgTe/HgCdTe超晶格变激发功率PL光谱; (d) 0.56—20 μm波段不同半导体PL光谱

    Figure 3.  (a) Main components of wide-band ssFTIR-MPL spectroscopic experimental system; (b) low-temperature magneto-PL spectra of InGa(N)As/GaAs quantum wells (QW); (c) excitation power-dependent PL spectra of HgTe/HgCdTe superlattice (SL) at 77 K; (d) PL spectra of different semiconductors in a wide spectral range of 0.56–20 μm.

    图 4  (a) 扫描成像红外调制PL光谱测试原理图; (b) 532 nm泵浦光在会聚透镜和收集光抛物面反射镜公共焦点处的强度空间分布, 峰值强度1/2和$ 1/{{\mathrm{e}}}^{2} $对应光斑直径分别为15.3和26.3 μm, 插图为光斑图像[74]; (c) HgTe/HgCdTe超晶格表面5个不同(y, z)坐标位置的典型 PL光谱, (720, 800)位置处PL光谱可以LE, ME和HE三个特征拟合, 插图显示实验系统使用Globar光源的响应波段范围[74]; (d)—(f) HgTe/HgCdTe超晶格样品960 μm×960 μm区域内25×25像素PL光谱LE, ME和HE拟合特征的能量、强度和FWHM图像[74]

    Figure 4.  (a) Main components of scanning imaging IR-MPL spectroscopic system; (b) spatial profile of 532 nm pumping light intensity at the common focal point of the lens and parabolic mirror, 1/2 and $ 1/{{\mathrm{e}}}^{2} $ peak intensities correspond to spot diameters of 15.3 and 26.3 μm, respectively, insert for spot picture[74]; (c) typical PL spectra of HgTe/HgCdTe superlattice at 5 different (y, z) coordinate positions, that at (720, 800) fitted with LE, ME and HE PL features, inset for system response with inner globar source[74]; (d)–(f) energy, intensity, and FWHM images of the LE, ME, and HE PL features of 25×25-pixel PL spectra on a 960 μm×960 μm surface part of HgTe/HgCdTe superlattice[74].

    图 5  (a) IRM-μPL光谱测试原理图; (b) 激光定位在InAs/GaSb 超晶格不同台面和凹槽上的代表性μPL光谱, 竖直虚线显示低能PL光谱分量峰值能量变化, 插图所示样品μPL测试区域的表面光学形态[78]; (c) InAs/GaSb 超晶格测试区低能PL光谱分量积分强度微区空间分布[78]

    Figure 5.  (a) Main components of the IRM-μPL spectroscopic system; (b) representative μPL spectra recorded at different mesas and grooves, low- and high-energy PL components from infrared absorption layer and electron barrier layer of InAs/GaSb superlattice, vertical dashes for peak energy variation of the low-energy PL component, inset for optical morphology of the μPL mapped area[78]; (c) spatial distribution of integral intensity of the low-energy PL component in the measured area of InAs/GaSb superlattice[78].

    表 1  不同研究组扫描成像红外PL光谱空间分辨率等参数比较

    Table 1.  Comparison of spatial resolution and other parameters of scanning imaging infrared PL spectroscopy by different research groups.

    文献 光谱方法 中心波长/μm 空间分辨率/μm 谱分辨率/cm–1 单谱时间/s 信噪比 成像规模
    [8] csFTIR-DMPL[14,15] 3—4 10—15 16 10 ≤ 2 48×48
    [71] ssFTIR-MPL[25] 6.4 700 300 10 360
    [72] 10 10 5
    [73] ssFTIR-MPL[25] 4.4 381 50 10×10
    [74] ssFTIR-MPL[25] 10 26 12 30 30 25×25
    [78] ssFTIR-MPL[25] 5.2 2—3 16 35 20 14×14
    DownLoad: CSV
  • [1]

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    Rumyantsev V V, Dubinov A A, Utochkin V V, Fadeev M A, Aleshkin V Y, Razova A A, Mikhailov N N, Dvoretsky S A, Gavrilenko V I, Morozov S V 2022 Appl. Phys. Lett. 121 182103Google Scholar


    Rumyantsev V V, Mazhukina K A, Utochkin V V, Kudryavtsev K E, Dubinov A A, Aleshkin V Y, Razova A A, Kuritsin D I, Fadeev M A, Antonov A V, Mikhailov N N, Dvoretsky S A, Gavrilenko V I, Teppe F, Morozov S V 2024 Appl. Phys. Lett. 124 161111Google Scholar


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  • Received Date:  24 October 2024
  • Accepted Date:  11 November 2024
  • Available Online:  13 December 2024
  • Published Online:  05 January 2025

